King of Swords

Upon hearing Tepo's question, Reahva and Radac both showed complicated expressions. It was the old man who spoke first:

"So far he didn't show any signs of getting better…"

"Yes. Despite his injuries having mostly healed and the poison being solved, Yerive just remains… sleeping."

Tepo frowned as he approached his young friend. He looked at the pale face.

"I will wait here until he wakes up. Maybe he just needs some time."

Radac and Reahva nodded lightly, the concern obvious on their faces. Thoughts raced through the gentle woman's mind. She couldn't prevent her alchemist brain from sparking a tiny bit of joy as it had to deal with such an unusual situation.

Feeling ashamed Reahva walked towards the door.

"You guys guard Yerive. Meanwhile I will go back and search my books for anything helpful."

"Thank you, mom. You are already helping a lot. I wouldn't have known what to do without you."

"Don't mention it."

Tepo turned his head back to Yerive after his mother left. He looked at his friends face as thousand of chaotic thoughts wreaked havoc in his mind.

"You should take a rest, Tepo. We can't do anything right now."

Letting out a forlorn sigh, Tepo nodded at Radac. He decided to take the old man's advice, leaning his back against the wall and taking a meditative posture.

Within Tepo's chest the Core of Time almost cried tears of happiness. Finally, it could recover all the lost force from the excessive use of [Minor Stealth].

Silence fell on the room as Tepo turned his vision inwards. He calmly sorted out his thoughts while absorbing Force of Time.

After about two hours the young man opened his blue eyes again, clear as water they sparkled in the sunlight.

A warm smile formed on his face as he felt much better.

Radac watched from the side as Tepo got up, grabbed a chair and placed it next to Yerive.

"Hey, bro. It's me, Tepo.

I'm waiting here for you to get up. Isn't there a lot to do? Don't you want to become Yerive, King of Swords?

Thanks to my mother we got rid of the poison. Don't worry now. Lirane can't do anything to you.

I was planning on traveling to other worlds. It would be great if you could come with me, bro. We need to make a name for ourselves!

When we eventually return, Lirane will be nothing! You can just crush them casually.

What do you think? Are you in?"

Tepo spoke with heartfelt words. They rang in the room, seeking to directly touch Yerive's deepest parts.

For a few seconds nothing else could be heard. But Tepo looked at Yerive with surprisingly confident eyes.

"I wish…"

Suddenly a feeble voice sounded out. Radac was surprised but Tepo kept up his warm, confident smile.

"Don't worry. The Liranes are nothing compared to those really influential organizations. With a bit of training, you will surpass them easily."

Tepo calmly put a hand on his friend's shoulder. A single tear ran down Yerive's cheek.

"Trust me!"

Those two words shook Yerive heavily. Finally, his eyelids opened, showing off reddened eyes. They radiated a complicated mix of emotions as tears began pouring out.

For a while no one talked. Tepo and Radac where there for Yerive, offering support for the young man.

Only after a long time did the youngster calm down. He wiped some tears from his eyes, as he focused his blurry vision on Tepo's face.

"Thank you. I would love traveling if you don't mind some baggage."

"What are you talking about? Baggage? Together we will always be stronger than alone!"

Although this last sentence was meant to reassure Yerive, it also rang in Tepo's brain. Maybe this was something to think about for him as well.

"I wish…", lamented Yerive with sad eyes. "… but I'm just too useless. Isn't this how I ended in this situation in the first place?"

Hearing Yerive talk, Tepo frowned slightly. Why was his friend disparaging himself like this?

"What are you talking about? You have always been good at school. And after awakening, your potential is immense. Why do you call yourself useless?"

"Ha! Awakening! That's exactly what I'm talking about. Core of Soft Water. My father…", suddenly Yerive stopped himself. He let out a deep sigh. "Forget it. It's because my core is too weak, so no one wanted me. In the end I could only accept Tondka's offer and work for him."

Tepo found it hard to follow Yerive. He was somewhat confused. Generally, no one would judge a core's strength right after awakening. Only after gaining some abilities could its potential be revealed.

And what was this about his father…?

Tepo had the urge to ask more questions, but looking into Yerive's downtrodden face he understood that this wasn't what his friend needed right now.

"I can't tell what's wrong with the blind recruiters in this city. Just wait. After making a name for ourselves, your core will show of its might.

Then you will prove them all wrong! Tondka will have to crawl before you and apologize!"

Yerive shook as Tepo's words planted a seed in his mind. Memories flashed before his eyes. All the humiliation he received in the Lirane Mineral Group made his gaze harden as he gritted his teeth.

Tepo noticed the change, feeling relieved. He heavily patted his friend's shoulder.

Suddenly Yerive was brought out of his memories. He just wanted to say something as his stomach churned all of a sudden. A low rumble could be heard.

For a moment the room fell silent. But suddenly chuckles lifted the mood. Tepo and Yerive looked at each other before breaking out in bright laughter. All the complicated emotions were drowned out.

Radac had been watching the conversation. He wasn't close enough with Yerive to untie this knot in the young man's heart. He decisively left this task to Tepo, only guarding the young men silently. But now even the experienced old man had to smile kindly, reminiscence in his eyes.

A few seconds later Tepo asked with a smile:

"Should we order something to eat?"


"What do you want?"

Tepo was somewhat confused as Yerive hesitated slightly.

"How about some baked rinù meat and… maybe a beer?"

"A… beer? Now? You just recovered from some serious injuries. Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I just feel like I need it right now."

Suddenly alarm bells rang in Tepo's head. The word 'need' shook his mind.

"Hmm sorry if I ask Yerive, but… can you tell me what you did yesterday when I found you?"

"I… was hiding.", answered Yerive hesitatingly.

"And… drinking?"

"Maybe. But just a bit. I swear."

Tepo took a deep breath. His chest tightened as a guilty feeling assaulted him.

Is this my fault? I ordered Yerive something to drink before leaving for the dungeon back then. Did I create an alcoholic?

"Yerive. Don't you think it's better to drink some water? Do you really need a beer now?"

A faint struggle could be seen in Yerive's eyes. But ultimately, he replied awkwardly:

"You… you're right. Let's order some water. I still have to recover."

A big stone fell from Tepo's heart. Obviously Yerive was still able to control himself.

I should keep an eye on it in the future. If Yerive only drinks weaker stuff, it won't be any problem as he grows stronger. We just need to remain careful.

Before Yerive could regret his decision, Tepo had already left the room. He went downstairs and placed his orders.

A few minutes later the two young men could be seen sitting in the room, having a joyful conversation while consuming a sumptuous meal. Radac had begun meditating since he didn't need any food anymore with his strength.

After filling their bellies, a long yawn sounded in the room, sounding of contentment. Yerive's body was still recovering, using up a lot of energy. Despite being in a comatose state for a few hours, Yerive gradually grew tired again.

Tepo told his friend to recover quickly so they could travel before leaving the room. Radac also no longer remained behind. But the old man took on his role of a storyteller again, so he stayed in the inn.

Listening to his guardian for a bit, Tepo pondered over his next plans. Although Yerive's situation had finally improved a lot, some matters popped up in Tepo's head again.

As he listened to Radac's stories, the young man's heart felt restless. He couldn't sit still anymore.

Carefully Tepo left the inn. He had long since informed his mother about Yerive's improvement via his com and had activated his mask again.

The warrior walked along the road, looking towards the beautiful setting sun. Gradually the people still busying about lessened. But to Tepo's annoyance a few warriors of the Lirane Mineral Group were still on duty.

Having to dodge their view, Tepo only neared his target slowly. But finally, he landed on an expansive grey cloud.