The Ceremony(I)

[italics.... Thougths]

The next day, Itachi woke up to a gentle knock on his door. He said, "Come in," and the maid entered. Her eyes widened as she took in Itachi's appearance. He was elegantly adorned in an ethereal white royal suit, accentuated with a sleek tie and tailored pants, topped with a regal cap that exuded sophistication. The outfit blended contemporary fashion with traditional Japanese aesthetics, infused with a hint of mystique, reflecting his complex character. The soft, dreamlike lighting cast a halo effect around him, reminiscent of a high-fashion editorial shoot.

The maid couldn't help but blush, thinking, *He looks so handsome, oh my god.*

Itachi noticed her reaction and smiled kindly. "Is there something you need?"

The maid snapped out of her thoughts and said, "Ah, Her Majesty is ready. Are you ready as well?"

Itachi nodded, "Yes, I am. I will take my leave now." 

With that, he gracefully made his way out. On his way, he met Nithenoel and Renestrae walking together. Itachi greeted them with a warm smile, "Good morning."

Nithenoel blushed when she saw Itachi in his outfit and managed to respond, "Good morning."

Renestrae smirked and added, "This outfit looks great, doesn't it, Nithenoel?"

Nithenoel nodded shyly, still blushing. Itachi smiled and said, "Thank you. What are you two doing up this early?"

Renestrae replied with a playful tone, "We wake up early, unlike our sister, who sleeps as if she's in hibernation."

Itachi chuckled. Nithenoel then asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm heading to Her Majesty's office," Itachi replied.

Nithenoel nodded, "Okay."

Itachi then excused himself, "I'm sorry, but I have to leave now. Excuse me."

As Itachi walked away, Renestrae couldn't resist teasing Nithenoel about her obvious reaction to Itachi's appearance.

Renestrae grinned and nudged her sister. "You were totally blushing back there, Nithenoel."

Nithenoel's cheeks turned even redder. "I was not!" she protested, though her flustered expression gave her away.

"Oh, come on," Renestrae continued with a mischievous glint in her eye. "I saw the way you were looking at him. You think he's handsome, don't you?"

Nithenoel stammered, "I-I just thought his outfit looked nice, that's all."

Renestrae laughed lightly. "Sure, sure. Just admit it, he's quite the sight to behold in that uniform."

Nithenoel sighed, finally giving in to her sister's teasing. "Okay, fine. He does look... very handsome."

Renestrae smiled triumphantly. "There, was that so hard to admit? I think a lot of people would agree with you."

Nithenoel nodded, her blush slowly fading. "Yes, he does have a certain charm."

As the sisters continued their walk, Renestrae couldn't help but think about how Itachi's presence had added an interesting dynamic to the palace. They both knew that today was going to be an eventful day, with Itachi playing a significant role in the upcoming ceremony.

Itachi came to the doorway of her office. He knocked on her door, and as he opened it, he heard "Come in." As he opened the door and stood in the doorway, he was momentarily speechless at the sight of Elara, adorned in an elegant white dress that shimmered like satin. Her dress, embellished with intricate silver embroidery and delicate lace, was breathtaking. Elara, noticing his pause, said, "What are you doing standing there? Come in."

Itachi came in, smiling. "You look beautiful in that dress."

Elara blushed. "Thank you. You also look very good in your uniform."

Itachi smiled in return, appreciating the compliment. Elara then said, "There will be guests arriving soon," before looking at him nervously. "I said that you will be my knight, but I never asked you if you were ready for this. If you become my knight, you must be loyal and dedicated to my safety. Is that okay with you? If you don't..."

Itachi, still smiling, interrupted, "I never said no. I want to be your knight, and I will."

Elara blushed again. "Thank you, Itachi."

Just then, they heard a voice from the doorway. "Am I disturbing you?"

Elara and Itachi turned to see Elara's mother Anya standing there. Elara quickly composed herself and smiled. "No, Mother, you're not disturbing us. Please, come in."

Anya entered the room with a graceful smile. "I see you both are ready for the ceremony. The guests are coming in."

Itachi nodded. "Yes, we're ready."

Anya glanced between Elara and Itachi, sensin. "Elara, you look stunning. And Itachi, you look very distinguished in your uniform."

Elara smiled. "Thank you, Anya. Is everything prepared for the ceremony?"

Anya nodded. "Yes, everything is in order. The guests are already starting to arrive. We should head to the main hall soon."

Elara took a deep breath. "Alright. Itachi, shall we?"

Itachi offered his arm to Elara. "Let's go."

At the main hall, guests were mingling with glasses in hand, speculating about who might be chosen as Elara's knight.

"I wonder who her knight will be," one person said.

"Yes, I'm quite curious," another added.

A third voice, more critical, remarked, "Is he even capable?"

A strong voice responded, "Yes, he is more than capable." 

The guests turned to see Captain Lucien Beaumont, his wife Jennifer Beaumont, Duchess Vivienne Beaumont, Duke Gareth Beaumont, and Sir Alistair Beaumont standing with smiles. The critical person bowed.

Captain Lucien continued, "I've personally seen his work. I'm impressed. He is more than capable."

The person nodded, and Duchess Vivienne added, "I've heard a lot about him from Lucien."

Duke Gareth chimed in, "Yes, I'm curious too."

Alistair smirked, "It'll be fun to tease her now."

Jennifer laughed. "I was enjoying teasing her as well," Lucien said, and they all laughed together.

Just then, the Chamberlain family entered. Duchess Vivienne noticed them. "So, they're here," she remarked. 

Duke Cedric Chamberlain approached them. "Ah, the Beaumont family," he greeted with a smirk.

Duke Gareth responded with a forced smile. "It's good to see you, Duke Cedric."

Cedric nodded. "It's also good to see you, Duke Gareth." He continued, "So, I assume you all know about Elara's knight?"

Duke Gareth, with all due respect, replied, "I'm not at liberty to say, and the ceremony is about to start."

Cedric smirked. "Whoever he is, he is nothing against us."

Captain Lucien smirked back. "I think you're wrong. I've seen him in action. He was holding back, and I sensed a lot of power in him."

Cedric looked at him sharply. "What did you say?"

"I suggest not underestimating him," Lucien replied.

Behind Cedric, Duchess Eleanor Chamberlain and Stephanie Chamberlain observed the exchange. Duchess Vivienne smiled at Eleanor. "How are you, Duchess Eleanor?"

Eleanor smiled back. "I'm good, Duchess Vivienne."

Stephanie, meanwhile, was deep in thought. *Who will be her knight? Why do I feel it might be Itachi? I haven't seen him in the Godwin library.*

Alistair noticed her distraction. "Miss Chamberlain, are you alright? You look tense."

Stephanie snapped out of her thoughts and smiled. "No, it's nothing, Sir Beaumont." She thought, *He is handsome, I'll give him that, but not as handsome as Itachi.*

At that moment, the Gifford family arrived. Lady Isolde Gifford and her sons, Edmund and Jasper, looked angry. Spotting the Beaumont and Chamberlain families, Lady Isolde hid and left, but Jasper, shamelessly, approached Stephanie.

"Hello, Miss Chamberlain," he greeted.

She forced a smile. "Hello, Sir Gifford."

Right after that, Edmund approached the group and greeted them. "Hello, Beaumont family, Chamberlain family."

They all nodded in response. Edmund smirked. "I thought Alistair would be her knight, but after you lost against me, I think she changed her mind."

Jennifer bristled with anger and was about to retort, but Alistair gently stopped her, shaking his head. "Don't do it, sister-in-law. It's not worth it. After all, we are not like his father, are we?"

The Beaumont and Chamberlain families widened their eyes in surprise. Lucien whistled. "Wow, that's a comeback."

Edmund, now furious, stepped closer to Alistair. "So, you want to go there, huh?"

Alistair smiled calmly. "No, no, all peace. Even if you did beat me by cheating, using a concealed weapon during our sword duel."

Edmund stepped back. "Everything is fair, my friend."

Alistair glared at him, thinking, *I can respect his skill with a sword, if nothing else.*

Duke Cedric remarked, "What a shame," and walked away. Duchess Eleanor bowed in apology. Duchess Vivienne smiled and nodded in understanding.

Jasper, blushing, asked Stephanie, "Shall we, Miss Chamberlain?"

She forced a smile and replied, "Yes," while thinking, *I have to deal with this ugly head for the day. How frustrating.*

As they left, Duke Gareth patted Alistair's head. "You did good, boy. You remained composed. But that comeback was..."

Duchess Vivienne added, "It's all good, but please restrain your choice of words next time, dear."

Alistair smiled. "Okay, mother."

Jennifer, still seething, began, "How can he say that, that little fuc—"

Captain Lucien quickly covered her mouth and fake-laughed. "Ha ha ha! Let...let's have some drinks..."

The Beaumont family began to laugh, easing the tension.

and this all was broadcasting live using magic and all the commoner people came at the center where they all can she the ceremoney and there were jacob and David , susan, morey with his wife megan and her child amy standing there and waiting 

Back in the hall, Patrick Godwin and his son Irvin Godwin arrived at the ceremony. Alistair spotted Irvin and approached him. "Hello, Irvin. Long time no see."

Irvin smiled. "Yes, it's been a long time."

Alistair then looked at Patrick Godwin and bowed. "Hello, Mr. Godwin."

Patrick smiled warmly. "Hello, Alistair. You've grown and matured."

Alistair grinned. "It's all thanks to you, sir. You were our tutor; I learned from the best."

Patrick nodded approvingly. "Great to hear."

Alistair turned to Irvin. "Irvin, can you come with me for a second?"

Irvin noticed the serious look on Alistair's face and nodded. He glanced at his father, who also nodded in approval. They walked to the balcony together.

As they reached the balcony, Alistair asked, "What do you think of Itachi Uchiha?"

Irvin looked thoughtful. "He's sharp and intelligent. He comes up with the best suggestions quickly, and I've tested his knowledge with some questions as well. He understands quickly and is quite dependable."

Alistair nodded. "My brother was checking his background but found nothing. It's like he came out of nowhere, but Elara trusts him."

Irvin considered this. "I understand what you're saying. He might be a spy."

Alistair continued, "Yeah, you are right, but then why would he help the people of this kingdom? I heard from my brother that he was the one who helped the slaves."

Irvin widened his eyes. "Are you serious?"

Alistair nodded. "Yes, brother told us that he made a plan to infiltrate the slave auction and free all the slaves. Also, he can use magic, and his magical powers are on another level."

Irvin was deep in thought when Alistair suddenly became alert. Drawing his sword, he called out, "Who are you? I can sense you. Come out."

A figure with black hair stepped out, and they both widened their eyes. "An elf!" they exclaimed.

The elf nodded. "So, you are talking about Sir Itachi. I was curious and tried to listen."

Alistair demanded, "Why did only one come? There are more out there. Come out; we won't do anything."

Two figures with red hair stepped out, laughing. "A human like you can harm us? Hahaha."

A grey-haired elf scolded them. "How many times have I told you to have some manners?"

Two blond elves and a pink-haired elf also stepped out. Alistair, still shocked, exclaimed, "So they are real! You all look so cool!"

Irvin facepalmed. "Is that what you say?"

Irvin turned to the elves. "What are you doing here? It's not safe. You should be in your rooms. If the nobles know that the elves are here, they might try to catch you."

The blond elf smirked. "At that time, we were at a disadvantage, but now we can easily kill them if they try to do that."

Irvin sign and said its not about that its...

The blond elf reassured, "Don't worry, we are not going to the ceremony. We were just roaming around, admiring the decorations."

Alistair sighed. "I recommend you not to roam here because some nobles might come here for the washroom."

The elf sighed in response. "Fine, we will leave."

As they were about to leave, Irvin stopped them. "Before you go, I have one question."

The elf turned back. "What is it?"

Irvin continued, "Since you were involved in that incident, I think you might know about Itachi Uchiha's power."

The elf looked at him steadily and replied, "No, I don't," then turned and led the others away.

Irvin sighed. "Well, that was a waste."

Alistair watched them leave and remarked, "They might know something."

Irvin nodded. "I also think they are protecting his privacy for some reason."

Alistair sighed. "Let's go; it's time now."

Irvin gave a quick nod, and they both turned to go back inside, eager to join the ceremony. Irvin made his way over to his dad, while Alistair headed to his family.

Behind the door, Itachi and Elara stood ready. She looked at him and asked, "Are you ready?"

He nodded, and she smiled. "Let's go."

At her signal, the guard opened the door. All the nobles turned their attention to the entrance, anticipating the arrival. As the door opened, they saw Empress Elara and her knight, Itachi, walking in with one hand on his sword. They moved forward with grace and confidence.

The broadcast began, and the common people watching the screens reacted with recognition and excitement. One woman exclaimed, "Brother, he was the one who saved me from the auction!"

Another woman added, "Yes, he was the one!"

Among the viewers, David, Susan, Morey, and Megan watched with proud smiles. David thought to himself, "He climbs the ladders very fast."

In the hall, whispers spread among the nobles. Some were captivated by Elara's beauty and Itachi's striking presence.

"Wow, the Empress looks so beautiful, and the knight is so handsome," one noble remarked.

"Is he really capable?" another murmured skeptically.

"What a handsome man," someone else mumbled.

As Elara and Itachi approached the hall's center, the Beaumont family shared their thoughts.

"He's got a commanding presence," Duchess Vivienne commented, watching Itachi closely.

Duchess Vivienne remarked, "Lucien, you mentioned you're unfamiliar with his background, correct?" Captain Lucien nodded in agreement. Duke Gareth then interjected, "Yes, there's something unusual about him, but in a positive sense. Still, keep a close watch." Captain Lucien affirmed, "I will, Father."

Jennifer Beaumont added with a smile, "It seems that she has taken quite an interest in her new knight."

Sir Alistair chuckled, "I Agree."

"This Itachi Uchiha," Duke Cedric began, his voice low but audible to his family, "I've heard tales of this mysterious knight, but I'm not convinced. Elara's enthusiasm is suspicious, and I think this whole ordeal is just a ruse to distract us from the true issues."

Duchess Eleanor Chamberlain remained silent, her expression neutral. She glanced at her husband but chose not to voice her thoughts, maintaining her poise and composure.

Stephanie Chamberlain, on the other hand, was in a world of her own. She couldn't take her eyes off Itachi, her cheeks tinged with a blush. She thought about his outfit, how elegantly it suited him, and how effortlessly handsome he appeared. How can someone be that handsome? she mused internally. It's unfair. Her thoughts then turned to Elara, and she felt a pang of jealousy. Elara's always come in between she trying to take everything from me, she thought bitterly. Why does she get to be so close to him? he should be my knight he should obey me be my dog in my lap

Elara in the middle of the everyone's thought chaos, somehow overheard Stephanie's thoughts. "He should obey me, her dog perched on her lap."

Elara glanced over at Stephanie and gave her a smirk. Stephanie caught Elara's smirk and felt a surge of anger. "This bitch is looking down on me," she thought, her expression darkening. Noticing the change in her daughter's demeanor, Stephanie's mother asked, "What happened, dear?" Stephanie broke out of her thoughts, composed herself, and replied, "It's nothing, Mother."

Lady Gifford's eyes blazed with a surge of anger, and she couldn't suppress her curses directed at Itachi she thought. "Because of you, my husband is in jail!" 

Beside her, her two children, Jasper and Edmund, reacted differently. Jasper looked at Itachi with jealousy, thinking bitterly, What's so great about him? He's just a book nerd. I am way better than him

Edmund, however, took a more direct approach. His eyes narrowed in contempt as he began criticizing Itachi in his thoughts. "You think you're capable? Do you even know how to use a sword or cast a spell?" he scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. A smirk played on his lips as he continued, "I'll teach you a lesson and show everyone who the better swordsman is. Then Elara will be mine and I will use her and fulfill my needs."

As Elara and Itachi reach the throne and turned around and stood before the gathered nobles and esteemed guests, Elara faced the crowd, her voice clear and confident. "My dear nobles and honored guests, I stand before you today to make a most extraordinary announcement. After much deliberation and consideration, I am pleased to declare that a new knight shall be inducted into the Order of the Gryphon. And that knight is... my friend, Itachi Uchiha!"

Gasps and murmurs of surprise filled the hall as the audience reacted to the unexpected announcement.

"I know that some of you may be wondering why I have chosen Sir Uchiha for this esteemed position. But let me tell you, he has proven himself to be not only a skilled warrior, but also a loyal and trustworthy companion. He has been by my side through thick and thin, and I have come to rely on his counsel and protection. And so, I believe that he is the perfect candidate to serve as my personal knight."

The crowd began to applaud and murmur their approval as Elara continued. "As Sir Uchiha will be serving as my personal knight, he will be responsible for ensuring my safety and security at all times. He will be my constant companion, my protector, and my advisor. And I have every confidence that he will perform his duties with the utmost honor and dedication."

Thunderous applause and cheering erupted as Itachi stepped forward to receive his new role. He knelt down before Elara, his head bowed in humility.

"Sir Uchiha, I charge you with this noble responsibility. May your sword always be sharp, your heart always be pure, and your loyalty always be unwavering. May you serve me well, and may our bond grow stronger with each passing day."

Elara reached out and gently placed the holy sword on Itachi's head, a symbol of his new role as her personal knight.

"May this sword be a reminder of your duties and responsibilities as my personal knight. May it guide you and protect you, and may you always remember the trust that I have placed in you."

Itachi looked up at her and said with a serious expression, "Your Majesty, I, Itachi Uchiha, vow to protect and serve you with all my might and honor. I shall stand guard beside you, day and night, and defend you from any threat or danger that may arise. I shall be your shield, your protector, and your loyal companion. May my life be given in service to you, and may my sword always be at the ready to defend your honor and well-being."

Elara's eyes met Itachi's, a hint of amusement playing on her lips. "Oh, Mr. Uchiha, I accept your vow, but only if you promise to keep up with my infamous 'snack-fest' schedule. You know, the one where I demand an endless supply of cookies and tea at 3 am?"

The audience laughed at the unexpected request.

Itachi, surprised, looked at Elara, who had a smile on her face. He chuckled and said, "Uh, yes, Your Majesty. I promise to be on standby for the midnight snack alert system... er, I mean, to be your loyal companion in times of need."

Elara smiled and teased, "Good, good. Because I have a feeling that our late-night snack sessions will become the highlight of our partnership. And who knows? Maybe we'll even discover some hidden skills in the art of cookie-making."

The audience chuckled at the thought of Itachi and Empress Elara engaging in a snack-fest.

Itachi bowed his head while kneeling and said, "I shall not fail you, Your Majesty. And I shall always remember that my duty is to serve and protect you... and to keep up with your snack demands."

Elara laughed and said, "Ah, Mr. Uchiha, you're a true knight-in-training. And I'm glad to have you by my side... if you're brave enough to join me on a midnight cookie heist, and maybe even share a few with me."

Itachi's cheeks flushed slightly as Empress Elara's flirtatious tone made him blush, but he couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through his chest as he looked at her playful smile. He cleared his throat, maintaining his stoic demeanor.

The audience began to clap and cheer for Itachi and Empress Elara, celebrating the new bond and the promise of a loyal knight to protect their beloved ruler.

The Beaumont family exchanged glances, their initial surprise quickly turning into amusement. Captain Lucien Beaumont couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at his wife, Jennifer, and his siblings. "Well, that was unexpected," he said with a grin.

Jennifer laughed, shaking her head. "I never imagined a knight's induction would include a promise to keep up with midnight snack demands," she remarked, clearly entertained.

Duke Gareth Beaumont nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "It's certainly a unique twist. It seems our Empress has a sense of humor."

Duchess Vivienne Beaumont giggled softly, her eyes sparkling with delight. "I must admit, it's quite charming. It shows a different side of both Itachi and Elara."

Sir Alistair Beaumont smirked, leaning closer to his family. "Looks like we'll have plenty of material to tease her with later. But I have to say, Itachi handled it well. He's certainly proving to be more than just a skilled warrior."

Captain Lucien nodded in agreement. "Indeed. It takes a certain level of confidence and composure to handle such a public display with grace. Itachi is certainly living up to his reputation."

The Chamberlain family reacted quite differently to the humorous twist in the ceremony. Duke Cedric Chamberlain's expression remained stern and unimpressed, his lips pressed into a thin line. He leaned towards his wife and muttered, "This is hardly the decorum one expects at such a solemn event. It makes a mockery of the position."

Duchess Eleanor Chamberlain, however, couldn't help but laugh softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, Cedric, lighten up. It was a delightful moment. It's clear that Empress Elara and Sir Itachi share a special bond. It's endearing to see them in such a light-hearted exchange."

Stephanie Chamberlain, standing beside her parents, felt a surge of jealousy flare up within her. She clenched her fists discreetly, her eyes narrowing as she watched Elara and Itachi interact. Her thoughts were filled with resentment. Why does she get to have him by her side? She's always in the way, always taking what I want. How can someone be so lucky? Itachi should be mine, not hers.

Despite her outward composure, Stephanie's mind was a whirl of bitter thoughts. She forced a smile when others looked her way, but inside, she cursed Elara for coming between her and Itachi. The jealousy gnawed at her, making it difficult to enjoy the lighthearted moment that everyone else seemed to be relishing.

Lady Isolde Gifford stood at the edge of the hall, her face set in a tight, angry mask. Her thoughts were filled with resentment and bitterness as she watched Elara and Itachi. How dare they stand there so confidently? she fumed silently. They imprisoned my husband and his brother, and now they dare to make a mockery of such a serious event? They will pay for this humiliation.

Jasper Gifford, on the other hand, had a different reaction. A sly smile played on his lips as he observed the ceremony. With Itachi now officially serving as Elara's knight, he won't be in my way anymore, Jasper thought with satisfaction. This makes things easier for me. Stephanie will be mine, and nothing can stop me now.

Edmund Gifford's anger simmered beneath the surface. His fists clenched at his sides as he watched Itachi kneel before Elara. How could she choose him over me? he thought bitterly. I was the one who deserved that position, not some outsider who appeared out of nowhere. This is an insult, and I won't forget it. You will pay for it right now

The hall fell silent as Edmund's voice cut through the air, filled with challenge and spite. "I want to say something!" he shouted, drawing the attention of all the nobles and guests present.

 Elara turned to him, her gaze steady, and nodded. "Speak," she commanded.

Edmund's eyes burned with a mixture of resentment and determination as he stepped closer, removing his glove and throwing it at Itachi's feet. "I challenge you to a duel," he declared, his voice dripping with contempt. Itachi remained composed, showing no interest in the provocation,

but Edmund wasn't finished. He began to hurl insults, attempting to goad Itachi into a reaction.

"You call yourself a knight? You're nothing but a pretender, a coward hiding behind titles and empty words!" Edmund sneered, hoping to see a flicker of anger in Itachi's eyes.

Itachi's face remained calm, his expression unchanging. Elara's eyes flashed with anger at the blatant disrespect. "That's enough, Edmund!" she warned, her voice stern. "You are out of line."

Edmund smirked, undeterred. "What's the matter? Is he scared to fight? Afraid to prove himself in front of everyone?"

Itachi sighed, glancing at Elara before stepping forward. "Fine, I accept your challenge. When shall we duel?"

"Right here, right now," Edmund said with a triumphant grin. "And if I win, you will not be the personal knight of the Empress."

Itachi's response was immediate, his eyes narrowing. "And if I win, all your family's stolen money will be distributed to the local people."

The hall fell silent. Edmund tensed, clearly not expecting such a bold counter. Itachi, after a long time, allowed himself a small smirk. "Are you ready?" he asked, his tone laced with challenge.

Elara, noticing Itachi's smirk, couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and anticipation. She turned her gaze to Edmund. "What's the matter? Are you ready, or are you scared?"

Edmund's face turned red with anger. "Done," he snapped.

As Itachi smirked and prepared for the duel, he addressed Edmund with a confident tone. "I hope you give me a tough time," he said, his eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement. "To be honest, I was getting bored. And don't worry about me using my full power—I'll hold back."

The crowd gasped collectively, the shock rippling through the hall.

Captain Lucien Beaumont leaned closer to his wife, Jennifer, and whispered, "Did he just say he's going to hold back?"

Jennifer's eyes widened. "He must be incredibly powerful if he's not even going to use his full strength."

Duke Cedric Chamberlain, his face showing a mix of disbelief and irritation, muttered, "This is preposterous. How can he be so confident?"

Duchess Vivienne tried to maintain her composure. "He certainly has an air of confidence about him. It seems there's more to him than meets the eye."

Elara, standing beside Itachi, glanced at him with a mix of awe and concern. Her thoughts raced as she wondered, Is he truly that powerful? The realization that Itachi might be holding back his full strength left her both impressed and slightly worried.

Stephanie was checking out Itachi, totally smitten. She was thinking, "How can he be so cool? hearing his voice I am getting wet" 

Jasper Gifford, watching from the sidelines, couldn't suppress a grin. This should be interesting, he thought. I've never seen a duel like this before. And I know my brother will win he is a great swordsman, unlike this nerd who is just bluffing.

Edmund, his face flushed with a mix of anger and embarrassment, glared at Itachi. "You think you're so superior? We'll see if you can back up your words."

Itachi's smirk widened. "I look forward to it. Let's see what you've got."