Inauguration ceremony

The next two days Tepo wasn't granted even a single minute of free time. Quill had decided that he was too inexperienced and put him through harsh training.

The former soldier would have liked to protest, but he also had to realize that his fighting style was too much geared towards cutting down hordes of insane 'outsiders'. In a real one on one fight Tepmodus still had a lot to learn.

Thus, a scene ensued where Quill was leisurely sitting at the side while Tepo had to fend of flying swords using all kinds of different weapons. Within two days the fresh warrior couldn't advance a lot, but familiarized himself with the techniques he learned in school in his new life.

But after two days of torturous training, a relaxing bath felt even more wonderous. Tepo could've bathed for hours, if it wasn't for the inauguration ceremony starting every minute now.

Tepo reluctantly left the bathtub. He dried his body before putting on the clothes Anvil had delivered him earlier. The artificer praised those a lot, assuring him that the clothes offered a certain level of protection despite not looking like it.

But when Tepo laid his eyes on them, he was amazed by something else. Who would've thought that Anvil had such a great taste?

She changed Tepo's characteristic black coat to a comfy black mage robe. Golden patterns adorned its hemline, which was opened casually. Below, a tight black and white outfit was mostly hidden, while red accents could be seen on the chest.

A red cloth belt wrapped his waist, its end billowing behind his back. Together with sturdy black boots, Tepo felt he looked even more luxurious than even the richest person in his old life.

The young man praised Anvil highly, even though he knew something was still missing for perfection.

As he dressed himself, Tepo smiled kindly. How could he go to an important ceremony without his red scarves? His mother had prepared a lot of them, so Tepo took one out casually and put it around his neck.

That's it. Perfection! I probably have to hide from the ladies from now on. Else, I might not have a quiet minute.

Chuckling calmly, Tepo was indeed very satisfied with his outfit. Be it during the ceremony or not. He would later have to ask Anvil if it was possible to get some more robes in the future.

Now, the young man was prepared. He stood in his room, waiting quietly. Any second now…

Suddenly a low hum reached his ears. It was time! Taking a deep breath, Tepo stepped out of his door. Elemental spirits were spread all over the first floor. Even as they cutely tried to mimic the Web's salute they couldn't stay still, waying left and right.

Tepo smiled faintly. He followed a path left by the spirits, going towards the tower's main door. Anvil had already explained to him that each tower actually had a room reserved for the ceremony. But since Wave was presiding over it this time, they had to improvise.

But that's not bad. At least it shows that even a member as strong as Wave is not rigid. They are willing to come up with practical solutions.

The more he saw, the more Tepo was satisfied with joining the Web. They suited his tastes, even though they couldn't completely get rid of the criminal moniker. It was still to be seen if the organization could really pursue their noble intentions wholeheartedly.

While all those thoughts mixed in his mind, Tepo stepped through the wide-open main gate. Outside, billowing waves framed a path on the jade green rock. At its edge, a small platform had been hastily built. Quill and Anvil waited quietly, wearing their masks and black cloaks with a white web on it.

But Tepo's attention was drawn to the massive head behind them.

A blue mask was attached to a long snake body which vanished somewhere beneath the rock. A strong pressure spread from the beast. But it wasn't suppressing anymore, rather it felt inviting.

Somewhat excited but keeping a solemn face, Tepo slowly walked forward. His legs trembled slightly as he came to a stop on the platform, slowly looking up towards Wave's head.

Suddenly a strong, female voice shook the three human's bones:

"Today we, representants of the Web, have gathered to welcome a new recruit amongst our ranks!"

The surrounding ocean shook as Wave's voice filed the air. Whooshing, a noise similar to applause came from the ocean.

"Recruit! Tell me the name you want to be remembered by!"

Tepo took a deep breath as he responded loudly:


Wave stocked for a moment. Noticing this, Anvil thought silently:

Exactly. This was my reaction as well! What is this codename? Line? How boring it was to make this mask!

But the decision has already been made. Now it was Tepo who had to live with it. The young man was the only one who silently added a time before his name.

"Alright, Line! If you are ready, salute the Web!"

Tepo looked at Anvil and Quill. Both of them held their right hands at the center of their chests. Their fingers were spread as far as possible. Quill had already taught the new recruit yesterday, so Line wasn't confused. He hastily copied his seniors.

Naturally Wave also had to salute. The majestic beast stretched one of her massive fins, opening it as wide as possible.

A shadow fell over Anvil, Quill, and Line. The new recruit was amazed as Wave continued her speech:

"Speak after me:

I, by the name of Line."

Tepo didn't show any hesitation as he obeyed:

"I, by the name of Line."

"Hereby swear on my core…"

"Hereby swear on my core…"

"… to uphold the ideals of knowledge. To always honor the name of the Web. To fight for the enlightenment of all beings!"

"… to uphold the ideals of knowledge. To always honor the name of the Web. To fight for the enlightenment of all beings!"

As soon as Tepo's words ended, a strange fluctuation came from his core. The young man was startled, concentrating on his chest.

Among the runes swimming in his core, a peculiar one slowly emerged. It was red, giving of a binding feeling, threatening to erupt with unprecedented might should the vow be violated.

Tepo didn't know what to think at this moment. Was this a way for warriors to make agreements?

The Core of Time on the other hand suddenly pulsed. It was indignant. Angry. Wasn't this just a small trick by the Force of Natural Perception? How dare it mess around?! As a core it was already annoyed with constantly defending the host. But this was one step too far!

Out of nowhere a mysterious power emerged from Tepo's core. Fortunately, no one noticed anything as the Core of Time pressured the red rune. The latter tried to struggle, but it shrank and shrank until it was only a tiny dot. The core isolated it somewhere towards the side but was still unhappy as it hadn't managed to completely eradicate the threat.

On the outside no one realized what was happening within Tepo's chest. Only if they scanned the new recruit's body would they spot the anomalies. But this was the biggest taboo, especially in an organization like the Web, whose members hide even their identities.

Thus, Wave continued the ceremony:

"Good. Now, Line, lower your head!"

Tepo took a deep breath. He knew the most dreaded part of the ceremony had arrived. At least he had some time to prepare, as Quill had warned him beforehand. Thus, he did as told, while the muscles in his neck gradually tensed up.

"Quill! As the recruiter, I leave it to you to complete the initiation!"

The green-masked man nodded. He straightened his back. An unfamiliar solemness radiated from his body.

He stood before Tepo as a long, metallic rod suddenly appeared in his hand. Its end was flat, with the Web's symbol protruding from it. Tepo shuddered faintly. This was a stamp!

Quill continued unperturbed. He held the stamp towards Anvil. Carefully, the tall woman took out a small bottle containing a blueish liquid. She spread it on the stamp, making sure not to miss anything.

Next, she fished something from under her robe. A small metallic trinket appeared in her hand. The woman pressed some buttons and a flame suddenly lit up. She carefully held it against the stamp until the metal glowed white-hot.

A deceptively sweet smell spread from the liquid. Tepo cursed it as sweat dropped from his face. He gritted his teeth tightly, preparing himself.

Quill solemnly raised the stamp with both hands. He didn't speak any more words. The ocean murmured quietly. Even the fish seemed to avert their eyes. Suddenly the stamp came down on Tepo's neck.

The young adult took a second. But when the pain registered, his eyes bulged as a painful scream left his mouth.


Immediately the next moment he pressed his mouth shut. He endured the burning pain forcefully.