Empress needs Advisor.!

[italics.. thoughts] 

After the function, Elara changed out of her formal attire and into more comfortable clothing. She lay down on her bed, her mind still buzzing with the events of the day. As she stared at the ceiling, she thought about the future responsibilities she would have as Empress. I need someone to guide me, she mused. First, I have to meet with the ministers and then consider finding an advisor.

As she drifted off to sleep, her thoughts turned to Itachi and his recent remarks about her. His words replayed in her mind: "And then there's Princess Elara. She's kind and has a calm demeanor, but I can sense the weight of her responsibilities. It's challenging for her, especially with the recent passing of the king." Elara smiled softly, appreciating the sincerity in his observation. He's one of the few people who genuinely sees me for who I am, beyond my position and appearance.

Her smile faded slightly as she recalled another thought Itachi had shared: "My past is a burden I carry alone. There's no need to trouble others with it." Elara felt a pang of concern. Why did he say that? What has he been through? she wondered. He becomes so uncomfortable when talking about his parents. Did they neglect him or something? The thought frustrated her, as she wished there was something she could do to help.

Lost in these thoughts, Elara blushed, realizing her concern might be more personal than she initially acknowledged. No, no, I don't have any feelings for him, she quickly told herself, her cheeks reddening further. I'm just saying this as a friend... yeah, a friend. With that thought, she finally drifted into a restless sleep, her mind still filled with questions about Itachi and her future.

The next day, Elara woke up to the sound of her maid opening the curtains. "Your Majesty, it's time to wake up," the maid said gently. Elara stretched her arms and got up, heading to the bathroom to wash her face. The maid informed her that the bath was ready, and Elara smiled in appreciation before stepping into the bath.

After her bath, she dressed in a green gown and sat in front of the mirror as her maid combed her hair. "How would you like your hair today, Your Majesty?" the maid asked.

"As usual, please," Elara replied. The maid nodded and styled her hair in the familiar way. Once she was ready, Elara went to her office room and sat down at her desk. She knew she had important matters to discuss with the ministers today. She rang the bell on the table, and shortly after, Butler Joe entered the room.

"Your Majesty, how may I assist you?" Butler Joe asked with a bow.

"Please call all the ministers here," Elara instructed. Butler Joe nodded and left to carry out her orders.

After a while, there was a knock on the door. "Your Majesty, may we come in?" came the voice of one of the ministers.

"Come in," Elara replied. The door opened, and the five ministers entered the room. The first was Captain Lucien Beaumont, the Minister of Defense. The second was Albert Gifford, the brother of Lord Oberon Gifford, who served as the Financial Minister. The third was Natalie Norwood, a strong healer and the Health Minister. The fourth was Irvin Godwin, the Foreign Minister. The fifth and last was Tyrion Paxton, the Justice Minister.

Elara began the meeting by requesting the annual reports from each minister. They all nodded, acknowledging their responsibility, except for the Financial Minister, Albert Gifford, who seemed unprepared. Noticing this, Elara's expression hardened, and she addressed him sternly.

"Minister Gifford, where is your report?" she demanded.

Albert stammered, clearly unprepared. "I-I apologize, Your Majesty. I haven't completed it yet."

Elara's eyes narrowed in anger. "You have one week to submit your report. If you fail to do so, you will be removed from your position."

Albert paled and began to beg. "Please, Your Majesty, I will complete it in one week. I promise."

But in his thoughts, he was cursing her. Does this young Empress think she can intimidate me? I'll show her.

Elara, having the ability to hear thoughts, responded coldly, "Now, I think I should reduce the time."

Panic flashed across Albert's face. "No, please, Your Majesty! I will have it done within the week."

Elara nodded curtly, her eyes piercing into him before she turned her attention to the other ministers. "Now, I want to hear about the current state of our kingdom. Please report any issues or concerns."

Captain Lucien Beaumont was the first to report. "Your Majesty, we've observed rising tensions along our borders. There are signs of increased military activity from neighboring regions, suggesting that they may be preparing for potential conflict. I recommend bolstering our defenses and increasing patrols to ensure our borders are secure."

Elara nodded thoughtfully. "Thank you, Captain Beaumont. Your recommendation will be considered. We must ensure the safety of our kingdom."

Next, Natalie Norwood, the Health Minister, spoke up. "Your Majesty, we've had reports of an illness spreading in several regions. It's causing concern among the populace, and our medical facilities are stretched thin. We urgently need more resources and personnel to manage this outbreak and prevent it from worsening."

Elara's expression grew concerned. "This is a serious matter, Minister Norwood. Allocate additional resources to the affected areas immediately. The health and well-being of our people are a top priority."

Irvin Godwin, the Foreign Minister, then took the floor. "Your Majesty, our relations with neighboring kingdoms are becoming increasingly strained. Recent disputes over trade routes and resources have led to diplomatic tensions. We need to engage in more active diplomacy to prevent these issues from escalating."

Elara listened carefully. "Minister Godwin, arrange meetings with the ambassadors of these kingdoms. We must find a diplomatic solution to these disputes. War is not in our best interest."

Finally, Tyrion Paxton, the Justice Minister, addressed the room. "Your Majesty, there are growing concerns about corruption within the justice system. Delays in legal proceedings and reports of unfair treatment are eroding public trust. We need to implement reforms to restore integrity and efficiency to our judiciary."

Elara's face grew serious. "This cannot continue. Corruption undermines the foundation of our kingdom. Begin immediate investigations and propose reforms to address these issues. Justice must be fair and swift."

After hearing the reports, Elara addressed the ministers collectively. "I appreciate your honesty in presenting these challenges. It's clear we have much work ahead of us. I expect each of you to take decisive action within your departments to address these issues. Our people are counting on us to lead with wisdom and integrity."

The ministers nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation and their responsibilities. Elara knew that swift and decisive action was needed to stabilize the kingdom and earn the trust of her people.

As the ministers began to rise and leave, Elara spoke up, her tone commanding. "Captain Lucien Beaumont and Albert Gifford, please stay behind. The rest of you, prepare to implement the necessary measures and actions we've discussed."

The ministers nodded and exited the room, leaving Lucien and Albert with Elara. She turned her attention to Albert Gifford, her expression serious and demanding. "Minister Gifford, I need a clear and honest account of our financial situation. No evasions. If you lie, I will know."

Albert Gifford's face paled slightly under her scrutiny. He cleared his throat and began to speak, his voice tinged with unease. "Your Majesty, the financial situation is indeed troubling. There are heavy taxes imposed on commoners, which have been a significant burden. Additionally, the interest rates on loans are excessively high, leading to financial strain on those who need to borrow money."

He continued, "Farmers, in particular, are struggling with financial issues, unable to keep up with the costs of production and living. Inflation is also a growing concern, affecting the prices of goods and services throughout the kingdom."

Elara's sharp gaze didn't waver as she continued, her tone growing even more intense. "And tell me, Minister Gifford, what exactly were you doing while these outrageous schemes were being put into place? Could you not do anything to prevent this financial disaster?"

Albert Gifford's face turned a shade paler, and he stammered slightly before responding. "Your Majesty, I assure you, I was not idle. I attempted to propose measures that would lessen the burden on the commoners, but there were... complications. The council was divided, and some members pushed for these measures, believing they would benefit the kingdom's treasury in the short term."

Elara's eyes narrowed. "Complications and divisions are not excuses for allowing our people to suffer. From now on, you will find a way to navigate these challenges and protect the interests of our citizens. Is that clear, Minister Gifford?"

"Crystal clear, Your Majesty," Gifford replied, bowing his head. "I will do everything in my power to ensure we correct these mistakes."

"Good," Elara said firmly. "Now, get to work. I expect nothing less than excellence in your report and your actions moving forward."

She turned to Captain Beaumont, her expression softening slightly. "Captain, prepare your forces to assist with the implementation of new financial measures and to maintain peace in the kingdom. We cannot afford any more turmoil."

Captain Beaumont saluted. "Understood, Your Majesty. We'll be ready."

Elara dismissed Albert Gifford with a final, stern reminder. "Minister Gifford, remember, I expect the report in one week. You may leave now." He nodded, visibly relieved, and left the room.

Turning her attention to Captain Lucien Beaumont, Elara smiled, but her tone remained serious. "Brother, I need your advice."

Captain Beaumont returned her smile, sensing the weight of her words. "Of course, Elara. Just say it."

She took a deep breath. "I need to find an advisor, someone who can guide me in these trying times."

Captain Beaumont's expression turned serious. "I'm sorry, but I can't take on that role. My duties at the border and the new financial measures you've tasked me with are already overwhelming."

Elara sighed, understanding the burden he carried. "I know, and I'm not forcing you. I considered asking Alistair, but..."

Captain Beaumont nodded, catching her hesitation. "He lacks the patience and composure required for such a role."

Elara chuckled, recalling a past incident. "Do you remember when we were young, and your mother surprised us with a test? Alistair panicked and ran away, shouting that he wasn't good at exams and didn't know anything."

Captain Beaumont laughed, "Yes, that was hilarious. But back to the matter at hand—do you have someone in mind for the advisor position?"

Elara nodded. "Yes, but at this point, I'm even considering a commoner if they are capable..." Then she realized she knew someone who could do it. She stood up, and Captain Beaumont, surprised, said, "What happened, Elara?"

She smiled and said, "All this time, he was right next to me, and still I'm searching for someone."

He was confused and said, "Who is right next to you? There's no one."

She smiled and said, "I know one person who is highly capable."

Captain Beaumont looked surprised. "A commoner? It's risky to trust someone without noble training. They might lack the confidence, education, or even the magical abilities necessary for the role."

Elara smiled confidently. "This person has knowledge, confidence, and I suspect even some magical ability. He's highly capable."

Captain Beaumont raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Really? Who is this person?"

Elara's smile widened. "How about we call him here and find out?"

Elara got the paper from the drawer and began to write the invitation letter and she put it in the envelope and made a Valerian home Seal. Captain Beaumont watched her patiently, curious about her choice. After finishing the letter, she rang a bell, and shortly after, Butler Joe entered the room and bowed, saying, "Yes, Your Majesty?"

She handed him the letter, "Butler Joe, please send this to Godwin Library."

Captain Beaumont raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "Didn't you say he is a commoner? Why send the letter to Godwin Library? Isn't that Irvin's father?"

She nodded. "Yes, he works there."

Captain Beaumont looked intrigued. "Impressing this person sounds like a challenge. Now I'm excited. But I'll ask him some questions, and please consider getting help from your mother. Her telepathic powers could help you understand his true intentions."

Elara nodded with a sad expression, thinking, I don't want to hide things from those close to me, but I must. It could cause problems in the future. Many people are after my mother, and others are after that power.

Captain Beaumont noticed her expression and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

She shook her head and said, "It's nothing."

At the library, Itachi sat at his table, working quietly. The atmosphere was peaceful, with patrons absorbed in their reading. Itachi thought to himself, Today is a peaceful day. However, his serenity was interrupted when he noticed two people entering: Stephanie and a man with a smug expression.

Itachi sighed inwardly, I thought it was peaceful, but she's here. Stephanie approached him with a bright smile, "Hello, Mr. Uchiha, how are you?"

Itachi nodded politely, "Hello, Miss Chamberlain." He glanced at the man accompanying her, who seemed to be surveying the library. "And hello, sir."

The man nodded curtly, his thoughts revealing his confusion about Itachi's identity. Stephanie, looking at Itachi with a noticeable excitement, seemed to overlook the man's demeanor. Itachi, noticing her expression, thought, Why is she looking at me like that?

He addressed the man, "You must be new here."

The man, Jasper, responded irritably, "Yeah, so what?"

Itachi remained calm. "What type of book are you looking for?"

Jasper shrugged, "I just came with Miss Chamberlain, that's all."

Stephanie interrupted, "Mr. Uchiha, can you recommend me some books? It's like I've read everything here." She muttered under her breath, "The only thing left is you." Both Jasper and Itachi heard her comment, but while Itachi chose to ignore it, Jasper grew more irritated.

Itachi replied, "You've only read four books, and there are more than 300 books here. But if you're interested, I recommend history books. They're my favorite."

Stephanie perked up, "History books? That sounds interesting!"

Jasper, feeling a pang of jealousy, thought, She's here because of him and wants to show me up. I have to do something to make her dislike him.

As Jasper stood there, a plan formed in his mind. He thought he could turn Stephanie against Itachi by subtly discrediting him. With a condescending tone, he said, "History books, huh? Well, I guess it makes sense. Those who can't make history read it."

Stephanie is clearly unimpressed with Jasper's comment. "I think history is fascinating, Jasper. It's not just about the past; it's about understanding how we got here and learning from it." and she thoughtt look who is talking who dont know anything about this kingdom

Itachi watched the exchange quietly, observing Jasper's demeanor and the subtle tension in his expression. He's trying to undermine me, Itachi thought. But his approach is transparent.

Jasper, sensing his first attempt had failed, decided to push further. "But don't you think it's a bit... boring, Stephanie? Spending all day with dusty old books? Maybe you should try something more exciting."

Stephanie's irritation grew. She thought, What does he think he's doing? Trying to belittle something just because he doesn't understand it? you donkey. Aloud, she replied, "Actually, I find it interesting. And it's not just about excitement. It's about gaining knowledge and perspective."

Jasper, now visibly frustrated, tried another angle. "Well, maybe Itachi here prefers books because he's not good at real-world skills."

Itachi's eyes narrowed slightly, but he maintained his composure. Stephanie, however, felt a surge of anger. In her mind, she cursed Jasper, Why is he acting like this? dont tell me he is jalous he should be  She glanced at Itachi, whose calm demeanor reassured her. He's always so composed, even when people try to provoke him. I can't wait for him to be my personal dog.

She turned to Jasper, her tone icy. "Itachi is incredibly skilled, both intellectually and otherwise. Just because you don't understand someone's interests doesn't give you the right to belittle them."

Jasper's face flushed with embarrassment. He hadn't expected Stephanie to defend Itachi so staunchly. He stammered, "I-I didn't mean... I was just saying..."

Itachi spoke calmly, "It's okay, Miss Chamberlian. Everyone has different opinions. Some people value different things." He looked directly at Jasper, his gaze steady. He's clearly uncomfortable and trying to assert dominance, but his approach is clumsy. He's not thinking strategically.

Jasper, feeling the weight of both Itachi's and Stephanie's eyes on him, muttered an apology. "I'm sorry if I offended anyone."

Stephanie, still annoyed, nodded curtly. "Just think before you speak next time." yeah take that you donkey looking

As Jasper stood there awkwardly, Itachi maintained his calm demeanor, silently observing Jasper's attempts to manipulate the situation. He's impulsive and doesn't think things through. Trying to turn Stephanie against me was a poor decision, especially given his obvious jealousy.

Stephanie, still fuming inwardly, thought, Now you understand my taste in men i will not fall for someone like you donkey looking She then turned to Itachi with a smile, "Anyway, Mr. Uchiha, thank you for the book recommendations. I'll definitely check out those history books."

Itachi nodded, "You're welcome, Miss Chamberlain. I hope you find them enlightening."

Stephanie, blushing and feeling a mix of nervous excitement and frustration, looked up at Itachi. He's so tall and composed, she thought, her heart fluttering. As she inched closer to him, Itachi sensed her intentions and maintained a polite distance.

Jasper, watching from afar, clenched his fists in anger. Why is she so interested in him? he thought bitterly. His jealousy only grew as he observed the interaction.

Before Itachi could say anything, the door opened, and an elderly man in a black coat entered the library. He approached the desk, handed a sealed letter to Godwin, and waited as Godwin examined the seal and opened it. As he read the contents, his eyes widened slightly in surprise and urgency.

"Mr. Uchiha," Godwin called out, his voice carrying a note of importance. Itachi turned away from Stephanie, who looked irritated by the interruption, and approached Godwin.

"Yes, sir?" Itachi responded calmly.

"This letter is from the Empress," Godwin said, handing the letter to Itachi. Stephanie, overhearing this, felt a surge of anger and muttered under her breath, "That witch again in my way." Her jealousy and frustration were palpable as she watched Itachi read the letter in his mind:

Esteemed Mr. Uchiha,It is with great respect and admiration that I write to you today. Your reputation as a man of exceptional skill and unwavering loyalty precedes you.The Solarian Empire finds itself at a critical juncture, facing challenges that require individuals of extraordinary caliber. Your unique abilities and experience make you an invaluable asset.I would like to formally invite you to join us in the Solarian Empire to help in matters of utmost importance. Your expertise would be instrumental in ensuring the continued prosperity and security of our kingdom.A carriage has been dispatched to your location to ensure your swift arrival. Your presence is imperative.Sincerely, Empress Elara Kaelan Valerian Solarian Empire

As Itachi read the letter, he pondered what the Empress might need from him. The summons was unexpected, and he wondered about its purpose. Godwin noticed Itachi's thoughtful expression and spoke up, "Itachi, you can't go to the palace dressed like this. Do you have a tailored suit ready?"

Itachi nodded, "Yes, I have one at a nearby shop."

Butler Joe, who had been waiting, stepped forward and said, "You needn't worry about going there alone. We'll escort you to the shop and then to the palace."

Itachi agreed, appreciating the arrangement. As he was about to leave, Stephanie approached him, her curiosity piqued by the sudden importance of the letter. "Is something the matter?" she asked, trying to hide her irritation and jealousy.

Itachi shook his head, maintaining his calm demeanor. "I have matters to attend to," he replied simply.

Stephanie, still simmering with frustration, forced a smile. "Of course, Mr. Uchiha. I hope everything goes well."

"Thank you, Miss Chamberlain. Have a good day," Itachi responded, giving a polite nod before making his way out of the library with Butler Joe And they both sat in the carriage, then they left.

Jasper, observing the scene, felt a surge of determination. He thought to himself, I need to inform my father about this development. This could be important. He quickly made up his mind to relay the events to his father, believing that any involvement with the Empress might be critical for their family's plans.

Stephanie's emotions roiled within her. Her gaze followed his retreating figure, and she couldn't suppress the bitter jealousy welling up inside her. The news that Itachi had been summoned by the Empress, Elara, felt like a personal affront. She left the libary and jasper behind and she was angryly get to her acarragie and jasper from the back and she shouted hai Stephanie wait she shouted at him and said go by yourself and she said get going and the carraage live and The sting of envy and frustration was sharp, and she muttered under her breath, cursing Elara.

"That witch," Stephanie mutters, her anger directed at the Empress. "She always has to be in the center of everything. Why does she get to have everything handed to her? Power, respect, and now even him?"

Stephanie couldn't help but feel overshadowed by Elara, despite her own noble status and beauty. The Empress's influence and presence seemed to extend everywhere, leaving little room for others to shine. Itachi's indifferent politeness only fueled her irritation; she couldn't stand the idea that Elara might be at the heart of his thoughts or interests.

The more she dwelled on it, the more her frustration grew. Elara was not just a political rival in her eyes; she was a personal one. The Empress's seemingly effortless grace, intelligence, and now her apparent connection to Itachi felt like an unending series of slights. Every achievement of Elara's felt like a reminder of Stephanie's own limitations and unfulfilled desires.

Stephanie clenched her fists, trying to suppress the flood of emotions. "I won't let her win," she vowed silently. "There must be a way to turn this around, to show everyone that I'm just as capable, just as deserving. what I don't care about the Empire I want my dog back. and I will do anything for it." she made a dark face 

Stephanie's thoughts darkened as she considered her options. She was determined to find a way to diminish Elara's influence and elevate her own standing. Whether through charm, manipulation, or some other means, she was resolved to carve out her own place, even if it meant clashing directly with the Empress.

Itachi was deep in thought when the butler approached him. "Do you know what the Empress wants?" the butler asked, his voice tinged with concern. "I don't know, young man, but she called for you immediately, which means she needs your help."

Itachi nodded, sensing the urgency in the butler's voice. "It must be important," he muttered to himself as he made his way to the clothing shop. As he entered, he was greeted by Megan.

"Hello, ma'am," he said with a polite nod.

Megan looked up and beamed at him. "Hello, Mr. Uchiha. Your suit is ready." She showed him the suit, her eyes shining with pride.

Itachi's eyes widened in admiration. "That looks incredible," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Megan's smile grew warmer. "Thank you, dear. There's a changing room. You can get changed there."

Just then, Megan's husband, Morey, entered the shop. He glanced at Itachi with a mix of curiosity and mild irritation. "Hello, you finally came. I was going to come today for the delivery."

Itachi returned the smile. "I need to go to the palace urgently."

Megan's face clouded with worry. "Is something wrong?"

Itachi tried to reassure her, though his own uncertainty leaked through. "It's nothing of that sort. Even I don't know what's happening."

Morey sighed. "Okay then."

Itachi went to the changing room, and after some time, he emerged. Megan and Morey stared at him, their eyes wide with admiration. Morey glanced at his wife, who was blushing furiously.

"You look amazing! You look like a god from heaven," Megan exclaimed, her voice full of awe.

Morey quickly covered her mouth, his cheeks tinged with embarrassment. "That's enough," he said, glaring slightly at Itachi.

Itachi couldn't help but sweatdrop at the situation. Just then, the butler entered. "It suits you perfectly, young man, just like this lady said," the butler commented, his voice steady with approval.

Itachi smiled and nodded, feeling a sense of readiness. As he was heading to the carriage, he noticed a small child in an alleyway, covering herself with a hood. She was running towards him and collided with his legs, falling to the ground. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with fear.

Itachi knelt down to her height, his voice gentle. "What happened?"

The girl, sensing the warmth in his voice, replied in a trembling voice, "People are chasing me, so I ran away from them. But they will find me with their detection magic."

Itachi's eyes softened with empathy. "Detection magic?" He smiled reassuringly. "No one will harm you, dear."

The girl shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "Everyone says the same thing, but when they realize my race, they enslave me."

"Enslave you?" Itachi's voice grew tight with anger. "Do you know who they are?"

She shook her head again, fear and confusion etched on her face. "No, I don't."

The others around Itachi realized she had mentioned something about her race. "Can you tell me what your race is?" Itachi asked gently, his voice filled with a soft urgency.

She hesitated but then uncovered her hood. Itachi and the others gasped in shock. "It can't be," Megan whispered, her voice shaking. The butler shook his head in disbelief, and Morey added, "I thought they didn't exist."

"Elves," Itachi said softly, his voice filled with awe and concern. He quickly covered her with the hood again. "Put this on; it may draw attention."

She nodded, and Itachi noticed the chains around her neck. He could sense the power emanating from them. "Is this chain for detection?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

She touched the chain around her neck, her voice breaking. "It's for detection and magic elimination. Because of this, I can't use magic."

Itachi's eyes darkened with determination. He looked at the butler. "I'm sorry, but this may take some time."

The butler, nervous, replied, "But what about the Empress?"

"We will go, but you have to wait," Itachi said firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument.

The butler nodded, but was still nervous.