
EPS 43 Night ambush

In the cold night after Stella fought with Primo, Stella and the mysterious knight returned to the palace on the way Stella called the mysterious knight the Dark Knight Stella asked the Dark Knight 'How can Primo be that strong?'

Dark Knight replied 'He probably trained hard, moreover he seems to have fought stronger enemies making his combat experience more dominant When I saw him he was indeed very skilled and seemed to be just playing games against you.'

Hearing what Stella said, she was a little motivated to become stronger and make Primo her rival Stella asked again 'How long will it take me to catch up with her? '

Dark Knight replied while thinking 'hmm,, how long will it take? It probably depends on how hard you try. '

Stella became very serious and asked about the core family leader planning to dethrone the branch family. Stella, who still doubted the Dark Knight, explained that she saw Lord Vassal lure the Dragon Horned Serpent to destroy a village in the middle of the desert.

Stella was even more incredulous about what Dark Knight said because the Dragon Horned Serpent was a mythical creature whose existence was only a legend and confirmed that the Dragon Horned Serpent was extinct. and asked

Stella asked 'Where is the village located?'

Dark Knight replied, 'The village is in the middle of the Desert of Death. '

Stella was even more confused by Dark Knight's words, more disbelieving because there could not be human civilization or other races, moreover there were filled with terrible Horned Serpents. and how could they survive?.

Dark Knight also explained where do you think the people who often sell Horned Serpent meat are? Where did those people go?

Stella realised in her mind that the missing people might be related to Lord Vassal and Primo had said that fighting the Horned Serpent might be true,

Stella asked again, 'Have you ever visited the village and even seen Primo there? Because when I met him, he told me that he was the one who woke up during hibernation and survived by fighting the Horned Serpent. '

Dark Knight replied that he had never seen him. I can confirm that because the village had a small population of probably no more than a hundred people but everyone seemed to be connected and there were many races living there and they helped each other.

Stella asked, 'How do you know that much? It's like you've lived there.'

Dark Knight also explained that he was once forced to enter the path when he was chased by a group of bandits and accidentally found the village. At first I thought the village was the headquarters of the bandits but when I watched the village because of curiosity and learned how they could live in the middle of a very dangerous desert. even most strong people choose a detour.

Stella asked 'Why do you always wear a mask and not armour like the other soldiers?'

Dark Knight replied 'I am a mercenary hired by your father directly so I am free to dress as I wish, moreover wearing armour like that makes it difficult for me to move freely. '

Stella in her mind suspiciously thought that Dark Knight and Primo knew each other because they had the same reason for the armour used by the kingdom. Stella also asked for help to help her make a more efficient armour not only for her but for other soldiers so that the royal army would be stronger to protect its people, of course Stella also gave a fee for helping her. Dark Knight agreed to Stella's request and said she looked like her father.

When Stella returned to the palace she found that the soldiers guarding the palace were injured Stella rushed to help the guard soldiers and asked what happened. the soldier only replied that suddenly we were attacked quickly and the soldier was unconscious.

Dark Knight said 'Don't touch their wounds, do you have any scorpion venom medicine?'

Stella replied 'We don't have such medicine. '

Dark Knight asked 'Does the kitchen area have a large supply of garlic?'

Stella replied 'If so, what is it made for?'

Dark Kinght with a panicked expression and said firmly 'Quickly find as much garlic as possible because garlic has antibacterial and antitoxin properties. Pound a few cloves of garlic and apply to the wounded area to help reduce the effects of the poison and pain.'

Dark Knight added don't ask for help from the core royal soldiers avoid direct contact with them, I will check the palace room.

Before moving they were intercepted by a branch family soldier and attacked Stella with a sword, Stella also managed to withstand the soldier's attack with her sword Stella just survived while asking why he attacked her. but the soldier was just silent and did not answer anything. when the soldier was off guard Stella was about to kill him but was stopped by the Dark Knight. Stella was angry why he stopped her from finishing off the traitor.

Dark Knight also said to use your sensor magic. Stella uses her sensor magic and realises that there is a magic needle stuck in the soldier's neck.

The Dark Knight fought the soldier and managed to pull out the magic needle. The soldier is saved. Stella asked how you knew so quickly.

Dark Knight said 'Pay attention to the surrounding conditions, don't rush to make decisions, think three to four times until you get the best decision. 'Dark Knight also asked how the condition was but the soldier with a full look asked Dark Knight for help to save Lord Valandor hearing bad things happen to his father Stella immediately headed into the palace. Dark Knight was about to stop her but Stella ignored him.

Dark Knight also asked the soldier for help to find garlic then mashed the garlic cloves and applied to the wound of the soldier who was attacked by scorpion poison.

The soldier hurried to prepare everything. and the Dark Knight followed Stella.

Inside the palace Stella could only cry for her father who was kidnapped by the army general named Lucas who was seriously injured and could only apologise to Stella Dark Knight who just arrived immediately asked about the current conditions.

Lucas said they were attacked by three people, namely scorpion race soldiers, lions and eagles and did not know their purpose.

Dark Knight concluded that they were soldiers sent by Lord Vassal to eliminate Stella and Lord Valandor.

Lucas shouted and grabbed Dark Knight's shirt collar 'You only decided unilaterally without any evidence how can we believe you who are only outsiders maybe you are one of them.'

Stella also calmed Lukas by saying 'Calm down Lucas if Dark Knight was one of them I would have died at the hands of Dark Knight considering Dark Knight is stronger than me. '

Dark Knight also calmly replied that I will give the proof right now Dark Knight casts magic [Blue Fire Ball] towards the sky sky at the end of which there is a very large lamp. and there is one of the eagle race soldiers there.

Lucas and Stella were surprised that Dark Knight knew the location of the enemy.

Dark Knight again said to Stella 'You don't learn enough from mistakes. think about what I just said if you let your guard down just a little bit this kingdom will collapse.'

The Eagle soldier also introduced himself as Larz, Larz said 'I am amazed that you can find out where I am hiding' while chanting the magic weapon [Wind Fencing Sword] Actively pulling out the magic weapon of the wind element fencing sword.

Dark Knight was silent, only emitting a blue spark aura all over his body.

Larz underestimated Dark Knight as he said, 'I don't even have a magical weapon. '

Dark Knight said, 'I'll beat you in three strikes.'

Larz shouted 'arrogant too' Larz also chanted speed magic [Speed up] attacking Dark Knight at high speed. But Dark Knight easily avoided all of Larz's attacks easily when he found the right moment when he reversed the attack when Dark Knight avoided the sword thrust from Larz by ducking Dark Knight also turned his body and kicked Larz's stomach with magic [Blue Fire Kick] Larz was bounced away and hit the wall Larz was in pain and spewed blood. '

Lucas said, 'Did I see that Dark Knight can cast magic without casting a spell?'

Stella, who saw that the attack was exactly the same as the one against Primo, answered Lucas by saying 'maybe it was just a kick generated from his blue fire aura creating a magic-like attack. It's impossible for the Dark Knight to cast magic without casting it. '

Larz clapped his hands because a weakling like you could corner me like this. Dark Knight replied by saying 'Just two more attacks. '

Larz said, 'That was just a coincidence. This time I'll kill you in pieces. ' . Larz also evolved into an eagle man, releasing wings on his body and his head turned into an eagle's head. Larz flew and cast the magic 'Nedlee Feather Wind', where thousands of feather-shaped needles with wind elements shot in succession towards the Dark Knight. Dark Knight ran while dodging Larz's attacks. Larz also deflected his attack towards Stella who was right beside the injured Lucas. Larz said, 'My stupid goal is to keep you away so that I can easily kill Stella plus Lord Valandor who has been kidnapped, who was not originally a hostage, can now be killed when Stella is dead.'

Lucas and Stella realised the Dark Knight's words were true. They both could only surrender because it was impossible to survive the attack but suddenly [Protector particles] protected them all.

Stella also realised that the magic used was exactly the same as Primo's and assumed that Primo was the Dark Knight. Lucas, who was increasingly made to believe that the Dark Knight was very strong, acknowledged Stella's words that the Dark Knight was the strongest warrior owned by Lord Valandor.

Larz was even more incredulous that his attack could be stopped and wondered who he was. suddenly from behind him was the Dark Knight with his holy weapon in the form of a calibur sword with blue flame elements. Dark Knight said 'oee behind you'

Larz turned his head and quickly Dark Knight slashed Larz's wings, Larz fell down Larz was terrified because Dark Knight had a Holy Weapon. Dark Knight said 'This is my second attack, my third attack will kill you if you don't give me important information now answer what Lord Vassel's goal is for the Branch Family?'

Larz who fell down while crawling backwards fearfully said 'His goal is to control the entire kingdom and kill all branch families and those who are not in line with him, please forgive me.'

The Dark Knight asked 'Where is Lord Valandor hidden?'

Larz replied 'I don't know because I'm here waiting for Stella to arrive. '

Stella got up and asked 'Is it true that Lord Vassal has kidnapped people and destroyed the village in the middle of the desert?'

Larz, who was getting desperate, replied 'I told you that those who are not in line will be killed. I also don't know if Lord Vassal really massacred what village but Lord Vassal did tell me that they used the Dragon Horned Serpent and made a village to get some goods and also Horned Serpent meat a few days ago. '

Larz shouted, 'I've told you everything I know. '

Dark Knight said 'I don't think that's important information.' Dark Knight killed Larz by stabbing his heart and beheading him.

Stella and Lucas also apologised to Dark Knight for not believing him. Dark Knight also understands it because Dark Knight is an outsider so no one should believe him especially without strong evidence.

Not long after that, Lord Vassal entered with half-lion and half-scorpion human warriors.

Dark Knight also activated the magic [Particles Protector] to protect the three of them. Dark Knight told Stella not to rashly attack him because her father was in prison.

Stella replied 'I already know. '

Lord Vassal ordered to destroy the protector and immediately executed Stella. The Lion Man cast the magic [Thunder Clap] Lightning flashed towards the defences of the three of them plus the Scorpion Man cast the magic [Twister Flame] tornado burned the defences of the three of them.

However, it was not enough to destroy Dark Knight's defences. The cunning Lord Vassal also had a plan to kill Stella by saying 'Join the arena if you win I will free your father of course Dark Knight cannot participate.

Dark Knight replied that you have no right to prevent me from doing so and you have no reason to make a rule that branch soldiers cannot participate even if I can't be a branch soldier.

Lord Vassal laughed at the Dark Knight's ingenuity but it wasn't enough' Lord Vassal ordered his two soldiers to bring Larz's corpse. Lord Vassal said that Larz will be used as a terrorist who captured Lord Valandor. and the one who captured the Dark Knight is the mastermind of all this. if you try to open your mouth I will not hesitate to kill your father.

Dark Knight agreed and took Stella away Lucas also chased Dark Knight who suddenly took Stella away. And Lord Vassal laughed because his plan was successful.

In his escape, Lucas invited all the troops from the branch family to pursue the Dark Knight. and said throughout the kingdom that the Dark Knight kidnapped Estella and Lord Valandor,

While outside which is a little far from the work of Glory Kingdom Dark Knight shoots fire into the air as a signal for Lucas. Lucas who realised it rushed towards the fireball.

When they arrived, Dark Knight said, 'You're exaggerating by saying that I kidnapped them both. '

Lucas laughed and said, 'That's to fool Vassel into believing my soldiers are overreacting while running and saying if you're found you'll be rewarded handsomely.'

Stella laughed happily and they discussed their next plan. The Dark Knight decided to train Stella even harder to defeat them all even if it was just a trap. And I will find out where Lord Valandor is.

Lucas sadly said 'What about me, don't I have something important to do? Or should I go back and say you escaped and not find you two?'

The Dark Knight said 'Stay hidden until it looks as if you've been reported dead. I need you when Lord Vassal goes so far as to oppress innocent citizens. I'll send a signal as usual.'

Lucas understood and they took turns resting and patrolling to avoid being noticed.