The Ends is coming

Two weeks flew by in the blink of an eye, as swift and inevitable as the turning of the tides. Throughout this period, Emily had been adamant about a daily exercise regimen for her entire family, even enlisting the help of three-year-old Chloe. To make the routine more enticing for the young child, Emily also adopted a retired working dog that had once served as a police canine, Duke, to be Chloe's playmate. Its arrival brought a lot of laughter and joy to the family's physical activities, and every day, the whole family would take Duke into the space for exercise. Gradually, Emily observed a transformation in Duke. It was growing stronger, its fur acquiring a lustrous sheen, and its stature increasing in size. To her astonishment, Duke's intelligence seemed to match and even surpass that of Chloe. It had become a dependable older brother figure, a constant companion during Chloe's exercises. There were light-hearted moments when Chloe, in a playful mood, would snatch Duke's fruit or chicken leg, causing its such distress that he would tug at Emily's clothes and let out a mournful whine, as if pleading its case. It would take an extra serving of chicken leg to console the aggrieved Duke.

Over time, Emily began to notice Duke's post-exercise rituals. He would drink from the space's spring and occasionally catch small fish or shrimp to savor as a snack. A realization dawned on her that the food and water within the space might possess some form of enhancing properties. This led the family to incorporate the spring water into their diet, and Ye Father, with a sly smile, finally had a justifiable reason to use his fishing rod without earning a rebuke from Ye Mother.

As the days passed in a whirlwind of preparation and activity, Emily received her divorce certificate, marking the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. She also ensured her daughter's surname was changed to hers, signifying a clean break from her ex-husband. With this milestone achieved, Emily felt ready to shoulder the mantle of a new life, unburdened and resolute to become stronger for the protection of her loved ones.

Emily, despite being well-prepared mentally and materially, was still deeply concerned about the impact of the impending apocalypse. The memories of her previous life were still vividly before her eyes. To her, in this life, the arrival of the apocalypse was like a predicted storm. One day, during a family dinner, David, who had a habit of watching the news, caught a report about the flu in G province scrolling across the bottom of the screen. It warned everyone to pay more attention to ventilation and to guard against catching a cold. Upon seeing this rolling news item, Emily suddenly froze, her eyes widening as memories from her past life flooded her mind.

She recalled that her previous life had witnessed the same prelude to the end of the world, a seemingly innocuous flu outbreak that escalated into uncontrollable chaos. Initially dismissed as a seasonal affliction, the virulence and severity of the disease soon became apparent, prompting the government to enforce a strict stay-at-home order, with essential supplies being delivered to residents.

However, as the days turned into weeks, the situation deteriorated. Some residents, driven by desperation or denial, began to venture outside, leading to the spread of the infection. The government's efforts to contain the outbreak were in vain, and G province fell to the relentless advance of the epidemic.

Emily put down her chopsticks and bowl, and said earnestly to everyone, "The apocalypse is here." As soon as the words left her lips, the family all stopped eating. Although they had known it was coming, they hadn't expected the end of the world to arrive so quietly. Emily looked at her family and said, "In about three days, those who are infected will initially just have high fevers and convulsions, and then they will suddenly vomit blood, convulse, their eyes will turn white, and they will start to bite people crazily. Anyone bitten will be infected with the same symptoms immediately. We need to start preparing."

After a moment of silence, Alex spoke up, "I remember you mentioned that the temperature will change drastically, with a temperature difference of up to 80 degrees between day and night, is that correct?" Although Alex had heard his sister's words before, facing the reality of the situation was still somewhat unbelievable.

Emily nodded, "Yes, so I'm afraid mom, dad, and Chloe will have to live in the space temporarily for a while. This unstable climate, as I remember, lasted for a period before it returned to normal." Upon hearing this, David and Elizabeth also relaxed a bit.

David, the pillar of the family, smiled and said, "It's okay, let's treat it as a vacation for a while, and it's also a good opportunity to practice our fishing skills." Elizabeth was also amused by David's words.

As time went on, the progression of events indeed unfolded almost identically to the last life. Everyone thought it was just a seasonal flu that would get better in a while, but gradually, experts realized that this flu was aggressive and uncontrollable. Subsequently, panic began to set in among the populace, and the situation started to spiral out of control. a scream that pierced the silence of their neighborhood was a chilling confirmation of the horror that had arrived at their doorstep. Emily, jolted awake, joined her parents and brother on the balcony, their grave expressions reflecting the grim reality that their neighborhood was on the brink of falling. The true test of survival was about to commence.

Emily knew that the supplies would grow increasingly scarce, leading to desperate acts of theft and violence. Without disturbing Chloe's slumber, they surveyed the chaos through the window, witnessing the horrifying transformation of a neighbor and the ensuing panic. The sight was a stark reminder of the nightmare they were living, and Emily could see the concern etched in her parents' eyes. A silent exchange with her brother was enough; they began fortifying their home, barricading doors and windows, and preparing for the long haul.

The city was under lockdown, and the capital was unreachable. They could only wait for the restrictions to be lifted and for the government's drones to announce the locations of the shelters. The military would eventually come to rescue the survivors, but the disparity between the number of people in need and the available resources meant that self-reliance was paramount. Even with the security of her space, Emily was adamant about getting her family to a shelter. The capital, a large and prosperous city, was the most likely destination for the majority of survivors, promising a semblance of safety.

"Oh my god," Ye Mother exclaimed, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. Emily and Alex helped their parents to a chair, where they could process the horrifying reality unfolding before them. With the internet and electricity still functional, Emily turned on the TV, keeping the volume low to avoid drawing attention. The family listened intently to the emergency news broadcast, the government's urgent pleas for residents to stay indoors and lock their doors and windows echoing through the room.

After the harrowing news, Emily suggested her parents rest, offering to take the first watch with her brother. Comforting her parents, Alex insisted his sister return to her room and rest with Chloe, promising to keep vigil. Emily acquiesced, agreeing to take the second half of the night watch. She returned to her room to find her daughter sleeping peacefully, a wave of love and gratitude washing over her. She was alive, and she was not alone.

The next morning, she awoke to the reality of their situation, casting a resentful glance at her brother, who responded with a smile, feigning ignorance. Ye Father and Ye Mother had also risen, and Emily assisted her mother in preparing a simple breakfast before waking Chloe. Following the meal, everyone except Alex and Duke was sent to the space to tend to the farm. With the apocalypse looming, fresh produce would become a luxury, and they needed to be prepared.

Duke diligently dug holes, Chloe scattered seeds with childlike enthusiasm, Emily watered the plants, and Ye Father and Ye Mother smoked meat, each contributing to their survival in their own way. Seeing her family working together, Emily felt a sense of fulfillment and hope that they could maintain their unity and happiness in the face of adversity.

As noon approached, Emily decided to prepare a meal in the space to avoid attracting unwanted attention. She had strategically placed the movable container houses within the space, utilizing her mental power to control the objects within. Though it initially caused her some dizziness, she was confident that with practice, she would master this ability. She and Ye Mother had meticulously designed the interiors of the houses, creating a comfortable living space within the confines of their sanctuary.

Returning to the real world, Emily called her brother to assess the situation in the neighborhood. Zombies roamed the streets, and their once peaceful community had transformed into a fortress under siege. The security guards were valiantly keeping the undead at bay, but Emily couldn't help but wonder how long they could hold out against the relentless tide of the infected.