Itachi in New world.

The air was thick with tension as Itachi Uchiha and his brother Sasuke faced Kabuto Yakushi in the dimly lit cavern. The walls echoed with the sound of clashing jutsu, and the ground was scarred from their fierce battle. Kabuto, panting heavily, seemed to be nearing his limit. His once confident demeanor was now replaced with desperation."It's no use, Kabuto," Sasuke said, his Sharingan eyes locked onto their opponent. "Your tricks won't work on us."Kabuto sneered, his snake-like eyes glinting in the dim light. "You underestimate me, Sasuke. I've surpassed Orochimaru. I am the Dragon Sage!"

Kabuto formed a series of hand seals, summoning a massive serpent that lunged at the brothers. Sasuke countered with his Susanoo, the spectral warrior forming a shield to block the attack. The force of the clash sent shockwaves through the cavern.

Itachi watched, his Mangekyo Sharingan analyzing every move. "Sasuke, focus on defense. I'll handle the offense."

Sasuke nodded, reinforcing his Susanoo's defenses. Itachi stepped forward, his eyes narrowing as he activated the Amaterasu. Black flames erupted, consuming Kabuto's serpent in an instant. Kabuto hissed in pain, feeling the intense heat.

"You can't defeat me with mere fire!" Kabuto shouted, his body regenerating the damage. He began to weave another set of hand seals, but Itachi was faster.

"Tsukuyomi!" Itachi intoned, catching Kabuto's gaze. The world around Kabuto shifted, plunging him into a nightmarish illusion. He found himself bound, unable to move as countless blades descended upon him.

Inside the genjutsu, Itachi's voice echoed. "Your mind is now my domain. You cannot escape."

Kabuto struggled, but the illusion was too powerful. His mind screamed in agony, and when Itachi finally released him, he was left disoriented and vulnerable.

"Sasuke, now!" Itachi called.

Sasuke's Susanoo drew its blade, slashing at Kabuto with a devastating strike. Kabuto was thrown back, crashing into the cavern wall. Blood trickled from his mouth as he struggled to stand.

"It's over, Kabuto," Itachi said coldly. "Every jutsu has its weakness."

Kabuto's face grew serious. "And this Jutsu's weakness," Itachi continued, forming a series of hand signs, "is simply me."

Itachi's voice rang out with finality. "Edo Tensei, release."

Kabuto, enraged, lunged at Itachi. "You bastard!" he screamed. But before he could reach him, Sasuke intervened, striking Kabuto down with a swift slash of his sword.

The jutsu's hold over the resurrected shinobi began to weaken, and their souls starting to return to the afterlife. As the light of the Edo Tensei faded, Itachi felt a pull, drawing him into a void. Before fully succumbing to the pull, Itachi turned to Sasuke, knowing this would be their last moment together for a long time.

"Sasuke," Itachi said, his voice softer than usual.

Sasuke's expression softened, but his eyes remained intense. "What is it, Itachi?"

"I want you to know... I'm proud of you," Itachi said, pride evident in his voice. "You've grown into a powerful shinobi. Stronger than I ever was."

Sasuke's eyes widened slightly. "Itachi..."

"It's up to you now," Itachi continued. "Protect the village, find your own path, and live your life to the fullest."

Sasuke nodded, struggling to hold back his emotions. "I will, Itachi. I promise."

Itachi approached Sasuke and placed his hand behind Sasuke's head, pulling him close so their foreheads touched. "You never have to forgive me," Itachi whispered. "From here on out, you do whatever you want. I will always love you."

A rare smile crossed Itachi's lips. "Goodbye, Sasuke. We will meet again."

Drifting in the void, Itachi felt weightless, his consciousness floating in a sea of darkness. Time seemed to stretch into eternity, and he pondered his fate. Was this death? Was he destined to wander this black void forever?

As despair began to grip Itachi's heart, a piercing light suddenly broke through the darkness. He squinted, shielding his eyes from the unexpected brightness. The light intensified, enveloping him completely, and as it did, he felt a strange sensation, as if he were being pulled away from everything familiar.

When the light finally dimmed, Itachi gasped for air and opened his eyes, finding himself in a dense jungle. The surroundings were lush and vibrant, teeming with life. For a moment, he thought he might still be in Konoha, perhaps in a secluded training area, but something felt off. The air was different, and the energies he sensed weren't chakra—they were something else, something unfamiliar yet oddly discernible.

"It doesn't seem like a genjutsu," he muttered to himself, his keen mind quickly assessing the situation. He scanned the area, noting the strange plants and sounds of exotic wildlife. Deciding to explore, he walked forward until he came upon a serene pond. The water was clear, reflecting the sky and the greenery around it.

Itachi knelt by the water's edge, peering into his reflection. His appearance was unchanged—still the same face he had always known. He activated his Sharingan to see if his abilities were intact and was relieved to find the familiar red eyes staring back at him from the water's surface. Yet, he felt a nagging sense that something was different.

Curious and cautious, Itachi focused harder, pushing his Sharingan to evolve into the Mangekyo form. To his astonishment, he found that it wasn't just the Mangekyo Sharingan staring back at him—it was the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. His eyes had evolved, granting him powers he hadn't anticipated.

"It can't be..." he whispered, his mind racing. The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan was an ability said to be unlocked only through merging the Mangekyo Sharingan of another Uchiha, yet here it was, his eyes bearing this powerful form. He stood up, staring into the jungle around him, a mix of confusion and resolve on his face.

"It seems I've been given a new chance," Itachi thought, determination rising within him. "But where am I, and why do I have this power now?" As he pondered these questions, he noticed a fisherman in a boat nearby, casting his nets into the water.

Curious, Itachi watched the man for a moment, waiting for him to return to the shore. When the fisherman finally did, pleased with his catch for the day, Itachi approached him. "Excuse me," he called out.

The fisherman, a middle-aged man wearing a brown t-shirt, black pants, and a hat, looked up and responded, "Yes?"

Bowing slightly, Itachi introduced himself, "Hello, I am Itachi Uchiha. I wanted to ask you something."

The fisherman glanced at his catch and then back at Itachi. "You want to buy some fish? They're not free, you know."

Itachi shook his head. "No, I'm not here for the fish. I was hoping you could tell me about this place."

The fisherman widened his eyes in surprise. "You don't know where you are?" He looked Itachi over from head to toe. "Judging by your clothes, I'd say you're not from around here."

Itachi nodded, crafting a quick lie. "I come from a very distant land."

The fisherman nodded, noting Itachi's unique attire. "That outfit of yours is pretty strange. Never seen anything like it before."

Itachi glanced down at his clothes, then back at the fisherman. "These are all I have."

The fisherman seemed intrigued but continued, "Our land is big. This is the Solarian Empire, ruled by King Kaelan. We're in the central region. To the east, where it's hot, lies the Golden Sun Kingdom. To the north, where it's always cold, is Frostfell. The Sylvan Kingdom, with its tall trees, is to the west. And the water people of the Pearl Kingdom are to the south."

Itachi listened intently, absorbing the information. "Thank you for your help," he said, bowing once more. "Could you help me get to one of these places?"

The fisherman smiled warmly. "Of course, I can take you in that direction. I'm headed that way myself."

Itachi bowed again, grateful. "Thank you, sir."

As they prepared to leave, the fisherman observed Itachi's refined appearance. "You know, you look like a noble."

Itachi shook his head with a slight smile. "I'm not a noble. What makes you think that?"

The fisherman shrugged, still smiling. "Just the way you look—well-groomed and dignified. You seem different from most folks around here."

Itachi chuckled softly. "Even commoners can have a good appearance."

The fisherman laughed, clapping Itachi on the back. "Come on, let's get going."

As they continued their conversation, the fisherman struggled slightly with the weight of his catch. Noticing this, Itachi offered to help. He easily lifted the load with one hand, surprising the fisherman. "You're strong," the fisherman remarked, astonished. "You look thin and not very muscular, but wow."

Itachi nodded, carrying the weight effortlessly. They began to walk, and the fisherman, concerned, said, "If it gets too heavy, just let me know, and we can rest."

Itachi smiled, reassuring him. "It's okay. I can handle it."

Itachi said, "You didn't introduce yourself," the fisherman laughed, and he said, "Sorry, I am David Smith." Itachi smiled and said, "Nice to meet you." The fisherman said, "Yeah."

As they walked, the fisherman asked, "So, your name is Itachi, right?"

Itachi nodded. "Yes, that's right."

"You look quite young. How old are you?" the fisherman inquired.

"I'm 24," Itachi replied.

"I knew it," the fisherman said, nodding. "So, what do you do for work?"

Itachi quickly thought of a lie. "I like to wander around, exploring new places."

The fisherman laughed. "A wanderer at such a young age? You must have some stories. Do you know magic?"

The mention of magic piqued Itachi's curiosity. "Magic?"

The fisherman stopped in his tracks, looking at Itachi in disbelief. "You don't know about magic?"

"I've heard of it, but I'm not familiar," Itachi replied, thinking that the unfamiliar energy he sensed might be this 'magic.'

The fisherman chuckled. "You must have used strength magic to lift all these fish. Someone like you, it's impossible otherwise."

Itachi paused for a moment, then nodded, playing along. "I guess I might have been using it without realizing."

The fisherman beamed with pride, feeling validated in his knowledge. "Yeah, I thought so! Most nobles have a strong affinity for magic. That's why I'm convinced you're a noble."

Itachi shook his head with a gentle smile. "No, I'm not a noble."

The fisherman eyed Itachi skeptically but chose to respect his words. "You sure have the demeanor of a noble, but if you say so..."

He then asked, "So, Itachi, how long do you plan on staying here?"

Itachi thought for a moment before replying, "I don't have any money right now, so I plan to work here for a while, get to know the people, and save up some earnings. After that, I might leave."

The fisherman nodded. "I can help you find work."

Itachi smiled gratefully. "That would be a big help. Thank you."

The fisherman responded, "Just repaying the help you gave me." They emerged from the forest, revealing a large gate in the distance. Itachi looked at the gate and said, "So we are here," he commented. The fisherman agreed, "Yeah. Let's get inside."

As they approached the gate, they were met by six guards. One of the guards, named Alex, recognized the fisherman. "Oh, you're back," Alex greeted with a smile. He then noticed Itachi and scrutinized him closely. "Who's this?" he asked the fisherman.

"This is Itachi Uchiha," the fisherman, David, explained. "He's from a distant place and needs work, so he's helping me."

Itachi bowed respectfully. "Nice to meet you."

Alex approached Itachi, indicating that he needed to check him. Itachi nodded, understanding the necessity. He glanced at the fish and then called out to another guard, Mark, to help with the heavy load. "Mark, take this bag."

Mark struggled with the weight and complained, "It's heavy."

Alex teased, "Use those muscles of yours. Are they just for show to impress ladies ? Look at him," he said, gesturing to Itachi. "He's leaner than you and can lift it effortlessly."

Alex then checked Itachi for weapons, discovering a pouch containing kunai, shurikens, and some scrolls. "You can't carry weapons inside," Alex informed him.

"Okay," Itachi agreed. "Can I keep my pouch and scrolls?"

Alex inspected the contents and handed back the pouch and some scrolls, confiscating the weapons. "You can go now," he said, returning the bag to Itachi.

David, satisfied with the resolution, said, "I'll be on my way now."

Itachi nodded and thanked Alex and Mark before following David into the kingdom.

As they walked, David apologized, "I'm sorry about the trouble back there."

Itachi shook his head. "It's okay. I'll retrieve my belongings when I leave."

David smiled, and they continued walking. Itachi observed the surroundings, noting the peaceful atmosphere and the unique architecture, which was vastly different from Konoha. The buildings were distinct, and the people seemed to live in harmony.

David noticed Itachi's observations. "It's nice, isn't it?"

Itachi nodded. "Yes, it is. The king seems to be doing a good job."

David's expression darkened at that comment, and Itachi noticed the change. "Is something wrong?"

As they approached a house, they witnessed a troubling scene. A man, clearly distressed, was pleading with another, who appeared to be an official or a nobleman. The man begged for more time to pay off his debt, explaining that the collector had arrived earlier than expected. The official, smirking, dismissed the man's pleas. "It's my money; I can collect it whenever I want," he said arrogantly. He then called his guards and ordered them to teach the man a lesson for speaking out of turn.

The guards began beating the man as his wife looked on, begging them to stop. The official and his entourage left after the brutal display. Itachi watched the scene with a mixture of disbelief and concern. He turned to David, who looked troubled.

"So, this is what you all go through?" Itachi asked.

David nodded, a weary look on his face. "Yes, many of us struggle with debts. If I sell today's catch, I can pay off a portion of my debt."

Itachi grasped the gravity of the situation, noticing the widespread poverty and the struggles of the people. Many were poor, with children playing in the streets, a stark contrast to the kingdom's seemingly peaceful exterior. It became clear to him that the king might not be as benevolent as he initially thought.

David led Itachi to his home, a modest house. As they arrived, David knocked on the door, which was answered by a middle-aged woman with brown hair and green eyes. She smiled warmly at David, "Welcome back."

Upon seeing Itachi, her expression shifted to one of concern, perhaps mistaking him for a noble. "Who are you, sir?" she asked with a hint of worry.

David laughed, sensing her unease. "I told you he looks like a noble," he said, amused.

Itachi sighed, offering a reassuring smile. "Please, don't worry, ma'am. I'm not a noble. My name is Itachi Uchiha, and I'm just a wanderer."

The woman seemed relieved but still curious. She noticed the bag Itachi was carrying and invited them inside. "Please, come in."

David and Itachi entered the house, where a simple but welcoming atmosphere greeted them. As they settled in, the woman looked at Itachi with curiosity. "It's not every day we have a wanderer visit," she said kindly. "Please, make yourself comfortable."

David set down his catch and began explaining to his wife how Itachi had helped him. The woman listened attentively, grateful for the assistance her husband had received. "Thank you for helping David," she said, her tone warm and sincere.

Itachi smiled politely and said, "It's okay, ma'am."

The woman, introducing herself as Susan Smith, smiled warmly. "I'm Susan Smith. I've made some food, and just by chance, there's extra. Please, join us."

Itachi hesitated. "You don't have to—"

Susan interrupted, still smiling. "You've helped my husband; it's the least we can do to thank you."

Itachi nodded gratefully and joined them for the meal. As they ate, the atmosphere was warm and welcoming. After they finished eating, David brought up the topic of work. "You need work, right?"

Itachi nodded, and David continued, "Don't worry, I have a friend named Jacob who's a blacksmith. He needs some help, but no one wants to work with him because he's a bit... rude. Very rude, actually. But he pays well, and the work is hard but honest."

Itachi considered the offer and nodded. "I'll give it a try."

David smiled, relieved. "Okay, then. Tomorrow, after I sell the fish, we'll go see Jacob."

Susan brought out a mattress for Itachi, saying, "This is for you to sleep on."

Itachi smiled gratefully. "Thank you, ma'am."

As the night settled, Itachi lay down, grateful for the hospitality and hopeful for the days to come.

The night passed peacefully, and the next morning, Itachi woke to the smell of breakfast being prepared. He joined Susan and David at the table, where they shared a simple but hearty meal. Afterward, David gathered his catch from the previous day, preparing to sell it at the market.

When they reached the market, Itachi noticed numerous fish vendors selling their goods. He observed the prices, feeling a bit confused by the unfamiliar currency. Meanwhile, David was busy bargaining with a vendor. After a successful negotiation, David received three small gold coins, looking quite pleased.

"So, you sold them?" Itachi asked.

David nodded happily. "I got a great deal. This will help me repay the debt more easily."

Itachi smiled, genuinely glad for David. "That's great."

As they walked through the market, Itachi turned to David with a question. "Can you explain the currency here? I'm still not familiar with it."

David chuckled, realizing he had overlooked this earlier. "Of course. There are six types of coins: small copper, large copper, small silver, large silver, small gold, and large gold coins. The conversion rate is that one large copper coin is equal to 100 small copper coins."

Itachi did the math quickly in his head. "So, one small silver coin would be worth 10 large copper coins, and 10 large silver coins would equal one small gold coin. Is that right?"

David nodded, impressed. "You catch on quickly. You're smart, like a noble."

Itachi couldn't help but sweat drop at the comparison. "So, what now?"

"Now, we head to Jacob's shop," David said, and Itachi nodded in agreement.

As they walked, Itachi noticed many girls looking at him and whispering among themselves about how handsome he was and wondering if he was a noble. David chuckled, teasing, "Looks like you're quite the ladies' killer, Itachi."

Itachi sighed, brushing off the comments. "Ignore them."

They soon arrived at Jacob's blacksmith shop.

The shop was located on the outskirts of the market, a modest building with a forge visible from the entrance. As they approached, the sound of metal striking metal grew louder. David called out, "Jacob, it's David! I've brought someone who might be able to help you."

The door swung open, revealing a burly man with a stern expression. He had short, dark hair and a beard streaked with gray. His eyes narrowed as he looked at Itachi, assessing him silently.

"This is Itachi Uchiha," David introduced. "He's looking for work and is willing to learn. He's strong and reliable."

Jacob grunted, wiping his hands on a cloth. "Is that so?" He eyed Itachi up and down, then nodded curtly. "Come inside."

The shop was filled with the heat of the forge and the scent of metal. Weapons and tools of various kinds lined the walls, showcasing Jacob's craftsmanship. "I need someone who can handle the heat and the work," Jacob said gruffly. "It's not easy, and I don't have time for slackers."

Itachi met Jacob's gaze steadily. "I understand. I'm ready to work hard."

Jacob nodded approvingly. "Good. Let's see what you've got. Start by stoking the forge and getting it to the right temperature. Then we'll see if you can shape metal without making a mess."

Itachi rolled up his sleeves and got to work, quickly grasping the basics of the tasks Jacob assigned. Despite the intensity of the heat and the physical effort required, he remained focused and determined. Jacob watched closely, occasionally offering gruff instructions or corrections.

As the day progressed, Itachi proved himself capable and diligent. By evening, Jacob seemed impressed, though he didn't say it outright. "You did well for your first day," he said, his tone less harsh than before. "Come back tomorrow, and we'll see if you can keep it up."

Itachi nodded, grateful for the opportunity. "Thank you, Jacob."

David, who had stayed to watch, smiled. "Looks like you've found yourself a job."

Itachi smiled back, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Yes, it seems so."

As they left the shop, David clapped Itachi on the shoulder. "You're doing great. Jacob's a tough guy, but if he sees potential, he'll train you well."

Itachi nodded, reflecting on the day's events. He was slowly finding his place in this new world, and he felt a growing sense of purpose. As they walked back to David's home, Itachi couldn't help but feel grateful for the kindness and support he had received from these strangers.

After settling into his work at Jacob's shop, Itachi returned to David and Susan's home for the evening. As they gathered around the modest table for dinner, Itachi broached the topic of his future plans.

"I've been thinking," Itachi began, looking thoughtfully at Susan and David. "After some time, I will leave this place."

Susan looked concerned. "Do you have to? You've been a great help, and you're always welcome here."

Itachi smiled gently but shook his head. "I don't want to be a burden to you both, especially since you're still dealing with debt. I've realized that working one job might not be enough to earn what I need. I want to work hard, save some money, and eventually find my own place."

David and Susan exchanged glances, understanding Itachi's reasoning. Susan, with a soft smile, said, "You don't have to worry about being a burden. We enjoy your company, but we understand your need to find your own way."

Itachi nodded, grateful for their understanding. "Thank you. I'm not leaving right now, though. I'll stay until I find a second job and get more stable. You've both been very kind to me."

Susan smiled warmly. "We appreciate your help and your company, Itachi. Just promise to take care of yourself."

"I will," Itachi assured them. "And I'll do my best to make the most of my time here."

The next day, Itachi arrived at the blacksmith shop, ready for another day of work. Jacob greeted him with a gruff nod, immediately diving into an explanation of the tasks at hand.

"Today, we'll be working on some tools and weapons. I'll show you how it's done," Jacob said, demonstrating the process of heating, hammering, and shaping metal. Itachi, always attentive, activated his Sharingan discreetly to observe Jacob's movements in detail, ensuring he understood every nuance.

After the demonstration, Jacob handed the tools to Itachi. "Now, you try. Let's see if you can handle it."

Itachi took the tools and began working, carefully replicating Jacob's techniques. His Sharingan allowed him to recall the process with perfect clarity, and he moved with precision and confidence. As he worked, Jacob watched, initially with a critical eye, but soon his expression shifted to one of surprise and then admiration.

When Itachi finished, he presented the completed piece to Jacob. "How's this?" he asked.

Jacob examined the work closely, nodding in approval. "You're a quick learner, Itachi. This is impressive for a first try."

Encouraged, Jacob handed Itachi another task, this time more complex. "If you can complete this, I'll make sure you get paid extra. Quality work deserves quality pay."

Itachi smiled, grateful for the opportunity. "Thank you, Jacob. I'll do my best."

He set to work on the new project, again using his Sharingan to ensure accuracy and skill. Two hours later, Itachi completed the task, presenting the finished products to Jacob.

Jacob looked over the work, his expression shifting from curiosity to approval. "This is perfect," he said, clearly impressed. "You've got a real talent for this, Itachi. With skills like these, you could become a master blacksmith if you wanted."

Itachi felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. "I appreciate that, Jacob. I'm just glad I could help."

Jacob nodded, a rare smile crossing his face. "Keep this up, and you'll have more than enough to start your own life here. Good work, Itachi."

With Jacob's praise and the promise of extra pay, Itachi felt more hopeful about his future in this new world. He continued to work diligently, mastering the skills of a blacksmith while pondering his next steps.