Let knowledge enrich all worlds

Fluffy did another circle around Tepo and Yerive before speeding off. The cute beast had already smelled another cake.

The two friends were left behind with smiles on their faces. Finally, they had reached the Forum of All Knowledge!

A big square laid before them made from smooth white stone. At its center stood an artful statue depicting a stack of books with the one at the top opened.

All over the forum gathered groups of warriors exchanging all kinds of information. Most of them wore fine robes elegant postures, conversing in soft voices.

The plaza was surrounded by large white buildings. Their walls were decorated by pillars and frescoes. Well-trimmed plants added a tinge of color.

Opposite the plaza's entrance was the tallest of the buildings. 'Forum of All Knowledge' was written in bold letters above its entrance.

Tepo and Yerive were amazed by the atmosphere as they crossed the plaza. They went up a few stairs and entered the tall building.

The two friends found themselves in a large hall. A big window at the ceiling let in a beam of light, highlighting the painting decorating the floor.

It showed scholarly men and women in an intense discussion. A sentence framed the painting. 'Let knowledge enrich all worlds'.

Suddenly a mellow voice addressed the two friends:

"Welcome to the Forum of All Knowledge! How can I help you?"

Tepo and Yerive were brought back to reality as they looked at a young man with a neutral face.

"Hello. We came here to join the forum please."

"Oh? As student I assume?"

Tepo was confused for a moment.

"I guess so… what else could we be?"

"Teachers, researchers, guards etc.

There are many desirable positions."

"Ahh, I understand. Yes, we would like to become students."

"Good. Come with me!"

Tepo and Yerive followed the helpful man. Some other young men and women lingering in the hall watched them as they whispered to each other. New gossip had just appeared.

Not caring for others right now the two friends arrived within a spacious room. From its furnishing it should be a study but right now it appeared more like a laboratory.

Towards the back of the room stood multiple young students. Their eyes were focused on a bald man sporting a long white beard. He held two bottles of liquid in his hands, slowly pouring them into a container.

Tepo and Yerive looked around in confusion. They eyed the man who brought them here, seeing him putting a finger on his mouth.

Thus, they could only stay silent and watch the happenings.

Time passed excruciatingly slow while the older man mixed the liquids almost drop by drop. Finally, his bottles were completely emptied.

Tepo and Yerive were curious. They stared at the container silently. But nothing happened.

Eventually the old man sighed.

"A failure."

The students muttered amongst themselves as one of them stepped forward and began tidying the old man's tools.

Finally, the latter shook his head and looked up from his experiment. He focused on the man who brought Tepo and Yerive.

"Reonto? Why did you come?"

"Forgive me, Senior Teacher Gold. I have brought two young men who want to register as students."


The old man's eyes swiped Tepo and Yerive. His expression didn't change, as if he didn't find anything interesting in them.

"If you two want to register as students, fill out those documents and pay the tuition fee."

With those words the senior teacher took out two papers from his table and handed them towards the newcomers.

Tepo took those but his eyes showed some confusion.

"What was this about a tuition fee?"

"Hmm? You don't even know? It's five thousand per person and year."

Tepo and Yerive both drew sharp breaths. The looked at the old man in surprise.

"Since when do we need to pay fees?"

Before the old man answered, a snicker came from the students at the back.

"Look at this. Constantly those poor losers arrive here and think they should get everything for free."

"You're right. They want all the benefits with none of the effort."

Tepo furrowed his brows as he looked over his shoulder. He saw two young men with their heads raised high wearing amused expressions.

"Hmpf. What are you looking at? If you can't pay, hurry up and roll off. Our forum doesn't need freeloaders."

"And who are you to decide this?"

"Hey, watch who you're talking too!", exclaimed another young man. "Ignorant fool, how can you question the legitimacy of Kalmin Redswan?!"

Before the situation could escalate, the senior teacher coughed loudly.

"You two, if you can't pay the tuition fee you indeed aren't eligible to join the forum. I'm sorry. Now please leave my labo… office. I still have to work."

Tepo was taken aback by the situation. This wasn't how he imagined the Forum of All Knowledge. The old man wasn't even interested in talking to him and went back to his experiments already.

"Wait, wait. Are you telling we can't join? I thought we only needed those."

Suddenly the old man stopped in his movements. He stared at Tepo's hand in surprise. Or rather at the two tokens Tepo just took out.

"Someone still gives out invitations?"

The old man sighed as he waved his hands. The tokens floated by themselves and landed in the senior teacher's hands.

Curious gazes also came from the students at the back. They were shocked when they heard the teacher's muttering.

"I really didn't expect this."

Shaking his head the senior teacher looked at Tepo and Yerive.

"Since you have an invitation, things are naturally easier. Just tell me your names."

Tepo still had some doubts, but he complied.

"Tepmodus te Avatio."

"Yerive Enoash."

The senior teacher nodded. He took out some stamp-like device from below his table and pressed it against the tokens before giving them back to the two new students.

"Congratulations. You officially became students.

Now, all of you, leave my labr… office!"

"What?", spoke an incredulous voice from the back. "But teacher you promised to…"

"We will do it another day. Now hush! Out, out."

The students gritted their teeth. Tepo and Yerive where the first to leave, followed by the reluctant students.

Outside the office Kalmin and his friend immediately sped up and blocked Tepo's path. He pointed his finger, his face filled with anger.

"You! Because of you I lost a precious chance to observe teacher Gold's experiments!"

Tepo kept a calm face, not taking the young man serious.

"What does it have to do with me? Do you think I can influence a teacher's decision just after coming here?"

Kalmin's friend opened his eyes in shock upon this audaciousness. His face took a red color as he yelled:

"You dare to talk back?! Do you have any idee what it means to oppose the Redswan family?! Kneel down and apologize if you want to have a future here!"

"When did I oppose some family? Don't threaten me or it won't end well for you!"

The expressions on both sides hardened. A faint pressure spread. The older students wanted to suppress Tepo. But suddenly they felt a cold shiver run down their spines.

Although Tepo changed his clothes after the war, the odor of blood still lingered around. He couldn't prevent killing instinct from forming in his eyes.

The students weren't used to such an atmosphere. They felt somewhat fearful. But realizing this only bruised their ego. Their bad mood sharply rose as a consequence.

"Stop, stop. What are you all doing?! You know the punishment for private fights in the forum!"

Suddenly a voice broke the tension. The young men caught in a face-off turned their heads towards the side.

Tepo was somewhat surprised as he mustered the student who had just spoken up. He had already glimpsed at her back in the office but now that he took a closer look, it was sure that she wasn't a human being.

"Inurol'ah? Why don't you keep to your own business?"

"Hmpf. Stop being a bully, Kalmin! Do you think I would fear you just because of your family name?"

Inurol'ah swayed her head left and right as she talked. The colorful flower petals replacing her hair moved hypnotically like a stream of water, reaching all the way to the floor. Her single eye narrowed dangerously, looking down on Kamil since she was more than a head taller than him.

"Tzz. And you think we have to listen to you just because of the Church of Guiding Nature?!"

"No. You have to listen because of the forum's rules!"

Karim's friend looked angrily at Inurol'ah. He was just about to retour when Karim scoffed and dragged him away. He threw a malicious gaze at Tepo before leaving through the door.

The surrounding students scattered as well as the action subsided.

Yerive sighed in relief. He glanced at the light green-skinned Inurol'ah.

"Thank you for your help. I didn't expect to get into trouble right after arriving."

"Yes. Thank you."

Tepo's tone was way less enthusiastic. He couldn't suppress the suspicions in his mind whenever he dealt with a member of a church, but he could appreciate when someone genuinely tried to help him.