The Ceremony(II)

[italic.... thought]

The nobles in the hall shifted, forming a circle to give the duel space. The tension was palpable as Itachi and Edmund prepared for the fight. Whispers spread among the crowd, speculating on the outcome and what this duel meant for both Itachi and the Gifford family.

Captain Lucien Beaumont, overseeing the proceedings with a keen eye, stepped forward. He held two wooden swords, a practical choice for a demonstration rather than a lethal duel. "If we are to have this duel, let us use these wooden swords. They will prevent any serious harm while allowing us to observe the skills on display."

The crowd murmured in agreement, the wooden swords adding a layer of safety to the high-stakes challenge. Edmund and Itachi accepted the swords, each gripping the handle with determination.

Elara, sitting on the throne, thought to herself, "Just be careful, Itachi. Edmund plays dirty." She observed the scene with a mixture of anticipation and concern, her eyes fixed on Itachi.

At the Beaumont family's section, Duke Gareth leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he watched Itachi's composed stance. He muttered under his breath, "He looks composed," but his family could hear the undercurrent of admiration in his voice.

Duchess Vivinne, sitting beside him, nodded in agreement. "Yes, he does. There's a confidence in him that's undeniable."

On the other hand, Edmund was visibly tense, his eyes darting around nervously as he gauged his opponent. Alistair, keenly observing him, remarked, "It feels like he already knows he will win."

Jennister, standing beside him, nodded. "Yes, you all heard it right. He said he would hold back. I wonder what power he has in his arsenal."

The tension in the hall was thick as both Itachi and Edmund stood facing each other, their wooden swords at the ready. Captain Lucien stepped between them, preparing to initiate the duel. "Duke Cedric," Lucien called out, "could you please create a fire barrier around the arena?"

Duke Cedric shot Lucien a withering glare, causing the captain to break into a nervous sweat. With a resigned sigh, Cedric began to chant, "Earth, fire, circle! Flames, surround them, protect them!" Instantly, a ring of flames encircled the duel area, causing the gathered nobles to murmur in awe.

Itachi observed the spell with keen interest, noting the intricacies of the fire barrier. He was impressed by Duke Cedric's skill, though he kept his thoughts to himself.

Duke Gareth said, looking at the fire barrier, "Well, he is a member of a family of fire, after all."

Captain Lucien, standing at the center of the arena, began outlining the rules of the duel. "First, if there is any direct contact with the sword, the duel is over. Second, no magic will be used."

Itachi interrupted, his calm voice cutting through the air, "Let him use magic."

As Alistair's eyes widened, he exclaimed, "What?! Stephanie gazed at Itachi, her mind racing with the possibility that he might be at a disadvantage. Elara's eyes narrowed in concern, thinking aloud, "What are you thinking, Itachi?"

Lucien's incredulous expression was evident as he stared at Itachi. "Are you serious?" he asked, his voice laced with skepticism.

Itachi's gaze remained steady as he replied, "Yes, I want to test some of my own skills as well."

Edmund's face contorted in rage, his anger simmering just below the surface. "You bastard!" he spat. "How dare you look down on me!"

Lady Gifford's voice cut through the tension, her tone dripping with disdain. "Such arrogance! You are not worthy to be my personal knight. My son will defeat you in no time."

As Itachi looked at Lady Gifford's evil smile, he sighed and said, "Please, be quiet." Lady Gifford's anger grew, her face reddening with rage, and Edmund joined in, shouting, "She is my mother! You bastard! Apologize now!"

Edmund was about to lunge at Itachi, but Lucien stepped in, his voice firm. "Back to your position, Edmund." Edmund's face twisted in anger, and he spat, "Did your parents not teach you anything?" Itachi's eyes narrowed as he listened to the words, and Edmund's eyes locked onto him, understanding the intent to provoke him and he continued with the smirk, "Let me guess they are dead."

The words hung in the air like a challenge, and the crowd widened their eyes in shock. Elara and Stephanie stood up, their faces flushed with anger. Elara's voice was about to break the silence when Itachi interrupted her.

"Wait a minute," he said, his eyes locked onto Lady Gifford. "You Majesty," he added, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "My parents were good people," he continued, his words dripping with venom. "Unlike your father and your uncle, who are slave traders."

The room fell silent once more, the weight of Itachi's words hanging in the air like a challenge. The tension was palpable as the group awaited a response from Lady Gifford, the crowd's eyes widened in shock, and they began to murmur among themselves.

Some whispered, "Slave trading? Haven't you heard?" Others nodded, "Yes, I've heard that too. There were more than 50 women in the slave auction." The whispers grew louder, and the tension in the room escalated.

Edmund's face turned red with anger as he stared at Itachi, unable to counter his words. His eyes seemed to bore into Itachi's very soul, and his body language screamed defiance.

Itachi's calm demeanor belied the intensity building within him. He raised his wooden sword, and a subtle energy emanated from it. The room grew quiet as all eyes focused on the sword.

"I told you I would hold back," Itachi said, his voice low and menacing. "But now you've crossed the line."

With a swift motion, Itachi infused chakra into his sword, and its surface began to glow with an eerie blue light. The air seemed to vibrate with energy as he declared, "Now you'll see what Uchiha can do."

The Chamberlain family's Duchess Eleanor spoke up, her voice laced with concern, "It's not looking good for Edmund." Stephanie gazed at Itachi's sword, her eyes wide with wonder. "What are you saying, Mother? Now the real fun begins?"

Duke Cedric's smirk grew wider as he nodded in agreement. "You are correct, my dear. It seems we're about to witness something extraordinary."

Itachi's eyes narrowed as he pondered his next move. He thought to himself, "I think I won't use Sharingan. If I do, it might create chaos."

Just as he was about to make a decision, Lucien intervened, his voice laced with a hint of resignation. "Very well. Magic is allowed, and as you see, Itachi's sword and Aura sword are also allowed."

Itachi nodded, remembering what he had read about aura swords – weapons enveloped in the user's energy, capable of cutting through anything like butter, much like the chakra-enhanced blades from his own world. He glanced down at his wooden sword, mentally preparing himself for the duel ahead.

Lucien continued, "Lastly, the terms of the bet must be honored by the loser." Both combatants nodded in agreement.

Edmund took his stance, exuding confidence. He believed Itachi's calm demeanor indicated a lack of skill with the sword. "This will be easy," he thought.

Lucien raised his hand and then dropped it, signaling the start of the duel. Edmund charged forward, his sword crackling with magical energy as he swung it toward Itachi. Itachi moved with fluid grace, sidestepping the attack and parrying with his own sword. The clash of wood echoed within the fiery barrier.

Edmund quickly realized Itachi was not an opponent to be underestimated. He channeled more of his magic into his sword, the aura around it growing more intense. Itachi responded by focusing his own chakra on his sword, enhancing his movements and strikes.

As Edmund launched a flurry of attacks, Itachi deftly parried each one, his movements almost a blur. The audience watched in awe, some murmuring in surprise at Itachi's unexpected prowess. Edmund's frustration grew with each failed strike, his face twisting in anger.

"You think you can mock me by holding back?" Edmund spat, his voice laced with fury. "I'll show you my true power!"

With a roar, Edmund unleashed a powerful spell, his sword engulfed in flames. He swung with all his might, aiming to overwhelm Itachi. But Itachi remained calm, his eyes narrowing as he anticipated the attack. With a swift and decisive move, he deflected the flaming sword, the impact sending sparks flying.

Edmund's eyes widened in shock. "Impossible..."

Itachi's expression remained stoic. "Your anger blinds you. Focus, or you will lose more than just this duel."

The duel between Edmund and Itachi raged on, their swords clashing in a dazzling display of light and sound. Each strike Edmund landed was met with precision and counter-attack by Itachi, who moved with a fluidity that left the audience awestruck.

As the battle intensified, Itachi began to subtly probe Edmund's weaknesses, noticing the slight hesitation in his left side and the overextension in his attacks. He exploited these vulnerabilities, pressing the offensive with aggressive strikes that left Edmund struggling to defend.

Edmund's sword began to crack under the pressure, and he knew he had to create distance to regroup. With a swift incantation, he summoned a wall of fire between them, crying out, "Fire, I call upon you, Clothe the earth with flames, Burn away, and bind with steel, And seal with fiery shackles!"

The flames erupted, casting a fiery glow over the room. However, Itachi remained unphased, his eyes fixed on Edmund with an unnerving intensity. With a quick hand sign, he whispered, "Wind type breakthrough," and summoned a gust of wind that swept through the flames, extinguishing them and leaving Edmund exposed.

The crowd gasped in shock as the flames vanished, revealing Edmund's vulnerable position. His eyes widened in surprise as he realized he had been outmaneuvered once again. Itachi's sword remained poised, ready to strike at any moment.

Desperate, Edmund poured all his remaining magic into his sword, the aura blazing brighter than ever. "This ends now!" he shouted, lunging at Itachi with all his strength.

Itachi stood firm, his body seemingly impervious to the force of Edmund's attack. The shockwave sent a ripple through the arena, causing the fire barrier to flicker ominously. For a moment, it seemed as though Edmund's sheer power might overwhelm Itachi.

However, the Uchiha warrior proved to be a formidable opponent, shifting his stance and increasing his speed in response to Edmund's attack. With a flurry of rapid strikes, he disarmed Edmund, and the young noble's index finger fell off, leaving him clutching his hand in agony.

Edmund's cry of pain echoed through the arena," Ahhh it hurts a lot!!!! You bastard ahh!!", sending shockwaves through the audience. Lady Gifford and Jasper rushed to his side, their faces etched with concern. Lady Gifford's eyes welled up with tears as she gazed at her son, her voice trembling as she shouted, "Call medic! Please!"

Natalie rushed into the arena, her eyes flashing with concern as she began to chant healing magic. The audience watched in stunned silence as the medic worked her magic, trying to stem the flow of blood from Edmund's injured finger.

As the crowd gasped in horror, Elara stood tall, her eyes gleaming with pride. She watched the duel with a sense of awe, her gaze lingering on Itachi's skillful movements. Meanwhile, Stephanie blushed brightly, her eyes fixed on Itachi's impressive display of magic. She thought to herself, "Ahh, he's also good at magic... He's the perfect man... Ahh, I'm getting wet again..."

Itachi, meanwhile, remained composed and calm, his expression unreadable. He lowered his sword, his movements slow and deliberate, before turning to face Elara.

Elara's eyes widened in surprise as she took in Itachi's gaze, her face flushing with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She felt a flutter in her chest as she met Itachi's eyes, her senses tingling with awareness.

Captain Lucien stepped forward, raising his hand to signal the end of the duel. "The winner is Itachi Uchiha!" he announced, his voice ringing through the hall.

Stephanie, still blushing from her earlier reaction, glanced around nervously, unsure of how to react. She felt a pang of embarrassment at being caught staring at Itachi, but her eyes kept drifting back to the Uchiha warrior.

As the tension in the arena seemed to grow thicker, Itachi spoke in a low, even tone, his words dripping with confidence. "I suppose it is clear that I am the victor in this duel," he said, his eyes never leaving Elara's face.

Elara descended gracefully from her throne, moving to stand beside Itachi. She looked at Edmund, who was still on the floor, seething with anger. Her voice rang clear and authoritative as she declared, "From here on out, all the stolen money will be collected and added to the treasury. That collection will be used for the benefit of the citizens of this kingdom."

Edmund, his face a mask of fury, nodded begrudgingly. Lady Gifford, her expression equally furious, also nodded her agreement, albeit reluctantly.

Elara turned to Itachi with a proud smile. "I knew you would win."

Itachi returned her smile with a respectful nod. "I did it for your honor, Your Majesty."

Elara's expression turned cold as she addressed the Gifford family. "Gifford family, if you wish, you may leave now and gather everything you have stolen. Trust me, we know exactly what you have taken." Her tone was icy, leaving no room for argument.

Edmund, Lady Isolde, and Jasper, accompanied by guards, rose and began to make their way out, their expressions a mix of anger and defeat.

As they departed, Elara returned to her throne and sat down. Itachi took his place beside her, standing tall and vigilant.

The nobles, now more respectful, whispered amongst themselves, their earlier doubts about Itachi completely dispelled. The duel had proven not only his strength but also his unwavering loyalty to Elara.

The atmosphere in the hall was filled with anticipation as Elara, Itachi, and the Beaumont family gathered after the ceremony. The hall, now mostly empty except for them, seemed to echo with the weight of the recent events and the whispers of secrets yet to be fully unveiled.

Duchess Vivienne stepped forward, her expression one of pride and affection. "You did great, dear. I am so proud of you," she said, her eyes shining.

Duke Gareth nodded in agreement. "Yes, you did wonderfully," he added, his voice filled with warmth.

Elara smiled, feeling the support of her family. "Thank you, Uncle Gareth, Aunt Vivienne," she said sincerely.

The Beaumonts then turned their attention to Itachi. Duchess Vivienne spoke first. "Mr. Uchiha, you handled yourself with remarkable composure and skill. We are deeply impressed."

Duke Gareth added, "Indeed, it was a sight to behold."

Itachi smiled and bowed slightly. "Thank you, Duke Gareth, Duchess Vivienne."

Alistair, unable to contain his excitement, smirked and said, "And you even managed to hold back, huh? Makes me wonder what you're truly capable of. I want to spar with you—a friendly spar." He thumped his hand around Itachi's shoulder. "We would be a great team, you know."

Itachi chuckled. "Sure, it will be interesting."

Captain Lucien, who had been observing quietly, spoke up with a grin. "I also want to spar with you, with no holding back. Especially..." He paused, his grin widening, "those red eyes of yours."

Itachi's eyes widened in surprise, while Elara and the Beaumont family exchanged curious glances. Elara's brow furrowed slightly. "Is there something we are missing?" she asked.

Itachi, realizing what Captain Lucien was referring to, sighed internally. He thought back to the moment he had used his Sharingan to cut off the minister's hand and understood how Lucien might have noticed.

Elara also recalled hearing about the mysterious red eyes from Captain Lucien and pieced it together.

Captain Lucien continued, "No need to hide it. We won't tell anyone about your power."

Alistair, intrigued, removed his hand from Itachi's shoulder and stepped in front of him to get a better look at his eyes.

Itachi sighed again, accepting that there was no point in hiding it anymore. He closed his eyes briefly, then opened them, revealing the distinctive crimson glow of his Sharingan.

Everyone's eyes widened in awe. The Beaumonts, Captain Lucien, and even Elara looked at Itachi's eyes with a mixture of wonder and curiosity.

Duchess Vivienne stepped closer, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "Itachi, those eyes of yours... they're not just powerful, they're incredibly beautiful. I've never seen anything like them."

Duke Gareth nodded in agreement. "Indeed, they are extraordinary. The way they glow with that deep crimson hue... truly unique."

Alistair, unable to contain his excitement, exclaimed, "Those eyes are incredible! The way they shine, it's mesmerizing."

Jennifer added, "They're absolutely stunning, Itachi! I bet you could charm anyone with a single glance."

Elara, standing close to Itachi, looked into his eyes with a little blush on her cheeks. "Itachi, your eyes... they're beautiful. I've never seen anything so extraordinary."

Itachi, listening to their compliments, gave them a sad smile and he said "I appreciate your admiration." then he thought" But I know the true nature of my eyes—the pain, the sacrifices, and the bloodshed that had led to their creation."

Everyone smiled, but Elara, hearing his thoughts, widened her eyes and thought, *Now I have to ask him; that's enough.*

The Beaumont family said, "Now we will leave; it's already late."

Elara nodded and said, "Thank you for coming."

While leaving, Jennifer teased, "And Mr. Uchiha, you must tell us about your midnight snack duties. Is it true you have to keep up with Elara's infamous 'snack-fest' schedule?"

Elara laughed, her earlier embarrassment forgotten. "Oh, Jennifer, you and your curiosity. Yes, Itachi has graciously agreed to my unusual requests."

Itachi, playing along, nodded with a smile. "Indeed, it is part of my duty to ensure Her Majesty is well-cared for, even if it means midnight snacks."

The Beaumont family erupted into a fit of laughter, their warm and fuzzy atmosphere filling the room. Alistair sauntered over to Elara, a mischievous glint in his eye, and whispered in her ear, "I know you have a crush on him, sis." Elara's face turned bright red as she whispered back, "Shut up, Alistair!" but he just chuckled and continued to tease her.

Alistair leaned in closer, his voice dripping with innuendo. "So, you want to marry him, huh?" Elara's blush deepened as she whispered, "If he doesn't mind, yeah, I will." Alistair raised an eyebrow and whispered back, "Do you even know his age?" Elara's eyes widened as she replied, "He's around my age." Alistair shot Itachi a sly glance before whispering again, "I think he's younger than you."

Elara's eyes went wide with shock as she shouted, "What?! All of you looked at her in confusion. Itachi's expression was blank, but he was clearly confused about what was going on. Elara stuttered, "Ahh, it's nothing, nothing... nothing at all!" Duchess Vivienne intervened, her voice stern but amused. "Come, Alistair, don't tease her more, okay? Come now."

Alistair pouted, but ultimately backed down. As he left the room, Elara smiled and waved goodbye. Itachi watched the exchange with a mixture of confusion and amusement.

As the door closed behind Alistair, Elara let out a relieved sigh. Itachi turned to her and asked, "Is everything okay?" Elara chuckled and shook her head. "It's just my pesky little brother being his usual annoying self."

Itachi smiled and nodded. "Ah, I see. Well, I'm glad I could provide some entertainment for your family."

Elara laughed and playfully rolled her eyes. "You're just lucky you're not part of my family."

Itachi grinned and bowed his head. "I'm glad to be free from that chaos."

Elara's laughter subsided, and she gazed at Itachi with a serious expression. Itachi's eyes met hers, and he nodded slowly. "You want to know about these eyes, don't you?" he asked, his voice low and contemplative.

Elara's eyes narrowed. "Am I easy to read, unlike you?" she asked, her tone tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Itachi's smile was tinged with melancholy. "Probably," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Elara's gaze bore into his, as if trying to pierce the veil of his secrets. "What happened to you in the past?" she asked, her voice soft and probing.

Itachi's eyes glazed over, and he halted in his tracks, his mind transported to a distant time. He looked at her, his gaze piercing yet vulnerable. "Whenever it is... I will listen to you," he said, his voice laced with sincerity. "I will not judge you or turn against you. I want you to be my friend, and I want you to stay by my side."

Elara's grip on his hand tightened. "What are friends for? Share secrets and sadness," she whispered, her eyes pleading with him.

Itachi's smile was sorrowful, his eyes clouded with memories. "Trust me, Elara," he said, his voice heavy with emotion. "I am not ready... yet. Please wait for a while."

Elara's eyes flashed with frustration. "How long do you want me to wait?" she asked, her tone tinged with desperation.

Itachi's gaze dropped, his eyes clouding over as if weighed down by the secrets he kept. "Time is a cruel Elara," he said, his voice barely audible. "She grants us moments of clarity, but also takes them away. I am not sure when I will be ready to share my secrets with you... or anyone."

Elara's grip on his hand relaxed, but her eyes remained fixed on him, searching for answers that only the shadows of his past could provide.

Elara pulled her hand back, and said, "Let's go, I'll get changed. You must be tired, too." Itachi nodded and turned to leave, leaving Itachi standing alone with a somber expression.

Itachi's thoughts were consumed by the weight of his secrets. He couldn't help but wonder if Elara had sensed the sadness that lingered within him. He couldn't bring himself to reveal the truth, not yet. He needed to confirm the truth with Mikato before sharing his secrets with anyone.

With a heavy heart, Itachi made his way to his room, his mind preoccupied with the uncertainty that lay ahead. He changed into fresh attire, his movements mechanical and lacking his usual elegance.

As he dressed, Itachi's thoughts drifted back to Elara's words: "What are friends for? Share secrets and sadness." He felt a pang of guilt for not being able to open up to her, for not being able to share his burden with her. But he knew that he had to wait, that he had to be certain of Mikoto's identity before revealing the truth.

Itachi lay on his bed, his eyes drifting closed as he prepared to succumb to sleep. But just as he was about to drift off, he heard a gentle knock on the door. He opened his eyes, surprised, and called out, "Come in."

Elara entered the room, her eyes locking onto Itachi's. She moved closer, her gaze never wavering. Itachi's surprise gave way to curiosity, and he asked, "Elara, what are you doing here?"

Elara's expression was soft, almost tender. She reached out and wrapped her arms around Itachi's waist, pulling him into a tight hug. Itachi's eyes widened in surprise, his body stiffening in response. He tried to speak, but Elara's grip only tightened.

"Shut up for a minute," she whispered, her voice muffled against his chest.

Itachi remained silent, unsure of what to do. He felt a mix of emotions: surprise, confusion, and a hint of unease. But as he looked into Elara's eyes, he saw something there that made his heart skip a beat.

Elara finally released her grip, and Itachi took a step back, trying to process what had just happened. Elara smiled softly and said, "It's just a reminder that I'm here for you."

Itachi felt a warmth spread through his chest as he watched Elara turn and leave the room. He stood there for a moment, his emotions in turmoil. He couldn't help but smile as he realized that Elara had been trying to tell him something all along.

As he turned to follow her, he called out, "Elara!" She stopped and turned around, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"I'll tell you everything after we get back from the Elves' Island, and thanks" Itachi said, his voice low and husky.

Elara's eyes widened in excitement, and she smiled. "Whenever you want," she said.

Itachi watched as she disappeared from view, the door closing behind her. He couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Elara for being so understanding and caring. As he stood there, lost in thought, he felt a warmth spread through his chest that he hadn't felt in years.

And as he gazed at the closed door, Elara was standing outside it, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and happiness.