Preparation for Ceremony

[italics..... thoughts]

Elara, feeling a bit frustrated with the situation, rang the bell on her desk. The butler quickly appeared, bowing deeply.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" he inquired.

"Please summon all the ministers here immediately. I need to discuss something urgent. And make sure to tell Albert Gifford that I need the final report right now," Elara instructed firmly.

The butler bowed again and swiftly left the room to carry out her orders. Anya, observing her daughter's determination, smiled warmly.

"Alright, dear, I'll leave you to your work. I won't disturb you," Anya said.

Elara returned the smile. "Thank you, Mother."

Anya gave a nod and left the room. Shortly after, a knock was heard at the door.

"Come in," Elara called out.

Itachi entered the room, and Elara acknowledged him with a nod. "Good timing. Come and stand by me."

Itachi nodded and positioned himself behind her. They both waited silently for the ministers to arrive. After a few minutes, another knock sounded.

"Come in," Elara said again.

The door opened, and the ministers filed in: Albert Gifford, Captain Lucien Beaumont, Natalie Norwood, Irvin Godwin, and Tyrion Paxton. Albert Gifford looked particularly nervous, knowing the gravity of the situation and the pending discussion about his brother and the final report.

"Good morning, Your Majesty," they greeted in unison.

Elara acknowledged them with a nod. "Good morning. Let's get started with the work at hand."

The ministers took their seats around the table, and Elara began the meeting.

All the ministers took their seats while Itachi stood beside Elara. Their gazes naturally gravitated toward him, each harboring their own thoughts.

Captain Beaumont and Irvin Godwin exchanged knowing glances, familiar with Itachi's role and presence. Tyrion Paxton studied him briefly, trying to gauge his importance.

Natalie Norwood, intrigued by his composed demeanor and distinct outfit, mused silently, He looks like a nobleman. I wonder who he is.

Albert Gifford, still nervous from the earlier conversation, stared at Itachi with curiosity and a hint of apprehension. Who is this man? I've never seen him before.

Elara, sensing the curiosity and unspoken questions, decided to address it directly. She stood up, gesturing toward Itachi.

"Ministers, I'd like to introduce you to Itachi Uchiha. He will be serving as my personal advisor and personal knight. He has already proven to be an invaluable asset."

The room fell silent as the ministers processed this new information. Captain Beaumont nodded in approval, offering a reassuring smile to Itachi.

Natalie, still curious, spoke up. "Your Majesty, may I ask about Mr. Uchiha's background? He seems quite distinguished."

Elara smiled, appreciating Natalie's directness. "Mr. Uchiha has extensive experience in both strategy and combat. His unique skills and insights will greatly benefit our kingdom."

Tyrion nodded thoughtfully. "A valuable addition indeed."

Irvin, curious, asked, "Will he be involved in our strategic discussions going forward?"

Elara nodded. "Yes, he will. Itachi's perspective will help us navigate the challenges we face."

Albert Gifford, still uneasy but trying to mask his discomfort, forced a polite smile. "Welcome, Mr. Uchiha. I hope we can work well together."

Itachi inclined his head respectfully. "Thank you, Minister Gifford. I look forward to collaborating with all of you."

Elara, sensing the need to move on, addressed the room. "Now that introductions are out of the way, let's continue with our agenda. First, I'd like to address the issue concerning Albert Gifford's brother and the final report," she said, looking directly at Albert.

Albert Gifford swallowed hard, clearly anxious. "Yes, Your Majesty. I have the report here," he said, handing over a stack of documents.

Elara took the report and began to read through it, her expression growing more serious as she reviewed the contents. The room was silent, the tension palpable. After a few moments, she set the report down and looked at Albert.

Elara's expression grew stern as she reviewed the annual report in front of her. Her frustration was evident, and she couldn't hide her disappointment.

"Is this a joke to you? Do you call this an annual report?" she questioned sharply. "A 25% increase in food prices over the past year, an 18% increase in retail prices, a 10% increase in loan interest rates, a 12% increase in the cost of military supplies and equipment, a 20% increase in import costs due to reduced trade routes and increased tariffs, and a 15% increase in the effective tax rate to compensate for revenue shortfalls. What is going on here?"

Albert Gifford, visibly sweating, tried to maintain his composure. "Your Majesty, there are several reasons for these increases. Prolonged droughts in the Northern Highlands have reduced crop yields by 30%, leading to food shortages and increased prices. Civil unrest and supply chain disruptions have caused a 20% decrease in retail store inventories. Increased borrowing due to economic strain has led to higher interest rates, with the central bank raising the interest rate by 3%. Continuous border conflicts with the Pearl Kingdom and internal strife have necessitated a 15% increase in defense spending. Trade disruptions with Frostfell and the Golden Sun Kingdoms have decreased export volumes by 25%. Reduced economic activity and higher expenses have led to a 10% decrease in tax revenue collection."

Elara took a deep breath, her gaze shifting to the other ministers. "This situation is unacceptable. We need solutions, not just explanations. How do you address these issues and stabilize our economy?"

As the tension in the room thickened, Albert Gifford's thoughts betrayed him. "I think the city is doing fine. More or less, I'm just adjusting the conversion rate to 5 small silver to 1 large silver. What's the shock about that?" Elara, hearing his thoughts, felt her anger surge.

"I asked you something, Albert," Elara said, her voice icy. "By looking at your expression, it seems you believe nothing is wrong."

Albert began to sweat, nervously stammering, "No, no, Your Majesty, I didn't think it was very concerning."

Elara's eyes narrowed. "In your report, you mentioned trade disruptions. Does that include any dealings involving elves?"

Albert's eyes widened in fear, and in his thoughts, he panicked. "I can't tell her that I was involved in that trading network. I was lucky to get there late; I heard that masked man was slaughtering everyone."

Elara, hearing his thoughts, grew furious. "I asked you something. Your silence speaks volumes."

Albert, stuttering and visibly shaken, blurted out, ", Your Majesty, hear me. I wasn't a part of it. It was my brother!"

Elara's disgust was palpable. "You're lying, using your brother's name to save yourself. Shameless." Itachi, observing the exchange from behind Elara, stepped forward and said a lie to uncover. "When we investigated the cells, we found evidence linking you as the mastermind behind the slave auction."

Albert's eyes widened further in anger and fear. "What do you mean, you lowlife—" He was cut off by Elara's fist slamming onto the table.

"Silence, Albert Gifford! If you're telling the truth, let's confirm it with my mother."

Albert's fear turned to sheer terror, his body shaking uncontrollably. Elara's voice was cold and final. "You are pathetic. From this moment on, you are no longer the finance minister." Turning to Captain Beaumont, she commanded, "Call your guards."

Captain Beaumont nodded and summoned his guards. They entered, bowing to Elara. "Your Majesty," they acknowledged.

Elara nodded back. "Take this bastard away from my sight. Send him to the same cell as his brother. Let them die there together in the dungeon."

Realizing his chances of escape were slim, Albert decided to make a desperate move. He shouted, "You insolent bitch!" and drew a knife, lunging at Elara. In an instant, Itachi moved swiftly, his Sharingan eyes narrowing as he anticipated the attack. With a precise and fluid motion, he unsheathed his sword and struck, severing Albert's hand before the knife could reach Elara.

Albert screamed in agony, collapsing to the ground as blood pooled around his severed hand. The guards rushed in, quickly restraining him.

All the ministers widened their eyes in fear, except for Captain Beaumont, who was observing him. He saw his red eyes and thought, "What was that? I saw the red pupils with three dots." Elara heard him and looked at Itachi's eyes, but they appeared normal. Then she turned to Albert Gofford.

Elara's voice was cold and unyielding as she spoke, "Albert Gifford, you have not only betrayed your kingdom but also shown your true colors. Your cowardice and deceit have no place here."

The guards dragged Albert away, his protests and cries of pain fading as they left the room. The ministers sat in stunned silence, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

Elara took a deep breath, regaining her composure. "This is a reminder to everyone here. Corruption and betrayal will not be tolerated. We must work together to restore the kingdom's prosperity and trust."

Captain Beaumont nodded, his respect for Elara clear. "Your Majesty, we will ensure that justice is served and that the kingdom's interests are protected."

Elara turned to Itachi, her expression softening. "Thank you, Mr Uchiha. Your quick actions saved me and prevented a tragedy."

Itachi bowed slightly. "It was my duty, Your Majesty."

Elara turned to the room, standing with a sigh before addressing the ministers. "But we have to get the budget stable for the people."

All the ministers nodded in agreement. Irvin Godwin then spoke up, "With all due respect, Your Majesty, we need someone to fill the role of the financial minister."

Elara sighed again. "Yes, I know." As Itachi examined the annual report, he suggested, "What if we commission the construction of irrigation systems and aqueducts to combat drought? Provide land grants and reduce taxes for farmers to encourage cultivation."

Everyone turned to look at Itachi, who bowed apologetically. Elara encouraged him, "No, no, continue."

Itachi nodded. "What if we implement irrigation systems and provide land grants and reduced taxes for farmers?"

Elara considered his suggestion and said, "Wow, that's actually a good idea."

Itachi smiled and continued, "I have some more suggestions as well."

Now intrigued, Irvin Godwin asked, "Is that so? How about dealing with imports and exports with neighboring kingdoms?"

Itachi nodded and said, "Enhance the quality and variety of exported goods to attract new markets. Negotiate reduced tariffs and improve diplomatic relations to lower import costs."

Irvin, still skeptical, inquired, "It's all good, but how will you implement it?"

Itachi thought for a moment before replying, "Invest 8% in quality control of exports and allocate 12% for diplomatic missions to negotiate better trade terms."

Irvin, now impressed, said, "That's good. I know my father made a great choice."

Itachi looked at him, recognizing the resemblance. "You are Mr. Godwin's son?"

Irvin smiled and nodded. "Yes, he told me everything about you—your love for books and your behavior as well."

Itachi bowed and said, "Thank you. It's because of him that I am here."

Irvin smiled, and Natalie Norwood interrupted, "Your Majesty, I have something to ask. What do you suggest for medical costs? The report didn't mention them, and I'd like to point out that the equipment is very outdated and only the royal hospital is well taken care of."

Elara sighed, realizing the report's incompleteness. "So this report is incomplete," she said angrily, "That bastard thought only of himself." She then looked at Natalie and asked, "So what is the current funding you receive?"

Natalie replied, "The local hospitals receive minimal funding, barely enough to keep them running. The royal hospital receives the majority of the medical budget, which is unfair to the common people."

Elara nodded thoughtfully. "We need to reallocate funds to ensure that all hospitals, not just the royal one, are adequately funded. Itachi, do you have any suggestions for this?"

Itachi nodded. "We could divert a portion of the military budget towards healthcare. Additionally, we could establish a healthcare tax on luxury goods to generate additional revenue specifically for medical purposes."

Elara considered this. "That's a good idea. We can also look into partnerships with neighboring kingdoms for medical supplies and expertise."

Natalie nodded in agreement. "That would be very beneficial. Thank you, Your Majesty."

Tyrion Paxton was the next to speak. "So, what will we do about the loans and other financial systems?"

Elara thought for a moment before responding, "We could create a royal treasury fund to provide low-interest loans to citizens and implement a decree to cap interest rates imposed by moneylenders."

Itachi nodded. "That's a great idea, Your Majesty, but there is a problem."

Elara looked at him inquisitively. "What is it?"

Itachi explained, "If we do that, other businesses might suffer, which would affect the economy."

Elara thought again and said, "You're right. How about we consolidate everything into a single royal bank run under my influence?"

Itachi smiled. "That's a great plan, but you'll need someone to oversee it, not just the financial minister but a dedicated head who can report to you monthly."

Elara nodded. "Okay, we will find someone suitable."

Tyrion Paxton nodded approvingly. "That's a great idea, Your Majesty, but what interest rate do you propose?"

Itachi suggested, "How about 10%?"

Irvin agreed. "That sounds reasonable. It will benefit our economy and increase the happiness of our citizens."

Elara smiled and nodded. "Okay, that's settled." She then noticed Itachi writing something. "What are you doing, Mr . Uchiha?"

Itachi replied, "I'm noting down points that will help you in making reports."

Elara blushed and thought, "He is very dependable. He's thinking about me."

Clearing her throat, she said, "I will check those notes later." Itachi nodded.

Turning to Captain Beaumont, she asked, "You've been very silent, Captain."

The captain smirked. "He is very dependable, isn't he?"

Elara maintained a calm expression but felt her heart flutter. "Yes, he is."

Captain Beaumont then said, "What about the soldiers' issues? There's been a delay in wages, and we are understaffed after the last conflict. We are down to one-third of our original force."

Elara looked serious. "That is concerning."

Itachi suggested, "How about recruiting and training local militias to reduce the burden on the standing army? Form alliances with neighboring kingdoms for mutual defense. We can increase the defense budget by 5% to help with wages and equipment."

The captain was impressed. "Your Majesty, he is something else. Where did you gain such knowledge, Mr. Uchiha? I respect you for this despite having no formal education."

Natalie interjected, "What are you saying, Captain? Look at him; he must be a noble and have completed his studies."

Irvin added, "But my father said he is a commoner."

The three ministers widened their eyes in surprise, and Patrick, wanting to speak, asked, "Did Mr. Godwin say that?" Natalie followed up with, "Where did you learn this, Mr. Uchiha?"

Itachi replied, "From the library."

Natalie shook her head. "That's not possible without any personal training."

Itachi stated, "I have attended an academy."

Elara, now curious, asked, "From where?"

Itachi hesitated and said, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

The captain remarked, "How secretive."

Elara, sensing Itachi's discomfort, decided to change the subject. "Alright, let's focus on the tasks at hand. We have a lot to accomplish."

The ministers nodded in agreement, and the meeting continued. Irvin spoke up, "I have come up with some solutions."

Elara said, "Speak."

Irvin proposed, "We could establish royal caravans to secure trade routes and ensure the safe transport of goods. Additionally, we should encourage local artisans and craftsmen by reducing market taxes."

Elara thought for a moment and said, "That's good. We do have our royal caravan."

Itachi interjected, "But that might be expensive for the local people."

Irvin realized the oversight and said, "You're right. I forgot."

Itachi smiled and reassured him, "Don't worry, I have an idea. If we increase funding for royal guards and trade protection by 15% and reduce market taxes by 10%, all trade will be less expensive, and we can reduce inflation."

Irvin nodded, impressed. "Nice thinking."

Elara added, "That will also increase the number of shops for newcomers."

Itachi nodded. "It might reduce the cost as well, like changing 1 large silver to 8 small silvers."

All the ministers nodded in agreement. Captain Beaumont then brought up a new topic. "You know about the event tomorrow, right?"

Elara nodded. "Yes, we need to get to the royal shop for the uniforms."

Captain Beaumont said, "It is already done, I think."

Elara nodded. Natalie Norwood said, "So, he is the candidate for your personal knight? It suits him, I guess."

Itachi smiled and said, "Thank you, Ms. Norwood."

The Captain then asked, "How are the elves?"

Elara replied, "They are all fine now, resting. But after three days, we have to send them to their home."

Captain Beaumont nodded. "They were away from home for a long time, right?"

Tyrion Paxton added, "It's good that they are safe. I also heard there were not only elves but also local women who were missing."

Elara nodded, a hint of shame in her expression. Natalie interjected, "Some women came to the local hospital. I was summoned in the middle of the night, and we helped them. But they all said one thing. I heard them say things like, 'That man was so handsome, I want to cuddle him,' and other things like, 'When we all hugged him, he substituted himself with a wooden log and was embarrassed.'"

Everyone started to laugh. Elara looked at Itachi with a frustrated expression, and he was sweating nervously, thinking, "I told those women not to mention me, but..." Then he smiled. "Now they can live a normal life."

Elara, hearing his thoughts, smiled, and her frustration dissipated. She thought, "He is a very kind person." Then she said aloud, "Oh really? I want to know about the person they are describing."

She looked at Itachi with a smile, and he stood still, sweating even more.

Captain Beaumont said, "Your Majesty, we need to start preparations for the ceremony."

Elara nodded. "I know. Mr. Uchiha and I will head to the store for the uniforms." The ministers acknowledged her and prepared to leave. "You all can take a break now. It's been a long day."

They nodded and expressed their gratitude. "Thank you, Your Majesty," they said as they left.

Before leaving, Captain Beaumont smirked and said, "My family is very eager to meet your new knight."

Elara blushed and replied, "They will see him tomorrow." The Captain looked at Itachi, and smiled, and Itachi smiled back.

After the room cleared, Elara sighed, sat down, and said, "Ah, I am tired."

Itachi smiled and said, "You did a great job." He thought, "She has a strong mind."

Elara heard his thoughts, smiled, and said, "Thanks, Itachi."

Itachi replied, "It's the truth, Your Majesty—"

Elara interrupted him, "Call me Elara. We are alone now."

Itachi hesitated, "I can't. You are the Empress of this kingdom."

Elara insisted, "That's true, but I am also your friend."

Itachi's eyes widened. "Friend?"

Elara nodded, "Yes, a friend. I consider you my friend."

Itachi thought, "Her friend?"

Elara's expression turned a little sad, "So, you don't consider me as your friend?"

Itachi quickly responded, "No, no, that's not it. I am your friend." He smiled and added, "I'm happy that you consider me your friend."

Elara smiled brightly, "So, you will call me Elara. You always call me Empress, Princess, or Your Majesty. From now on, when we are alone, you will call me Elara. Is that clear?"

Itachi sighed and smiled, "Okay, Elara."

Elara's heart skipped a beat hearing her name from him. She blushed and smiled. "Now, let's go to the royal cloth store for your uniform."

Itachi then asked, "How did you get my measurements?"

Elara smiled, "My butler told me you had taken some measurements at a shop named Megan's Store."

Itachi chuckled, "Yes, this suit, but now it's a bit dusted."

Elara nodded, "We appointed Megan and gave her a chance to work at the royal cloth shop, and they were very happy."

Itachi smiled, "That's good."

Elara then said, "Shall we leave?"

Itachi nodded, and they both left together.

As they were leaving, Elara called the butler and said, "Get the carriage."

The butler was about to nod when Itachi interjected, "I think we should walk."

Elara looked at him curiously, and Itachi continued, "The shop is very near, and the weather is beautiful."

Elara blushed at the thought of walking with Itachi and composed herself. "I will, but—"

The butler interrupted, "You can't, Your Majesty. It's very dangerous."

Elara gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, butler. You know me."

The butler smiled but added, "But still—"

He looked at Itachi, who said, "I will protect her. Don't worry."

The butler nodded and left, and they set off on foot.

As they walked, Elara said, "Wait here. I'll get changed."

Itachi nodded and waited outside. After a minute, the door opened, revealing Elara with purple hair and green eyes. Itachi's eyes widened. "Amy?"

Itachi's thoughts raced, and he finally realized, "You were Amy all this time?"

Elara laughed. "That's right. I used to roam the kingdom for information, but now you are my friend, so I wanted to show you."

Itachi looked at her, thinking, "So she heard about the comment that Jacob made to her."

Elara smiled and said, "Let's go. No need to think more about it."

They both left, walking together through the beautiful weather.

As they walked, Elara occasionally glanced at Itachi, her cheeks flushed with a light pink. Itachi, lost in thought, felt a pang of sadness. "Am I allowed to be friends with anyone after what I've done? Shisui... Izumi..." 

Elara, hearing his thoughts, widened her eyes. "What did he do? Who are Shisui and Izumi?" she wondered.

Itachi, noticing her curious expression, decided to break the silence. "You handled the ministers very well today, Elara."

Elara's blush deepened. "Thank you, Itachi."

As they continued walking, Elara glanced at the sunset. "Look, Itachi. Isn't the sunset beautiful?"

Itachi looked at the horizon and smiled. "Yeah, it's beautiful. It reminds me of Konoha sometimes."

Elara thought, "Konoha must be where he lived."

They finally reached the store. Megan, the shop owner, looked up and teased, "You came with company, I see."

Itachi watched Elara, waiting for her reaction. She was blushing, which made him feel a warmth inside. "No, no, I'm not. She is..." He looked at Elara, struggling for words.

Elara composed herself and nodded. Itachi leaned toward Megan and whispered, "She is Her Majesty."

Megan laughed, "You must be joking. She is beautiful, but Her Majesty has golden hair and red eyes."

Itachi sighed, and then they heard a noise. Megan's eyes widened as she saw Elara smiling. Megan quickly knelt, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty."

Elara smiled. "It's fine. Is the uniform ready?"

Megan nodded, "Yes."

Elara looked at Itachi. "Go ahead and try it on."

Itachi nodded and stepped into the fitting room. Megan, still kneeling, looked up at Elara. "I had no idea it was you, Your Majesty."

Elara smiled warmly. "It's alright, Megan. Thank you for your compliment."

After that, the store owner came in. She looked at Elara and bowed, saying, "Good evening, your majesty." Elara smiled and replied, "Good to see you, Alara." The store owner responded, "It's good to see you as well, your majesty." Then she looked at Megan and asked, "Is the uniform finished, Megan?" Megan nodded and said, "Yeah." Elara smiled.

A few moments later, Itachi emerged, dressed in his new uniform.

Elara began to blush and said, "It suits you perfectly." Megan added, "Yeah, you look great." She thought, "If I were younger, I'd take him out."

Itachi nodded, "Thank you, Elara. And thank you, Megan."

Megan smiled, "It was my pleasure. You look very distinguished, Sir Itachi."

Elara, hearing her thoughts, became frustrated. "Let's go quickly," she said, her tone sharper than usual. Itachi didn't understand her frustration but went back to the changing room to switch back to his regular outfit. Elara transformed herself back into Amy, and they began walking back to the palace.

As they walked, Elara fumed, "Women these days are really shameless. I get it, he's handsome, smart, tall, with a great physique, but still..."

Itachi noticed her frustration but couldn't fathom the reason behind it. As they passed a shop, he spotted some dumplings and stopped, staring at them. Elara observed him and saw his expression soften. Itachi thought, "They look just like the ones Izumi and I shared when we were kids. If we were still together..."

Elara, hearing this, widened her eyes. "He had some relationship with Izumi?" she wondered. Then, breaking the silence, she asked, "Do you want to eat?"

Itachi, surprised, replied, "No, it's okay."

Elara grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dumpling store. "Two plates of dumplings, please," she ordered. The shopkeeper nodded and quickly prepared two plates for them.

Elara took a bite and exclaimed, "Wow, these are delicious! Eat, Itachi, eat!"

Itachi looked at the dumplings, reminiscing for a moment, and then took a bite. The familiar taste brought back memories, and he couldn't help but gave a sad smile.

Itachi's memories brought a sigh to his lips as he continued to eat. Elara, observing him and catching fragments of his thoughts, grew frustrated. Who is Izumi? she wondered, her eyes widening with realization. Did they have a relationship? Were they together?

Itachi noticed her disturbed expression and asked, "Is everything okay?"

Elara snapped out of her thoughts, "No, no, it's nothing," she replied, trying to mask her emotions as she began eating again. "Ahh, it's so good."

Itachi nodded, "Yeah, it is good."

Elara, trying to change the subject, remarked, "I thought you weren't into sweets, but you seem to like these."

Itachi gave a small smile. "I do like sweets."

Elara quickly finished her meal and said, "We should leave now. You need to rest."

Itachi nodded, and together they made their way back to the palace, the evening air carrying a mix of unspoken thoughts and lingering tension.