She is Princess?.

Working at the blacksmith shop, Itachi focused intently on his tasks, the heat from the forge and the rhythmic clang of metal shaping into weapons and tools filling the air. His concentration was often interrupted by the murmurs and giggles of a group of young women who gathered outside, watching him work.

"Did you see the way his muscles flexed? Oh my, it's like watching a sculpture being chiseled!" one woman whispered to her friend, her eyes glued to Itachi's form."I know, right?" the other replied, fanning herself dramatically. "And that focus! It's almost hypnotic. I bet he's some kind of secret prince or something."A younger woman giggled. "Or maybe he's a blacksmith with a hidden talent for seduction," she teased. "I wouldn't mind being his anvil."The first womanelbowed her friend. "Hush, you! He's probably heard you." But her eyes were still fixed on Itachi, a dreamy look in them.

Just as the chatter became a bit too much, Jacob stormed outside, shouting at the women to leave. "Get the hell out of here! This isn't a place for gawking!" The girls, startled by his outburst, quickly scattered.

Returning inside, Jacob looked at Itachi with a mix of annoyance and grudging respect. "You work well, Itachi, but you've got to stop attracting a crowd. This is a workshop, not a show."

Itachi, wiping sweat from his brow, sighed and said, "I don't do it on purpose. They just come."

Jacob shook his head, still a bit grumpy. "Anyway, did you finish that piece?"

Itachi nodded and presented the finished sword. Jacob examined it closely, his expression softening into a nod of approval. "That's good work. Keep this up, and you'll make a name for yourself in this trade."

As Itachi cleaned himself up, Jacob continued, "I heard you're looking for another job."

Itachi nodded, explaining, "Yes, I don't want to burden the Smith family any longer than necessary. Plus, I need to earn more to support myself."

Jacob thought for a moment, then asked, "Do you know how to read?"

Itachi nodded. In truth, he had learned to read the local language by observing Jacob's books and documents, using his Sharingan to memorize and understand the letters and words.

"There's a library in town looking for someone to organize their shelves," Jacob offered. "It's not blacksmithing, but it could be a good opportunity for you to gain knowledge and earn some extra money."

Itachi considered the offer, seeing the potential for learning more about this world and its history. "That sounds perfect," he said. "Thank you, Jacob."

Jacob nodded, a rare smile appearing on his face. "Finish this last stack of work, and I'll take you to the library tomorrow."

Among the crowd of onlookers, there was one woman who stood out. She had striking purple hair, green eyes, and was dressed modestly in brown clothing that covered her from head to toe. Unlike the other women, she didn't giggle or make comments about Itachi. Instead, she observed quietly, her eyes occasionally narrowing in thought.

As Itachi and Jacob talked, she stepped into the shop and approached the counter. "I'd like to buy a sword," she said, her voice steady and calm.

Jacob, eager to make a sale, replied, "Of course, ma'am. These are all made by us and guaranteed to be sharp and durable."

As she examined the swords, Jacob suddenly remembered something and turned to Itachi. "By the way, you're working on a sword for the princess of the kingdom."

Itachi paused, considering the materials before him. "Does she have any specific requirements for the sword?"

The woman listened carefully, her expression unreadable. Jacob shrugged and said, "She didn't specify. Just make something good. She's just a woman; who knows if she can even swing a sword."

The woman clenched her jaw, clearly irritated by Jacob's dismissive comment. Itachi noticed her reaction and spoke up. "I think it's unwise to underestimate her. She might be well-trained, especially if she's from the nobility."

The woman continued to inspect the swords, pretending to focus on her task, but Itachi sensed her attention. Jacob, somewhat chastened, nodded. "You're right. Make it strong and robust, just in case. Is that clear?"

Itachi smiled and agreed, then asked, "What's the princess's name?"

As he spoke, the woman dropped a sword she was holding. Jacob scolded her, "Hey, don't drop that! You won't be allowed back in if you damage our merchandise."

She ignored his outburst and looked at Itachi, curiosity piqued. "You don't know who she is?"

Itachi shook his head. "I'm new here. I only know the king's name, Emperor Kaelan Valerian."

The woman seemed surprised but hid it well. "Oh, I see."

Jacob added, "Her name is Elara Kaelan Valerian. That's all I know."

The woman, now slightly more engaged, muttered, "People are so ignorant."

Itachi turned to her and asked, "Do you know more about her?"

Maintaining her act, she replied, "Not much more than what you've heard."

Itachi nodded, thinking aloud, "She'll be the next Empress after her father, right?"

The woman nodded, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Yes, though the Emperor's health has been a concern."

Itachi continued working, his tone contemplative. "Given the corruption I've noticed, perhaps she might be a better ruler."

The woman's eyes widened, her interest clearly piqued. "What do you mean?"

Itachi explained, "I've observed a lot of exploitation and bribery among the nobles. They take advantage of the commoners, all under the guise of authority."

She was taken aback. "How do you know this? You're new here."

Itachi paused, choosing his words carefully. "I'm not saying the Emperor endorses these actions. But the nobles under him... they seem unchecked. If you observe closely, you'll see it too."

The woman, now visibly thoughtful, nodded. "I will keep that in mind."

With that, she placed the sword back and left the shop, her expression a mix of contemplation and concern. As she walked away, Itachi couldn't help but feel there was more to her than met the eye.

Jacob and Itachi watched the woman leave, both puzzled by her identity. "Who was she?" Jacob asked, still eyeing the door.

Itachi shook his head, returning to his work. "I don't know," he replied, focusing back on the sword he was crafting.

Meanwhile, the woman walked through the streets, her thoughts racing. As she strolled, she came across a scene that disturbed her. A nobleman, obese and mustached with blond hair, was accosting a commoner. The man, desperate and pleading, tried to reason with the noble. "Sir, you can't do this! The payment isn't due until next month!"

The nobleman, Oberon Gifford, sneered down at the commoner. "It's my money, and I'll collect it whenever I want," he said with a wicked grin, casting a lecherous glance at the man's terrified wife. "Or perhaps your wife can come with me as collateral."

The commoner begged, "Please, sir, give us more time!"

At this moment, the woman with purple hair intervened. "So, you must be Sir Oberon Gifford, causing trouble here," she stated, her voice cutting through the commotion. Oberon turned to face her, irritated.

"And who might you be? You have no manners, speaking to a noble in such a way, you brat!" he spat.

The woman smirked, her eyes flashing with anger. "Perhaps it's time someone taught you some manners. My father has spared you enough; soon, that leniency will end."

Oberon laughed mockingly, "Your father? Spare me? What a joke!"

The woman's demeanor changed instantly. Her purple hair shimmered, transforming into a vibrant blond, and her eyes turned a fierce red. Gasps filled the air as the crowd recognized her true identity. "Princess Elara Kaelan Valerian!" someone exclaimed, and everyone, including Oberon, immediately bowed in reverence.

Oberon, now trembling, fell to his knees. "Forgive me, Princess! I didn't know it was you!"

Elara's gaze was cold. "So, my father is worthless, you say?" she questioned, her voice icy.

"N-no, Princess, I would never—"

"Enough," she interrupted, her tone brooking no argument. "You will cancel this debt immediately. Is that clear?"

Oberon stammered, "But I... I'll lose money!"

A bystander chimed in, "Your Highness, he has already collected more than the loan's worth, adding excessive interest."

Princess Elara nodded, turning her gaze back to Oberon. "If I hear of you doing anything like this again, you will face consequences. Am I understood?"

Oberon, drenched in sweat, nodded vigorously. "Yes, Princess, I understand!"

Elara used her magic to change her clothes into a luxurious pink dress that reached her shoulders and legs. She also adorned herself with some jewels on her neck and red earrings and held a pink umbrella. Suddenly, her guards appeared out of nowhere. "Let's go to the blacksmith's," she ordered, and they swiftly escorted her away. The crowd watched in awe and relief, grateful for the intervention.

As Itachi finished his work, he examined the sword and called out, "Jacob, take a look at this."

Jacob approached, scrutinizing the blade. "I think this is the best sword you've ever made," he said, a note of pride in his voice.

Itachi smiled, "Thank you. I hope the princess likes it."

As if on cue, a group of guards entered the shop, followed by a striking woman. She stood about 5'7", with long blonde hair shining like gold and piercing red eyes. Dressed in a regal pink gown, she exuded an air of authority. Itachi immediately recognized her as the princess, though he felt awkward under her intense gaze. He bowed his head and greeted her, "Welcome, Princess."

A guard, clearly displeased, snapped, "Show some respect to the Princess! Kneel!"

Itachi glanced at Jacob, who was already kneeling. Jacob quickly pulled him down, apologizing, "He's new here, Your Majesty. He didn't know."

The princess gestured for silence and instructed them to stand. As they rose, she looked Itachi over, noting his tall stature, "Did you complete the order?"

Itachi nodded, "Yes, Princess."

The guard, still irritated, corrected him, "It's 'Your Majesty' for you."

Itachi, maintaining his composure, replied, "But she is not Empress yet."

Jacob, alarmed, whispered urgently, "Do you want to die here, young man?"

The guard was about to intervene again when the princess raised her hand, "That's enough." She looked at Itachi, a faint smile playing on her lips. "I like your courage."

"It's not courage, it's just a fact," Itachi responded calmly.

The princess chuckled, amused by his response. "You are one of a kind," she said, eyeing him curiously. "Let me see the sword."

Itachi handed her the sword, and she began to swing it gracefully, her movements fluid and precise. Impressed, Itachi whispered to Jacob, "I told you not to underestimate her."

Jacob nodded, swallowing nervously. The princess caught the comment and smirked, "It's good enough. Thank you." She handed over three large gold coins as payment. "From now on, you will forge my swords. Is that clear?"

Jacob quickly agreed, "Yes, Your Majesty, we will."

As she left, the princess instructed her guards to bring her carriage. Once inside and on her way back to the palace, she reflected on her encounter. She noted that Itachi had no lustful thoughts towards her, which intrigued her. "He is a good man, though he seems to harbor some darkness within him," she mused. "But now is not the time to dwell on that. I must focus on my goals. To become an Empress, I need to make many changes. First, I need a trusted advisor."

After the princess and her entourage departed, Jacob turned to Itachi, visibly shaken. "Hey young man, do you want to die? They're nobles; they can kill you for speaking out of turn."

Itachi responded calmly, "I don't worry about that. Even if something like that happens, I'm free from my life."

Jacob, taken aback by Itachi's indifferent attitude toward death, fell silent for a moment. He then said, "Tomorrow, I'll talk to someone about this. They might accept you, but they'll want to ask you some questions, okay?"

Itachi nodded, "Okay."

Jacob managed a small smile, "Alright, you can go now. It's late."

As Itachi left the shop, Jacob watched him go, pondering the mysterious past that seemed to weigh heavily on the young man. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Itachi than met the eye, and he wondered what kind of life had led him to such a nonchalant view of his own mortality.

The next day, Jacob took Itachi to the library, a luxurious building that seemed to exude nobility. Itachi, noticing its grandeur, remarked, "It looks like it's run by a noble."

Jacob confirmed, "It is. The head librarian is Patrick Godwin, a noble who loves books. He's not the type to discriminate against commoners, so you should be fine."

Itachi nodded, slightly reassured. They entered the library, where rows of shelves were filled with books of various sizes and colors. At the far end, an elderly man in a luxurious blue suit, glasses perched on his nose, and well-combed white hair sat behind a desk. His discerning gaze made Itachi feel like he was being judged.

Bowing slightly, Itachi introduced himself, "I am Itachi Uchiha."

Jacob followed with a respectful, "Hello, sir. This is the young man I recommended."

Patrick Godwin scrutinized Itachi for a moment before turning to Jacob. "You've done your part, Jacob. Now, please leave."

Itachi, surprised by the abrupt dismissal, started to protest, "What—"

But Jacob gently interrupted, "It's okay," and with a bow, he left the room.

Patrick Godwin focused his attention on Itachi, "Do you know how to read?"

Itachi nodded, maintaining a steady gaze. The librarian pointed to a shelf, "See those history books over there? Arrange them in alphabetical order."

Itachi glanced at the shelf, assessing the task. "Is that all?" he asked.

"For now," Patrick replied, adding a warning, "If any book is missing, out of place, or damaged, there will be consequences."

Itachi nodded and began working, using his Sharingan to quickly organize the books. Within an hour, he had arranged the entire shelf perfectly, demonstrating not just efficiency but also a meticulous attention to detail.

After Itachi returned to the librarian, Patrick commented, "What happened? Are you tired already?"

Itachi shook his head and replied, "I've completed the task."

The librarian, noticing Itachi's stoic demeanor, suggested, "You still have time. Check it again."

Itachi interrupted, "I've checked it twice, sir. Please, you check it first."

Patrick stood up, examining the shelf, and asked, "Did you make the order book list?"

Itachi handed him a list, which Patrick reviewed with an impressed expression. "Nice job. Now you can work here."

Bowing slightly, Itachi thanked him, "Thank you, sir."

Patrick continued, "And also, apologize to Jacob."

Understanding the test of his patience, Itachi smiled and agreed, "Okay, sir."

Itachi then asked, "Mr. Godwin, may I read books to learn about the history of this land?"

Godwin, smiling, allowed it. "You may, but only after your work. As for your pay, I'll give you one small gold coin every week."

Itachi's eyes widened in surprise. "That much?"

Godwin added, "There's a room in the library where you can stay for the security of the books. Is that clear?"

Itachi hesitated, "But sir, I also want to continue working at Jacob's blacksmith shop. The princess gave us a contract to make her sword."

Raising an eyebrow, Godwin thought for a moment, then smiled, "The princess has a good eye. Fine, but only when she places an order."

Itachi nodded in appreciation, "Thank you, sir."

Godwin asked, "Do you have everything you need?"

"That's all I have," Itachi replied.

Godwin looked at him thoughtfully, "You do eat, don't you?"

Itachi explained, "Yes, but with inflation, food is expensive. People aren't supporting the farmers and commoners."

Impressed by Itachi's awareness, Godwin smiled and offered, "I'll provide you with meals. Save your earnings for yourself."

Itachi, touched by the generosity, bowed and said, "You're very kind, just as Jacob said."

Godwin then added, "In your room, there's a uniform you need to wear while working."

Itachi went to his assigned room, changed into his new uniform, and emerged in a black suit with matching pants, a white shirt, and a tie. Godwin looked at him, nodded approvingly, and said, "It suits you."

Godwin then motioned for Itachi to follow him, leading him to a table. "This is your workspace," he explained. "Here, you'll find a list of all the book titles and the members who have borrowed them. There's also a list of overdue books. It's essential to know the location of every book, especially those in the history section, which you've already organized."

He handed Itachi a piece of paper. "This list contains the names and locations of books and which shelf they're on. You need to be familiar with this information."

Godwin continued, "Some patrons may be rude, but you must remain patient and speak to them respectfully, as they are all nobles. One of our regulars is the princess herself."

Itachi nodded, taking the advice seriously. "I'll keep that in mind."

Godwin smiled, "Good. Now, get to work."

Itachi smiled back and said, "Okay." He then set to work, familiarizing himself with the catalog and preparing to assist any patrons who came in.

As the day progressed, several customers began to trickle into the library. Many of them were female nobles, elegantly dressed, and couldn't help but notice Itachi as they browsed the shelves or approached the desk. His composed demeanor, striking appearance, and the aura of mystery around him drew their attention.

A group of young noblewomen whispered among themselves, occasionally casting glances toward Itachi. One of them, named Stephanie, with a playful smile, approached the desk where he was working. "Excuse me," she said, her voice light and curious, "could you help me find a book on the history of our kingdom?"

Itachi looked up from his work, meeting her gaze with his usual calm expression. "Of course," he replied, standing up. "Which period are you interested in?"

Stephanie seemed slightly taken aback by his straightforward question, perhaps expecting more conversation or a different response. "Uh, the early founding period, I suppose," she said, trying to regain her composure.

Itachi nodded and led her to the appropriate section, explaining the layout of the books. As he handed her a volume, she continued to glance at him, her curiosity piqued. "You must be new here," she ventured. "I haven't seen you before."

"Yes," Itachi confirmed, "I started working here recently."

Stephanie smiled, seemingly pleased with his answer. "Well, you're certainly a refreshing presence here," she remarked before taking the book and returning to her group, who giggled softly as she shared her interaction with them. Itachi returned to his work, unfazed by the attention, maintaining his stoic demeanor.

Godwin observed Itachi from afar, noting his interaction with Stephanie Chamberlain, who held the second-largest nobility status after the Valerians. He smiled, impressed by how Itachi handled the situation with calm professionalism. After the workday ended, Stephanie approached Itachi again to return the book.

"That was lovely, thank you," Stephanie said, smiling. Itachi nodded, responding with a simple, "It's my job."

Stephanie, still intrigued, asked, "Can you tell me your name?"

"Itachi Uchiha," he replied.

Stephanie extended her hand for a handshake. "I'm Stephanie Chamberlain, the second largest nobility in status."

Itachi nodded, "That's great."

Stephanie, slightly taken aback by his neutral response, said, "So, I'll come again." She waved goodbye as she left, and Itachi nodded in acknowledgment.

As she got into her carriage, Stephanie began to blush, thinking, "Ah, he looks so handsome. I know he's a noble, but I've never heard of a noble with the name Uchiha here. I have to talk to my father about this. Itachi, you are mine now."

Later, Itachi had some bread and began reading a book about the history of the land, starting to understand the intricacies and power dynamics of the nobility. The history revealed a society structured with strict class divisions, where noble families held significant power and influence over the kingdom's affairs. The Valerian family, ruling for generations, maintained a delicate balance with other noble families like the Chamberlains, who were influential in their own right.

As Itachi continued reading, he came across a detailed account of the Solarian Empire's relationships with its neighboring kingdoms, as well as the intricate political landscape shaped by the four great noble houses.

The Solarian Empire, renowned for its grandeur and stability, is a central power in Eldoria, surrounded by the Frostfell, Golden Sun, Sylvan, and Pearl Kingdoms. Under the enlightened reign of Emperor Kaelan Valerian, the Empire has flourished, becoming a symbol of unity and prosperity.

Despite this era of peace, the Empire's history is not without its challenges. The Solarian Empire has maintained a complex network of alliances and treaties with its neighboring kingdoms, particularly the Frostfell, Golden Sun, and Sylvan Kingdoms. These alliances, forged through diplomatic efforts and strategic marriages, have ensured a relative balance of power and a long-standing peace. However, the Pearl Kingdom has been a persistent thorn in the Empire's side, frequently breaking treaties and engaging in border skirmishes.

The four noble houses that form the backbone of the Solarian Empire's aristocracy have played crucial roles in maintaining the stability of the realm:

The Valerian family, led by the wise and resolute Emperor Kaelan Valerian, reigns over the Empire with a steadfast hand. Renowned for their leadership and intellect, the Valerians have guided the realm through countless challenges. Empress Anya Valerian, the Emperor's consort, is equally revered for her compassion and strategic mind. Their daughter, Princess Elara Kaelan Valerian, possesses a strong will and exceptional diplomatic skills, making her a rising star in the imperial court. The Valerian family is blessed with the innate ability to manipulate water, a power they wield with grace and precision. Some members also exhibit telepathic abilities, allowing for deep connections and understanding.

Duke Cedric Chamberlain heads the Chamberlain family, a lineage synonymous with wealth and influence. Their deep involvement in commerce and trade has solidified their position as a cornerstone of the Empire's economy. Duchess Eleanor Chamberlain, the Duke's consort, is known for her keen business acumen and philanthropic endeavors. Their daughter, Stephanie Chamberlain, is a young woman of insatiable curiosity, eager to explore the world beyond the opulent confines of her family. The Chamberlains possess a natural affinity for fire magic, a power that manifests in various forms, from fiery attacks to healing flames.

Led by the formidable Duchess Vivienne Beaumont, the Beaumont family is the bulwark defending the Empire's borders. Generations of unwavering loyalty and military prowess have solidified their reputation as the realm's most trusted protectors. Duke Gareth Beaumont, the Duchess' consort, is a retired general whose wisdom continues to guide the family. Their sons, Sir Alistair Beaumont and Captain Lucien Beaumont, exemplify the family's valor. Sir Alistair, a tactical genius celebrated across the land, is married to Lady Anya Beaumont, a skilled healer and strategist. Captain Lucien, a rising star in the Imperial Navy, remains unmarried. The Beaumont family's ancestral magic manifests in the form of aura swords, ethereal blades imbued with potent energy that can cut through almost anything.

The Gifford family, a mercantile powerhouse, has amassed immense wealth through shrewd business practices and a vast network of trade routes. Lord Oberon Gifford, the patriarch, is a visionary leader, while Lady Isolde Gifford, his consort, is renowned for her diplomatic skills and charitable work. Their sons, Edmund and Jasper, are key contributors to the family's success. While not directly involved in the day-to-day operations, their strategic minds and connections bring significant value to the family enterprise. The Giffords exhibit a unique affinity for detection magic, allowing them to perceive hidden truths and uncover secrets.

The peace treaties with the Frostfell, Golden Sun, and Sylvan Kingdoms have been key to the Empire's stability. These treaties are bolstered by shared economic interests and cultural exchanges, fostering a sense of unity among the allied kingdoms. However, the Pearl Kingdom's recurrent breaches of these agreements have led to ongoing conflicts. The Pearl Kingdom, under the rule of King Vesper, often seeks to expand its territory and influence, viewing the Solarian Empire as both a rival and a threat.

Emperor Kaelan Valerian and the heads of the noble families continually strive to maintain peace and order within the Empire and with their neighbors. They engage in delicate diplomacy to prevent the Pearl Kingdom's aggression from escalating into full-scale war, balancing the needs of their people with the necessity of defending their borders.

As Itachi Uchiha delves deeper into this world, he finds himself navigating the intricate web of political alliances, noble intrigues, and the ever-present threat of conflict. The knowledge he gains about the Empire's history and its complex relationships with neighboring kingdoms becomes crucial in understanding his place within this new world and the potential roles he could play in its future.