
EPS 39 The Lady Knight and the Old Farmer

Primo woke up slowly from his stupor. His vision was still blurry, but with time, his vision began to clear. All around him, he saw a vast expanse of grassland with wild flowers dotted all over, while in the distance, a river flowed calmly. The water was so clear that she could see the bottom of the river as well as large fish swimming in it.

'Mmm, where am I?' she murmured softly, still trying to make sense of the situation. Her body felt light, yet thirsty. With steps that were still a little weak, Primo walked towards the river, crouched down, and touched the cool, refreshing water. Without thinking, he immediately scooped up the water with both hands and gulped it down deeply.

'How refreshing...' he thought, as the thirst that had haunted him since he woke up began to disappear.

However, along with the disappearance of thirst, an unbearable hunger began to attack his stomach. His stomach rumbled loudly, indicating he hadn't eaten in a long time. He turned his head to the river, watching the fish swimming quietly.

'Looks like they're pretty big,' he muttered as he took out his sacred spear, an electric spear that was one of his most powerful weapons.

With one precise throw, the spear flew swiftly towards a school of fish in the river. The water splashed, and within seconds, Primo had several large fish caught on the tip of his spear. A satisfied smile crossed his lips as he pulled out the spear with his catch.

Primo quickly gathered some twigs and firewood from the neighbourhood and lit a fire with simple fire magic. It didn't take long for the fire to start, and he began grilling the fish he had caught. The fragrant smell of burning fish slowly filled the air, making Primo's stomach even hungrier.

While waiting for the fish to cook, Primo sat beside the campfire, letting his mind wander. He gazed at the vast grassland around him and felt a calmness that he had rarely encountered so far. 'Everything is easier with magic,' he muttered, 'at least here I don't have to face the terrifying Horned Serpent...'

Suddenly, thoughts of Spring Colony came to mind. She paused, memories of the colony coming to her, especially the faces of the residents who were like family to her. Slowly, the realisation that everyone there might be gone began to haunt her mind. Unconsciously, a single tear rolled down her cheek.

'What really happened...?' she whispered softly, looking up at the reddening sky. Primo looked down, remembering the advice and words of encouragement given by the people at Spring Colony. He remembered how everyone wished for him to keep going and not give up. 'I must continue fighting... I must eliminate the Dragon Horned Serpent.'

However, before he could ponder further, the sound of a woman screaming could be heard in the distance. The voice was urgent and fearful, forcing Primo to act immediately. He got up from his place, swiftly extinguished the campfire and began to move quickly in the direction of the voice.

While running, he kept his movements still and careful. After a few minutes, he found a tree high enough to monitor the situation from above. Nimbly, he climbed the tree, and from the height, he saw a sight he did not expect. An armour-clad woman, clearly a knight, was surrounded by five people. One woman and four men who were clearly bandits. .

Inwardly, Primo muttered, 'Five against one. How can he possibly win?' While thinking about the situation.

A man from the bandit group spoke in a harsh tone. 'Hand over the farmer, and I'll spare your life,' he threatened with an evil smile.

Primo, who was analysing the situation, was puzzled, 'Farmer?' After realising that the farmer was hiding behind a tree, he said to himself, 'I'm losing focus again, I almost missed an important detail.'

The warrior woman did not flinch in the slightest. She replied firmly, 'I will not let you harm this farmer, or steal their crops. As long as I live, bandits like you will be thrown into prison!'

The female bandit in the group laughed sarcastically. 'Ah, arrogant knight. Looks like you can't use magic, huh? This will be easier than I thought.'

The five bandits immediately took position, they formed a circular formation around the female knight. They took out a magic weapon in the form of a magical kunai with the element of wind. Primo silently said 'hmm, a magical weapon, isn't that the basic stage of making a magic weapon?'

Primo, who was still lurking from the top of the tree, decided to remain silent, studying his enemy's strength before acting.

'There's no escape for you!' exclaimed the bandit woman, then the five bandits began to attack simultaneously. The female knight immediately set up a defensive stance, but their attacks were too fast and well-coordinated. Several times her attacks managed to hit, even though her thick armour protected her from fatal wounds.

'This is bad,' Primo thought, seeing the situation growing increasingly unfavourable for the female knight.

In just a matter of minutes, the knight fell to the ground. With a triumphant laugh, the female bandit said, 'This will be the end for you.'

The female knight shouted orders to the farmer to run away quickly and report this incident at headquarters. But the peasant was frightened and did not move an inch.

Before their weapons could hit the knight, Primo decided to act. With one swift movement, he released his protective magic, [Ball Particles Shield]. A large transparent protective ball suddenly appeared, shielding the female knight from the bandits' wind kunai attacks. Surprise was evident on their faces, including that of the female knight who had not expected to be saved by such a high level of magic.

Primo jumped down from the tree, landing calmly in front of the injured knight. He looked at the bandits casually, 'Five against one? That's not fair.'

The bandits again prepared to attack. One of them shouted, 'Who are you, daring to disturb us? Are you looking for death?'

Primo chuckled. 'Death? You're the ones who should be worried about that.'

The female knight, who was still panting on the ground, tried to get up. 'I... I can help you,' she said weakly.

Primo shook her head. 'Don't add to my burden. Focus on saving that farmer. You're in too bad a condition to fight.'

The female knight got angry and said that she would beat Primo quickly if it was one on one, but Primo kicked the female knight in the stomach without using a lot of energy, the female knight was pushed back and fell down.

Primo said 'In your condition like that, what can you do?'

The woman was surprised by Primo's words, but she knew there was a point. Inwardly, she felt upset, but her consciousness told her that the man in front of her was much stronger. Reluctantly, she gave in to her desire to fight.

Primo looked back at the bandits, 'You still have one choice. Run now, or I won't let you escape.'

One of the bandits replied with arrogance, 'There are five of us, and you are alone. You can only survive with your magic, but we will kill you quickly.'

Primo did not reply. Instead, he activated [Particles Protector], a magic that created a large circular shield around himself and the five bandits. The bandits began to panic, trying to attack Primo with their wind kunai weapons, but the attacks were futile. Casually, Primo took out his electric spear and dodged the bandits' attacks using [Speed Up] magic. increasing his movement speed which made it easy for him to avoid the bandits' attacks.

One of the bandits who was angered by Primo's behaviour attacked him directly, but in an instant, one of the bandits fell after being hit by his spear. Seeing that, the others panicked, and they tried to escape. However, their efforts were in vain because the protective magic created by Primo trapped them.

Primo said, 'I'll tell you one thing, quantity isn't everything, quality is.'

'Who are you?' one of the bandits shouted in fear.

Primo didn't answer. With one more quick attack, she took out the next bandit, and it didn't take long for Primo to finish them all off.

The female knight could only marvel at how Primo easily controlled the flow of the fight.

When the fight was over, the farmer who was hiding immediately came out with a look of gratitude

on his face. 'Thank you very much, sir! You saved my life!'

The female knight also approached, although still injured, she tried to pay her respects. 'I owe you my life. Thank you for saving us.'

Primo looked at the bandits and one of the bandits woke up and was about to run away but Primo stopped him. Primo interrogated the bandit 'Where did you say you came from?'

The bandit was reluctant to give any information and teased Primo with the words 'What can a kid

like you do to interrogate me? I won't give any information. '

Primo with a gentle expression said 'I'll kill you!'

The bandit laughed loudly and said, 'A child like you can only kill goblins and wolves. '

Primo walked towards another bandit and beheaded the female bandit without throwing her head to the bandit.

The bandit was terrified while shouting hysterically 'What the hell, aren't you afraid of her haunting you?'

Primo silently said 'Haunted? I'm already haunted by the guilt of not being able to help my friends at Spring Colony. Besides, beheading a human is easier than beheading a Horned Serpent.'

The farmer and the female knight were nauseated by Primo's behaviour, Primo continued to ask the bandit 'Where do you live and who is the boss? '

The bandit again said that he would not tell any information.

Primo smiled again and asked 'What do you think is more cruel than death? '

The bandit was confused by Primo's question and said 'What do you mean, huh?' Primo quickly cut off the bandit's right leg, and the bandit screamed in pain.

Primo said, 'What about your disability, are you still able to live your life?' He quickly answered, 'Your right arm?'

The bandit tried to escape by crawling but Primo cut off his right arm again. the bandit screamed in pain. Primo once again asked 'Where are you from and what is the name of your leader after that I will let you live or your head will be the price.'

The bandit gave up and said 'I live in the forest quite far from here, it took me four hours of walking to reach the name of my group Shadow Fang with the leader named Fang, a ninja, please spare me.'

Primo again asked what was your purpose in robbing the farmers here.

The bandit said, 'It is natural for the strong to oppress the weak.' Immediately Primo cut off the fingers of his left hand, and killed all the bandits gathering them into one place except him.

Primo smiled, 'Where is your home?' he asked the farmer.

The farmer pointed towards the meadow. 'My home is behind this meadow.' suddenly the female knight fell down again. Primo asked the farmer if he and I could stay to treat the wound.

The farmer with a slightly scared expression allowed them to stay and said that there happened to be an empty room in his house that they could stay in.

Primo helped the female knight walk and they left the bandits behind. After a little distance, Primo used [Black Hole] magic to suck the bandits' corpses to eliminate the trail without their knowledge.

Primo started to feel dizzy and fell down with the female knight. The peasant asked 'What's wrong with you?'

Primo stood back up and returned to help the female knight while saying 'probably exhausted after fighting them' in his heart he said 'This Black Hole magic is very draining, it's only natural for Natali to be made like that. '

The female knight also asked where Primo came from how she could be this strong.