Show you around

"Ahh don't mention it. This isn't the first time I clashed with Kalmin. That guy is just too insufferably arrogant. He thinks being from an aristocratic family makes him something better."

Hearing this, Yerive's face turned somewhat timid. He looked at Tepo.

"What if… we just apologize? It's not that bad, right?"

"Do you really think this would work, Yerive? People like him won't stop only because you apologize."

"I have to agree with… Tepmodus?... here."

"You can call me Tepo."

"Ok Tepo. I advise you to just avoid Kalmin for now. He won't go out of his way to bully you."

Yerive nodded his head earnestly while Tepo was noncommittal.

Inurol'ah had some worry on her long face, although it was hard to read for humans. Her small mouth opened but closed again with a sigh.

"Well, since we already met why don't you let me show you around?"

Tepo and Yerive were glad about the change in topic. They nodded their heads as they thanked the friendly non-human.

Subsequently the trio left the tall building, reaching a small park-like area. Big trees shrouded shadowy paths giving them a romantic look. Inurol'ah began her explanation.

"So, this is the Roaming Joy Park named after our headmaster Lord Roaming Joy. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the headmaster yet after over a year of studying. It is said that the headmaster is an extremely talented woman who still has hopes of advancing further and is always either traveling or in seclusion."

Tepo nodded with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Do you know how strong this headmaster is?"

"Of course she is a mighty World Lord!", spoke Inurol'ah with pride.

"A World Lord? What's that?"

Smiling, Tepo praised Yerive inwardly for asking the question he wanted to ask as well.

"Hmm? You don't know this? Curious…

But you know the other ranks, right?"

"Yes. Aspirant, Acolyte, Ascendant!"

"Oh.", the green-skinned lady giggled. "You really didn't learn more? I guess it's good that you have an invitation. I recommend you visit a lot of the basic courses to catch up.

For now, let me be your teacher."

Inurol'ah coughed slightly and put on a humorous, serious voice:

"The ranks of warriors are:

Aspirant, Acolyte, Ascendant, Domain Lord, World Lord!

Within the forum the strongest is the headmaster, who is powerful even among world lords. Next are our two vice-headmasters who are also world lords.

Then we have a board of elders. Their ranks aren't public but should be between world lord and domain lord. Followed by senior teachers and teachers. Their strengths are a bit mixed ranging from acolytes to domain lords since their title is based on accomplishments.

Then we have students who range from aspirant to ascendant. You can read up on the exact conditions for students later in the rulebook."

Tepo and Yerive were glad that Inurol'ah finally paused as they had a lot of information to process.

While Yerive was mostly confused, Tepo did his best to build a framework in his mind.

Let me see…

Major Taren Raunej is known to be an acolyte. Then I guess Quill and Anvil are ascendants or domain lords. It is hard to tell.

Radac should be of a similar strength, as well as the Red and Blue Alliance elders.

Since they fought within some kind of sphere the assumptions is a given that this was a domain, making them domain lords.

They could also be world lords, but senior Wave gave off an even more unfathomable feeling. I would rather expect her to be a world lord.

Tepo's thoughts raced as the information he received was connected to the accumulated experience. It finally helped him to classify the strength of warriors.

But… there is still Zorim, whom I met in the second dungeon. Was he only a world lord?


Suddenly a low cry brought Tepo back to reality. He didn't even notice when Inurol'ah had dashed past him and was kneeling next to the flowers lining the path.

Only with a cry did she get his attention. The two young men turned around. Yerive felt somewhat shy as the green-skinned non-human rose two of her four arms, pulling her loose-fitting blue top up and revealing a large part of her back.

Tepo only studied the green shaded skin out of interest as his eyes fell on Inurol'ah's hands, which were digging into the soil.

"You, you, you. When will you Runtris finally learn that you are not supposed to grow here?"

With those words Inurol'ah pulled on a plant clinging to some of the surrounding flowers. Tepo stared at the scene in surprise as the plant seemingly voluntarily let go of its grip and even drew in its own roots.

Next, Inurol'ah talked nicely to the surrounding flowers, letting them visibly rise their drooping petals, before bringing the plant in her hand to another patch. She carefully planted it, before turning towards Tepo and Yerive with a gratified smile.

"Now everyone can grow happily."

"Ehm… sure."

"Haha, sorry for the interruption. Should we continue?"

"Yes, please."

"Great. Then come with me!"

Tepo and Yerive threw one last glance at the flowers before following behind Inurol'ah. They walked through the peaceful park, sometimes meeting some chatting youths and even small animals.

After a short while they arrived before a big complex of buildings. Inurol'ah explained that this was where the courses would be held. An updated schedule would also be pinned in the dorms.

She recommended the two men a few important courses before continuing the tour.

Tepo and Yerive were amazed by everything the forum offered. Restaurants, shops, research centers, training centers. The more they saw the more they were assured that coming here was a good idea.

Two hours later when Tepo and Yerive already felt some tiredness they circled around a big training center and arrived at a grand open field.

Compared to the rest of the forum, this place was quite crowded with excited youths.

Inurol'ah came to a stop at the field's edge as she introduced:

"This is the most exciting place for students. Our dungeon field!"

Tepo looked at the many swirling vortexes littering the field.

"Here, students can come and train for dungeon raids. If you clear the dungeon fast enough, your time will be recorded on the tablets next to the dungeon and you can compare yourself to others.

Of course, only the first try counts."

Excitement also found its way into Tepo's and Yerive's eyes as they observed the many dungeons.

"But how do you take the time? Are we allowed to clear the dungeon?"

"No no. The guards will give you clear instructions as to what counts as a clearance. Only sometimes will a dungeon be opened up for complete solving.

On those days most students will gather for a great event, throwing lively parties!"

Tepo and Yerive smiled as they imagine the scene. But Tepo had another question:

"How can a dungeon be cleared multiple times? Wouldn't all the beasts already be dead then?"

Surprisingly it wasn't Inurol'ah who answered but Yerive:

"No. Dungeons recover after a certain time depending on the dungeon. That's how dungeons can be kept permanently."

Tepo rose his brow as he understood this simple concept.

Doesn't this imply that dungeons can be an unlimited source of wealth?! I can only begin to imagine all the problems which can arise from this fact…

"Right. And if the dungeon isn't cleared after some time, it will break. That's why mostly unpopular dungeons will be chosen for clearing."

 The trio stayed for a while, observing the teams of students entering and leaving dungeons.

"Are you allowed to keep the things you get in the dungeon?"

Inurol'ah shook her head at Yerive.

"No. You will get a second storage bag which will be inspected after you leave. You get credits based on the materials. But for a month everything you brought will be reserved and you have the right to buy it back."

Tepo and Yerive had already learned earlier about credits. This was the currency used by the Forum of All Knowledge and was valid in all its branches.

This system doesn't sound too bad. You can get rid f the materials you don't need this way.

The trio continued to watch the excited students arguing over their dungeon clearance times for a while before Inurol'ah spoke up:

"Should we continue? I have one last important place to show you guys."

"Ok, go ahead."

Yerive and Tepo threw one last glance at the many dungeons. Next they followed Inurol'ah until they reached the edge of the forum's area.

Before them an enormous building occupied a vast space. Compared to the simplistic, artful beauty emitted by the forum's other institutions, this building was doing its best to stand out even in this colorful city.

Its high and richly decorated walls were made to attract attention. Large arches allowed curious looks towards the spacious courtyard filled with exotic plants.

On multiple signs bold letters introduced this building's name: Hall of Heroes.

Tepo observed the luxurious, crowded place in awe.