New Life

Emily, with a sense of finality, strode into Cassius's company, her steps echoing through the corporate halls. The divorce papers clutched in her hand felt heavy, not with weight, but with the burden of a marriage., that had long been a facade. She approached Cassius's office, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and resolve, and without ceremony, tossed the papers onto his desk.


Cassius, who had been rehearsing his lines to coax Emily back into his life with honeyed words, was taken aback. His face turned a sickly shade of green as he scanned the divorce agreement. The terms were clear: he was to leave the marriage with nothing—no house, no car, no luxury items. His initial shock quickly morphed into a rage. The veneer of the gentle and caring man he had feigned for so long peeled away, replaced by a furious beast. "Emily, don't push your luck! You're the one who wants a divorce, so I won't agree. If you don't give me half of our assets, I'll drag this out and make sure you can't divorce me!"


Emily scoffed, her disdain for him clear. She had expected no less from him. With a swift motion, she pulled out a stack of incriminating photos and hurled them onto his desk, the evidence of his infidelity spread out for him to see. "Twenty-five percent," she stated firmly, leaving no room for negotiation. Cassius, cornered and desperate, reluctantly agreed.


She leaned in, her grip tightening on his collar as she locked eyes with him. "If you behave, we can end this amicably. But if you cause any trouble, I'll make sure your carefully cultivated image is ruined. And by the way, I hope your mistress and precious son are prepared for a quiet life." Her words hung in the air, a chilling promise that sent a shiver down Cassius's spine.


Cold sweat beaded on Cassius's forehead, a testament to his fear. He could see the steely determination in Emily's eyes and knew she was not bluffing. His reputation and connections were his lifelines, and he knew he could not afford to lose them. The realization that Emily had discovered his affair and had changed so drastically left him dumbfounded.


Unbeknownst to Cassius, Emily's restraint was not out of mercy but out of necessity. The apocalypse was looming, and she had more pressing matters to attend to. Her colleagues watched in astonishment as their boss, once the epitome of arrogance, sat at his desk, defeated. Emily, with a nonchalant shrug, turned and left the office, leaving behind a chapter of her life that had been filled with deceit and heartache.


With a decisive move, she called a used car dealership and sold Cassius's car at half its value. Then, she contacted a real estate agent and sold their house at a 20% discount. The urgency to sever ties and secure her future was paramount. She hired a moving company to transport her belongings to her parents' home, a symbol of her new beginning. Finally, she felt a sense of liberation. Cassius's fate was no longer entwined with hers.


In her previous life, she had endured his abuse and the sudden apocalypse for the sake of her daughter. But now, with a second chance, she was determined to live life on her terms.


Upon arriving at her parents' home, Emily was greeted by her father's excitement. He had rented a warehouse in the suburbs, a strategic move to buy supplies in bulk and store them discreetly. Her mother, holding Chloe close, expressed her desire to take her granddaughter to the supermarket to indulge in some snacks and toys, a simple pleasure that might become a luxury in the uncertain times ahead. Her father nodded in agreement, eager to provide for his family and ensure their well-being.




Emily's brother, Alex, couldn't resist a playful jab at their father, teasing that his enthusiasm for the new space was merely a pretext to indulge in his passion for fishing. Ever since they had first stepped into the space and laid eyes on the clear pond teeming with fish, their father's interest had been unwavering. The lighthearted banter brought a chuckle to the family, and seeing the positivity radiating from everyone, Emily felt a wave of relief wash over her.


That afternoon, the entire family embarked on a trip to the supermarket. Armed with the proceeds from the sale of their house and car, Emily found herself without any budgetary constraints, and she seized the opportunity for a shopping spree. They filled their carts with an assortment of items: appliances, portable generators, tents, an array of snacks and drinks, educational toys and books for the children, stationery, medicinal supplies, toilet paper, a variety of clothing, canned goods, hot pot ingredients, instant noodles, utensils, fresh and cured meats, and vegetable seeds. It was a comprehensive list, covering every conceivable need, and they arranged for it all to be delivered directly to their warehouse. Thanks to the spatial storage, they were not limited by physical space constraints.


That evening, Emily's father took the initiative to contact a supplier and placed an order for hundreds of cases of pickled vegetables, ham, flour, rice, grains, self-heating hot pots, hot pot bases, star anise, and an assortment of spices. They also invested in solar-powered lights and several hundred tons of drinking water. The supplier, delighted by the magnitude of the order, offered them a discount on diesel and gasoline.


Emily's father then reached out to the local gas station owner to inquire about the price of fuel. The owner, enticed by the prospect of a large order, offered to deliver the fuel for free that very night. Emily's father took him up on the offer, requesting as much fuel as they could provide. He then enlisted Alex and Emily to go to the warehouse to receive the supplies while he stayed back home with Ye Mother and Chloe. By the time they had finished transferring the supplies to the space, the night was far advanced. Surveying the vast stockpile, a profound sense of accomplishment enveloped them.


The family was now well-equipped to weather the impending storm. The following day, they hired professionals to reinforce the security of their home and installed air purifiers. Recognizing the potential for extended periods spent indoors, they understood that the safety and security of their home was of utmost importance. In the unpredictable landscape of the apocalypse, trust was a luxury, and vigilance a necessity.


Emily, with a silent vow to herself, shifted her focus to the well-being of her family. She contacted a contractor and placed an order for several large, movable container houses, customizing the interiors to suit their needs and planning to store them in the space for use in the event of extreme weather conditions. The contractor, impressed by the scale of the order, even presented Chloe with a charming little doghouse as a token of appreciation.


Emily also paid a visit to an outdoor store, where she procured a rubber boat, raincoats, a radio, sleeping bags, and binoculars. Upon returning home, she dedicated hours to downloading an extensive library of movies, anime, games, music, maps, and emergency first aid guides. This digital trove was a strategic addition to their preparations, ensuring that they would not only survive but also maintain a semblance of normalcy and entertainment in the face of the unknown.


With each passing day, their preparations continued, and with each item checked off the list, their confidence in facing the future grew. Emily's family was not just surviving; they were fortifying their lives against the tides of chaos, ensuring that they would not only endure but thrive in the new world that was on the horizon.


As Emily's family was busily preparing supplies with full vigor, they did not conceal their activities from others. Consequently, people acquainted with the Ye family were somewhat puzzled. Friends inquired, only to receive rather ordinary responses. What they didn't know was that a pair of eyes had been observing from a distance using binoculars, the gaze filled with complex emotions of hatred and confusion.

"After observing for such a long time, have you figured out what's going on with them?" Vanessa approached Cassius and asked.

"All I can tell is that they've suddenly become very busy, running around buying all sorts of things," Cassius said, stepping away from the binoculars and slapping the wall with a hint of irritation in his voice. "I initially thought they might have received some news and were preparing to flee, but the old man even bought a bunch of fishing rods. Who brings fishing gear when they're escaping? And they bought so many..."

Vanessa cast a sideways glance at Cassius, "Still calling him 'father-in-law,' huh? You're on such intimate terms, yet they don't even acknowledge you anymore, are they?"

Hearing this, Cassius quickly changed his expression and said ingratiatingly, "Slip of the tongue, just a slip."

Cassius put his arm around Vanessa and walked towards the sofa, whispering and trying to make her laugh to appease her. At that moment, Cassius spotted his youngest son, picked him up joyfully, while Vanessa turned her head to look in the direction of the binoculars, deep in thought.