Tit for Tat

"What's wrong this time?" Lila who had been watching her asked quickly moving close to her.

"I think it's time to tell me what's wrong. What happened to you, and your face," she pointed to her face. "You look a mess. One minute you're happy and the next you're looking all…" she paused trying to find the right words to say, "messy."

Ava turned to her, "I'm calling off this wedding." She declared 

"What?" Lila's eyes widened, "why? Did you go out to meet Henry?" She asked as the realization that Henry was also missing from the party hit her.

"Don't tell me that bastard wants to call this wedding off." she stood. 

"I've always known he can not be trusted, he has always seemed suspicious, I didn't want to say anything since you loved him so much and never listened to me. But if he dares hurt you, I'll make sure I…"

"It's me. I want to call the wedding." Ava said calmly. Her entire demeanor changed in the blink of an eye.

Lila stopped her ranting. 

"What?" She sat on the bed, placing one leg on it. 

"But why? I mean… you were happy, what happened? Is this why you are crying? Did your stepmother say anything?" She asked all at once without giving Ava the chance to reply.

It was no news that Ava's stepmom was against her wedding because she hated seeing Ava happy. She has never liked Ava and together with Harper, they never miss any chance to make her life miserable.

Lila hated them with every fiber of her soul. But she had no say since Ava had always tolerated them and regarded them as family. 

Ava closed her eyes, trying to fight the sudden rage growing within her, "Henry is…" she breathes in sharply, "he is cheating on me..." 

"He is what? How dare that son of a bitch." she clenched her fist, anger coursing through her. 

"with Harper," Ava opened her eyes. 

"Those two fucking…" Ava began but was interrupted by Lila.

"bastards. I'll rip them to pieces." How could he do this when it is just four days to their wedding?

"Henry is a complete wasted jerk, but that ugly duckling, I know she hates you, but this is extreme. Such a traitor." 

Ava went ahead to tell her all she heard. She felt her anger boil with each word she said. It finally made sense. 

Why did Harper suddenly have something important to do when the party just began? Why they both always have business trip at the same time?

"What do I do? I've handed over the company to Henry. I made him the biggest shareholder." She had been completely in love with him. Who knew he would cheat on her with her step-sister? 

"We have to get that company back, the shares and everything. Henry can't have a dime from it," said Lila.

"But how?" Ava wondered. No matter how she thought of it, there was no loophole.

"We'll come up with something," Lila assured her. She was ready to stand with Ava till the end. 

She had always wanted Ava to stand up against her family who has never treated her well. And it seems Ava just realized how far they can go to destroy her.

"Do you want to go home?" Lila asked. 

"No." She wanted to stay as far away as possible from them.

That night, Ava couldn't sleep, she kept tossing and turning. 

Her father would not have her calling off the wedding. That was one problem. Then there was Henry. She had to get the company back from him. 

The next morning, Ava took a cab home. 

She knew no one was worried about her; they had called last night only because they were worried about the party. 

Ava wasn't as lucky as she anticipated. Her father was seated in the sitting room, tapping his foot on the floor uneasily.

Ava wished she could teleport herself to her room without having to face him. 

Ava stood at the entrance, suddenly reluctant to step in.

"Ava," Harper called from behind her, and Ava scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Where have you been all night?" She walked towards her and hugged her, Ava felt her skin crawl up at her touch. 

"We've been worried all night." 

After having sex with Henry, Harper had gone back to the party with him, but Ava had disappeared, leaving her party devoid of celebrant.

"How could you embarrass the family like that Ava," Asher Stone, her father thundered from where he sat. "How dare you leave your party without telling anyone? And you switched off your phone so we couldn't reach you. You unfilial child."

Ava was silent. 

She wasn't going to apologize. 

"Come on Dad, Ava must not have done it on purpose, it wasn't like she went out with another man or something," Harper said.

She then nudged Ava on her arm, "Right Ava?" saying this, Harper has created such thoughts in her father's mind.

Ava could only wonder how she had been blind to this. To this side of Harper which was cunning and manipulative. She acted like a loving sister in front of her only to plot behind her back.

"Then she should have at least called." Mr. Stone went ahead to say, glaring at Ava.

"Dad's right Ava, you should have called, what happened?" Harper tried to link her hand with Ava's but Ava quickly moved her hand away, "Henry was so worried." 

Ava snickered. 'was he now.' 

Before she thought of a way to end this wedding she had to lay low.

"I wasn't feeling too well so I left." She said in a soft voice, radiating a calm composure.

"She always has one excuse or the other. I told you not to worry about her. She is nothing but trouble." Olivia Stone walked in with a tray of tea. "She is only bent on embarrassing this family." her Stepmom said, placing the tray on the table.

"Harper has something she wants to share with us." She said without sparing Ava a second look. Ava saw this as her sign to walk away.

Mr. Stone smiled, and his attention suddenly shifted to Harper. His golden child.

"Well, I…" Harper blushed, "I have someone I love." She said. 

This caught Ava's attention immediately and she stopped in her tracks.

"His name is Ethan. Ethan Thompson. Mom has already arranged a blind date with him tomorrow afternoon. I just want your help, Dad, so this can work out." 

Ethan and not Henry? 

Ava was suddenly thrown into a pit of confusion. What trick was Harper playing?

She stepped into her room., cosed the door gently, and rested her back on it. 

Suddenly, an idea hit her, if Harper could take her man, why can't she do the same? 

With a smile, she walked towards her window, "What do we do Harper, now I want Ethan too." Whatever trick Harper was playing, she vowed to ruin it and beat her in her own game.

She placed a call across to Lila, "Hey girl…"

"I have a favor to ask." "Of course, I can help you beat her up," Lila said.

"No, not that." She paused and continued, "Find out about Ethan. Ethan Thompson."


"Harper betrayed me, I want to pay her back. Tit for Tat."