
Tepo felt horrible. As if ants were gnawing on his neck. Something slowly worked its way beneath his skin. It was a certain substance contained in the liquid used by Anvil.

With blurry eyes the young man breathed heavily. He couldn't tell if a second or minutes had passed. Finally, the burning pain receded. An ugly, red wound was left behind on his neck, still letting him feel the pattern, which had been seared into his skin.

But slowly, a cooling sensation set in. The liquid didn't evaporate. It did its job, healing Tepo's skin and making sure no scar would be left behind. After all, the entire secrecy would be useless if a prominent scar instantly gave your allegiance away.

After his job was done, Quill put the stamp away again. The three older members of the Web stayed silent, giving Line time to recover.

A few seconds later the new recruit gradually raised his head. His eyes were still slightly red and his face pale, but he was fine for the most part.

"Congratulations, Line!", welcomed him three warm voices. A connection has been formed and Line has become the newest member of the Web.

Tepo also felt excited. Since the decision had been made, he wholeheartedly embraced his new role.

"As a new member of the Web, you are only missing your equipment now. Anvil."


The solemn atmosphere gradually vanished. The Waves farming the path mellowed out, as Anvil excitedly stepped before Tepo.

"Line. For the last two days I did my best to forge everything you asked for. Here."

"Thank you!", smiled Tepo happily. He had been looking forward to this moment.

Anvil first took out a black robe. It was the same her and Quill were wearing. As Tepo put it on, his clothes were hidden and only the prominent Web symbol on its chest stood out. This robe could always be worn if Tepo handled something in the name of the organization.

Next, one of the signature masks appeared in Anvil's hands. It was unspectacular, black with a red line going vertically down the middle. While Anvil thought the mask was too boring, it perfectly suited Tepo's taste.

The young man grabbed it solemnly, but with excited eyes. Slowly he put it on his face. The youthful skin gradually vanished. Even the neck was hidden behind the strange metallic material. Suddenly a quiet click sounded out. Like a solid collar the neck part closed behind Tepo's head.

An unfamiliar feeling engulfed Tepo. The mask felt cold on his skin. Somehow, oddly pure air reached his nose. Only from the inside would one realize that an invisible, thin film protected the eyes.

Tepo breathed deeply. He never had this sensation. The mask spent a strange security and freedom. A certain demarcation from society. As if some inhibitions suddenly lost their meaning.

Line marveled at this feeling, but he also realized how dangerous it was. He swore not to lose himself in it.

Many warriors wouldn't be able to comprehend Line's feeling. For them the right of the strong was prevalent. If you were stronger than others, your inhibitions would drop anyways. Mask or not.

Anvil gave Line a few seconds to familiarize himself with his new equipment. She was elated as she noticed the awe in the new recruit's eyes. As the latter were directed back to her, Anvil excitedly took out the other works she prepared.

"Last but not least, these are the weapons you asked for. A pistol and a knife!"

Tepo smiled brightly. He took the sharp, heavy, long knife and gorgeous pistol from Anvil's hands.

When the woman asked him which weapons he preferred, Tepo had to think carefully about it. In the end he decided for the trusted combination which brought him through the dungeon.

As Quill and Anvil heard of his selection, they were surprised. Pistols weren't widely spread among warriors. They were normally seen as weak, relying on bullets, just enough to threaten weaker warriors. Only a few artificers had ever explored the crafting of pistols which synergize with spells.

Luckily, the Web was a gathering place for knowledge and Anvil was highly talented. She had played around with a lot of weapons, including guns. Thus, she was able to produce one for Line.

Anvil was even a little excited about it. She had always been interested in guns as they were exotic weapons, and finally she had found someone willing to use them.

Thus, the tall woman introduced joyfully:

"These weapons are both high-grade first rank. They can accompany you through the entire aspirant rank.

I didn't name them yet. It is up to your decision if this is important to you.

The knife is rather standard. If you use it to cast spells, they will mostly be strengthened by about ten percent. It has good synergy with all kinds of spells and has a normal [Slash] worked into it. You can try it later.

Now to the pistol. It has two modes. You can use it with ammunition or through your spells and forces. Sadly, ammunition isn't widely spread, so it's best to contact the Web if you need some more. But it has the advantage of being able to fire a wide variety. I have also prepared some for you to try.

On the other hand, the disadvantage is also obvious. Pistols have low synergy with physical spells. It's useless to become stronger, have poisonous skin or whatever."

Line nodded calmly, appreciating his new weapons. He didn't even have any spells yet, so he wouldn't make such deep considerations. It wasn't as if he could never change his weapons if he felt the need to.

Satisfied, Tepo was about to somehow store his weapons below his black robe when Anvil stopped him.

"Wait, I almost forgot!"

With those words the tall woman took out a small, inconspicuous bag. It didn't look special at all, just right to carry on one's body.

Tepo rose his brow although no one could see it. He looked at the bag in confusion, not sure what he was supposed to do.

"What is this?"

"This…", explained Anvil deliberately mysterious. "…is a storage bag!"

"Storage? Isn't it a bit too small for that?"

Anvil giggled slightly as Quill rolled his eyes at her.

"Storage bags only appear small, but the space within them is much larger. This one could just about store my ship."

Eyes opened wide in amazement, Line took the storage bag off Anvil's hands. He fiddled around with it, wanting to try this mysterious function.

Anvil smiled kindly. She was remembered of the first time she held such a magical treasure in her hands. Suddenly she felt something. Quill was staring at her strangely from the side. She turned her head:


"Aren't you going to tell him?", asked the green-masked warrior lazily.

"What should I… oh!"

Anvil exclaimed in embarrassment. She coughed faintly, addressing Tepo.

"Ehm… Line. You need a force to open the storage bag."

Tepo's movements stocked. He smiled wryly. No wonder he couldn't figure it out.

Suddenly Wave's voice sounded again. Even the powerful beast was somewhat amused.

"I would say this concludes the ceremony, everyone. Line, you can store your weapons it your room for now. It's time for you to find a suitable force and begin training."


Finally, it was time! Tepo had been looking forward to those words. The feeling of having awakened but not being able to train was miserable indeed.

Everyone acknowledged Wave's words as the beast's massive body gradually drew back. It soared through the air majestically before wrapping around the tower again. Tepo silently looked on in wonder. Wave could actually fly? He was slightly jealous!

Unfortunately, it might still take a long time until the newly awakened would learn to fly. Not even Quill and Anvil had shown such an ability so far. Thus, he could only go step by step, starting with the absorption of a force.

As Tepo returned to the tower, the spirits celebrated the new member. The young man had to push a way through the crowd, storing his weapons, before following Quill and Anvil.

Taking the elevator again, the trio traveled upwards. Tepo was surprised as they gradually passed every floor. He thought the test chamber was already high up, but they didn't even stop there.

Soon they reached a simple room with nothing else in it but a staircase. Quill took the lead, stepping on the stairs towards the tower's roof.

Once they arrived, Tepo was even a bit disappointed. The roof wasn't that spectacular. Ocean still surrounded them, and Wave's head looked down on them. Only the mysterious violet ball on an artful stand made from winding wood stood out somewhat.

"Come closer.", spoke Wave. Despite the calmness of its voice, it still boomed in the trio's ears.

"The searching for a force is not any great ceremony. So relax, Line. I will only tell you a few important points to look out for."