
EPS 44 Dark Knight Vs Primo

On a day that was still dawn, Primo woke up and decided to leave Elbaf's house before leaving Primo made sure Elbaf was still asleep. Primo went to the rice fields and made sure no one followed him on the way. Primo used soil magic to pulverise the ploughed soil so that it was easy to plant and also watered the rice fields to make it easier for Elbaf and his other friends not to be burdened then Primo left the rice field area towards the Glory Kingdom.

After entering the Kingdom of Glory Kingdom, Primo looked for registration information to the arena there, Primo went around the market area and saw the price of basic necessities, Primo also asked one of the traders there about the price of basic necessities, the trader complained about the increasing price spike.

Primo asked why this happened, the trader explained that since basic necessities must be purchased through the Silo kingdom so the traders could not buy directly from farmers it made the price even higher because the kingdom determined the price not the farmers anymore especially the kingdom took from the farmers at a very cheap price. if we traders are desperate to buy from existing farmers we will be punished as well as farmers who try to sell outside the Glory kingdom.

Primo asked about the merchant who sold Horned Serpent meat to the merchant, the merchant replied that he didn't know lately they were also invisible and only those who dared to fight the kingdom and often fought with the soldiers, because they were very strong and unruly so the kingdom ignored them, but they were very kind to us and often bought basic necessities here and gave some to us and other residents, I don't know what happened I'm afraid they were killed because lately the soldiers from the core kingdom have a very strong army.

Primo again asked about how to register for the arena the merchant did not allow it because it would kill him even though the reward was very high but your life was more valuable you are still young boy in the arena there are also strong people from various directions. but Primo iron hard wanted to know how to register, the merchant sighed his face filled with worry said you can register in two days at the arena while pointing to the location of the arena.

Primo also asked 'Why in the kingdom do people look scared and the soldiers seem to be watching from a distance? '

The merchant replied 'The kingdom is in the middle of a disaster where terrorists kidnapped the king and princess of the Branch Family. The soldiers of the Branch Family who chased after them did not return alive.

Primo was surprised by the news and worried about Stella's current condition before leaving the merchant Primo asked if river fish were expensive?

The merchant replied that yes, although the price was not that high, it was quite expensive than selling the crops because the fish in the river were also difficult to catch because they moved fast. even fishing them was also difficult.

Primo thanked the merchant and left. When he was about to leave the royal gate, Primo was called by two soldiers. Primo stopped and after knowing that there was red colour on his back, Primo understood that those who stopped him were soldiers from the nuclear family.

Primo asked 'What's wrong, why did you stop me?'

The soldier snapped at Primo 'You have no manners, do you know what you did wrong?'

Primo who didn't know anything asked 'What did I do wrong?'

The soldier said come with me and show me your mistake, Primo followed the soldier who took him to the river when he first woke up.

Primo asked once again about his mistake but the soldiers snapped saying your mistake was not paying the money out of the kingdom you must be from outside the kingdom right?

Primo replied 'Yes, I'm from outside the kingdom but I didn't know that I was being blackmailed.'

The soldier once again snapped 'the outgoing and incoming money totalling fifty lots pay now!'

Primo replied I have no money at all how can I pay for it why don't you guard outside the gate and said at the beginning this is like extortion. '

The soldier said 'can't pay I'll take your precious things. '

Primo said 'I don't have anything. '

The soldier searched Primo's entire body and found his mobile phone. The soldier said 'What is this thing, is it valuable?'

An emotional Primo said 'Give it back. '

The soldier pushed Primo to the ground and the soldiers talked to each other about finding this object and whether it was expensive because they had never seen it.

Primo got up and said 'Give it back now. '

The soldier snapped 'Shut up or I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!'

Primo snapped back and said 'I'll kill you if your parents are there, I'll kill them in front of you.'

One of the soldiers took out his sword to slash Primo, but before he could do so, Primo took out his holy weapon, the electric spear, and slashed the soldier's arm that was holding the sword and slashed the soldier's head in an instant and the soldier died.

The soldier who saw it said he would report it to the kingdom so that Primo would be hunted down, but Primo used a blackhole to suck the soldier's corpse without any remains, leaving no evidence.

Primo said 'Now that you can't find any evidence, return the item now or I'll kill you. Don't think you can run away from here.'

The soldier ran but Primo with [Speed up] magic quickly slashed the soldier's right leg, the soldier fell and Primo easily took his mobile phone.

Primo said 'It's better for you to obey my words from the beginning so that you can meet your mother and cry in front of her.'

The soldier was frightened and said 'You've got your stuff now, go. '

Primo said 'Yes I got it but I got it myself not you, now give me information about the news that the branch family has been kidnapped is it true or not?'

The soldier snapped saying 'Why should I take your word for it you son of a bitch? '

Primo cut off the soldier's left leg, the soldier screamed in pain and said 'Stop it I don't know if the news is true or not but about the branch family it doesn't exist and the soldiers of the branch family are currently not back if I'm lying just look at the back of the armour if it's blue it's from the branch family go to the kingdom if you don't believe me. '

Primo immediately cut off the soldier's head and eliminated the traces using the Black Hole in his heart saying 'even if I knew that.

Primo was about to bathe in the river, Primo felt refreshed because he had not bathed at all for several days. After he bathed, he felt that someone was watching him, Primo used sensor magic to find out where the person who was monitoring him was and found two people watching him. Primo also used [Speed up] magic and attacked one of the people watching her.

Primo asked 'who are you?'

The other person asked 'Who are you? I've never seen you, are you an order from Lord Vassel' while taking out his sword.

Primo replied casually 'So you're one of the terrorists that might defeat you. I have more information.'

The man said 'You won't get any information from me.' The man attacked Primo by coating the blade of his sword with fire but Primo easily knocked him down and stomped on his neck.'

The second man who was opposed by Primo got up and was about to help his partner but was stopped and told him to report this incident and prepare to fight he would sacrifice himself.

The second man ran away, the first man said 'now kill me' before that happened Dark Knight came and kicked Primo. Primo was pushed back until he fell Primo was surprised that the person (Dark Knight) was not detected by him and assumed Dark Knight was his leader.

Dark Knight told his partner to come back and he would defeat that person (Primo) His partner left.

Dark Knight who realised it was Primo tried to talk to him by saying 'What is your goal?'

Primo got up and replied 'Of course to bring the King and Princess back to the kingdom'.

Dark Knight was surprised by Primo's words and re-confirmed that Primo was not an enemy by saying 'Are you Vassel's messenger?

Primo replied 'Whoever sent me, what do you care!'

Dark Knight was very disappointed and had to fight Primo Dark Knight also said 'I know you are a strong man I will fight you seriously I will not give up so easily.' while pulling out his holy weapon in the form of a blue fire element sword.

Primo realised that his enemy was very strong because he did not cast any spells and fought him seriously while pulling out his sacred weapon in the form of an electric spear.

Attack after attack ensued they drew Dark Knight as if very disappointed to have to deal with Primo but forced Dark Knight to increase his attack and attacked Primo's body, Primo blocked Dark Knight's attack with his spear making Primo pushed Dark Knight also jumped using magic [Blue Dragon] his slash formed a dragon Primo used [Particles Shield] to protect himself. The collision occurred Primo managed to withstand Dark Knight's attack but his shield got a crack that made him realise if he used the [ Particles Protector ] he would get a serious injury, Primo did not waste the opportunity he counterattacked by using [ Cross Over Thunder Clap ] the tip of his spear blade issued lightning forming the letter X with lightning strikes that continued to sizzle Dark Knight who was surprised by Primo's very deadly attack also used [ Particles Protector ] the collision of attacks again occurred making the sky cloudy. The [Particles Protector] was destroyed but Primo's attack was still active Dark Knight who realised the attack was fatal blocked the attack with his holy sword. Dark Knight fell backwards until he hit a tree and destroyed it. Dark Knight said in his mind 'It's amazing how much you've improved, Primo.' Dark Knight got up. 'Dark Knight got up. Primo who still had the calm prepared to attack him once again but Dark Knight surrendered by throwing away his holy weapon and raising his hands in the air.

Dark Knight said, 'I surrender, kill me, but I ask you for help with the one thing I want to protect, hoping Primo will help Dark Knight. '

Primo replied 'What is it?'

Dark Knight replied 'I trade my life but save Princess Estella with Lord Valandor. '

A surprised Primo asked 'What do you mean?'

Dark Knight replied 'I am not a terrorist, I saved Princess Estella in a murder incident when Lord Valandor became a hostage and the person he attacked was a soldier from the royal branch family. We all ran away so that there would be no more hostages. I can take you and prove my words right that Princess Estella is fine and you must know her too. '

Primo also explained his reason for only saving her and looking for more information understood hearing this was just a misunderstanding Dark Knight also invited Primo to the hiding place.