
EPS 45 Scorzio Vs Primo

Dark Knight also took Primo to the location of their hideout in the cave in the middle of the forest. On the way Dark Knight in his mind was very surprised by Primo who was able to destroy [Particles Protector] only one attack.

Dark Knight said to Primo 'Hey Primo, what did you hear from the Glory Kingdom. '

Primo also asked how he knew his name. Primo also asked where he knew his name. Dark Knight replied I know from you from Stella. knowing that Stella was fine made Primo a little more relieved.

Primo also explained that from his information the princess and the king had been kidnapped by terrorists, the army of soldiers from the kingdom who were chasing never returned. I think they have been attacked by you with your power that does not cast magic most likely to defeat them easily.

Dark Knight only looked at Primo in his mind relieved that Primo was not an enemy.

After arriving at the hiding place, the soldiers and Stella were preparing to move to help Dark Knight but when Dark Knight and Primo arrived, the soldiers including Stella were surprised.

Stella said whether Primo helped her fight the troops hired by Lord Vassel but the soldier who escaped also told her that the boy named Primo attacked them severely. here Dark Knight also explained that there was a misunderstanding after Dark Knight explained. they were a little relieved.

Primo asked 'how is the princess now. '

Dark Knight replied 'Ehemmm, I told you that you must know her. '

Primo, with Stella's mocking expression, said 'Huh? This kind of person is the princess of the kingdom, her nature doesn't reflect a gentle princess at all.' Primo approached Primo and knocked her head while saying however that was the case.

Dark Knight also approached Primo and knocked her head while saying however it was the truth while letting out a long sigh.

Stella, who did not accept their words, said with an annoyed expression 'What the hell are you two. '

They both laughed as Dark Knight told Lucas to train Stella for a while. Lucas asked what happened why suddenly like that instead of you being suitable to train Stella.

Dark Knight also said I was tired. shortly after that Dark Knight fell and his right arm was bleeding.

Lucas and Stella were worried about Dark Knight about what happened.

Dark Knight explained that during the magic clash Dark Knight was caught off guard resulting in something like this but don't worry it won't be long for a while Lucas you become a teacher for Stella, and the other soldiers remain on guard in the area around the hideout while looking for ingredients to cook.

Lucas and the other soldiers also received orders from Dark Knight, Dark Knight was escorted by Primo to rest in the cave.

In the cave, the Dark Knight asked for help to guard Stella from an assassination attempt while in the arena while explaining the situation.

Primo also agreed because Primo also happened to follow the Arena so he could guard Stella quite closely rather than guarding her from a distance.

Dark Knight also agreed with Primo's strategy. Dark Knight rested and Primo came out of the cave and saw Stella and Lucas training here Stella against Lucas. But when he saw the two of them seemed very stiff and did not bring out the existing abilities and the way to use the cores was unstable.

Primo shouted to the two of them 'Use your cores to be stable, don't waste your cores, you will easily get tired. '

Lucas interrupted Primo's explanation by saying 'What are you talking about?'

Primo said, 'The flow you all use is very unstable and when you train, you don't seem to take it seriously and are afraid of hurting each other.'

Lucas did not accept Primo's explanation, saying 'A kid like you understands that if I'm serious about fighting Princess Stella, it's only going to get her hurt. '

Primo reversed Lucas' aggrument by saying 'It's better to get hurt in training than in battle, if you get hurt there, it's not only you who will be in trouble but also your partner. '

Lucas, who began to understand Primo's words, said what do you mean by unstable core flow.

Primo explained that when doing magic you are too excessive and unstable, which should only use a small amount of cores but you release them irregularly so that the magic produced is quite bad.

Primo also asked 'If your element is fire, make a fireball with a very large size and shoot it into the air. '

Lucas chanted the fire magic spell [ Fire Ball ] Actively released a [ Fire Ball ] with a very large size but Lucas immediately got tired of making it. Primo was disappointed in his mind that the strongest person in the army was still casting magic by chanting.

Primo also released the Fire Ball skilfully with a larger size making those who saw it surprised. but it made the scorpion man army and ten of his troops see it and headed in that direction believing Princess Stella was there.

Primo explained that it's better for you here to train your core usage to be stable.

Stella asked how to do that.

Primo also explained 'first focus on where the centre of your core is where it feels cold warm hot depending on each individual and each individual also has a different core core but don't tell anyone because when your core core is damaged you will not be able to use magic again if you have made an element according to the element you are good at and a small shape while Primo makes the size of the fire in the palm of his hand while saying like this and focus it like this and repeat it several times until you get used to it.

Shortly after that one of the soldiers ran that one of the mercenaries hired by Lord Vassal came suddenly the half-scorpion man attacked from behind. Primo held him back with his magic [ Particles Shiled ] Everyone was surprised that Primo didn't cast any magic, making them realise that Primo was equal to the Dark Knight.

After Primo managed to save the soldier, Primo took over to fight all the soldiers there which amounted to eleven people containing ten ordinary soldiers with a half-scorpion man. here Lucas, Stella and the soldiers wanted to help Primo but were stopped because they were just disturbing and ordered to keep their distance from fighting with him.

Lucas did not accept because there were many of them and Primo himself.

Primo said casually 'it doesn't matter.'

Stella said with emotion 'You can't be so strong. '

Dark Knight came out of the cave and said 'What Primo said is true, the number doesn't matter, it's the quality, right Primo?'

Primo replied 'Yes, and you should just watch and help me when I'm off guard. '

Dark Knight was silent and guarded the fight. Seeing that Lucas Stella and other soldiers followed.

When Lucas was with the Dark Knight Lucas asked 'Is he okay. '

Dark Knight said, 'Let's see, he always surprises. The goal is for you to learn when fighting, this includes training, especially since primo's destructive attacks have a long enough distance to make you hit. '

Lucas and the others were surprised to see Primo's far-reaching thoughts as a child.

The scorpion man also introduced his name as Scorzio.

Scorzio said, 'You are arrogant enough to face us alone. '

Primo also arrogantly while provoking said 'I can face all ten of your soldiers in one minute, don't you dare cry on your parents' lap. '

Dark Knight also said to Lucas Stella and other soldiers. Primo said that to provoke so that easy opponents could be eliminated alone. so when you fight against a large number you must be able to know which one to fight first. '

The ten soldiers simultaneously attacked Primo, but Primo quickly defeated them with the magical weapon of the electric spear.

Stella asked 'Why does Primo use magical weapons when she can make holy weapons?' Lucas and the other soldiers were surprised that Primo could make a holy weapon.

Lucas also asked to make sure Primo's words were true or not by saying 'are you not mistaken?'

Dark Knight replied 'Yes, I confirmed it was Stella and I fought her once and we both lost, and learn this if you are going to fight an enemy who doesn't know any information, don't use full power. '

Scorzio was interested in Primo and said 'Instead of us fighting each other how about you become my subordinate I will guarantee you a better life under Lord Vassal.

Primo replied 'Interesting enough, but not enough.'

Lucas was also made with Primo's words that would betray by saying 'insolent primo even though he is strong I will beat him up now' as well as other Warriors. but was stopped by Dark Knight.

Dark Knight explained that what Primo was doing was looking for more information, calm down and just look at him.

Scorzio also said 'You will be given more than that, you will be given a fiefdom and be free to rule your own territory. '

Primo asked 'okey I agree, what's the plan? '

Scorzio replied, 'That's easy, we'll just take Princess Estella's head and kill the king who we've locked up underground. We've also made the other inhabitants into slaves to make weapons so that when we finish off the remaining branch families, it's easy enough, there's only one step left. '

Primo laughed as he said, 'It's so easy I'll make it harder after I kill you. '

Scorzio got angry as he said 'I won't let you live after this. '

Primo held up his magical weapon and said 'Come forward'.

Scorzio also took out a magic weapon in the form of a whip with a poisonous blade at the end. Scorzio attacked with his whip towards the front of the whip's length as if it was endless. Primo also avoided the blade of the whip easily, the blade darted past Primo and turned to attack from behind. but Primo again managed to avoid it.

Lucas said that if it continued like that, the whip would bind him. Our Dark Knight helps when Primo is hit. Dark Knight began to worry about Primo who seemed to be struggling.

Primo threw his electric spear magic weapon forward but Scorzio easily dodged it as the electric spear stood right behind. Scorzio drew his spear and managed to bind Primo's entire body. Primo was bound standing by Scorzio's whip.

Scorzio, just one more step and I'll hit you right in the centre of your heart. Primo only calmed down by releasing [ Thunder Clap] Lightning stung Scorzio quickly before the whip blade hit Primo's heart.

Those who saw the fight believed that Primo had a high destructive attack and were amazed at the way Primo fought back. Dark Knight marvelled in his mind 'I admire you so much that those who saw you can rest in peace, this time I am grateful to live longer.'

Scorzio got up and said, 'You insolent bastard. '

Primo also took out his holy weapon in the form of an electric spear that made Scorzio surprised. Primo used the speed magic [ Speed Up ] to make his movements even faster plus the magic [ Cross Over Thunder Clap ] to make the blade of his holy weapon splash electricity in the form of an X whose electric sparks easily destroyed the ground around him. Scorzio was surprised that Primo didn't cast any magic which made him panic and cast [Protector Poison Whip] magic. The whip rope twisted to protect Scorzio and released poison around him but the poison was destroyed when faced with Primo's electricity.

A clash of magic ensues but Primo's magic is stronger Primo aims his spear into the air and hits Scorzio's chest and Scorzio is thrown into the air after being thrown into the air Scorzio is hit by lightning that strikes quickly making Scorzio unconscious and as if about to fall Scorzio evolves into a scorpion man releasing a scorpion tail and his hands turn into claws. Scorzio shot poison. But when Primo was about to dodge Primo was saved by the Dark Knight with magic [Particles Protector] finally Primo just stayed where the Dark Knight's magic managed to protect Primo. and Lucas and the soldiers shot a huge element ball towards Scorzio who was in the air making Scorzio die and his body shattered into pieces.

Dark Knight approached Primo and said, 'Let them take their share. '

Primo laughed as he said, 'You were bad enough to hold me back then. If I had shot off, I would have hit my head hard. '

Lucas smiled and thanked Primo for training them to use magic more easily and apologised for doubting you.

Primo understood that he was still a boy and the words of a boy were often underestimated.

Lucas patted Primo's shoulder and said, 'This time it won't happen. '

Stella hugged Primo and said, 'Are you hurt. '

Lucas, who saw that, was surprised and said 'Princess, remember what your status is here.'

Stella smiled and teased Lucas, saying 'I'm a soldier now, my name is Stella, not Estella, so be it. '

Lucas smiled and teased back saying 'Soldier huh? Okay now let go of your hug and get back in line. '

Stella teased back and said, 'I'm turning back into a royal princess named Estella and telling you to keep this a secret.' while hugging Primo even tighter. ' while hugging Primo even tighter.

They laughed together as the Dark Knight said that if you hug him tightly like that, his neck will break.

Stella also let go of Primo's embrace.

Seeing that it was getting late, Primo immediately took permission to go fishing.

Dark Knight asked why he was catching fish?

Primo will explain it later and Primo hurried away.