
EPS 34 Primo's struggle

Primo stood in the centre of the battlefield, accompanied only by the hissing sound of the Horned Serpent approaching. His body was tense, but his heart was calm. He knew how dangerous this situation was, but he also knew that he had fought under worse conditions before. Armed with the electric spear in his hand, Primo was ready to face the terrifying creatures that now surrounded him.

The Horned Serpent charged from all directions, but with incredible agility, Primo managed to dodge every attack. The flashes of electricity emanating from his holy spear marked every movement as he slashed at the creatures one by one. Every time his spear touched their thick skin, the Horned Serpent's body was instantly jolted by the electricity rushing through Primo's weapon.

**"They're weaker than any Horned Serpent I've ever faced, '** he muttered to himself as he launched a lightning slash at one of the creatures. The spear pierced accurately, stopping the creature in place. However, although they were individually weak, their overwhelming numbers made it necessary for Primo to keep moving.

**"But their numbers... seem endless, '** he thought as he leapt into the air to avoid the tail attack coming from behind him. Inwardly, Primo began to feel a little worried. She could feel the fatigue that was starting to creep up on her body. **"If this keeps up, I won't be able to last long. '**

Primo landed perfectly on the ground, then swung his spear again, this time sweeping away several Horned Serpents at once with a sizzling flash of electricity from his weapon. However, despite defeating dozens of them, the number of those creatures didn't seem to have decreased at all. In fact, it seemed like more and more Horned Serpents were emerging from behind the thick fog that enveloped the battlefield.

**"I must find a way to get out of this situation, '** he thought again. **"Otherwise, I could be stuck here forever. '**

As he continued to fight, Primo's gaze was drawn to something in the distance. From behind the crowd of Horned Serpents, he could see a large figure, much larger than the other creatures around him. It was the Dragon Horned Serpent, the leader of this horde. Its body was covered in thick scales that seemed almost impenetrable, and its horns towered high, giving off a terrifying aura.

**"So that's the leader, '** Primo thought as he observed the huge creature. **"If I can defeat it, maybe this horde will stop attacking. '** However, even though he planned to take on the Dragon Horned Serpent, Primo knew that this would not be easy. Just by thinking about it, he could already feel the tension getting stronger.

Primo's reverie almost got the better of him. A Horned Serpent leapt towards him, its tail moving quickly to attack. Primo who realised too late immediately jumped back, but the creature's tail still almost hit his body. **"Focus, Primo, '** he muttered to himself as he clenched his hand tighter around his spear. **"I can't let my guard down now. One mistake, and I could die right here. '**

While continuing to move among the Horned Serpent horde, there suddenly came a telepathic voice in his head. It was Ima's voice, and it sounded full of panic. **'NATALI!!!!'** she shouted, sending tremors throughout Primo's body. He paused for a moment, his eyes wide. **"What's going on? Is Natali in danger? '**

Without hesitation, Primo immediately twisted his body, trying to locate Ima and Natali in the chaotic battlefield. However, with so many Horned Serpents blocking his view, he could not see them clearly. Worry began to grow within her, but she knew that she had to remain calm.

**"I must find them, '** he thought anxiously. Wasting no time, Primo jumped high into the air, hoping to get a clearer view from above. As his body floated in the air, he concentrated his core energy on the tip of his electric spear. **"I have to clear out some of them, '** he thought.

With a confident gesture, Primo drove his spear into the ground as he landed, activating **[Thunder Ground]** magic. As soon as his spear hit the ground, a massive wave of electricity travelled from the tip of his spear, striking all the Horned Serpents that were nearby. The creatures convulsed violently before finally falling down, their bodies burned by the powerful electricity.

However, after the electricity subsided, Primo realised that his attack had only managed to reach a radius of about ten metres. **"Only so far... '** he muttered while breathing heavily. Although he had used powerful magic, the number of Horned Serpents he had managed to bring down was still too small compared to the ones that kept appearing.

Without wasting any time, Primo immediately moved again. He knew that he had to find Ima and Natali immediately. However, his movements were again hampered by the creatures that continued to attack him. They jumped at him with their mouths wide open, ready to tear his body apart. Primo quickly slashed at them one by one, but he began to feel tired. **"This doesn't make sense... '** he thought as he slashed again. **"How many are there really? Where have they all sprung from? '**

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Primo saw something that made his heart race. Steven, one of his comrades-in-arms, was moving quickly towards the Dragon Horned Serpent. Primo could see that Steven was preparing his ultimate attack, **[Centaur Thunder Slash!]**. That attack was one of the most powerful among them all.

**'Steven, stop!'** Primo shouted silently, trying to warn him. However, Steven had already travelled too far. His body moved like lightning, darting towards the Dragon Horned Serpent with incredible speed.

However, the Dragon Horned Serpent seemed unfazed. Calmly, the huge creature opened its mouth and let out a burst of **[Fire Laser Particles]** magic, a deadly fire attack. The collision between the two attacks was so fierce, it made the entire battlefield tremble violently. However, the Dragon Horned Serpent's strength was far greater than Steven's. In an instant, Steven's attack was swallowed up by the burst of flames, and his body vanished behind the blinding light.

**'STEVEN!!!'** Primo shouted, his voice full of emotion. His heart felt like it had stopped beating, and for a moment, the world seemed to stop spinning. Seeing his best friend simply vanish in the attack, Primo felt angry and desperate. In an instant, the electric aura around his body began to burn brighter than before.

Primo's rage reached its peak. A powerful electric aura surrounded his body, making loud hissing sounds in the air. His electric spear began to shine brighter, filled with immense energy. With a speed he had never felt before, Primo shot towards the Horned Serpent around him. His movements were so fast, they were almost invisible to the ordinary eye. Each slash of his spear produced deadly sparks of electricity, making the Horned Serpents fall to the ground one by one.

However, that power did not last long. After a while, Primo's body began to lose energy. His breathing grew heavier, and his every movement felt slower and slower. **"What happened...? '** he thought anxiously. He realised that the huge aura he had released earlier had drained his cores very quickly.

Breathing heavily, Primo fell to his knees, leaning on his spear to stay upright. Her body was trembling with exhaustion, and her vision began to blur. **"Is... this the end? '** Primo thought, his eyes starting to lose focus. **"Is this the end of my life? '**

Cold sweat began to run down his forehead. He tried to get up, but his body felt so weak. The Horned Serpent was still approaching, but Primo no longer had the strength to face it. **"Natali... Ima... I'm sorry... '** he muttered, his eyes closed, preparing to accept his fate.