Helping Stranger.

[italics .... thoughts]

At the palace, Captain Elara and her mother Anya Valerian were deep in discussion.

"So, you want me to test that person's motives, is that it?" Anya Valerian asked, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully.

Captain Beaumont nodded solemnly. "Yes, because you have that telepathic power. You can find out if he has any malicious intent."

Elara's mother looked at her daughter. "What do you think?"

Elara sighed. "I don't think he's that kind of person, but the Captain is correct. We might need to check for my safety."

Her mother nodded, concern etched on her face. Elara is worried for him and he thinks "Why is he taking so much time.

Hearing her mother's thoughts, she voiced her suspicions aloud. "They are taking more time," she said, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Captain Beaumont nodded. "I think that's the point. He's making us uneasy."

Elara whispered, "Just wait. The butler is on his way." She thought, "Where are you, Itachi? He must be tied up with work, that's why he's late. He's not the type to neglect orders."

Captain Beaumont nodded again, but suspicion lingered in Elara's mother's mind as she heard her daughter's thoughts.

Back with Itachi, he gently carried the small girl. "Morey, can we use your store for a while?" he asked.

Morey nodded, and Itachi took her inside. Megan quickly closed the shop. The girl removed her hood, revealing her blonde hair, blue eyes, long pointed ears, and fair complexion. Her clothes were torn and dirty.

Itachi examined the neck chain and sensed its power. He then focused his chakra to break it, leaving everyone in the shop staring in amazement.

"Morey exclaimed, 'He performed magic!' and Megan appeared equally astonished.

The girl, equally shocked, asked, "Are you nobility?"

"Itachi shook his head, offering a gentle smile. "No, I am not. Be at ease now; you are liberated." The butler looked at him, noting his impressive understanding of magic. 'Ah, now I see why the Empress invited him,' he thought."

She gazed at him, tears brimming in her eyes. "Thank you, but...", she said, followed by a concerned tone, "there are others as well...''.

Itachi's eyes widened. "There are more?"

She nodded, tears streaming down her face. Morey asked, "Did elves live here? How did you get captured?"

She shook her head. ''No, we live very far away.'' She hesitated for a while and Itachi understood her hesitation. He said, ''It's okay, just tell me about the incident.'' She nodded and then revealed, ''We were going back to our place when there was a huge storm. Our boat was destroyed, and we washed up on the shore. When I woke up, someone was carrying us in a cart, and we were caged with our hands tied. I tried to use magic, but the chains nullified it."

Itachi's expression turned serious. "How many elves are there?"

"Seven," she replied. "They need our help, or they will be sold in underground auctions."

Megan and Morey were shocked, and Megan said with a sad expression, "That's sad you all don't deserve it "

The butler's eyes widened. "We have to tell the Empress."

Itachi nodded and looked at Morey. "Can you do us a favor?"

Morey understood immediately. "Don't worry. We will keep her safe."

Itachi smiled warmly. "See, these are good people. You should stay with them for a while. I will try to help your friends. After that, we will try to get you back to where you came from. Okay?"

She nodded, tears still in her eyes. Itachi gave her a warm smile and said, "I didn't ask your name. I am Itachi Uchiha. What is your name?" She said shyly, "My name is Fienella."

Itachi gently patted her head. "That's a good name. It suits you," Fienella shyly covered her face and said, "Thank you." Then he smiled and said, "Now take a rest, okay?"

She nodded, and Itachi turned to the butler. "Let's go."

As they were leaving, Itachi looked at them and said, "If you have any trouble, you know where to find me, right?" They nodded, and Morey said, "Rest easy, we will take care of her." Itachi smiled and said, "I will be back," and then they left.

They both set off in the carriage, determination in Itachi's eyes as they left to save the other elves. The butler looked at the sky, worry etched on his face. "We are very late. We have to move fast."

Itachi glanced at him, his mind racing. "I have a better option. If you don't mind, can you tell me which room she is in?"

The butler looked puzzled. "Why is that?"

"If we go like this, it might be too late. So please, tell me," Itachi urged.

"The third floor of the palace, on the garden side," the butler replied.

Itachi nodded. "Stop the carriage."

The butler watched, confused, as Itachi immediately disappeared into thin air. He was left in shock as Itachi leapt from rooftop to rooftop, swiftly making his way to the palace. He slipped inside the gate without being noticed by the guards.

At the palace, Captain Beaumont was growing frustrated. "Where is he? How much time does he need?" he muttered, pacing back and forth.

Elara's mother, Anya, was not angry but deeply worried. "Captain Beaumont, I understand, but please, just a few more minutes," she said gently.

The Captain took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay."

Elara, equally worried, thought, "What are you doing, Itachi?"

Anya, sensing her daughter's anxiety, shared her concern. Just then, they heard a voice. "This is the window the butler told me about. I can see the princess, but now is not the time to explain."

Suddenly, the window opened, and they all saw Itachi perched on a tree branch. Captain Beaumont immediately stepped in front of Elara. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" he demanded.

Elara intervened quickly. "Calm down, brother. He is the one we are waiting for."

Captain Beaumont's eyes widened in surprise. "Him?"

Itachi, still on the branch, asked urgently, "May I come in? It's an emergency."

They moved aside, and Itachi entered swiftly. Elara, with a worried look, asked, "Where were you, Itachi?"

Itachi bowed apologetically. "I'm sorry. I ran into trouble, so I left the butler and came here directly."

Captain Beaumont, his eyes narrowing, asked, "You came alone and trespassed?"

Itachi nodded, bowing again. "I apologize."

Captain Beaumont's anger flared. "You recommended him, Elara?"

Elara's thoughts were conflicted as she observed Itachi in his formal attire. He looks quite handsome in that suit... Ahh, Elara, don't think like that! He's just a friend. Her mother, Anya, who was telepathically linked to her daughter, stifled a laugh, causing Elara to blush.

Both Captain Beaumont and Itachi were confused by the sudden laughter, but Itachi quickly regained his serious demeanor. "Your Majesty, I need your help."

Captain Beaumont scoffed. "You think we will help you as a trespasser?"

Elara intervened. "It's okay, brother. First, let's hear him out. You may proceed, Mr. Uchiha."

Itachi explained what had happened on his way to the palace, describing the encounter with the elf girl and the situation with the other captive elves. Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

Captain Beaumont looked at Anya for confirmation, and she nodded. "It's a serious issue," he said.

Itachi continued, "I need your permission to go to that dark alley, find them, and bring the perpetrators to you. Also, I suspect the Gifford family might be involved."

Anya's eyes widened. "Are you sure?"

Itachi shook his head. "I'm not sure. It's just a suspicion."

Captain Beaumont frowned. "How can you suspect them?"

"When I was examining the elf girl's chain, she mentioned that it had detection and magic nullification properties," Itachi explained.

Elara's eyes widened in realization. "Gifford's base magic affinity is detection magic. That's why they were merchants."

Itachi nodded. "Exactly. But we can't directly attack them. We need to handle this discreetly."

Elara turned to Captain Beaumont. "You will go with him."

He bowed. "As you wish, Your Majesty."

Elara then declared, "I will also come with you."

Itachi quickly interjected. "You don't need to come. It's dangerous."

"It's a shame that such things happen in my kingdom. I must see it for myself," Elara insisted.

Anya, concerned, said, "Be careful, dear."

Elara smiled reassuringly. "I will."

Itachi then said, "I have an idea. I will make clones and infiltrate the auction. Once inside, I will get everyone out safely."

Everyone was shocked. "You can make clones?" Captain Beaumont asked.

Itachi nodded. "I will explain later. I will work in the shadows and ensure everyone is safe."

"What about us?" Elara asked.

"That's all I need. I want you two to cover the area and catch anyone trying to escape the auction," Itachi explained.

Captain Beaumont understood. "You mean you want to do it alone?"

Itachi nodded. Elara, with a mix of anger and concern, asked, "What if something happens to you?"

Itachi gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about me, Your Majesty. I will be fine. I just need you two to cover the area, that's all."

Captain Beaumont nodded. "Understood. We will be ready."

Itachi's eyes hardened with resolve as he prepared to execute his plan.

Itachi, readying himself for the mission, turned to Elara. "Your Majesty, I need a sword, if you may."

Elara nodded, retrieving a sword from a nearby rack. As she handed it to him, Itachi recognized it immediately and smiled. "This is the sword I made."

Captain Beaumont, curious, interjected, "You made this sword?"

Itachi nodded, examining the blade with a craftsman's pride. Captain Beaumont's face shifted from curiosity to realization, his eyes widening. "Don't tell me, Elara—you married him?"

Elara's face flushed crimson, and she stammered, "W-what are you saying, brother? No, he didn't give me the sword. He was a blacksmith, and I purchased it."

Captain Beaumont sighed, relief evident in his voice. "Oh, right."

Lady Anya, unable to hide her amusement, chuckled softly. Elara, embarrassed, turned to her mother, "Mother...!"

Itachi, still piecing together the situation, asked, "Is there something I'm missing?"

Anya, still smiling, explained, "In our culture, when a man gives a woman a sword, it signifies a marriage proposal or a bond akin to marriage."

Itachi's eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly clarified, "No, no, no! She purchased the sword; I didn't give it to her. I promise."

Elara, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration, thought, Why am I so flustered? Why do I feel bad when he denies it so strongly?

Anya, noticing her daughter's reaction, smirked and teased, "Is there something you want to tell him, dear?"

Elara, blushing even more, quickly redirected the conversation, "You should carry on with your preparations. Captain Beaumont will give the necessary orders to his men."

Itachi nodded, focusing back on the task at hand. He opened a scroll, revealing an Anbu mask, which he used to cover his face. "Now, I will take my leave."

Elara, her voice soft with concern, said, "Take care, okay?"

Itachi nodded, giving her a reassuring glance before disappearing into the shadows.

Captain Beaumont, having observed the exchange, couldn't resist teasing his sister. "I'll inform the members to get ready, and maybe I'll also tell the family my sister is 'married.'"

Elara, now thoroughly embarrassed, shouted after him, "Captain Beaumont, stop that!" Her blush deepened as she watched him leave, the teasing comment lingering in the air.

The scene unfolded with tension and urgency. As the clones dispersed, Itachi stationed himself on the tallest building, scanning the area while waiting for the signal. Captain Beaumont stood with one of the clones, who assured him, "Don't worry. My master is positioned on the highest building, waiting for the signal."

Captain Beaumont nodded, still skeptical but willing to trust Itachi's plan.

Meanwhile, one of Itachi's clones hidden in the dark overheard a conversation between two men. "Did you hear? They found seven elves today," one said.

"No way," the other responded, "Today's auction is going to be wild. We're going to get some new 'dolls' to play with."

Itachi, hearing this through his clone, felt a surge of anger but maintained his focus. The men continued, "Let's hurry, or we might not get a seat. I heard Lord Gifford is also coming."

As they approached a door guarded by ten men, they showed a pass and were allowed entry. The clone watching this scene dissipated in a puff of smoke, sending the information back to Itachi, who immediately recognized the location. He pulled out a kunai, writing a quick message on it before launching it with precision toward Captain Beaumont's position. The kunai landed near Captain Beaumont, who retrieved it and read the note: "Auction is at the southernmost part of the alley. Underground. Ten guards at the entrance. Surround them. I'll handle the inside."

Captain Beaumont muttered, "He's crazy," but quickly rallied his men. "Everyone, move silently. We need to surround them completely."

As Itachi reached the guards, he noticed someone watching them closely. Acting swiftly, he knocked the person out and used a transformation jutsu to disguise himself as the observer. He approached the guards, handed over the ticket, and was allowed entry. Inside, the room was filled with nobles, including Lord Gifford, laughing heartily.

Itachi, maintaining his cover, approached a man pushing a cage. "Excuse me, sir," he said. The man turned, and Itachi asked, "I heard elves are present today."

The man, excited, confirmed, "Yes! Can you believe it? We thought they were extinct, but there are seven here today."

Itachi's eyes narrowed as he silently used genjutsu to extract information, then moved past the man. Inside, he saw more captives, there were many women there screaming in pain and they were burned marked, and displayed like merchandise. His anger boiled over as he swiftly cut the man's hand, silencing him with another Genjutsu before he could scream.

The room grew tense, and someone shouted, "Who are you?" But Itachi remained silent, methodically incapacitating the guards without killing them. The women in the cages were terrified until Itachi transformed back into himself, removing his mask to reveal a calm smile. "Don't worry, I'm here to help. The Empress sent me."

All women sighed in relief. Itachi found the keys and unlocked the cages, freeing 79 women. He quickly asked, "Where are the elves?"

One woman, gathering courage, said, "They were sent to the stage."

Itachi's eyes widened, "What?" She nodded, and he reassured the group, "I'll go get them. Stay here and wait for Captain Beaumont, or no, wait for me here." Everyone nodded and as he was about to leave, he turned and said, "If anyone asks I think from the press, who saved you, just say it was Captain Beaumont." 

One of the women asked, "But why? You saved us."

Another added, "We were here for 7 days without food and water, and you saved us."

One of the women protested, "But you're our hero! You saved us."

Itachi smiled gently, "I don't want unnecessary attention. Just say Captain Beaumont did this."

He then masked his face again and moved toward the stage, where 7 elves stood, bound with handcuffs and neck chains. The auctioneer was calling out, "Seventy large gold coins!"

Itachi, unable to contain his rage, cut the auctioneer's hand, causing chaos. As the man screamed, the audience panicked, scrambling to escape. Outside, they were met by Captain Beaumont and 100 soldiers, swords drawn and ready.

"You're all under arrest for enslaving and illegal auctions," Captain Beaumont declared coldly.

Lord Gifford, trying to regain his composure, stammered, "Who said we're here for a slave auction?"

Itachi emerged with the 86 freed women, his presence silencing the crowd. Gifford, now desperate, shouted, "You can't arrest me! I'm a noble! You'll pay for this!"

With a swift chop to Gifford's neck, Itachi knocked him out, turning to Captain Beaumont, "Please continue."

Captain Beaumont, impressed yet slightly unsettled, ordered, "Soldiers, arrest them all." The auction attendees were swiftly apprehended, the operation a resounding success.

As the scene settled, Captain Beaumont turned to Itachi. "Great job, Mr. Uchiha."

Itachi removed his mask, shaking his head slightly. "No need to thank me."

Captain Beaumont smirked, "It's good that the Empress selected you."

Before Itachi could respond, the women they had rescued began murmuring amongst themselves. One of them asked, "Are you the Empress's partner?"

Itachi turned and quickly clarified, "No, I'm not. I'm just a commoner. How could I be her partner?"

The women were surprised. "You're a commoner? You don't look like one," one of them said, while another added, "Yeah, you look very handsome."

He smiled, "Thank you." But then an elf with blonde hair and blue eyes, who had a regal bearing similar to the Empress, spoke up with a stern tone, "Now you'll enslave us, won't you?"

Itachi met her gaze calmly. "No, I won't. Why would you think that?"

She pointed out, "We're still in chains."

Itachi approached slowly, raising his hands to show he meant no harm. "I was just about to free you," he explained, using his chakra to break their neck and hand chains. The women expressed their relief, some even crying and hugging him in gratitude. However, the elf woman remained aloof.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sudden physical affection, Itachi used a substitution jutsu to switch places with a wooden log, startling everyone. The blonde elf's expression softened, impressed by his abilities. "A human with such precise magic control..."

Another elf tried to calm her, "He saved us. Relax now."

The blonde elf persisted, "Not until we're home safely. I need to find my sister, Fienellia."

Itachi looked at her with interest. "Fienellia? I know where she is."

The elf's eyes widened in shock and concern. "Where is she? What have you done with her?"

Itachi quickly reassured her, "She's safe with my friend's family. She escaped the cage, and I found her. That's why the Empress took action."

The elf sighed in relief but remained cautious. "Where is she now?"

Itachi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will bring her to you." He created a clone and ordered him to bring her.

Itachi created another set of clones to assist in safely escorting everyone to their homes. He assured the women, "We'll make sure everyone gets home safely."

The women nodded, expressing their gratitude, "Thank you for helping us."

He smiled warmly and waved at them, noticing the elves observing him quietly. "Shall we?" he asked, indicating it was time to go. They all nodded in agreement.

As they prepared to leave, the elves had a quiet conversation amongst themselves. The blonde elf sighed in relief, prompting the elf with green hair to reassure her, "See, she'll be fine." The elf with white hair added, "Now we can rest easy."

However, tension surfaced when an elf with red hair expressed doubt, "Do you really trust him?" The other red-haired elf who were twins responded, "If he tries anything, we'll handle it. We're elves; our magic affinity is strong, even if he is precise."

Itachi overheard this and thought, She's overconfident.

Suddenly, an elf with pink hair began to cry, drawing everyone's attention. The elf with grey hair asked with concern, "What's wrong? "

The pink-haired elf, still teary-eyed, shook her head and whispered, "I just... It's all been so overwhelming. I was so scared, and now we're free, but I can't stop thinking about what could have happened."

Itachi, hearing her distress, approached gently. "You're safe now," he said reassuringly. "We'll get you all back to your families. No harm will come to you. Don't worry, we'll get you all home. But first, we need to go to the palace. Just cover yourselves to avoid attention."

After a brief wait, one of Itachi's clones returned, bringing Fienellia with him. The blonde elves, led by blond hair elves, immediately rushed to Fienellia, enveloping her in a tight hug.

"Fienellia! Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" blond elf asked, her voice thick with concern as she checked Fienellia for any injuries.

Fienellia, smiling brightly, reassured her sister, "I'm fine, big sister. They were very kind to me. I even made a friend named Amy, and we played with someone named David. He's older but still played with us."

She then turned to Itachi and said, "He saved me. He helped me."

Blond elf glanced at Itachi, her expression softening. Itachi smiled back and said, "There's no need for thanks. I'm just glad you're safe."

He then suggested, "How about we all introduce ourselves? It's a bit rude of me to ask for introductions without offering my own first."

Itachi stood a bit straighter, offering a polite bow. "My name is Itachi Uchiha."

The elves exchanged looks, seeming to silently communicate before nodding in agreement.

Alvaerelle took the lead, her tone formal but warm. "I am Alvaerelle Faralei, and these are my sisters. Fienellia, whom you've already met."

Fienellia waved shyly.

The elf with green hair followed, her tone more cheerful, "I'm Renestrae Faralei. It's a relief to be free. We owe you a lot."

The white-haired elf nodded in agreement, adding, "My name is Nithenoel Faralei. I'm just glad we're all safe now."

Next, the red-haired elf, who had been skeptical, introduced herself with a cautious tone, "I'm Axilya Faralei. I... appreciate what you've done, even if I was doubtful."

The other red-haired elf, with a more friendly demeanor, said, "I'm Ryn Faralei. We can be a bit protective, but we mean well."

The pink-haired elf, who had been crying earlier, smiled weakly, "I'm Hycis Faralei. Thank you for your kindness. It's been a rough time for us."

Finally, the grey-haired elf spoke, her voice steady, "My name is Faylen Faralei. We'll be in your debt for a long time for what you've done."

Itachi listened to their introductions, nodding and offering a gentle smile. "It's good to meet you all, even under these circumstances. Let's focus on getting you to safety. The palace will be a secure place for now."

As they continued walking, Itachi, curious about the elves' customs, hesitated before asking, "If it's not too forward, I noticed you all have the same surname. Is that common among elves, or is it something specific to your group? That's because I heard that elves only have females but not males am I correct?"

Alvaerelle, the blonde elf, looked at him with a hint of irritation, "Do all humans know so little about us? Yes, all elves are female and share common surnames, but our families are distinct. We have different mothers, except for my sister Fienellia, who is related to me by blood. However, we all consider each other sisters, bound by our heritage. Do you understand?"

Itachi nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I apologize if my question came off as ignorant. I didn't mean to insult you all."

Renestrae, the green-haired elf, gave him a reassuring smile, "It's alright. We know that not everyone is familiar with our ways. We don't mind explaining."

Axilya and Ryn, the two red-haired elves, chimed in almost simultaneously, "Let's go already! I'm starving!"

Faylen, the grey-haired elf, scolded them gently, "You two should be more patient. We're all hungry, but we need to stay focused."

Nithenoel couldn't help but stare at Itachi, her gaze lingering as she studied his features. She thought to herself, He is very handsome, but there's something familiar about him. He looks like someone from our elven kind. Is he related to us? But he's a man... elves don't give birth to men, right? She continued to observe him, noting the similarities—the dark, flowing hair, the intense eyes, and his graceful posture. These traits reminded her of someone from her elven heritage, causing a swirl of confusion and curiosity within her.

At that moment, Hycis's stomach growled audibly, and she blushed, trying to hide her embarrassment. Itachi chuckled softly and said, "It seems like everyone's hungry. Let's get to the palace quickly. There, you'll be provided with food and rest."

The elves brightened at the mention of food, their spirits lifting. They picked up their pace, eager to reach the palace where they hoped to find safety, sustenance, and perhaps some answers to the questions that still lingered in their minds.

At the palace, Elara sat anxiously, waiting for news. Her mother, Anya, entered, noting her daughter's restlessness. "You're still awake, Elara?"

Elara responded, "How could I sleep, Mother? Elves are being auctioned in our kingdom... It's terrible."

Anya nodded in agreement. "Yes, it is."

A knock interrupted their conversation. The butler entered, announcing, "Your Majesty, Captain Beaumont has arrived."

Elara immediately stood. "Send him in."

Captain Beaumont entered and reported, "We've captured everyone involved, including Lord Gifford."

Anya's eyes widened. "I was hoping he wouldn't be implicated."

Elara, anger flashing in her eyes, added, "So, there were more than just elves?"

Captain Beaumont nodded. "Yes, there were also women. Many were in bad condition."

Elara, still concerned, asked, "Where are they now?"

Captain Beaumont replied, "Itachi has safely escorted all the women home."

A wave of relief washed over Elara, and she smiled, thinking to herself, He's so capable and dependable.

She then asked, "So where is he now?"

Captain Beaumont responded, "He's on his way here with the remaining seven elves."

With a touch of worry, Elara asked, "Is he injured?"

Captain Beaumont reassured her, "Not at all. He handled everything expertly, like someone with years of experience."

Elara's smile grew, tinged with admiration and curiosity. "That's great," she said, though her mind was buzzing with questions. She couldn't help but think, He's my age, yet he's already so skilled and composed. What kind of life has he lived to become this capable? The thought stirred a mix of awe and concern within her, deepening her interest in the enigmatic Itachi Uchiha.

Captain Beaumont nodded, reflecting on the scene. "He showed remarkable leadership and strength. He broke chains with his bare hands and displayed precise sword and magic skills."

Elara couldn't help but smile slightly. "Yes, I know."

Captain Beaumont teased, "You have good taste in men."

Elara blushed, "Stop it. It's not like that."

Captain Beaumont chuckled, "Sure, sure. If you say so."

Anya laughed, seeing her daughter's flustered reaction. "He's just teasing you, dear."

Elara sighed, "He always teases me, Mother."

Captain Beaumont, with a serious expression, said, "Elara, I need your permission."

Elara, puzzled, asked, "For what?"

"I want to conduct a background check on Itachi. While his actions have been commendable, his sudden appearance and extraordinary skills are concerning. There's a possibility he could be an underground assassin with ulterior motives."

Elara hesitated, conflicted by her trust in Itachi and the logical concern raised by Captain Beaumont. "I trust him," she said slowly, "but you're right to be cautious. You have my permission, Captain."

Captain Beaumont bowed respectfully. "Thank you. I'll begin the investigation immediately." With that, he turned and left the room, leaving Elara to ponder the complexities of trust and caution in her position.

Elara's mother looked at her and said, "If you trust him, then you shouldn't worry." Just then, they heard the sound of many voices approaching. "I think he's here," Elara said, her tone brightening. A knock followed, and a voice called out, "Your Majesty, may we enter?"

Elara, now smiling, replied, "Yes, please come in." The doors opened to reveal seven adult elves and a small child elf, with Itachi at the center. He knelt down and said, "I have completed the mission."

Elara smiled warmly, "Itachi, stand up. You've done a great job, and you will be rewarded."

However, Itachi shook his head. "Please don't. I don't like attention." He thought to himself, "In a world that craves the spotlight, I choose to fade into the shadows. For in obscurity, I find freedom."

Elara and her mother both noted his words. Elara felt a pang of concern, wondering why he chose to remain in the shadows, while Anya thought, "Such a mature thought for someone so young. He must have been through hell."

Shifting the conversation, Elara turned to the elves and bowed, saying, "I am truly sorry for what some of our citizens have done. I apologize deeply for what happened."

The elves looked at each other, and Alvaerelle spoke up, "We don't want apologies; we want to go home."

Elara promised, "We will ensure you return home as soon as possible." Noticing the red-haired elves, Axilya and Ryn, and the pink-haired elf, she smiled and added, "But first, you all must be hungry. Let's eat."

Axilya and Ryn, the red-haired twins, cheered, "Yes, food, food!" Faylen scolded them, "Manners! We are not at home."

Elara laughed softly, "Please, make yourselves at home and have some food." She then looked at Itachi, "You must be hungry as well. You should eat too."

Itachi smiled and replied, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Elara addressed the group, "You all, including Itachi, should rest here for the night. Itachi, I have something to discuss with you tomorrow."

Itachi nodded, "I'm free right now."

Elara shook her head gently, "Not now. You must be tired, and it's already late. Please, eat first and then rest." They all nodded in agreement, appreciating the moment of peace and hospitality after their ordeal.