
EPS 47 Fire sword that burns in water

On a sunny morning filled with birds singing, Primo was woken up by Stella, Primo also woke up saying 'hii why wake me up?' 

Stella replied 'Wake up quickly' while pushing Primo's body who was still asleep.

Primo woke up from his sleep and rushed to the river and ignored Stella.

Stella, who was annoyed at being dumped by Primo, pushed Primo's back from behind and said 'Why did you dump me, where are you going?'

Primo said 'I'm going to the river to refresh my body and look for food there. Do you want to come?'

Stella followed Primo while holding his hand, Primo said 'Your hand is really warm. '

Arriving at the riverbank, Primo ordered Stella to catch a fish. Stella said, 'That's impossible. My element is fire, it will definitely be defeated by water. '

Primo made a fire that resembled a big nail and compacted it then quickly shot the big nail which hit one fish Primo took the fire and said 'now do you still not believe? '

Stella who was amazed by Primo's use of magic just looked at her and thought about how she practised magic alone without a teacher and how many elements Primo had mastered. 

Stella also tried the same thing but struggled because her fire element was still too weak.

Primo, who had made the fire burn the fish, said 'Train your fire element strongly, don't focus too much on making magic like me, think about how to penetrate the river water. '

Stella also used [Fire Needle] magic to cast a large number of needles but still did not penetrate the river water and hit the fish. '

Primo, while eating his fish, said, 'Focus your magic, don't just cast it, even if you attack brutally but don't focus, the result will be the same. '

Stella tried again to make the same magic as Primo this time she made it exactly the same as Primo did but the result was the same.

Primo demonstrated her magic again this time with her right hand forming a gun pointing at one of the fishes Primo released the magic [Fire Bullet] before firing Primo condensed her magic and fired it. the fish was shot again. Primo took the fish and said, 'Now do you understand?

Stella was still confused and said I'm still confused. 

Primo told Stella to take out her magic weapon and stick it into the water. Stella obeyed after making the magic weapon of the fire sword Stella also stuck her fire weapon into the water as soon as the sword was destroyed. Stella tried several times but couldn't find the answer to how fire can penetrate water.

Primo, while eating his game fish, asked 'If you face the enemy with the water element later, will you give up?'

Stella irritably replied 'Of course not, I will continue to fight him. '

Primo said 'With your current abilities you won't be able to win. '

Stella said 'At least I have fought, I will continue to fight. '

Primo said 'Until you die and your father will be killed too because our plan failed?'

Stella was silent with Primo's painful words. Primo got up and said 'Watch and learn how. ' Primo again demonstrated Primo making a fire sword magic weapon which was exactly the same as what Stella did. Primo explained that after you made it, use your core once again to condense your magic after it was enough, Primo stuck the fire sword and made the sword emit fire even in water. Primo said this way your weapon will not be destroyed and be able to cut down water element users and you still have a chance to win.

Instantly Stella was amazed by Primo and tried again as instructed by Primo. several times Stella tried finally she understood what Primo meant about his words after Stella managed to stick her sword even though it was only briefly.

Primo, who was watching, smiled broadly and said 'Do it one more time and you're almost there. ' Hearing Primo encouraging her made Stella even more excited. And finally Stella managed to stick her fire sword perfectly.

Primo also ordered Stella to catch a fish using her fire magic because Stella was able to do it she managed to do it with the magic [Fire Arrow] even though she missed several times Stella also got her first fish and burned the fish.

Suddenly Stella spontaneously ran and hugged Primo who was sitting until he fell in Stella's arms. Stella was very happy because Primo taught magic in a simple way unlike what was taught at the magic bureau. After hugging Primo, Stella ate her fish and they sat together here, Primo asked how the magic bureau taught her about magic.

Stella replied, 'They are very complicated, they have to memorise the names of magic names and memorise magic counters, and they also have to cast magic, unlike you who teach simply and give direct practice.

After eating Stella slept on Primo's thigh Stella said that she wanted to lead the Glory Kingdom without having to make high taxes so that her people were prosperous.

Primo said 'If you want that to happen, at least our plan must succeed and you take the lead by training your soldiers to be strong so that when you are attacked, you can defend your kingdom.

Stella was happy and looked at Primo's face and said 'Do it' while hugging Primo tightly. Stella also said 'Your body is very warm. ' Primo, who was carried away, said, 'So are you.' He held Stella's hand with his right hand and stroked her hair with his left hand.

As the day wore on, Primo invited Stella to catch fish for dinner. Stella also invited Primo to compete in catching game fish, and the loser would bring the whole catch. Primo agreed. 

Stella with her magic [Fire Needle] brutally shoots at the fish and only gets ten fish but Primo uses his holy weapon the electric spear to throw it and gets a lot of fish. Stella was upset with Primo for cheating by using the electric element. 

Primo replied to Stella, 'If you bombard the river like that, the fish will run away, making my catch even less. '

Stella was forced to bring all the catch. On the way to the hideout Stella asked how she learnt magic.

Primo replied 'I only saw in detail how people use magic from there I tried it and succeeded. '

Stella asked 'How many elements can you learn?'

Primo replied 'It's a secret'

Primo asked if you knew about dark magic users? 

Stella replied 'Yes, but people who have dark magic will be hated because it is a destructive magic unlike light magic, they will be favoured even though they are both highly destructive but light magic has healing magic with a very wide area.'

Primo asked 'Have you ever met a dark magic user? '

Stella replied 'Yes I have and I hate it so much that I want to defeat it even if it exists I want to eliminate it. '

Primo asked 'Why is that?'

Stella replied 'I once met both a dark magic user and a light magic user. I saw in the middle of the city a woman with dark magic attacking a man with light magic with her dark fire, and she ran away after we chased her and lost track of her. That's how much I hated it.

Primo asked 'How is the man?' 

Stella replied 'Fortunately, his wound was not too fatal, so he is still alive. '

Stella's words made Primo worried because Primo also had the element of darkness.

The Dark Knight then caught up with them and asked why Stella was the one carrying the game.

Primo replied 'Tell who to lose the bet. '

Stella, who looked exhausted, only gave a resentful expression and slammed her face. The Dark Knight also brought them the results of their hunt. 

After they arrived, they ate dinner together and reported that some of them managed to persuade the adventurers to join the arena and some of them also remained hard iron following the game. Dark Knight also saw the residents disappear drastically. plus many outsiders are increasingly arriving. I don't have enough information whether those who come from outside are people who follow the arena or not. plus they have an Orb that can lure the Dragon Horned Serpent out.

Primo was so emotional hearing the word Dragon Horned Serpent made them all look at him. Lucas asked 'Do you know about that mythological creature?'

Primo replied 'Yes, that creature is so horrible that I can't even fight it, I can only hurt its eyes and its attack threw me here. I used to live in the middle of the desert every day fighting Horned Serpents of various shapes but for the Dragon Horned Serpent it is very large and has a very high destructive attack, maybe it only takes five of its destructive attacks to make the Glory Kingdom disappear. '

Hearing that made them all worried about his future plans, but Dark Knight explained that it might be the last plan the Vassal had considering he also wanted to control the kingdom, it was impossible to immediately issue the weapon unless he was already in a state of urgency.

Lucas also asked 'what is the next plan? ' 

Dark Knight replied 'We stick to the original plan, and there must not be the slightest failure. I'm here to find the orb. The characteristics of the orb are diamond-shaped but have a deep black colour and shine. if you also see seize and destroy the orb. '

They remembered the orb and Dark Knight ordered Primo and Stella to rest because tomorrow is the day they fight. '

As they rested, Dark Knight was worried that Primo would see the Dragon Horned Serpent once again. 

When Primo and Stella left, Lucas came to Dark Knight and said 'Is what Primo told you true?'

Dark Knight replied 'Most likely yes. '

Lucas asked 'How can you be sure what Primo said?'

Dark Knight replied 'You heard him say he was defeated, now I ask if any of us can defeat Primo, especially the Dragon Horned Serpent is a mythological creature whose existence is not yet clear, this is not a matter of whether Primo's words are true or not, even if Primo is wrong, the creature must be even stronger, the question is whether we can defeat the Dragon Horned Serpent?'

Lucas was silenced by Dark Knight's words and asked 'what can we do now?'

Dark Knight replied 'The only thing is to make us stronger, because tomorrow is the real battle. '