Itachi's Offer

[italics..... thoughts]

Everyone sat around the dining table, with Elara at the head. Beside her were Itachi on one side and her mother, Anya, on the other. Fienellia, Alvaerelle, Nithenoel, and Renestrae were seated next to Itachi, while Faylen, Hycis, Axilya, and Ryn were beside Anya. The meal began, and Axilya and Ryn were eating enthusiastically as if they had never seen food before.

"This food is amazing!" they both exclaimed in unison.

Elara smiled warmly. "Thank you. Have as much as you want."

Itachi ate quietly, nodding. "Yes, the food is good."

Elara, hearing his rare compliment, couldn't help but smile. "I'm glad you think so."

Anya added, "Everyone, please eat to your heart's content. There's no need to be shy." She glanced at Nithenoel and Renestrae, who nodded and began to eat more freely.

Elara then addressed the group. "Let's start with introductions. I am Elara Kaelan Valerian, Empress of the Solarian Empire, and this is my mother, Anya Kaelan Valerian. You already know Itachi Uchiha. Now, please, introduce yourselves."

Fienellia, who had been anxiously glancing around, spoke up first. "I'm Fienellia Faralei. I'm here with my sister, Alvaerelle Faralei."

Alvaerelle nodded and added, "I'm Alvaerelle, Fienellia's older sister."

Nithenoel, who had been quietly observing Itachi, introduced herself next. "I'm Nithenoel Faralei, "

Renestrae followed, her voice firm but friendly. "I'm Renestrae Faralei, "

Faylen, looking around with a curious expression, said, "I'm Faylen Faralei,"

Hycis, who had been eating with enthusiasm, introduced herself shyly. "I'm Hycis Faralei."

Axilya, with a smile, said, "I'm Axilya Faralei."

And Ryn, glancing at his twin, added, "I'm Ryn Faralei. We're twins."

As they all sat around the dining table, the mood was light, and everyone seemed to be enjoying their meal. Elara observed Itachi, noticing his calm demeanor and refined manners. She thought to herself, He even has etiquette. I still doubt he's of noble birth.

Caught staring, Itachi glanced up and asked, "Is there something wrong, Your Majesty?"

Elara, flustered, quickly searched for something to say. She glanced at his outfit and stammered, "Ah, you look quite handsome in this outfit."

Itachi looked down at himself, then back at Elara. "Thank you, Your Majesty," he replied with a polite smile.

Elara's mother, Anya, struggled to suppress a laugh, thinking, If he knew your thoughts, that would be amusing. Elara, hearing her mother's thought, blushed deeply, mentally chiding her, Mother...

The elves noticed the exchange, and Nithenoel, who had been observing Itachi closely, finally spoke up. "Mr. Uchiha, may I ask you something?"

Itachi, along with Elara and her mother, turned their attention to Nithenoel. He nodded, "Of course."

Nithenoel hesitated, then asked, "Are you one of us?"

The room fell silent, and the elves looked shocked. Alvaerelle quickly interjected, "Are you out of your mind? He's human; how can he be an elf?"

Renestrae chimed in, "She's right. What made you say that?"

Itachi shook his head slightly, "No, I am not an elf. As far as I know, elves only give birth to females, not males. And my parents were human."

Elara, picking up on his choice of words, thought, Were human... so they're gone.

Nithenoel apologized, "I'm sorry, but you look like someone we know, that's why."

Fienellia added, "Ah, a lady with black hair, right? They look very similar, and her name is very strange."

Itachi's curiosity piqued, and he raised an eyebrow. "What's her name?"

Faylen tried to recall, "I don't remember her name. She's older than us, but her name is very different."

Axilya and Ryn joined in, teasing each other about their forgetfulness, which lightened the mood with laughter. But then, Hycis suddenly spoke up, "Her name is Mikato Faralei."

Itachi's reaction was immediate; his spoon slipped from his grasp and clattered to the floor. Everyone looked at him as he repeated with shock, "Can you repeat her name?"

Hycis nodded, "Mikato Faralei."

Itachi was visibly shaken, thoughts racing through his mind. That's not possible. How could she be here? Could it be... a chance? He seemed lost in his thoughts, trying to piece together the puzzle.

Elara, noticing his distress and picking up on his thoughts, thought to herself, "He knows who she is."

Itachi, still shaken by the revelation, asked, "Does she live with you?"

Nithenoel nodded, "Yes, she lives there."

Itachi pondered, There's a chance it might be her. But they said she's an elf... What if she is here? Do I have the right to meet her, my mother?

Hearing Itachi's thoughts, Elara and Anya were equally shocked. Elara thought, Her mother? Why is he saying that? Anya's thoughts mirrored her daughter's confusion, Her mother?

Itachi abruptly said, "I will take my leave."

Elara, concerned, called after him, "What happened, Itachi?"

He paused, turning slightly as she continued, "There are rooms prepared for everyone. Please stay here tonight."

Itachi nodded, "Okay, Your Majesty."

The elves, too, expressed their gratitude. "Thank you, Your Majesty," they said in unison.

Elara then called for a maid, who promptly arrived. "Please escort our guests to their respective rooms," Elara instructed.

The maid nodded, "This way, please."

Itachi and the others followed the maid, each heading to their individual rooms. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken questions and thoughts, especially from Itachi, who was left wondering about the mysterious connection to Mikato Faralei.

Itachi lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. He couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that had settled in since hearing the name "Mikato Faralei." He spoke softly to himself, trying to piece together the puzzle.

"Could it really be her? Mikoto Uchiha... here, in this world?" he wondered aloud, feeling the weight of uncertainty.

The memories of the Uchiha massacre rushed back to him, unbidden. "Father, Mother...,"

The thought of Sasuke crossed his mind, and his heart ached. "I wanted you to hate me, to become strong... "

Then there was Izumi. "Izumi...," he murmured, the pain of her loss still fresh. "I wanted to give you peace... What if that doesn't happen... I always think about it in the back of my mind."

Itachi sighed deeply, turning these thoughts over and over in his mind. "Mikato Faralei... If she's my mother, how did she get here? And if she's not... why does she share her name and looks?"

He knew he had to find out the truth, but the prospect filled him with both hope and dread. "I have to know," he said, his voice firm despite the turmoil in his heart. "But... will it bring peace, or just more pain?"

As he lay there, Itachi realized that he couldn't escape his past, no matter where he went. "I thought coming here might be a fresh start, a chance to leave it all behind. But the past always finds a way to catch up, doesn't it?"

He sighed again, feeling the weight of his decisions, both past, and present. "I just want to know if she's really my mother... if she's here, maybe there's still a chance for some kind of redemption. Or at least closure."

The room was silent, save for the faint sounds of the palace at night. Itachi knew sleep wouldn't come easily. Too many questions, too many unresolved issues.

"Tomorrow," he whispered, "I'll find out. I have to." And with that, he closed his eyes, trying to quiet his mind enough to rest.

As the elves settled into their rooms, the atmosphere was charged with curiosity and speculation about Itachi and his connection to Mikato Faralei.

at Eleves' room Nithenoel, who had first noticed the resemblance, started the discussion. "Did you see his reaction when we mentioned Mikato Faralei's name? It was like he recognized her."

Alvaerelle nodded, adding, "He seemed so shocked. It's clear that he knows something we don't. But how could he be related to her? Elves don't have male children."

Renestrae chimed in, "It's possible that there's something we don't know about Mikato. Perhaps she has a secret past or a hidden connection to humans."

Faylen, thoughtful, remarked, "It's strange, though. He asked about her as if she was his mother. But how could that be? She's an elf, and as far as we know, she's never mentioned having a child, especially not a human one."

Hycis, still recalling the name, said, "He seemed genuinely disturbed. Maybe there's more to their story."

Axilya and Ryn, always curious, were eager to know more. "Do you think he'll talk to her? Maybe she knows something about him."

Nithenoel, who had been quiet, finally spoke up, "I don't think we should jump to conclusions. It's clear there's a lot we don't understand about Itachi or Mikato. But if they are connected, we might learn something important."

The room fell silent as the elves pondered this possibility, realizing that the mysterious connection between Itachi and Mikato Faralei might be more complex and significant than they had initially thought. They decided to observe and wait, hoping to uncover the truth behind this unexpected link.

In another part of the palace, Elara and her mother, Anya, were having a similar discussion, but with a more profound understanding of the situation. They had overheard Itachi's thoughts and knew that Mikato Faralei was indeed his mother, though they didn't know much about her.

Elara, concerned, spoke first. "Mother, did you hear Itachi's thoughts? He seemed so shaken when the elves mentioned Mikato Faralei. He referred to her as his mother. How is that possible?"

Anya nodded, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Yes, I heard. It's quite a revelation. If Mikato is his mother, it raises many questions. How did he end up here? And what about his father? This situation is more complicated than we thought."

Elara sighed, her mind racing with possibilities. "I never imagined Itachi would have such a connection. He must have been through so much. It's clear he's worried about meeting her. Maybe he's afraid of what he might find."

Anya, noticing Elara's concern, couldn't help but tease her gently. "You seem quite concerned about Itachi, my dear. You've been thinking about him a lot, haven't you?"

Elara blushed, realizing her mother had picked up on her thoughts. "It's not like that, Mother. I'm just worried about him. He's been so strong and capable, but this revelation must be a lot for him to handle."

Anya smiled knowingly. "Of course, dear. It's perfectly natural to be concerned. But remember, Itachi is resilient. He'll handle this in his own way."

Elara nodded, feeling a mixture of emotions. She was curious about Mikato Faralei and her connection to Itachi, but she was also worried about what this discovery would mean for him. "I just hope that whatever he finds out, it doesn't cause him more pain."

Anya reassured her, "He has you here for support. You can help him navigate this. And who knows? This might be a chance for him to find some closure or peace."

Elara nodded, grateful for her mother's support. She resolved to be there for Itachi, no matter what he discovered about his past. As they finished their conversation, she couldn't help but feel a deepening bond with the enigmatic young man who had become a part of their lives.

The next morning, Itachi woke up early, refreshed and determined to seek answers. After getting ready, he sat down in his room and began his morning meditation. The quiet of the room allowed him to center himself, focusing on his breathing and calming his thoughts.

A soft knock on the door broke the silence. "Come in," Itachi said, opening his eyes.

A maid entered, her cheeks flushed. "The Empress wishes to meet you, Mr. Uchiha."

Itachi stood up gracefully, offering her a warm smile. "Thank you," he said, heading towards the door.

As he walked past her, the maid stood still, watching him with wide eyes. "He is very handsome," she thought, feeling her heart race. "Oh my goodness, he smiled at me... It makes my heart explode." She held her hand to her chest, trying to calm herself as she watched him leave.

Itachi made his way through the palace corridors, his thoughts focused on the upcoming conversation with Elara. Upon reaching the grand hall, he was greeted by the sight of Elara and Anya, both seated and waiting for him.

"Good morning, your majesties," Itachi said with a respectful bow.

Elara and her mother, Anya, smiled as Itachi entered the room. "Good morning, Itachi," Elara greeted him warmly. "Did you sleep well?"

Itachi nodded and replied, "Yes, Your Majesty, and that's all thanks to you."

Elara's smile widened. "Let's start the conversation we were going to have yesterday." Itachi nodded in agreement. "I want you to work with me," Elara continued.

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "Work with you? What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

Elara's smile didn't waver. "I want you to be my personal advisor."

Itachi's eyes widened in surprise. "Your personal advisor?"

Elara nodded. "Yes, you are the perfect person for that role."

Itachi thought for a moment, contemplating the offer. "Her advisor... I can do that, but why is she selecting me?"

Anya, with a knowing smile, interjected, "That's because you are her friend and you have some experience. Also, I can read your thoughts."

Itachi's eyes widened further. "You can read my thoughts?"

Anya nodded. "I can. It's a power I possess."

Itachi let out a small chuckle. "That's a scary power to have."

Anya smirked. "It's useful. If someone has any ulterior motives, I can read through it."

Itachi nodded and then turned to Elara. "I will do it."

Elara's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes!" She quickly composed herself, clearing her throat. "That's good. I also have another request."

Itachi nodded. "What is it?"

"I want you to be my personal knight," Elara said, her tone sincere. "And I will answer before you react. It's because you have strength, understanding of situations, and you are well-versed in magic."

Itachi thought for a moment, appreciating her kindness and consideration. "She is very kind to consider me," he thought. "I will be your knight, Your Majesty."

Elara's excitement was evident. "Tomorrow, I will declare it."

"Do you have to?" Itachi asked, slightly apprehensive.

Elara smiled. "It can't be helped. It's a ceremony that must be done. Everyone will think I will select Sir Alistair Beaumont, but I want to select you."

"Will he hold a grudge against me?" Itachi asked.

"Don't worry about it," Elara reassured him. "He's a good guy and quite lazy, so he'll be happy."

Itachi smiled. "Okay."

Elara continued, "I will give you the uniform tomorrow, okay?"

Itachi nodded, thinking again about the uniform. Anya giggled and said, "Is there something wrong with the uniform?"

Itachi shook his head, stammering slightly. "It's just... I used to wear a uniform at Godwin Library, and now here as well."

Anya chuckled. "Don't worry, this uniform will look good on you, won't it, Elara dear?"

Elara nodded, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. "Yes, it will."

After their discussion about the new roles, Elara couldn't help but bring up what was on her mind. "Itachi, about what we discussed at the dining table last night…" she began, her curiosity evident. "Mikato Faralei. My mother told me she is your mother. What is the situation about?"

Itachi took a deep breath, careful with his words. "Your Majesty, it's a complicated matter," he started. "Mikato Faralei might be my mother, but I am unsure how to explain it without delving into details I prefer to keep private."

Elara pressed on, her curiosity not yet satisfied. "You are human, and she is an elf. How is that possible?"

Itachi, who himself was cautious about his thoughts, replied, "I don't know how to explain this fully. There are many things about my past that are difficult to comprehend. I have a doubt that she is my mother, but I can't be certain."

Elara looked at him, puzzled. "Have you not seen your mother?"

Itachi hesitated, then said, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but I can't explain further."

Anya, who had been quietly observing the exchange, watched Itachi intently. She noted his careful demeanor and the weight of his words. She could sense the turmoil within him, though his thoughts were guarded. Elara, sensing the gravity of the situation, decided not to press further, though her curiosity remained.

Anya's gaze softened as she spoke, "Itachi, we appreciate your honesty. If you ever feel comfortable sharing more, know that we are here to listen and support you."

Itachi nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I appreciate your understanding."

With that, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, but the questions about Mikato Faralei lingered in the back of their minds, especially Elara's, who now felt a deeper connection and concern for Itachi's mysterious past.

After that, they all heard a knock, and Elara said, "Come in." The eight elves entered the office room and greeted Elara, Anya, and Itachi. "Sorry for interrupting, but what is about our getting back home?" one of them asked.

Elara nodded. "I understand your concern. Today, I was finalizing the arrangements and was about to call Captain Beaumont for that."

Renestrae, one of the elves, said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Elara smiled warmly. Axilya and Ryn, the twins, got excited and exclaimed, "Finally, we'll be home!"

Faylen smiled and added, "Yes, finally."

Fienellia, looking slightly sad, said, "It's great, but I will miss Amy. She was my first human friend."

Alvaerelle patted her head. "I know, dear, but we have to go."

Hycis, who had been quiet, looked at Itachi, bowed to him, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Uchiha. Because of you, we are here."

Itachi smiled gently. "No need to thank me. It's all because of the Empress's quick decisions and Captain Beaumont's soldiers."

Elara looked at Itachi for a moment, and Itachi muttered, "Please, Your Majesty, don't tell them."

Elara smiled and then addressed the elves. "All of the traitors are in the cell."

They sighed in relief and bowed to her. "Thank you, Your Majesty," they said in unison.

Elara raised her hand to stop them. "Don't thank me. We did what had to be done. Now, you have to tell us the location of your home."

The elves hesitated, and Nithenoel, looking at Itachi, said, "I think you should tell her, Alvaerelle."

Alvaerelle nodded. "We are at the East side. There are three islands where we reside."

Elara nodded in understanding. "So, that's the island where it's difficult to cross, and if someone does cross, they never come back."

Alvaerelle explained, "We had to do that for our safety."

Elara nodded. "I understand, but you will have to wait for two to three days."

Alvaerelle asked, "Why is that?"

Elara explained, "First, we are at the center, so we have to travel to the East, which is the Golden Sun Empire. Luckily, we have good connections with them. After that, we will get a ship and then leave. Another reason is that tomorrow is the ceremony for electing my personal knight, so Itachi and I will be busy for that day."

Nithenoel asked, "Can't we attend the ceremony?"

Elara shook her head. "I can't allow that."

Axilya and Ryn asked, "Why not?"

Elara was about to answer, but Itachi interjected. "It's for your safety. If the nobles understand that elves exist in this place, they might do something harmful."

Renestrae nodded in understanding. "We understand."

All the elves nodded, except Nithenoel, who was unhappy. She thought, "I want to be there and observe Itachi." As she looked at Itachi, he smiled at her, causing her heart to skip a beat. She blushed and thought, "He has such a kind smile."

Before the elves left, Itachi called out, "Nithenoel, can you wait outside for a moment?"

Nithenoel's face lit up with happiness. "Yes, I'm here," she replied, thinking, "He called me!"

Elara, hearing this, felt her frustration rise again. Itachi looked at her and said, "Your Majesty, may I go speak with her? I will be back in a minute. I want to ask about my mother."

Elara's frustration melted away, and she calmed down. She nodded with a smile. "Yes, but come back quickly, okay? We have some work to do."

Itachi bowed. "I will." He left the room, heading towards Nithenoel.

Once he was gone, Elara and her mother relaxed. Anya smirked and said, "My daughter is getting jealous, isn't she?"

Elara blushed. "That's... no, mother."

Anya laughed. "I'm just teasing you, dear."

Elara continued to blush, her mind racing with thoughts of Itachi.

Elara, hearing her thoughts, felt frustrated. Itachi, standing behind her, didn't understand why. Elara, still frustrated, said to the elves, "You can leave now."

After they left, Anya, who had also heard Nithenoel's thoughts, looked at her daughter's behavior and began to laugh.

Itachi stepped out into the hallway where Nithenoel was waiting, her anticipation evident. She smiled as he approached.

"Thank you for waiting, Nithenoel," Itachi began. "I wanted to ask if I could meet Mikato Faralei face to face."

Nithenoel tilted her head slightly, curiosity in her eyes. "Why do you want to meet her?"

Itachi hesitated for a moment before responding, "I just want to confirm something."

Nithenoel nodded slowly, understanding the gravity in his voice. "I'll have to talk to the other elves about it."

Itachi gave a small, appreciative smile. "That would be a great help. Thank you."

Nithenoel hesitated, looking down at her feet before gathering the courage to ask, "Are you free right now?"

Itachi bowed apologetically. "I'm sorry, but I have some work to do."

Nithenoel gave a sad smile, trying to hide her disappointment. "It's okay. I understand."

Itachi nodded. "I have to leave now. Thank you again for your help."

As he turned to go back to the office, Nithenoel watched him, a mixture of emotions playing across her face. Itachi glanced back, giving her a reassuring nod before disappearing back into the office room.

As Nithenoel stood there, her mind still on Itachi, she was startled by the sound of stifled giggles. She turned to see her sisters, Axilya and Ryn, smirking at her with knowing looks.

"I didn't know you were into younger men, Nithenoel," Axilya teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Nithenoel's eyes widened in surprise and embarrassment. She spun around to face them. "What are you doing here?" she asked, trying to sound indignant.

Renestrae stepped forward, joining the playful assault. "We came to get you. Let's have some food," she said with a smirk. "But it looks like you have different plans, don't you?"

Blushing furiously, Nithenoel started walking quickly toward their room. "It's nothing like that!" she protested, but her sisters followed close behind, their teasing relentless.

All three of them chased her down the corridor, their laughter echoing through the halls. As they burst into their room, their playful accusations continued.

"Did you see how she was looking at him?" Ryn giggled.

"I think someone has a crush," Axilya added, poking Nithenoel's side.

By now, Nithenoel's cheeks were crimson, and she was trying desperately to deflect their teasing. But her efforts were in vain, as her sisters had already spread the word to the other elves.

Soon, everyone in their quarters was in on the joke. The room buzzed with laughter and teasing comments. Nithenoel, unable to contain her embarrassment, felt a surge of magic build within her. Before she could control it, a gust of wind burst from her, sending papers flying and curtains billowing.

The room became a chaotic mess, but the laughter only grew louder.

"Looks like someone got a little too excited!" Renestrae laughed, trying to gather the scattered papers.

Nithenoel buried her face in her hands, her cheeks still burning. "I didn't mean to..." she mumbled.

Axilya and Ryn came up beside her, giving her comforting pats on the back. "It's okay, Nithenoel," Ryn said, still giggling. "We were just teasing."

"Yeah, we're just happy to see you interested in someone," Axilya added with a smile.

As the commotion grew louder, all the elves in the vicinity began to gather, curious about the source of the laughter and noise.

"What happened here?" Fienellia asked, stepping into the room and taking in the mess.

Alvaerelle followed, raising an eyebrow at the scattered papers and billowing curtains. "Is everything alright?" she asked, her tone both stern and caring.

"It looks like a tornado hit!" added Faylen, chuckling as she surveyed the scene.

Nithenoel, still red-faced, tried to explain. "I... um... I accidentally used my wind magic," she stammered.

Faylen, Hycis, and the others exchanged knowing glances, their eyes twinkling with amusement. Faylen stepped forward, her smile gentle. "It's alright, Nithenoel," she said. "We were just worried about you."

Axilya and Ryn, still giggling, took turns explaining the situation. "We were just teasing Nithenoel a bit," Axilya said, trying to contain her laughter.

"About her interest in Itachi," Ryn added, causing another wave of giggles to ripple through the room.

Hycis stepped forward with a teasing grin. "So was that Accidentally? Or was it a reaction to a certain handsome human?" she said, winking.

The room erupted in laughter again, and Nithenoel felt another wave of embarrassment wash over her. "It's not like that!" she insisted, but her protests were drowned out by the good-natured teasing.

"Maybe we should start calling him 'Mr. Uchiha, the Elf Charmer,'" suggested Alvaerelle, joining in the fun.

Renestrae, Axilya, and Ryn couldn't stop laughing as they saw Nithenoel's flustered expression. "Come on, Nithenoel, admit it," Renestrae said. "You think he's handsome, don't you?"

Nithenoel covered her face with her hands again, wishing she could disappear. "Okay, fine! He's handsome! Happy now?" she finally blurted out.

Hearing this all begin to laugh 

Renestrae, began picking up the scattered papers and tidying up the room. "Let's get this place back in order," she said. "We don't want anyone else getting the wrong idea."

The other elves joined in, their laughter and teasing continuing but now mixed with a sense of camaraderie and affection. As they worked together to clean up the mess, the atmosphere in the room lightened, and Nithenoel felt a warm sense of belonging.

Fienellia, picking up a curtain that had been knocked loose, smiled at Nithenoel. "We're just happy to see you happy," she said.

Alvaerelle, finishing up with the last of the scattered papers, gave Nithenoel a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "And it's good to know that even in a place like this, we can still find moments of joy and laughter."

Nithenoel nodded, her heart swelling with gratitude. "Thank you, everyone," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "I'm lucky to have all of you."