Sad News..!

As Itachi Uchiha delves deeper into this world, he finds himself navigating the intricate web of political alliances, noble intrigues, and the ever-present threat of conflict. The knowledge he gains about the Empire's history and its complex relationships with neighboring kingdoms becomes crucial in understanding his place within this new world and the potential roles he could play in its future.

Itachi awoke with a start, jolted by a lingering nightmare. He found himself slumped over the desk, where he had fallen asleep after reading late into the night. As he rubbed his temples, he muttered, "Just a nightmare," before heading to his room to freshen up. After a quick wash and donning his uniform, he returned to the library's main area, drawn to a particular shelf. He selected a book on magical spells and began reading, intrigued by the arcane knowledge.

A while later, Patrick Godwin entered the library, noticing Itachi engrossed in the book. Itachi quickly stood up and bowed, greeting him with a polite, "Good morning, sir."

Godwin smiled warmly, acknowledging the greeting. "Good morning, Itachi. What are you reading at this hour?" he asked, glancing at the book Itachi held.

"It's about magic spells," Itachi replied, his tone neutral.

Godwin raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Weren't you reading the history of the kingdom just yesterday? That book is quite extensive, over 600 pages."

Itachi nodded calmly. "Yes, I finished it."

Godwin's expression shifted from surprise to disbelief. "You've read it all? In such a short time?"

Itachi nodded again, his demeanor unchanged. Godwin, intrigued, proposed a test. "Let's see how much you've learned. Shall we?"

Itachi smiled slightly, accepting the challenge. "As you wish, sir."

Godwin began to question Itachi on various historical events, key figures, and significant treaties that shaped the Solarian Empire and its relations with neighboring kingdoms.

Godwin questions him, "Let's start with the early days of the Solarian Empire. Who was the first ruler to unite the various tribes under one banner, and what was the significance of this unification?"

Itachi responded "The first ruler was Emperor Kaelan Valerian. His unification of the tribes was significant because it marked the beginning of the Solarian Empire, bringing an era of peace and stability to a region that had been plagued by constant tribal conflicts. This unification also paved the way for the establishment of a central government and a unified legal system."

Godwin nodded, impressed with the thorough answer. "Indeed. Now, what was the primary reason for the peace treaty with the Frostfell Kingdom, and how did it affect the relationship between the two nations?"

Itachi responded without hesitation, "The primary reason for the peace treaty with the Frostfell Kingdom was to end the border skirmishes and establish a mutual defense pact against external threats, particularly from the Pearl Kingdom. The treaty strengthened the alliance between the Solarian Empire and Frostfell, fostering trade and cultural exchange, and ensuring a more stable northern border."

Godwin continued, "What about the treaty with the Golden Sun Kingdom? How did the economic policies of this treaty benefit both kingdoms?"

Itachi answered, "The treaty with the Golden Sun Kingdom focused on trade, particularly in precious metals and agricultural products. The Golden Sun Kingdom, known for its vast mineral resources, provided the Solarian Empire with much-needed metals for currency and weaponry, while the Solarian Empire exported its agricultural surplus to the Golden Sun Kingdom. This economic exchange boosted the economies of both kingdoms and reduced the likelihood of conflict over resources."

Godwin, now clearly impressed, asked about the more contentious relationship with the Pearl Kingdom. "Why has the Pearl Kingdom been a consistent source of conflict despite numerous peace efforts?"

Itachi explained, "The Pearl Kingdom has always been expansionist, seeking to control the rich trade routes and territories along its borders. Despite numerous peace treaties, the Pearl Kingdom repeatedly violated these agreements, leading to periodic conflicts. These breaches were often motivated by internal political struggles within the Pearl Kingdom, as various factions sought to gain favor by expanding the kingdom's influence and resources."

Godwin nodded thoughtfully. "And what role do the four noble families—Valerian, Chamberlain, Beaumont, and Gifford—play in the governance and stability of the Solarian Empire?"

Itachi replied, "The four noble families are crucial to the empire's governance and stability. The Valerian family, as the ruling dynasty, provides the emperor and key military and political leaders. The Chamberlain family, known for their wealth and influence, plays a significant role in the empire's economic policies and trade. The Beaumont family is renowned for their military prowess and oversees the empire's defenses. The Gifford family, with their expertise in administration and law, ensures the smooth functioning of the government and the legal system."

Godwin leaned back, clearly impressed. "Your understanding of our history is exceptional, Itachi. You've demonstrated not only knowledge but also an insightful grasp of the complexities involved."

Itachi's expression remained calm and composed, but there was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Thank you, sir. Understanding the past helps in navigating the present and the future."

Godwin nodded in agreement, satisfied with the test. "Indeed, it does. You have more than proven yourself, Itachi. Continue your studies and your work here. I believe you have much to contribute."

Itachi's smile was faint, almost wistful. "History has always fascinated me," he said simply, leaving Godwin to ponder the enigmatic nature of his new assistant.

As the day continued and more patrons entered the library, Stephanie Chamberlain, dressed in an elegant gown of red and blue, approached Itachi with a warm smile.

"Hello, Itachi," she greeted him.

"Hello, Miss Chamberlain," Itachi responded with a polite nod.

Stephanie glanced around and noticed the magic book on Itachi's table. An idea sparked in her mind. "Could you help me find a book on magic spells?" she asked.

Itachi nodded and led her to the magic section. However, there were no fire magic spell books available. He returned to his table and handed her the book he had been reading. "You can take this one," he offered.

"But you were reading it, right?" Stephanie asked, looking slightly disappointed.

She said with a little blush, "How about we read together?"

"I've already read it," Itachi assured her. "You can have it."

Stephanie hesitated, "Are you sure?"

Itachi nodded again. As she took the book, she muttered to herself, "I wore this beautiful dress just for you, and you're not even looking."

Stephanie rejoined her group of noblewomen, visibly frustrated. Meanwhile, Itachi sighed and returned to his duties, checking records and ensuring everything was in order.

Later, Princess Elara entered the library with a book in hand. All bowed to her, showing respect as she smiled at everyone and nodded. She approached Godwin with a warm greeting.

"Hello, Mr. Godwin. I know I'm late returning this book," she said apologetically.

Godwin smiled kindly, "No worries, Princess. You can return it at the counter."

Elara walked to the counter and noticed Itachi. "You're the one who works with the blacksmith, am I right?" she asked, recognizing him.

Itachi stood and bowed, "Yes, Princess."

She smiled, clearly pleased, "So, you work here now. That's great."

Itachi returned her smile, "Yes, I do."

Stephanie, watching from the corner, noticed Itachi smiling at Elara and felt a pang of jealousy. She muttered under her breath, "Why is he smiling at that witch?" Unbeknownst to her, Elara, with her telepathic abilities, overheard her thoughts.

Itachi, noticing Elara's thoughtful expression, asked, "Is something wrong?"

Elara quickly dismissed his concern, "No, nothing."

She then continued, "So, now that you're working here, what about the sword I was going to commission?"

Itachi reassured her, "No need to worry, Princess. I have permission from Mr. Godwin. If you give the order, I will make the sword for you."

"Thank you," Elara said, relieved. "By the way, you never introduced yourself. What's your name?"

"Itachi Uchiha," he introduced himself with a bow.

Curious, Elara asked, "Are you a noble? Your demeanor and bearing are quite refined."

Itachi sighed and said, "Why does everyone ask me that question?"

 Stephanie interjected, "That's because he's very handsome, Sir Uchiha."

Elara turned to Stephanie, acknowledging her with a polite smile, "Ah, the Chamberlains are here. How are you, Miss Chamberlain?"

Stephanie maintained her composure as she bowed slightly and said, "Hello, Miss Valerian, princess of the Solarian Kingdom. I'm well, thank you." However, her thoughts betrayed her as she wondered, "Is this witch trying to take my dog away?" Elara, with her telepathic ability, caught Stephanie's jealousy.

Elara sensed the tension but remained silent. She thought to herself, "I should compose myself. This isn't the first time people have said this to me." She then smiled at Itachi and said, "I'm returning this book." She handed the book to Itachi, who updated the records.

"If you'd like, you can explore and find another book," Itachi suggested.

"Thank you, I will," Elara replied, her gaze lingering on Itachi. As she moved away, Stephanie watched closely, still troubled by the interaction. 

Stephanie's curiosity about Itachi's background grew, and she couldn't resist probing further. "Mr. Uchiha, I wanted to ask about your family. I've never heard of a noble family named Uchiha."

Itachi's expression tightened slightly, and he glanced at Elara, who, with her telepathic abilities, had been catching snippets of thoughts from the surrounding patrons. Among the mundane thoughts about the princess's beauty and admiration for her golden hair, one thought stood out to her: "She wants to know about the Uchiha. What lie can I come up with? What I've done is unforgivable."

Elara's attention sharpened as she sensed the distress in Itachi's thoughts. She noticed Stephanie's persistent questioning was making Itachi uncomfortable.

Itachi took a deep breath and replied, "I'm sorry, Miss Chamberlain, but I can't share much about my past. However, I can tell you one thing: I am not of noble birth."

Stephanie's eyes widened in surprise. "You're not a noble?" she repeated, almost in disbelief. In her thoughts, she considered, "Now it will be easier for me to tame him."

Sensing the growing tension and Itachi's discomfort, Elara interjected smoothly. "Mr. Uchiha, could you help me find a book on the history of the Pearl Kingdom?"

Itachi turned to Elara, grateful for the distraction. "Yes, Princess. Excuse me," he said to Stephanie, who reluctantly nodded and stepped aside. As he led Elara to the history section, he felt a wave of relief wash over him.

Meanwhile, Stephanie seethed internally, watching them walk away. Her thoughts were filled with frustration and jealousy. "Once again, she's in my way. This witch, and that dog is getting closer to her. I feel like using my fire magic to end her, but it would cost me dearly."

Elara, sensing the dark turn in Stephanie's thoughts, glanced back at her with a calm expression, masking her concern. She knew Stephanie's ambitions and jealousy could lead to trouble, and she felt a growing sense of responsibility to protect Itachi from the potential dangers of court intrigue and jealousy.

As they reached the history section, Elara turned to Itachi, her voice softening. "Thank you for the help, Mr. Uchiha. I hope this interruption was timely."

Itachi nodded, his expression still guarded. "It was, Princess. Thank you."

Elara smiled gently, sensing his gratitude. "If you ever need someone to talk to, know that I'm here. The court can be a challenging place, especially for those who are new."

Itachi nodded again, appreciating her kindness but still wary of revealing too much. "I'll keep that in mind, Princess."

Elara hesitated, sensing Itachi's discomfort about discussing his past. She decided against pressing him further and said, "I'll take this book, Mr. Uchiha."

Itachi smiled and replied, "Of course, Princess." He followed her to the counter, where he processed the book issue, marking it for two weeks. Elara thanked him and departed, leaving Itachi relieved. He thought, "That was a hectic day. The Princess saved me from Miss Chamberlain. I can sense that Stephanie has something planned, and it makes me uneasy."

Godwin approached Itachi, noticing his thoughtful expression. "Is something on your mind?" he asked.

Itachi looked at him and confided, "Talking with Miss Chamberlain makes me uncomfortable. I can't help but feel she has something scheming. I also sense some hostility towards the Princess."

Godwin sighed and began, "You read the history, right?"

Itachi nodded.

"What I'm about to tell you isn't in any books," Godwin continued. "Did you know that this kingdom was once part of all the neighboring kingdoms?"

Itachi's eyes widened in surprise. "What?"

Godwin nodded. "Yes, and this area had the most noble families. The four great noble families—Valerian, Beaumont, Chamberlain, and Gifford—decided to form their own kingdom. After several wars with Golden Sun, Frostfell, Sylvan, and Pearl, they succeeded after five years of conflict."

"They won?" Itachi asked, astonished.

"Yes," Godwin confirmed. "The Valerian and Beaumont families led the front lines and shared a strong bond and mutual respect. The Chamberlain family provided support from the rear. After their victory, the four families decided to elect a king for the new empire."

Itachi thought aloud, "So, the leaders of the four families were candidates, and many people chose the Valerian family. I suppose the Beaumont family accepted this, but the Chamberlain and Gifford families were against it. Even though the Valerians were elected, there might still be lingering resentment from the Chamberlain and Gifford families."

Godwin, impressed by Itachi's understanding, smiled. "Yes, that's right. It's a complicated history, and the dynamics between these families are delicate. Be cautious, Itachi; these old rivalries can be dangerous."

Itachi nodded thoughtfully, absorbing Godwin's words. After a moment, he spoke, his tone reflecting the depth of his experiences. "In life, the lines between allies and enemies are often blurred. Power and influence can shift the balance of loyalty and resentment. It's a delicate dance, where one must be cautious and wise. True strength isn't just about physical prowess or wealth; it's about understanding the hearts and minds of others and navigating the complexities of human nature."

He continued, "Holding onto grudges or seeking revenge can be like carrying a burden that weighs down the soul. It's important to seek a path that brings peace, not only to oneself but also to others. Even in the face of adversity or hostility, there's value in striving for understanding and reconciliation." Saying this, he thought about what Sasuke had been through.

Godwin listened intently, recognizing the wisdom in Itachi's words. Though Itachi didn't reveal the specifics of his past, his words hinted at deep, personal experiences that had shaped his outlook on life. It was clear that Itachi carried a burden of knowledge and wisdom, possibly forged through hardship and reflection.

"You speak with the weight of someone who has seen much," Godwin remarked gently. "It's a perspective that not everyone possesses, especially not at such a young age."

Itachi smiled faintly, his eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and sorrow. "Experiences shape us in ways we sometimes don't expect. They can either harden our hearts or open them to compassion and understanding. I've chosen the latter path, hoping it will lead to a better future for those I encounter."

Godwin looked at Itachi and thought," that he looked like he was 23 or 24 years old." Godwin wondered what Itachi had been through at such a young age. He suggested that," Itachi take a rest, as he had work the next day." Itachi nodded, stood up, and went to his room.

Itachi and Godwin joined the queue to pay their respects to the late king. A separate line was designated for nobles, and Godwin looked at Itachi with reassurance. "I think you'll be okay," he said, encouraging Itachi to join the line for commoners.

After a long wait, they finally approached the area where the king's body lay in a luxurious coffin. The king appeared to be in his sixties, resting peacefully in his final attire. Itachi observed the surroundings and noticed Princess Elara standing nearby, dressed in black, mourning her loss. Beside her stood another woman, likely Elara's mother, with tears in her eyes. The nobles, including members of the Beaumont, Chamberlain, and Gifford families, were present as well.

Godwin leaned towards Itachi and whispered, "You have to kneel as a sign of respect."

Itachi nodded and knelt before the king. As he did, Elara noticed him and acknowledged his gesture with a nod. Itachi offered her a sympathetic smile, understanding the pain of losing someone close. Elara, who had the ability to read minds, caught a glimpse of his thoughts, which widened her eyes in surprise. The woman beside her, presumably Elara's mother, noticed the interaction and glanced at Itachi, but remained silent.

Itachi and Godwin stepped out of the grand hall, the weight of the king's passing still heavy in the air. As they walked, Godwin's gaze drifted over the bustling city. "With the king gone, there's bound to be a storm brewing," he murmured, his voice tinged with worry.Itachi nodded slowly. "The princess, of course, is the heir."Godwin sighed. "She's young, Itachi. Very young. To rule over such a vast kingdom, with those noble families always scheming..." His voice trailed off, a bitter taste coloring his words.Itachi studied Godwin's face for a moment before responding. "Young, perhaps, but she carries the weight of her lineage. And the law is clear."A small smile curved Godwin's lips. "You're right, as always. She's our best hope."They fell into a comfortable silence as they made their way back to the library. Godwin then said, "So, take a rest now. We will close the store for now." Itachi nodded and went to sleep. The next day, normal Itachi stood up, cleaned up, and wore his uniform. After some time, Godwin reached the familiar wooden door. Itachi looked at Godwin and said, "Good morning, sir." Godwin replied, "Good morning," and started moving forward but then stopped and turned to Itachi. "Today's your day off, and this is your salary." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small gold coin. "Get yourself something nice. Clothes, perhaps?"Itachi looked down at the coin, then back at Godwin. A flicker of surprise crossed his face. "Clothes?" he echoed, a hint of amusement in his voice.Godwin nodded firmly. "You need to look presentable. You never know when you might need to step out of these shadows."Itachi gave a reluctant smile. "Very well," he agreed.

Itachi left and headed to the clothing shop, but he thought he should meet someone first. He decided to visit David and Susan. When he arrived, he knocked on the door. A moment later, a young man opened it. Itachi was surprised to see a new face.

The young man, looking respectful, said, "I don't recognize you, sir."

Itachi smiled and replied, "I'm here to meet Mr. Jones."

The young man's eyes widened. "My dad?"

Itachi looked at him and said, "So you are his son, I presume?"

He nodded. Just then, a woman's voice came from inside, "Who is there?" When she saw Itachi, she smiled happily. It was Susan. "Oh, Itachi, it's you! Please, come inside."

The young man stepped aside and said, "So, you are Itachi?"

Itachi nodded. The young man continued, "Please come inside."

As they entered, Itachi saw David, a young woman, and a small girl sitting at the dining table. He smiled and greeted, "Hello, Mr. Jones."

David smiled happily, stood up, and slapped Itachi's back. "How are you? It's been a long time."

The woman at the dining table smiled, and the little girl asked, "Who is this, Grandpa?"

David replied warmly, "He is Itachi Uchiha. He has helped me a lot."

The young man, who was his son, bowed to Itachi and said, "Thank you for helping my father."

Itachi smiled and said, "Your father has also helped me, so it's equal. No need to bow." He added, "So, what is your name?"

The young man smiled and said, "I am Morey Jones," and pointed to his wife. "She is my wife, Megan Jones."

Megan stood and bowed. "It's nice to meet you."

Itachi smiled and said, "Same here." He looked at the little girl and asked, "And who is this?"

Morey replied, "She is my daughter, Amy."

Itachi greeted her, "Hello, Amy."

Amy smiled and said, "Hello, sir."

Itachi smiled and said, "She is very cute."

Amy blushed and said, "Thank you, sir."

David then asked, "So, what brings you here?"

Itachi replied, "It's my day off because the king died. I thought it's been a long time, so I should visit you."

David smiled and said, "That's great! Sit here, and we will talk."

They all sat down. Morey spoke up, "Sir, I think we should leave this kingdom."

David sighed, "Not this again."

Itachi asked, "Why is that?"

Morey explained, "Now that the king is dead, his daughter will become the Empress due to heredity. I think she will ruin the kingdom. Noblewomen usually have big egos."

Itachi, understanding his perspective, nodded. "You are correct; most are like that."

Morey continued, "See, I told you."

Itachi then said, "But not the princess."

Morey asked, "How do you know?"

Itachi explained, "You might not know, but I work at the library."

Megan's eyes widened. "Godwin's Library?"

Itachi nodded. "Sometimes, many noblewomen come, and I saw the princess there. I had some conversations with her, and I'm sure she is not like other noblewomen."

Morey nodded and said, "You might be right. She is not the typical noblewoman, but she is still young and has no idea how to rule this kingdom."

Itachi replied, "The ruler Kaelan Valerian was also inexperienced, but still, he did great work, right?"

Morey was silent for a moment. "After I visited the library, I understood that he was a peacemaker who wanted peace everywhere. But because of his health issues, his family members began to exploit it."

Itachi smiled and said, "I think you should put some faith in the princess. She will be a great asset to the future of the kingdom."

After Itachi's visit with Jacob, he joined a group where Susan, Megan, David, and Morey were chatting. The conversation had taken a playful turn, and Susan, with a teasing smile, broke the silence.

"Leave that aside," Susan said, her tone light. "So, Itachi, what's going on? Any girlfriends? I've heard women flocking around Jacob's blacksmith shop. Apparently, you're becoming quite the sensation."

Jacob had always been a bit irritated by the attention, and it seemed even now people were asking if the handsome man was still around. Itachi sighed, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.

"I don't seek attention," Itachi said. "But…"

Megan looked at him thoughtfully. "I can see why women are interested. You do look younger than you are."

Itachi said, "I am around 24." Megan looked at him and said, "I am 34."

Morey, surprised, interjected, "Megan, what are you saying?"

"I'm just making an observation," Megan replied. "He is younger than me, like a little brother."

Itachi, feeling a bit awkward, responded with a slight sweatdrop, "Thank you, ma'am."

Megan smiled warmly. "You're welcome."

Morey eyed Itachi critically. "You're not the type who seeks attention?"

David, noticing the tension, chuckled and said, "Alright, cut it out already. So, what are your plans now, Itachi?"

"I want to buy some clothes," Itachi said. "I don't have anything other than my Akatsuki outfit."

Megan's curiosity was piqued. "Akatsuki clothes? What's that?"

"It's a type of clothing from where I come from," Itachi said, coming up with a plausible explanation.

David nodded, seemingly satisfied. "Yeah, those clothes do sound unusual. You came at the right time. My son and his wife recently opened a new clothing shop here. They could use some customers. What do you say?"

Morey added, "I'd be happy to help you."

Megan's eyes lit up with excitement. "I'd like to help too!"

Itachi smiled, feeling relieved. "Okay, then. Thank you."

With that, they headed to the new clothing shop, ready to find some suitable attire for Itachi.

Morey, his wife Megan, and their daughter Amy accompanied Itachi to their shop. Megan said, "So, you said you know how to read and write, right?"

Itachi nodded, and Morey pointed out their shop. Itachi looked at the decent establishment and said, "This is good."

Megan smiled and said, "Thank you," as she opened the door and set up the shop, flipping the sign to "Open." She then said, "Morey, can you get his measurements?"

Morey, Megan, and their daughter Amy accompanied Itachi to their shop. Megan said, "So, you said you know how to read and write, right?"

Itachi nodded, and Morey pointed out their shop. Itachi looked at the decent establishment and said, "This is good."

Megan smiled and said, "Thank you," as she opened the door and set up the shop, flipping the sign to "Open." She then said, "Morey, can you get his measurements?"

Morey nodded and began taking Itachi's measurements. "Let's see," Morey said as he started measuring Itachi's height. "You're about six foot one. Quite tall."

He then measured Itachi's shoulders, noting their broadness despite his lean build. "You have a good physique. Lean, but strong."

Morey continued, measuring the length of Itachi's arms and the circumference of his chest. "Your chest is around 40 inches," he noted. He then measured Itachi's waist. "Waist is 32 inches."

Next, he measured the length of Itachi's legs and the inseam. "Leg length is 34 inches, inseam is 32."

Morey nodded and began taking Itachi's measurements while Megan took notes. After finishing, Morey asked, "What type of clothes do you need?"

Itachi thought for a moment and replied, "I need something for main events."

Megan showed him some designs she had made, and Itachi was impressed. "Wow, this is very great," he said.

Megan smiled and said, "Thank you. Please decide which one you want."

Itachi's attention was drawn to one particular design. It featured a tailored suit as the base, with a dark, almost black hue that exuded a sense of mystery. The jacket had intricate patterns reminiscent of Japanese armor, adding a touch of historical flair. A crimson tie, meticulously knotted, complemented the suit perfectly. Draped over the suit was a flowing red robe adorned with delicate floral motifs. The combination of the dark suit and the vibrant robe created a captivating contrast, suggesting a character with a blend of modern sensibilities and a connection to a rich cultural heritage.

Itachi looked at it and said, "I like this one."

Megan looked at the design and got excited. "This is my amazing piece of art, but it might be costly."

Itachi asked, "How much?"

Megan examined the drawing and said, "How about eight large silver coins?"

Itachi thought for a moment, calculating in his mind. Two large coins were equivalent to 200 small silvers, and food cost around five small silvers. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'm in."

Megan smiled and said, "Happy to be dealing with you."

Morey smiled and said, "This is my first business, so thank you. That's a big order for us. We will do our best."

Itachi smiled and said, "I know you will. When will it be ready?"

Megan replied, "In a few weeks, you will get it."

Itachi smiled and said, "Okay, I am looking forward to it." He waved at them, and they both were happy.