
EPS 35 The End of the Fight

Primo stood in the centre of the battlefield, exhausted and almost desperate as the Horned Serpent horde continued to surround him. Every time he managed to defeat one, two more appeared, attacking him mercilessly. He felt his body getting heavier, his breath coming in short gasps, and cold sweat pouring down his forehead. His mind was full of fear, yet he knew that if he stopped moving now, he would die. Attack after attack he launched with his electric spear, but the number of enemies seemed endless and slowly closing in on him. In the midst of that despair, Primo looked into the distance, hoping for a miracle that could save him.

And that miracle came.

Dracko and Kreig suddenly appeared on the battlefield, breaking through the crowd of Horned Serpents with incredible strength and speed. **'Primo!'** shouted Dracko, as he slashed at one of the Horned Serpents with his lavas axe, creating sparks that lit up the air. Kreig, on the other hand, quickly used **[Particles Protector]** magic, creating a protective dome of energy particles that instantly enveloped the three of them.

Primo felt relieved, although his exhausted body immediately collapsed to the ground. **"I can't believe I'm still alive, '** he muttered to himself, his body trembling from exhaustion and adrenaline rush. His vision was blurry, but he could see Kreig who was standing nearby, concentrating on guarding the protective dome that kept shaking from the Horned Serpent's attacks from outside.

**"Relax, Primo, we're here, '** Kreig said, remaining focused on defending his barrier. Meanwhile, Dracko, now safely inside the dome, immediately took the opportunity to attack the Horned Serpent trapped with them inside the barrier. With a single swing of his massive, fiery axe, he brutally dispatched the creatures one by one. Their screams sounded heartbreaking, but Dracko showed no mercy. He knew that if he did not act quickly, they would all die here.

After the Horned Serpent inside the dome was defeated, Dracko and Kreig looked at each other, knowing that they had to act fast. **"Our cores must be recharged, '** Kreig said firmly. **"I can hold this **[Particles Protector]** only up to the limit of ten per cent of my remaining energy. After that, you will have to take turns making this protector. '**

Dracko and Primo immediately nodded. Although they were tired, they knew there was no other choice. Kreig had put all his energy into keeping them alive so far. Now it was their turn to help. They immediately concentrated, using the **Spirit** technique to restore their Core. Their Core energy was the main source of power, and without it, any magic they could use would be impossible.

Time seemed to pass slowly. Every second felt like a minute. Their tired bodies were trying hard to absorb energy to recover, but it was not fast enough. Meanwhile, the increasingly tired Kreig began to look drained. Sweat poured down his face, indicating how hard it was to maintain the barrier.

**"Primo, '** Draco suddenly spoke in a low voice, his eyes remaining focused on the protective dome. **"I will teach you **[Particles Protector]** magic. This is your only chance to learn it. Pay close attention. '**

Primo nodded, his eyes glued to the movements of Draco's hands that slowly manipulated the Core's energy particles and focused a fist into both of his hands. Draco showed step by step how to gather the magic particles, unite them into a ball of energy, then expand it into a protective dome. **"Focus on your energy flow, '** Draco said. **"Don't let your mind be distracted.'

As Kreig's protector began to weaken and disintegrate slowly, Dracko quickly took over. He created his own **[Particles Protector]**, albeit a little slowly. As a result, some of the Horned Serpents managed to sneak into the newly formed protective dome. Seeing this, Primo, who had started to recover a little, immediately took action. Swiftly, he took out his holy weapon, the electric spear, and attacked the Horned Serpents that had managed to enter. A flash of lightning struck quickly, piercing their bodies until they were helpless.

**'Well done, Primo!'** exclaimed Dracko. Meanwhile, Kreig, who was recovering his energy, smiled proudly at Primo who was beginning to overcome dangerous situations. **"Now it's time for you to try making your own **[Particles Protector]** magic. '**

Primo looked down at her hands, feeling a little nervous. This was the first time she tried something so complex. But she knew, if she didn't succeed, all of them might not survive. With determination, Primo clenched his hands into fists, focusing the Core within him. He began to form a small ball of energy in his palms. Slowly, he tried to enlarge the sphere and shape it into a protective dome.

However, his efforts were not immediately successful. Several times, the ball of energy he formed exploded before becoming a stable shield. **"Focus better, "** Dracko advised, **"and don't let your energy leak out while widening the range of the shield. '**

Primo nodded again, trying to remain calm. With a deep breath, he tried again. This time, the ball of energy he created began to expand and formed a small protective dome around him. Although the range was only enough to protect himself, it was already a big improvement.

**'Well done, Primo!'** Kreig exclaimed excitedly. **"Now try again, this time focusing more on your cast flow. You can do it. '**

With the encouragement of his two friends, Primo tried again. This time, he felt more confident. He closed his eyes, feeling the flow of energy all over his body. Slowly but surely, he managed to create a larger protective dome, enough to protect the three of them.

Dracko smiled with satisfaction, **"Excellent, Primo! Now you take care of this shield while I heal us all. '** Dracko began to chant a healing spell, and slowly the wounds on their bodies began to heal. Kreig also recovered his energy, though they all knew that time was not on their side.

Soon, the ground beneath them shook violently. Suddenly, a group of Horned Serpents emerged from underground. The trio was shocked, but there was no choice but to continue the battle. Kreig, who had started to recover, returned to action. With his lava-coated fist, he smashed the head of the Horned Serpent that appeared, causing the creature's head to instantly melt by the heat generated by the lava. **"I won't let them get close again, '** muttered Kreig.

Dracko, with his lava axe, continued to attack relentlessly. Every time his axe swung, the Horned Serpents were split in two, their bodies falling to the ground with a loud rumble. Their hot blood flowed on the battlefield, creating a horrifying scene.

Meanwhile, Primo, who had fully recovered, again showed his agility with his electric spear. He leapt and slashed at the Horned Serpents with precision, taking them out one by one. Each strike was accompanied by a flash of lightning that rendered the creatures helpless.

Over time, the Horned Serpent's numbers began to dwindle, and the day slowly drew to a close. However, just when they thought the battle was coming to an end, something bigger and more terrifying appeared before their eyes. A Dragon Horned Serpent, much larger than the others, moved ferociously towards them. Its red eyes glowed hatefully, and from its mouth came a horrifying torrent of flames. Without warning, the Dragon Horned Serpent launched its deadly attack, **[Fire Laser Particles]**, straight at the three of them.

**'Get ready!'** Kreig shouted. Quickly, the three of them together created a **[Particles Protector]** to block the Dragon Horned Serpent's deadly blast. A collision occurred, between the blast of fire and their protective dome. The three of them easily managed to withstand the Dragon Horned Serpent's attack. However, they began to get tired again due to the long duration of their battle. The three of them sighed and were a little grateful because at least the attack produced by the Dragon Horned Serpent made the other Horned Serpents disappear at once.