
Tepo turned his head left and right in curiosity. Large fields surrounded most of the path he was on. Further away spacious farmyards could be spotted. This was the part of the city where most of its crops were cultivated.

Following the road, Tepo suddenly had to smile faintly. A small lightshow played in the air above a large field.

Even here they don't forget to advertise. Who is this? Speedy Slayer? What a dumb nickname.

But she seems to be great with swords. Yerive would probably like her.

Maybe he also saw a similar show when his dream formed. I can imagine the young Yerive watching a famous sword wielder with sparkling eyes and deciding that he will be King of Swords one day.

That's right. The area Tepo was in was where Yerive grew up. After the conversation with his friend, a few doubts remained in Tepo's mind.

The way Yerive trailed of when mentioning his father left Tepo unsettled. Later the young warrior recalled a few more suspicious memories.

For example, that Yerive never wanted to invite his friends to his home. Or that the young man had avoided talking about his parents often in the past.

Naturally a teenager didn't pick up on such signs, but the mature Tepo felt somewhat unsettled.

This led to the current situation where the warrior approached a spacious home which laid somewhat isolated. This was Yerive's home, where Tepo sometimes fetched his friend for school.

But even during those rare times he wasn't allowed to come up to the door.

How stupid was the old me? How could such a request not make you suspicious?

Tepo shook his head as he stopped before a big wooden porch. Decorated with many plants and comfortable chairs it looked homely and inviting.

But the young man didn't dare to step up to the door. He already felt somewhat guilty, not sure if he wasn't crossing a line here. Maybe it was his concern for his friend which pushed him or his curiosity as an investigator. But anyways, Tepo needed some answers.

Therefore, the warrior began sneaking around the house. He reached its back, where he already noticed something from far away.

Behind the house was a large area covered in soil. Strange, somewhat cottony looking bushes took most of the space. They took on various shades of brown, apparently growing from the soil despite not having any obvious roots.

So this is cloudwood…

Tepo observed the strange material in fascination. Just then, a sound came from the forest of cloudwood. It was the rhythmic swinging of an axe.

Brows rising, the young man followed the noise into the forest. Despite growing more in width than height the cloudwood still easily hid a human body. Coupled with the soft soil, Tepo could effortlessly sneak through the forest.

A few minutes later the warrior was close to the noise. Suddenly a voice sounded out, prompting Tepo to hide behind a bush:

"Is this really what you're thinking? Who knows what's happening to him? If you don't want to search, at least let me."

The voice was female, and a lot of obvious concern could be discerned form it. But a rough male voice answered her angrily:

"Search? Why would I search for… for this useless guy?! If he can't even survive in this… city, he just proves how weak he really is!"

The male voice slurred slightly. Sometimes it was interrupted by the sound of an axe hitting wood. In Tepo's imagination the image of a raging woodcutter formed.

"But, but he's our son. And he hasn't returned for two days. I'm just…"


Suddenly the male voice angrily interrupted the female voice. The atmosphere turned tense.

Tepo flinched. The sound of glass shattering could be heard. The female voice screamed all of a sudden.

"F*CK!", shouted the male voice before heavy footsteps left towards the house.

Tepo leaned against the cloudwood, his eyes opened in shock. What did he just witness? Were this Yerive's parents?

Suddenly another memory appeared in Tepo's mind. It was from the time he met his friends in the treasure storms inn.


Suddenly Tepo frowned slightly, though. He stared at Yerive's eyes:

"Are you wearing makeup?"

Yerive coughed slightly as he blushed.

"Somehow I need to hide my eyebags, don't I?"

The friends were taken aback for a second before laughing lightly.


Tepo shivered, his throat dry. What should he do now?

Despite the doubts in his mind, the young man's legs were honest. They were already sprinting towards the spot where the voices came form earlier.

Quickly an ugly scene fell into Tepo's eyes. On a slightly broader clearing was a station to cut wood. A massive axe was stuck in a solid block. Next to it, a bush of cloudwood had big chunks missing.

On the other side some broken glass laid below a cloudwood bush. From their form they probably were once a bottle before it shattered against the cloudwood.

And in the center of it all… a middle-aged commoner woman was slumped on the ground. Blood slowly died her blond hair red. Tears ran down her cheeks, wetting her grey dress of good quality.

As Tepo appeared, the poor woman weakly fumbled with her dress. With shaking hands, she tried to pull a pill from one of her pockets.

This sight almost broke Tepo's heart, leaving him breathless. What does one's life look like if they carried pills with them just to confront their partner?

Tepo didn't care about anything else as he reacted immediately. He kneeled down next to the woman, taking out one of his own pills.

"Here, take this. This will help quickly."

The woman was understandably startled. She rose her head, immediately assaulted by a massive pain.

But she only flinched slightly. Through tearstained eyes she stared at Tepo.

"What are you doing here? Who are you? Your voice sounds familiar…"

"I'm Te… a good friend of your son. You can trust me. Here, take this pill!"

The woman blinked once before taking Tepo's pill without hesitation.

"So it's you, Tepo? But why did you come here? I'm sorry you have to see this sight."

Opening his mouth Tepo wanted to refuse at first. But he soon smiled wryly.

"Yeah, it's me, Tepo."

"Hmm I remember you differently."

While talking the woman suddenly let out a pained groan. This was the result of her already trying to sit up.

"Don't be hasty. Those pills need some time to take effect. Just take it slow."

"No, but…"

Yerive's mother didn't want to admit that she was embarrassed. She didn't want anyone to see her like this. After she tried to get up again, Tepo could only shake his head and help her lean against some cloudwood.

"Thank you. But say, why did you come here? Maybe you know something about Yerive? Have you seen him?"

Tepo looked at the strong woman's hopeful eyes, which were filled with concern for her son despite her own situation.

"Yes. No need to worry. Yerive is fine."

"That's good. That's good. My baby is ok."

A huge stone fell from the woman's heart. Her body immediately strengthened visibly.

"Tepo. If you see Yerive again, don't tell him that I fell. He should stay at work for a few days, ok?"

Tepo's body shivered heavily. He looked at the woman's brave smile as he spoke in a hoarse voice:

"I… I have been here since a few minutes ago."

Suddenly Yerive's mother was shocked. Silence fell on the forest for a while.

"Please don't… don't tell anyone."

Watching the bleeding woman, Tepo found it difficult to understand her thoughts. Why did she endure so much? Was it all for Tepo?

"Miss. How about I bring you away from here? You can settle down elsewhere. I can give you enough money, so you don't ever have to worry about it."

A forlorn smile formed on the woman's face.

"And where should I go? A commoner woman with a lot of money? Where would it be safe for me?"

"We… can buy you a bodyguard."

"Can you make sure they stay loyal and not harbor any greedy thoughts?"

Suddenly Tepo fell silent. His throat quivered faintly. Slowly his eyes narrowed.

"I can k…"

"NO! Don't even think about it."

Yerive's mother suddenly found enough strength in her to grab Tepo's wrist tightly. An anxious expression was on her face.

The warrior softened up. He looked at the bleeding woman, not able to emphasize with her. He simply didn't understand why she stayed with her abusive husband.

Yerive's mother read Tepo's face.

"I know that Garean has his flaws. But he can be such a loving man. In the past we were so happy together. And he loves Yerive, he really does. He just can't show it well, he…"

"I'm sorry. But I can't listen to this."

Tepo's eyes betrayed his mixed emotions. Yerive's mother most likely meant her words, but all Tepo heard were excuses.

"Miss. I wish you all the best, but I believe this household isn't good for Yerive. He and I will soon start traveling to other worlds.

If you ever feel like leaving, please message my mother. I promise we will all do our best to help you."