Activating the Space

Emily gently removed the pendant from around her neck, her gaze falling upon it as a torrent of complex emotions washed over her. In her previous life, she had received it as a birthday gift from her mother, Elizabeth, when she turned sixteen. The joy she felt then was palpable, her excitement brimming as she inquired about the origin of the pendant. Her mother's response was simple and nonchalant, stating that she had bought it because it was visually appealing. However, after the pendant had shattered and was inadvertently activated by a drop of blood, her life had spiraled into a series of upheavals, leaving her with little leisure to examine the pendant closely.

Now, upon closer inspection, Emily felt a pang of disappointment as she realized the pendant was quite ordinary in appearance. It was a green, teardrop shape, with no discernible special features. "I suppose if there were any special functions that could be discovered just by looking, my previous life would have turned out differently," Emily muttered to herself with a touch of self-deprecating humor.

She reached for a small, sharp knife, its edge glinting under the soft light of her room. With a steady hand, she nicked her finger, a tiny well of crimson forming at the surface. Carefully, she allowed a single drop of her blood to fall onto the pendant, the lifeline to a sanctuary that could offer them respite from the impending chaos.

Suddenly, the pendant seemed to come alive, radiating warmth that was almost tangible. Her vision wavered, the room around her blurring into a kaleidoscope of colors before coalescing into a new reality. She found herself standing in a space that mirrored her memories from her previous life—a vast warehouse, expansive and echoing, covering an area of three to four hundred square meters.

In that moment, the pendant around her neck levitated, its form transforming into a luminous orb that gently dispersed into the expanse of the space. And then, as if by magic, the warehouse was no more. The space underwent a breathtaking transformation, unveiling a vista that left Emily speechless.

Surrounding her was a scene of unparalleled beauty. If the space in her previous life had been a mere warehouse, this was a paradise, a haven of tranquility and abundance. Majestic mountains rose in the distance, their peaks kissing the azure sky. Rivers meandered through verdant valleys, their waters sparkling under the sun's caress. Endless grasslands stretched out, dotted with cattle and sheep grazing peacefully. The sight was one of harmony, a stark contrast to the desolation she knew was coming.

The air was fresh and crisp, carrying the scent of wildflowers and the promise of life. Birds soared overhead, their songs filling the space with a melody of freedom. The pond before her was a mirror to the heavens, teeming with life—fish and shrimp danced beneath the surface, their movements creating ripples that caught the light.

Emily stood rooted to the spot, her heart pounding in her chest. She pinched herself, the sharp sting of pain grounding her in this new reality. It was real, and it was hers. A secure future for her and her family was within reach, a sanctuary against the storm that was about to befall the world.

With a deep breath, she closed her eyes, willing herself to return. In an instant, she was back in her bedroom, the familiarity of her surroundings grounding her after the whirlwind of discovery. She tested the bounds of her new ability, moving back and forth between the space and her room, confirming that this idyllic sanctuary was indeed hers to command.

Fate had granted her more than a second chance at life; it had bestowed upon her an extraordinary gift. The responsibility was immense, but so was her resolve. She knew what she had to do next—share this secret with her parents and brother, and together, they would prepare for the trials ahead.

Emily's heart was heavy with the knowledge of the apocalypse that was to come, but it was also filled with a steely determination. They needed to gather supplies, establish a self-sustaining life within the space, and seek a new home where they could weather the storm. The memories of her previous life, of returning to a desolate home and the disappearance of her loved ones, fueled her resolve.

With a deep breath, she left the solitude of her room and gathered her family in the living room. The time had come to reveal her truth, to share her burden and her hope. "Mom, Dad, Brother, what I'm about to tell you is the truth. Please listen closely. The apocalypse is upon us, and we have but a month to prepare. The world will soon be unrecognizable, a living nightmare filled with zombies, mutated flora and fauna. Survival will be a daily struggle. We must secure food, water, and shelter, and our current home may not offer the safety we need. We must learn to be self-reliant, and in time, we will journey to the capital city, where there is a chance for greater security. The road will be long and arduous, but we will face it together."

She paused, her gaze steady as she met the eyes of her family. "Moreover, I have decided to divorce Cassius. His betrayal cuts deep, and I will not allow it to taint our future. Chloe will remain with me, and together, we will forge a new path."

The room was silent, the weight of her words hanging in the air. Emily could see the shock on her family's faces, but she also saw the love and support that bound them together. Her brother, Alex, broke the silence with a sigh, "Sister, even if you seek a divorce, there's no need to weave such an extraordinary tale. No matter your choice, Mom, Dad, and I will stand by you."

Emily's parents were seething with anger. They had, in their benevolence, consented to their daughter's marriage to the "impoverished young man," Cassius, who had appeared to be so caring and affectionate. However, the revelation of his betrayal and the dire straits he had led their daughter into was a bitter pill to swallow. Their initial inclination was to confront Cassius directly, but Emily understood that the urgency of the situation was being overlooked. The apocalypse was not a distant threat—it was at their doorstep.

Realizing that mere words would not suffice to convince her family of the impending doom, Emily decided to take a more direct approach. With a focused thought, she guided her parents, her brother, and her daughter, Chloe, into the spatial sanctuary she had discovered.

Once inside, she observed her family's reactions with a mix of amusement and empathy as they stared agape at the splendor before them. Little Chloe, on the other hand, was ecstatic, her eyes sparkling with delight. The family exchanged incredulous glances, their disbelief suspended only by the need to pinch themselves to confirm the reality of their surroundings. Emily's laughter bubbled up, a light-hearted moment in the midst of gravity. Her brother shot her a mock-glare, but his silence spoke volumes of his astonishment.

Back in the living room, the family was momentarily stunned into silence. Chloe, unable to contain her excitement, rushed into her mother's embrace, inquiring eagerly when they could return to the wondrous space. Emily, her heart warmed by her daughter's joy, promised to take them back daily after their rest, soothing the child's impatience.

Gazing at her daughter, Emily felt a surge of love and protectiveness. That afternoon, the family gathered to strategize on how to prepare for the inevitable. They resolved to invest their entire fortune in acquiring supplies directly from manufacturers, cutting out the middleman to maximize their resources.

Over the next several days, Emily, along with her parents and brother, was engrossed in the logistics of their survival plan. In the midst of their preparations, Emily also sought evidence of Cassius's infidelity, hiring a private investigator who, within a short span, provided incriminating photos of Cassius with his mistress. The images of their seemingly content family life stirred a mix of emotions within Emily, as she pondered the choices Cassius would make when faced with desperation and scarcity.

The unexpected ring of a video call interrupted her thoughts—it was Cassius. It came as no surprise that, following the transfer of their funds, he would seek a new means to sustain his lavish lifestyle. Emily answered the call, observing Cassius's ostentatious display of wealth through his attire and accessories. She was not deceived; she knew the true source of his affluence.

As soon as the call connected, Cassius began to lay on the charm, inquiring about Emily's well-being and expressing his longing for her and their daughter. His act was cut short when he nonchalantly inquired, "By the way, darling, why has our joint account been depleted? I had intended to purchase a new vehicle, but my card was declined. Could you transfer some funds to me?"

Emily responded with a calm determination, "Cassius, our marriage has run its course. I want a divorce. Remember the address: apartment 3A15, building 02, Xiangjiang District. Expect the divorce papers this afternoon. Let's not make this more difficult than it needs to be." Cassius's eyes bulged in shock, and for a moment, he was rendered speechless, the reality of his situation finally sinking in.