Empress Elara.

[italics.... thoughts]

Itachi smiled and said, "Okay, I am looking forward to it." He waved at them, and they both were happy.

As he was on his way to Jacob's shop, he saw a disturbance coming from a nearby alley that caught Itachi's attention. As he approached, he witnessed a grim scene unfolding: three burly thugs were cornering a man and his elderly mother, making harsh and threatening demands.

Itachi's eyes narrowed with cold resolve. The disparity between the aggressive thugs and the frightened civilians was stark. With a surge of protectiveness, he stepped forward.

"I suggest you reconsider," Itachi said, his voice calm but commanding.

The thugs, underestimating him, sneered. "And who's gonna stop us, pretty boy?"

Itachi gave a slight nod. "As you wish."

Without another word, he moved with blinding speed. The first thug lunged at him, swinging a crude punch. Itachi sidestepped gracefully, letting the punch sail past. In one fluid motion, he countered with a precise strike to the thug's ribs. The man grunted, doubling over as the wind was knocked from his lungs.

The second thug, stunned by Itachi's swiftness, charged with a wild swing of a metal pipe. Itachi ducked and rolled beneath the swing, coming up behind the thug. With a swift, calculated kick to the back of the knees, he sent the thug crashing to the ground, his pipe clattering away.

The leader, a massive man with a scar running down his cheek, roared in anger and charged at Itachi. The leader swung a heavy fist, but Itachi's movements were like a dance—elegant and deadly. He dodged the blow effortlessly, then stepped in close, delivering a series of rapid, precise strikes to the leader's torso and head. The leader stumbled backward, dazed and disoriented, before collapsing to the ground.

The remaining thug, now alone and frightened, attempted to flee, but Itachi was faster. He grabbed the thug by the collar and slammed him against the alley wall, pinning him there with an unyielding grip. "You'll leave now and never return," Itachi said, his voice icy.

The thug nodded frantically, eyes wide with fear.

As the thugs lay groaning on the ground, Itachi surveyed the scene with an impassive expression. "If I hear about you causing trouble again, I'll take more serious measures."

The defeated thugs scrambled to their feet, their bravado shattered. They fled the alley, their retreat hurried and panicked.

Itachi turned to the man and his mother, who were visibly shaken but safe. "Are you both okay?" he asked, his tone softening.

The man looked up, relief in his eyes. "Thank you, sir. Because of you, we're safe."

Itachi offered a reassuring smile. "It's no trouble."

The elderly mother, still trembling but grateful, added, "Thank you, child. I bless you with a good future."

Itachi's smile widened slightly. "Thank you. Just be careful from now on, okay?"

The man and his mother nodded, their faces reflecting genuine gratitude.

As Itachi continued walking, he suddenly sensed he was being watched. He turned and saw someone in brown clothes, who quickly said, "I will take my leave," before disappearing. The crowd around them gasped in surprise, wondering if it was magic. Itachi noticed a figure standing still, a female with a hood covering her face. She muttered, "I thought he saw me. He has good observation skills." Just then, she heard a voice saying, "Thank you." She turned and saw Itachi standing there, who asked, "Why are you following me?"

The girl stuttered, "Ah, um, I was scared of those thugs, so I was hiding here." Itachi observed her closely and thought, Something's off. I think I've seen her before. The girl was inwardly shocked, thinking, How does he know me? Itachi said, "Then move your hood." She hesitated briefly before removing her hood, revealing purple hair and green eyes. Itachi recognized her, saying, "I know you. You were in Jacob's shop, right?" She nodded, relieved that he did not recognize her more deeply. Itachi said, "There are no thugs now. It's safe; you can go." She bowed and said, "Thank you, you fight very well." Itachi smiled and replied, "Thank you."

As they continued talking, the girl asked, "So, where are you going?" Itachi replied, "I'm going to Jacob's shop." She responded, "Ah, I'm going that way too." Itachi said, "Okay, let's go," and they started walking together. Itachi thought, I feel like I've seen her recently, but I don't know why. The girl, sweating nervously, thought, He's very observant. Itachi asked, "What's your name?" She stammered, "Ah, I'm sorry, I am...," and then quickly said, "Amy, my name is Amy." Itachi smiled and said, "I'm Itachi Uchiha." She nodded, feeling relieved, and thought, This man, I don't know why, but I sense something strange from him. It's not magic, not even black magic, but it feels calm.

As they reached Jacob's shop, Itachi heard the familiar clanging of hammers and smiled. He opened the door, and Jacob, noticing him, smiled excitedly. "Hey, Itachi! It's good to see you. I was wondering if you'd meet this old man or not," Jacob exclaimed.

Itachi smiled and replied, "Why wouldn't I? Because of you, I got this job. I'm in your debt."

Jacob gave him a hearty slap on the back. "No need to say that; you earned it."

Amy watched their interaction and thought, He's very friendly with other people. Jacob noticed her and said, "You're the girl who came for the sword." He looked at Itachi and jokingly exclaimed, "Hey, don't tell me...?"

Itachi sighed and clarified, "No, it's nothing like that. She actually wanted to come here, and I was on her way, so we came together, that's all." Every girl deserves someone better, but not me, Itachi thought, a shadow passing over his face.

Hearing this, Amy widened her eyes and looked at him with concern, thinking, Why is he so hard on himself? What has he been through? He looks the same age as me.

Amy then said, "Um, sir, I want to see the sword." Jacob nodded and led her to a display, where she began to search for something that caught her eye.

After Amy started looking at the swords, Itachi and Jacob began to converse. Jacob, always curious, asked, "So, Itachi, how's it going at Godwin's Library? Must be quite different from the forge."

Itachi nodded. "It's peaceful there. A lot quieter, though sometimes we get interesting visitors. The library is a good place to reflect and learn, but I can't help but miss the forge's energy."

Jacob chuckled. "I figured. Books and scrolls don't have the same appeal as molten metal and anvil strikes. Any interesting people you've met there?"

Itachi hesitated for a moment, thinking of the various interactions he'd had, especially the recent ones with Elara and Stephanie. "Yeah, some intriguing people. There's a woman named Stephanie who often visits. She's... persistent, and there's something about her that makes me uneasy."

He has good instincts, Amy, disguised as Princess Elara, thought, listening intently. Stephanie's intentions are indeed questionable.

Itachi continued, "And then there's Princess Elara. She's kind and has a calm demeanor, but I can sense the weight of her responsibilities. It's challenging for her, especially with the recent passing of the king."

Amy's eyes widened slightly beneath her hood, but she acted normal. He notices so much. He's perceptive, even about things unsaid. I can tell he is experienced in this like he has lived that way.

Jacob nodded, understandingly. "The nobles always have their burdens, but it's rare to see someone who truly empathizes with them. You have a keen insight, Itachi. It must come from your past experiences, though you never talk much about it."

Itachi smiled faintly, appreciating Jacob's understanding but keeping his thoughts guarded. My past is a burden I carry alone. There's no need to trouble others with it, he thought.

Amy, hearing his thoughts, felt a pang of empathy and curiosity. He's been through something profound and painful. I wish I could understand him better. I want to be his friend 

As their conversation wrapped up, Amy chose a sword and approached the counter. Jacob, noticing her selection, praised her choice. "That's a fine blade you've picked. Strong and well-balanced."

Amy nodded, still pondering Itachi's enigmatic nature. She glanced at him, catching his eye. Itachi, sensing her curiosity, offered a polite smile but remained silent, his thoughts turning inward once more. She's observing me closely. I can sense it what is she up to

Amy, feeling the weight of the encounter, decided to speak. "Thank you for your help, sir," she said to Jacob, then turned to Itachi. "And thank you for accompanying me."

Itachi nodded. "You're welcome. Be safe on your way back."

As she left the shop, Amy couldn't shake the thoughts swirling in her mind. He's more complex than he appears. I need to learn more about him, not just for my curiosity but perhaps to help him as well.I have to do some research about it.

After their extended conversation, Itachi glanced outside, noticing the time. He stood up and smiled at Jacob. "I should be going now. Thank you for the conversation and advice."

Jacob returned the smile and gave a nod. "Take care, Itachi. It's always good to see you. Remember, you're always welcome here."

As Itachi bowed and turned to leave, Jacob added, "You seem to understand the pain and suffering of others in a way that most people don't. Many are ignorant of such things, but you... you've seen more than your share. I don't know what you've been through, but I want to offer you some advice: give it time. Time can heal people, you know."

Itachi paused, then gave a sad smile. "Time doesn't heal anything, Jacob. It just teaches us how to live with the pain." and he left.

Jacob fell silent, absorbing the weight of Itachi's words. He watched as Itachi left the shop, feeling a mixture of sadness and respect for the young man who carried such a heavy burden. 

After some time, Itachi reached the library. Upon entering, he was greeted by Godwin, who remarked, "You finally made it."

Itachi nodded. "Yes, I'm here."

Godwin smiled and said, "Get refreshed and rest. I'm about to leave."

Itachi nodded again, then paused as Godwin asked, "Is there something going on between you and Miss Chamberlain?"

Itachi shook his head. "No, sir. Why do you ask?"

Godwin explained, "She was here earlier. I told her you had a day off, and she left looking rather upset."

Itachi sighed. "Just ignore her."

Godwin then mentioned, "Tomorrow, Princess Elara will become the Empress."

Itachi replied, "Oh, that's good news."

Godwin smiled. "Yes, tomorrow is the ceremony, so I'll be attending."

Itachi reassured him, "Don't worry, sir. I'll handle everything here."

Godwin patted his shoulder. "I know you will. Now, get some rest, okay?"

Itachi nodded, appreciating the trust Godwin placed in him. As Godwin left, Itachi felt the weight of the day's events and the promise of more to come. He resolved to rest and prepare for the responsibilities awaiting him the next day.

The next day, Itachi woke up early and prepared himself for the day ahead, expecting the usual flow of customers. However, as the morning passed, the shop remained unusually quiet, with not a single visitor in sight. Finding himself with unexpected free time, Itachi picked up a philosophical book he had been meaning to read.

As he delved into the pages, he mused aloud, "No customers today... Ah, that makes sense. It's the day of the coronation; the Princess will become the Empress. All the noble families and townsfolk must be attending the ceremony."

With this realization, Itachi settled into his reading, allowing himself to be absorbed by the profound ideas and reflections within the book. The quiet of the shop provided the perfect backdrop for contemplation, and he appreciated the rare moment of solitude amidst the usual bustle of his daily duties.

At the grand coronation ceremony, the hall was filled with the kingdom's noble families, all dressed in luxurious attire befitting the occasion. The three great noble families—Beaumont, Gifford, and Chamberlain—were present, each showcasing their wealth and status.

The Beaumont family, led by Duchess Vivienne Beaumont, stood out in their elegant ensembles. Duchess Vivienne was adorned in an expensive blue dress, embellished with jewels, exuding grace and authority. Her husband, Duke Gareth Beaumont, wore a luxurious suit threaded with gold, a testament to the family's wealth. Their younger son, Sir Alistair Beaumont, dressed in a sharp black suit with a sword at his side, mingled with the young noblewomen. The elder son, Captain Lucien Beaumont, cut a distinguished figure in his white uniform decorated with gold accents, paired with a matching hat and white pants. His wife, Jennifer Beaumont, complemented him perfectly in an exquisite white dress.

Nearby, the Gifford family engaged in conversation with the Chamberlain family, glasses of wine in hand. Lord Oberon Gifford wore a casual ensemble, his shirt barely covering his muscular build, complemented by brown pants and a strap, highlighting his rugged charm. Beside him, Duke Cedric Chamberlain was clad in a fancy red coat adorned with gold ornaments, radiating an air of sophistication. Their wives, Duchess Eleanor Chamberlain and Lady Isolde Gifford, were equally resplendent. Eleanor dazzled in an expensive green dress, while Isolde wore a striking red gown.

The Gifford sons, Edmund and Jasper, both donned black suits with ties, standing with their father as they observed the proceedings. Meanwhile, Stephanie Chamberlain, the Chamberlain's daughter, drew attention in a beautiful cyan dress, her grace and elegance unmistakable.

After some time, Lord Gifford approached Duke Cedric Chamberlain with a proposal. "As your daughter and my son are of age now, how about we form an alliance through marriage? My son Jasper has expressed interest in your daughter."

Duke Chamberlain glanced at Lord Gifford, then at Jasper. "He's your son?" he asked.

Gifford nodded. "Indeed."

Standing beside her father, Stephanie Chamberlain silently bristled at the thought. Marry this man? This ugly bastard? No, I won't. Itachi is the one in my heart, and I will marry him, not this man. She shot Jasper a disdainful look, which her father noticed.

Duke Chamberlain turned to her. "What do you think?"

Stephanie quickly masked her true feelings, offering a polite smile. "I'm sorry, Lord Gifford, but I need some time to consider this."

Lord Gifford nodded. "Of course. Take your time. If you wish, you can speak with Jasper directly."

He gestured for Jasper to approach, and Jasper offered his hand to Stephanie. "Shall we?" he asked.

She nodded, though inwardly she sighed, feeling the need to play along. As they walked, Jasper tried to make conversation. "I heard you enjoy reading," he said.

Stephanie raised an eyebrow. "How did you know?"

"I've heard you've been visiting the Godwin Library frequently over the past two weeks," Jasper replied.

Stephanie smiled, her thoughts elsewhere. Yes, because I like to read—and because I get to see Itachi. She then suggested, "How about you join us at the library tomorrow?"

Jasper, clearly pleased, agreed. "I'd love to."

Good, Stephanie thought. Maybe then you'll see why I go there. There's someone far more handsome than you.

Meanwhile, at the Godwin Library, Itachi felt an odd chill. "I feel like someone is talking about me," he muttered to himself, feeling uneasy. Shaking off the feeling, he returned to his book.

Back at the ceremony, Sir Alistair Beaumont, often touted as the most handsome man in the kingdom, found himself surrounded by admiring ladies. Politely excusing himself, he managed to escape their questions and joined his older brother, Captain Lucien Beaumont.

"These ladies never leave me alone," Alistair complained.

Jennifer Beaumont, Lucien's wife, chuckled. "That's because you're handsome, dear."

Alistair smiled, grateful for her kind words. "Thank you, sister-in-law."

Jennifer gave him a teasing look. "You're at the age where you should be thinking about finding someone. Have you?"

Alistair shook his head. "No, not yet."

Lucien smirked. "Really? What about that maid you always talk to?"

Alistair blushed, stammering, "Brother!"

They both laughed, with Lucien reassuring him, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Jennifer, curious, asked, "I thought you liked Elara?"

Alistair shook his head. "Elara is like a sister to me, and besides, she's older than me."

Jennifer smiled warmly. "You're so mature, Alistair."

As the ceremony continued, the air was filled with the sounds of laughter, conversation, and the underlying currents of alliances and ambitions. Each noble family maneuvered in their own way, seeking to secure their place in the kingdom's future under the soon-to-be-crowned Empress.

In the midst of the coronation celebrations, Duchess Vivienne Beaumont and Duke Gareth Beaumont conversed quietly, observing the preparations for the ceremony.

"That girl has grown so much right before our eyes," Vivienne remarked, a hint of nostalgia in her voice.

Gareth nodded, smiling. "Yes, she was once a little child, always running around. Now, look at her—so poised and elegant."

Vivienne sighed softly, "She reminds me so much of my sister."

Gareth agreed, "Indeed. She's just like her. I imagine she's preparing herself right now."

In a nearby room, Elara sat gracefully, clad in a stunning white silk dress adorned with gold embroidery. Her hair was being styled by attentive maids, and she wore elegant jewelry that complemented her outfit. Her mother, Anya Valerian, stood nearby, dressed in a luxurious white gown, her eyes filled with a mix of pride and emotion.

"My child, you've grown up so much," Anya said, her voice tinged with tears.

Elara looked up at her mother, a determined expression on her face. "I will make you proud, Mother."

Anya smiled, her pride evident. "You already have, Elara. I know it's not easy for you, with all the responsibilities and burdens you bear. I'm sorry for that."

Elara stood and walked toward her mother, gently taking her hand. "You don't have to apologize. I can handle it. And as for the telepathic magic... yes, it's challenging. Hearing so much hatred and vulgarity from people can be overwhelming."

Anya's eyes filled with sorrow. "It's a curse, and I'm sorry that you have to endure it."

Elara placed a comforting hand over her mother's mouth. "Don't say that. You've endured the same, and I know how much you've suffered. Now, it's my turn to stand strong and work towards making this kingdom a better place."

Anya hugged her daughter tightly, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm so proud of you."

After a brief moment, they broke the embrace. Anya took a deep breath, then said, "Shall we go? It's time."

Elara nodded and took her mother's hand. As they walked toward the main hall, the anticipation grew. Upon their arrival, all eyes turned to Elara. The room was filled with mixed reactions—some guests smiled warmly, others looked on with uncertainty, and a few whispered among themselves, expressing doubt.

Despite the varying opinions, Elara held her head high, exuding grace and confidence. As the ceremony commenced, preparations were made for a grand display of magic, connecting to every magic device in the kingdom. A large viewing screen was set up in the middle of the street, where citizens gathered, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their new Empress.

At the library, a small device began to behave oddly, activating as Itachi touched it. It displayed the events happening in the grand hall, capturing Itachi's attention.

Back at the ceremony, as Elara entered, the crowd erupted into applause. Her mother, Anya, used a voice-enhancing magic to address the audience.

"Today is an honorable day for this kingdom," Anya began, "because today, after the passing of my husband, many wondered what would happen. Would I remain the Empress of this kingdom? While I have served as Empress, I lacked the courage to continue alone. But now, it's time to pass the mantle to the next generation. I am very proud to declare my daughter, Elara Kaelan Valerian, as the next Empress."

The crowd cheered as Elara stepped forward, and her mother placed the crown on her head. The hall filled with applause, but Elara's telepathic abilities made her aware of the myriad thoughts around her, causing a headache. Despite the pain, she maintained her composure and addressed the assembly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed citizens of the Solarian Kingdom,

I stand before you today not only as the daughter of the great Kaelan Valerian but as your next Empress. My heart is filled with both profound gratitude and immense responsibility as I take on this sacred duty to lead our beloved kingdom into a new era.

My father, Emperor Kaelan Valerian, was a beacon of peace, wisdom, and strength. He dedicated his life to ensuring that Solarian stood as a symbol of hope, unity, and prosperity. Today, I pledge to honor his legacy by continuing his work and guiding our kingdom with the same unwavering commitment to justice and the welfare of our people.

In these times of change, I promise to be a leader who listens, who understands the challenges we face, and who acts with compassion and determination. The weight of our kingdom's crown is heavy, but I wear it with the resolve to protect our land, uphold our values, and strive for a future where every citizen can thrive.

I am not just a ruler but a servant to each and every one of you. Together, we will face the trials ahead, drawing strength from our shared heritage and the unbreakable bonds that unite us as a people. Our path will not always be easy, but with courage and solidarity, we will overcome any obstacle.

Let us step forward with hope in our hearts and a vision of a brighter tomorrow. Under my reign, may Solarian continue to shine as a realm of peace, prosperity, and unity. Together, we will build a legacy that future generations will be proud to inherit.

Thank you, and may the spirit of Kaelan Valerian guide us all."

Her words resonated throughout the hall and beyond, reaching the ears of those watching in the streets and those like Itachi, observing from afar. Elara's speech marked a new chapter for the kingdom, one filled with promise and hope.

Itachi smiled, thinking to himself, I was right; the kingdom is in the right hands. The citizens, filled with renewed hope, erupted into applause, cheering, "Long live Her Majesty! Long live Her Majesty!"

The Beaumont Family, visibly pleased, joined in the applause, celebrating Elara's ascension. However, in the midst of the joyous atmosphere, the members of the Gifford and Chamberlain families harbored different sentiments. The Duke of Chamberlain muttered under his breath, "She might become handy in reaching my goals," a smirk playing on his lips as he considered the potential leverage her position could provide.

After the ceremony, Elara joined the gathering, graciously accepting congratulations from everyone who approached her. She thanked each person with a warm smile, projecting the poise of a newly crowned Empress.

The Beaumont family was among the first to greet her. Duchess Vivienne Beaumont and Duke Gareth Beaumont approached, Vivienne saying, "You've grown so much, haven't you?"

Duke Gareth nodded in agreement. "Indeed, you have. You used to be always running around, and now look at you—a true leader."

Elara blushed at their words. "Uncle," she said, a hint of playfulness in her voice.

They all laughed, and Sir Alistair Beaumont chimed in, "Congratulations, a brat like you becoming our Empress... Oh, I'm so scared!"

Elara grinned. "You should be scared because you have a lot of work to do."

Sir Alistair feigned seriousness. "What work?"

"Not right now; I'll tell you later," she teased.

Captain Lucien Beaumont and his wife Jennifer Beaumont were next. Jennifer smiled warmly. "Elara, you look so beautiful."

"Thank you," Elara replied, "but you look more beautiful right now."

Jennifer laughed, and Captain Lucien added, "That's why she's my wife."

Elara quipped, "You're lucky she's your wife. Who else would marry you?"

Captain Lucien chuckled, then turned to his mother. "See, Mother? She still talks a lot."

He looked at Elara seriously. "I know you will do great, and remember, your safety is in our hands."

Elara nodded, smiling. "I know, brother. You're the strongest person ever."

Duchess Vivienne teased, "The strongest person scared of his wife."

Everyone laughed, including Jennifer, lightening the mood further.

Then the Chamberlain family approached. Duke Cedric Chamberlain, with his wife Duchess Eleanor, congratulated Elara briefly before walking away. Duchess Eleanor lingered a moment, apologizing, "I'm sorry for him, but congratulations, dear. I hope you have a great future."

"Thank you, Auntie," Elara replied, maintaining her composure.

Finally, Stephanie Chamberlain arrived, her words laced with a false warmth. "Congratulations, Elara, or should I say, Your Majesty."

In her mind, Stephanie thought, Good, she'll be busy here, and I can have Itachi for myself. Elara, who caught the thought, smiled and replied, "Thank you, Stephanie. I hope you succeed as well."

Stephanie smiled, her hidden intentions masked, and left the gathering. Elara watched her go, the weight of her new role settling more heavily as she considered the dynamics at play in her court.

After the Beaumont and Chamberlain families, the Gifford family approached Elara. Lord Oberon Gifford stepped forward, bowing slightly as he spoke. "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Elara nodded, her voice even. "Thank you, Lord Gifford."

Lady Isolde Gifford followed, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "I do hope you will uplift our kingdom, my dear. It must be quite the burden, isn't it?"

Understanding the underlying challenge, Elara replied with composure, "I'm ready for it, so you don't have to worry about that."

Lady Isolde, catching the subtle firmness in Elara's response, left with a hint of irritation.

Next, the Gifford brothers, Edmund and Jasper, approached. Jasper, the elder, offered a polite congratulation. "Congratulations, Your Majesty." However, his thoughts betrayed him as he compared Elara unfavorably to Stephanie. Elara heard this but maintained her smile. "Thank you, Jasper," she replied, her voice steady.

Edmund followed suit and said, "congratulations..", but his thoughts were far less respectful. Her body is so mature; I want to have her with me, he thought, unaware that Elara could hear him. Her anger flared briefly, but she kept her voice calm. "Thank you," she said, dismissing him with a nod.

Feeling drained from the interactions, Elara stood and addressed the room. "I am tired; I will take my leave now." Her mother, Anya, nodded, giving her a sympathetic look as she departed.

As Elara made her way out, she noticed Godwin among the attendees. She smiled at him, and he approached with a respectful bow. "Congratulations, Your Majesty. We all believed in you."

"Thank you," Elara replied warmly. She then inquired, "Is he not here?"

Godwin shook his head. "No, he is in the library. But I know he must have seen your speech."

Hearing this, Elara felt a sense of relief. Good, he heard me, she thought. She then instructed Godwin, "Please convey my greetings to him and thank him for believing in me."

Godwin nodded. "As you wish, Your Majesty."

With that, Elara took her leave, feeling the weight of her new responsibilities but also a sense of support from those she trusted.