Let the awakening ceremony begin

Many youths felt touched by the mayor's speech. Growing up in the Floating Rain City was rather peaceful. The city wasn't particularly big or prosperous, but it also didn't have many bandits or even murderers.

Neighbors were usually close to each other, and the many organizations were kept in check. The competition between warriors didn't reach the common people.

A lot of those present suddenly felt that their city was a great place to live. Some even felt a sense of duty. To preserve the city for future generations.

Taren waited for the audience to calm down. Inwardly he patted his own shoulder. His speech once again excited the future warriors.

Although the present teachers knew that he almost said the same words every ceremony, what could they do about it? He already held over fifty ceremonies. Should he come up with something new every time?

Of course he wasn't this bored. As mayor he had other responsibilities. Recalling all the work waiting for him, Taren didn't waste more time. He opened his arms wide as he proclaimed celebratorily:

"And now! The moment you have all been waiting for! Let the awakening ceremony begin!"

Under the youths' thunderous applause, two doors opened leading towards a gallery above them. Multiple solemn warriors walked in.

Tepo's seat was somewhere in the middle. He had a good view on the newcomers. Recognizing Tondka Sr. among them, he naturally understood that all those warriors were the representees of big organizations. Mustering the about sixty men and women, Tepo was indignant that they were allowed to watch instead of everyone's parents.

But before he could analyze the VIPs' insignias, Tepo's attention was attracted by the opening of another door. It was the same the mayor used earlier.

Everyone understood that some important personages had arrived. Even Taren clapped politely and sat down on one of the seats prepared on the stage.

Among the audience many youths were surprised before applauding loudly when the first man came in. Although they didn't recognize the surprisingly pale, blond man, the blue, hawk-like beast on his shoulder was all the more famous. After all, their school was named after it. The gorgeous creature often circled over the school while its master was training.

The school president didn't acknowledge the crowd at all, confusing the students. But their excitement was rekindled when the intelligent hawk waved its wings.

While many eyes were focused on the beast, the second man was almost ignored. But Tepo felt his chest tighten as he mustered the older man in clean, black clothes, which held a awe inducing coat of arms at its center.

With his sharp gaze the former investigator noticed that this man received the most respect form the other bigshots. Even the mayor's gaze seemed more cordial as he turned his head towards the older man.

When the first two new arrivals had already taken a seat on the stage, a woman in pristine white robes was the only one left standing. Her long black hair graciously framed her solemn face. Her arms were crossed before her chest, highlighting the symbol at its center. It was a prominent golden scale, which belonged to a well-known organization. Tepo frowned when he recalled their name.

"Greetings, children of the Carrying Winds World!", spoke the woman in a surprisingly deep, majestic voice.

"My name is Missionary Vyrohna. In the name of the Church of Righteous Judgment it will be my holy duty to assist you all in the awakening of your cores. I hereby swear one my holy faith that I will be fair and impartial. I will do everything in my power to let you step on the path of warriors!"

Suddenly Tepmodus' body shook. His chest tightened. This woman on the stage was a follower of a god? Were there gods in this world? Was this woman a future 'outsider'? Was she one of those who kept their sanity?

Despite forcing himself to keep a cool head, the young man still felt dizzy. His vision blurred slightly as pictures of countless dying humans appeared in his mind.


Suddenly Tepo felt pain in his side. He looked down and noticed Yerive's elbow.

"Hey man? You ok?"

Only now did Tepo realize that his friends noticed that something was off about him. They all looked strangely at him, some concern in their eyes.

"Don't panic now. It's bad for your awakening.", whispered Parton.

Tepo took a deep breath before showing his friends a forced smile.

"Thanks guys, I'm ok. I guess I really got too nervous."

Ganaph, Parton, Yerive, and Nocia nodded slightly before focusing on the missionary again. Meanwhile, Tepo closed his eyes, relaxing his mind. He ignored the woman's encouraging speech.

A few minutes later the missionary finally finished. All the youths knew that the real event was set to begin. The white-robed woman didn't let them wait any longer. With a solemn voice she addressed the attendees:

"Now, children, is the moment you have been waiting for. Students in the first row. Please stand up and come to the stage."

Under tense applause, the youths in the first row eagerly followed the missionary's instructions. All of them were form big organizations. For them, this moment was even more important than for the commoners. A lot of pressure weighed on their shoulders.

Some youths balled their fists, some breathed heavily. A few kept a determined face and straight body, earning them the silent praises of the VIPs up on the gallery.

Soon, the young men and women stood in a row on top of the stage. Studying their faces, the missionary smiled kindly as she began speaking in a hypnotic voice.

"Close your eyes, children. Listen to my voice. Follow my words.

 You will slowly sink. Sink into your own body. Let yourselves fall. Relax your minds. Nothing can distract you. Your body will feel light and powerful. Search for the inherent strength you possess. The gift of nature. Feel it. Feel it sleeping within you. Now we will awaken it together."

Carried by the missionary's voice, all the youths on the stage gradually entered a special state. They could imagine their mind and bodies becoming one, could feel their heart beating calmly, their blood running smoothly, and their lungs delivering energy.

And something else. They felt as if there was something slumbering in their chests. Something inherently powerful.

At this moment the white-robed woman opened her arms. Only now did she reveal the white orb carried in her arms. She gradually got on her knees, her head directed upwards. Her voice increased, as she piously pleaded.

"Please, my god. The benevolence of justice, the light of righteousness, father of the awakened. Direct your divine sight to this place. Help those hopeful children to awaken the power within them!"

As the missionary's words became louder and louder, a strange pressure spread in the opulent hall. No one dared to talk at this moment. Only Tepo's stomach churned wildly. The thought that he was present at a ritual made him want to throw up. At least no blood was involved this time.

Suddenly the orb in Vyrohna's hand began to float. A comfortable, milky white light emitted from it. It spread through the room for a moment before quickly gathering on the youths.

In trance the men and women suddenly felt a strange energy entering their minds. It pulled them in a warm embrace. It seemed to heal their bodies and souls. They felt as if the world itself was supporting them. Unconsciously they guided this force throughout their bodies once, before it streamed into their chests.

Suddenly, many of them felt a small reaction. They focused their minds. A small spark appeared in their perception. Something moved. For a moment they had the misconception as if a prehistoric beast was awakening form its slumber. But immediately after it appeared more like a weak kitten. Golden circles began to slowly grow within their chests.

Outside, everyone was observing the process with rapid attention. Suddenly, a light, golden shimmer played on the skin of a certain youth. Up on the gallery a woman's eyes abruptly opened wide. She couldn't stop herself from laughing in joy. She even wanted to brag, but what met her were her peer's displeased faces.

 The woman winced slightly but then her thoughts changed, and she stuck out her chest proudly. Why should she feel bad if the others were jealous of her boy?

After the first success many others soon followed. Golden light began to radiate from the youths. It was sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker, but every time it would be accompanied by the relieved laughter of one of the VIPs.

But the more awakeners succeeded, the more pressure landed on those who still hadn't shown any movement. Despite trying their best not to show anything, many of the masters had nervous faces. They inwardly cheered for their proteges, wishing nothing more than to see the golden light.

As the seconds passed, about a fourth of the youths didn't show any signs of awakening. Many among the audience pitied them, knowing they were doomed to a life of mediocrity. Whatever dreams they had couldn't be fulfilled without the strength of a core. However, suddenly something unexpected happened.