Two shithead cheaters 2

The girl in the room is Harper.

Ava's eyes widened at the realization. She shook her head in denial. Maybe she was imagining things. 

She should have left before it got worse, but her legs refused to move. 

"I'll always pick you over that stupid sister of yours. Who wouldn't, you are far better than her. You, my girl, are the one I love." There was a pause.

"What if you fall in love with her? After all, you'd be seeing her every day." Ava's ears shot up wanting to hear Henry's reply. 

"That's impossible. I'm marrying her so that I'd be close to you." There was a pause, "Ava is just being stupid. How could she not know I've never liked her? I've sent her so many signals yet, she clung to me."

"And you know it's also to get the company from her. Once I get possession of the company completely, I'll divorce her, and put the company in your name." 

"What if she comes after us? You think she'll just let us go?" Harper asked.

"Your sister is insanely foolish. And you know she loves me, I'll come up with something or…" Henry leans towards Harper and whispers in her ears.

Ava's back hit the wall again. Harper was sleeping with her fiance. And she was the one he loved, then how about her? What was she to him?

And for what? To get her company? 

The only thing her mother left for her. They must be dreaming if they thought she would let this slide. 

Ava smiled sadly. If the fact that Henry was cheating on her didn't break her, then the fact that he cheated with Harper, the same girl she has held close to her heart, broke something unfixable within her. 

She had never seen Harper as a step-sister and had treated Harper as if they were of the same mother. And this was how Harper repays her?

Take her man and steal her inheritance? 

She must have been blinded so much that she didn't realize that she was in love with a monster.

"You, Harper are the one I love. And it's fine if we don't get married. I'll always love you and trust me, Ava will never find out. She is too naive. She is not smart enough to notice anything." He said. 

Ava smirked upon hearing this.

She leaned out of the wall and wiped the tears from her eyes. If this was what they thought about her, then there was no need to shed any tears on them. 

She stepped away from the door. She smiled slowly and turned, heading for the elevator. 

She crossed her hand when she stepped into the elevator. The naive girl who was blinded by love can now see. 

Those two shithead cheaters have been caught.

Unknown to Ava, at the end of the hallway, a man with red hair stood, his brown eyes never leaving her.

He turned to his P.A. "Find out all about her." 

"Yes, Master Ethan."




Ava's vision blurred as she walked aimlessly out of the hotel. Earlier, she had promised herself not to shed another tear over them anymore, but her grief was too heavy. 

She wasn't returning to the party. She stood outside, people sauntered around, but Ava took no note of them. She thought of calling Lila, her best friend but she decided against it. 

It was suffocating to be here, when she knew that in one of the rooms, the man she had spent her entire life loving was huddled up with her step-sister, both plotting against her.

Just as she was about to take a step further, someone tapped her on her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks. Slowly she turned. 

"Where have you been, I've been…" Lila paused.

"Lila," Ava called slowly, sounding lifeless. 

"What's wrong?" Lila held her shoulders, gently pulling her closer. Her eyes flicker around, but nothing seems amiss. People walked around, completely oblivious to both girls standing at the side. 

Lila had noticed Ava's absence from the party a while ago and had searched everywhere for her. 

Ava wanted to speak but her words were stuck in the back of her throat.

"Take me away from here." She managed to say in a barely audible voice. 

"Tell me, what's wrong," Lila said, feeling her chest tighten at the sight of Ava in pain. 


Ten minutes later, both women sat inside a cab. Ava laid her head on Lila's shoulder while Lila smoothed her hair and then slowly patted her back.

She wanted to demand an answer from Ava, but she knew Ava was not in the right mood to speak. 

A few moments ago, Ava had been the most happy to-be bride. She had worn the brightest smile, but now, the girl close to her was a contraction, to the girl she remembered.

Ava was always a sweet girl. She was simple-minded regardless of what she faced at home, she tried to be positive and had never held any grudge against her family. 

The cab soon pulled over in front of Lila's apartment. 

"Do you want a drink?" Lila asked when they got inside. Ava shook her head. Her cheeks were dried, but the mark left by her mascara remained, proof of her grief.

Without another word, Ava walked to Lila's bed and laid on it. It wouldn't hurt this much if she slept and never woke up, she thought.

Her phone next to her brightens and then rings. Without taking a look at the caller, she turned her phone off. She could already guess who it was. She kept both phones far from her.

Ava and Henry had met when she was in high school. She liked him first, but he never looked at her. But this changed when she was in college. They became friends and eventually began going out. 

When he asked her to marry him, she was the happiest girl on earth. 

But who would have thought he was after something else? Was she that easy to fool? 

She had fallen for a lie. 

Her mother had willed her publishing company to her before she died, but it was conditioned on the fact that she had to be engaged before she could claim full ownership. 

Ava sat up hastily when a thought hit her. 

She had handed over 80% of her shares to Henry making Henry the biggest shareholder in the company.

"What have I done?"