
EPS 46 Strategy starts

As the day wore on, Primo went to the river with his sacred weapon, an electric spear, to catch as many fish as he could. Primo got enough fish and looked for fibre roots to tie the fish and bring it to Elbaf's house without Elbaf's knowledge.

In Primo's mind, the fish was to pay tribute so that his furniture would not be taken. Primo also lurked in the tree for a long time until the soldiers arrived. seeing Elbaf return home, Primo made sure Elbaf had no serious injuries. seeing Elbaf who was fine made Primo a little relieved.

When night fell four soldiers met Elbaf while the soldiers were talking to Elbaf, Primo saw what seemed to be a dispute. but Primo did not hear what happened. the soldiers took all the fish and left Elbaf at home but the soldiers seemed to be planning something. the soldiers walked separately, two of them went towards the rice fields and the other two carried the fish to the kingdom.

Primo was stalking the two soldiers who went to the rice fields. when Primo saw the soldier casting fire magic that would burn the entire rice field, Primo rushed but failed The rice field immediately caught fire everywhere. Primo used magic [Water Ball] to shoot successively towards the rice fields even though the fire was extinguished but the condition of the rice fields was threatened with crop failure.

The soldier who saw that shouted to Primo 'Who dares to be so bold will be punished.' Primo quickly cut off the head of one of the soldiers with his holy weapon of the electric spear. ' Primo quickly cut off the head of one of the soldiers with his holy weapon, the electric spear.

The soldiers were scared and Primo asked 'What do you mean by burning this land? Don't try to escape, I'll take your life just like your colleague' while using darkness magic [Blackhole] to eliminate traces.

The soldiers were scared because Primo had dark magic. The soldier told them that they were ordered to burn everything in the outer area of the Glory Kingdom and bring all the citizens who were outside the Glory Kingdom to be forced underground.

Primo asked where the underground location was but the soldier did not know because only the top brass knew the exact location, the soldier was crying he did not want to actually do this but his family was kidnapped. he did this only for his family to survive the soldier said kill me but save all the citizens there.

Primo rushed away from him and immediately rushed to Elbaf's house but afterwards Primo did not find Elbaf Primo chased and saw Elbaf Anya and Zack being dragged by force when Primo was about to save Primo was stopped by Dark Knight.

Dark Knight said, 'Let's not be rash, let's make a plan, after all, they were not killed, there is still a chance to save them, let's make a new strategy.'

Primo agreed with Dark Knight's words and the two of them rushed to the hideout. When they got there, Lucas Primo Dark Knight and Stella planned how to deal with the Vassel troops.

Stella explained that the Vassel Family had ten strong men.

Lucas added that the number of mercenaries owned by Vassal is probably still unknown. because it is likely to increase considering we have defeated some of them and do not know more exact information.

Dark Knight also asked Primo about the information he had.

Primo replied I only have the information I just got from the guards. They kidnapped civilians for forced labour is the right thing and they also held the families of soldiers to bow to Vassel.

Lucas asked Dark Knight what the next plan was.

Dark Knight also ordered that the entrants who participated in the arena in Glory Kingdom to be informed because the Arena was a trap that would kill everyone. We do this to minimise the number of participants and also avoid casualties.

Lucas also asked what if they didn't agree? and even still register especially bad they will attack back?

The Dark Knight is a little confused by this but here Primo insists only to give the news and immediately leaves if his words are not responded to.

Lucas also asked how we move.

Dark Knight explained that Lucas and the troops divided the group into two parts moving separately with two members as usual of course here we make it into two tasks first half of them will monitor the movements of the enemy whether approaching the hiding place and the other group is tasked with providing information to people who will register in the arena. Primo is in charge of training Stella and I will move to find information on the enemies in the Glory Kingdom.

After the meeting held in the cave, Stella asked to be trained by him after dinner.

On a clear night, the clear sky was filled with stars and a bright moon with a cool breeze blowing by the campfire. they enjoyed dinner together but not with primo who was still guarding the tree looking around. while practicing his sensor magic repeatedly considering that his sensor magic could not find out the location of the Dark Knight.

Stella who was about to go to Primo was stopped by Dark Knight by saying 'Wait and continue your meal, don't disturb Primo at this time.'

Stella asked, 'Why can't I disturb him? '

 Dark Knight replied 'Primo is training.'

Stella, who saw Primo just staring at the area in front of her, was wondering what she was training for. Stella asked Dark Knight again, 'What is she training for, I see her just monitoring the surrounding area. '

Dark Knight replied 'He's practicing his sensor magic to track my whereabouts.' He was in awe of Primo who always practiced his magic in his spare time. '

Dark Knight teased and shouted at Primo 'Why can't you track my whereabouts!'

The annoyed Primo came to Dark Knight and asked 'How can he not be detected by him?'

Dark Knight replied, 'It's easy, just close your core so that no core flows, because the sensor magic

is to detect the core, but if you want to avoid it, just remove the core from your body. '

Primo asked 'How will you know if you are about to be attacked?'

Dark Knight replied 'It's hard to explain but you will understand if you are used to it and have more fighting experience. '

Primo understood and went to dinner.

After dinner, Stella invites him to fight, Primo agrees and says not to hesitate to attack her.

Their fight was watched by Lucas, Dark Knight and the soldiers who were enjoying dinner.

Primo said 'Are you sure you still want to fight using that armour?'

Stella was silent as she took out her sword. and prepared to fight Primo, Primo also took out his sacred weapon the Electric spear. while saying 'Exceed your limits Stella. '

Stella cast the magic [ Sword Fire ] to coat the blade of her sword with fire and cast the magic [ Fire Slash Range ] which is a long distance slash with fire element, Primo easily avoided it but Stella cast the magic [ Double Fire Slash Range ] which is two slashes at once with long distance with fire element, Primo easily avoided it but Stella again cast magic [ Triple Fire Slash Range ] which is three long-range slashes with fire elements, Primo easily avoided it but Stella jumped high enough to cast magic [ Explode Fire Slash Range ] which is a long-range slash when it touches the target will explode with fire. Pirmo blocked it with his spear and the explosion was filled with smoke that made Primo's vision covered with dark smoke. When he was about to use sensor magic, Primo realised that he couldn't find Stella's location.

However, Primo noticed the sound of stomping feet running towards him. Stella was about to slash at him but was held back by Primo's electric spear. Primo managed to make Stella's weapon fall, Primo also pointed his spear to the ground right in front of Stella and Primo acrobatically on his spear and kicked Stella until she was pushed back.

Primo said 'Let's stand up if you don't stand up quickly, you will lose your life.' Stella unconsciously released the magic [ Fire Ball ] without casting magic, making those who saw it surprised by Stella's development. Primo easily dodged the [ Fire Ball ] with [ Speed up ] magic and jumped up to stab Stella from above. Stella, who had difficulty moving, decided to remove the armour on her shoulder to hold Primo's electric spear.

Stella managed to hold Primo's spear but Primo, who was already in front of her, immediately kicked Stella in the stomach, making her fall down. Primo ran back after Stella, Stella forced her body to get up and managed to make a fire sword magic weapon. Primo was happy that Stella could develop quickly.

Primo was about to slash Stella strongly with her electric spear and Stella held her with her fire sword but Primo was superior, making Stella's sword slip out of her grasp again.

Primo stopped attacking and ended the fight. However, Stella did not seem to accept her defeat and pulled out her magic sword and attacked Primo from behind. Primo with his [ Speed up ] magic with only his bare hands slammed Stella to the ground.

Primo said 'That's enough training today if you go beyond this you won't be able to join the arena your wound is almost fatal at least take a break and continue to tomorrow. 

Lucas stood up to ask Primo to train him in duelling but the soldiers were motivated to want to train too. Dark Knight who saw that was only amazed by Primo. Primo was confused and didn't know what to answer, so Dark Knight asked Primo to train him.

Primo thought about it and decided that they would train together. Primo said 'Lucas lead all your soldiers to fight me, organise a Strategy with them if you succeed in bringing me down your training has passed.' Lucas was excited and so were the soldiers. ' Lucas was excited and so were the soldiers.

Finally they were ready to fight, Primo said 'Why don't you give up, are you scared to go hide in the cave and cry there?'

They knew that Primo was trying to provoke him but Lucas countered Primo's provocation by saying 'Hey boy, our soldiers are the strongest soldiers. Such provocation will not affect us.'

Dark Knight and Stella laughed and became more enthusiastic about their fight.

Lucas started the attack by firing [Fire Ball] followed by all his troops who had various elements. Primo was surprised since when they didn't cast magic. Primo also used [ Speed up ] magic to avoid their attacks one by one. After Primo avoided all the attacks suddenly the ground moved to form rocks that would hit him but were successfully destroyed by slashing them with his electric spear. Primo increased his speed quickly on the soldiers and they were surprised how fast Primo moved quickly Primo dropped them one by one. leaving Lucas alone.

Lucas also took out his magic sword weapon and clashed with Primo. but here Primo was more agile and superior to make Lucas overwhelmed. Lucas decided to retreat and said, 'Primo, let me show you what I've learnt after training on the use of cores. Primo was watching Lucas. Lucas used his [Cloning] magic to form three clones that looked like him. Primo who was watching in his mind said 'This is the magic that I might learn next. 

Lucas and his four Clones circled Primo and ran in opposite directions to fool Primo into not knowing where the real Lucas was. The clones simultaneously attacked Primo from various directions. Primo also stuck his spear into the ground and used Magic [Thunder Zone] where the area around Primo released electricity from under the ground which hit Lucas's Clone Clone including himself. The Clone Clone exploded and left Lucas alone. in Lucas's mind said 'this is all the magic I just learned easily defeated. '

Primo, who saw Lucas daydreaming, immediately kicked him in the stomach, making Lucas fall over. making Primo win the fight.

Primo said, 'Don't daydream anymore, Lucas. You're their leader. If you let your guard down, you'll be killed.' with an exhausted expression as he panted for breath. 'With an exhausted expression while panting Primo while pointing at the Dark Knight said 'And one more thing you don't want to fight me I'm tired. '

Dark Knight laughed out loud as he said, 'There's no interest in fighting someone who's exhausted. I'll lose in no time. '

Primo replied 'That's good,' Primo rested in front of the campfire before closing his eyes. They all thanked Primo, but Primo had fallen asleep quickly.

The watching Dark Knight thought to himself, 'Look at the man you are proud of becoming so strong. '