"Miss Smith come with me to the principal's office"Mrs Pamela told Gwen
"Okay ma'am "Gwen got up from her seat and followed ed Mrs Pamela to the principal's office.
When she got there the principal handed her her uniform and asked her to put it on. Mrs Pamela took her to a dressing room and she changed into her school uniform.
Gwen put on her uniform and staired at her reflection in the mirror before her.
"It's fits perfectly"
"Thank you Mrs Pamela "Gwen's face lit up
"You can return to your class now"Mrs Pamela told Gwen
Gwen horried to her class to show Serra her uniform.
When she walked into the class Serra was sitting on a table and was surrounded by some girl. Everyone's eyes was on her.
"Fatty finally got her uniform"a girl standing beside Serra said.
"What size? Is it XXL?"another added and the group laugh except Serra.
"Don't mind them you look cute"Serra got up and walked towards Gwen.
"Thank... than..k... you"Gwen forced a smile
"Don't be rude you guys ,she's just a little chubby"Serra took Gwen's hand.
The bell rang and it was time for everyone to gather at the school theater to watch the drama club prefrom.
At the school's theater Gwen sat alone in the midst of people she didn't know while Serra sat with her group of friends ( Vivian,Tonia and Betty) sat behind Jojo and Ryan, when Mark walked into the theater he seat on an empty seat behind her.
The drama club were performing a play that Tonia elder sister Karen had written (she was the captain of the school's drama club)
The play started and Gwen was too busy mopping to enjoy the play. what the girls had told her earlier really hurt and she was also worried about Juliet.
"Why didn't you sit with her?"Betty asked
"Ryan's sitting over here "Serra toyed with her hair as she spoke"if you feel bad about it go seat over there "
"Can you guys be quiet "Jojo said turning to the group
"We'll be quiet"Tonia replied , Jojo returned her gaze to the preformers and the girls grinned at each other.
"Your crazy fan girls"Jojo said leaning on Ryan's shoulder.
"Losers,am I right"Jojo giggled
"Uh-huh "Ryan touched her hand
"Tell me something,is Gwen really your cousin?" Jojo asked.
"No, just some charity case"Ryan said
"Oh... No wonder she looks nothing like you guys "Jojo glanced at Gwen"Does her parents work for you guys?"
"No "
"Who is she too you?"Jojo asked staring at Ryan
"She's a family friend"he sighed heavily
"Ohh ok makes sense a little "
"Why are you asking all this questions?"
"Just wanted to make sure....."Ryan cut in before she could finish.
"Make sure I wasn't into her"he chuckled "how silly of you to think that"
"I have the right to ask my boyfriend what ever I want to "
"You say it like we're married "Ryan grinned "Our relationship is temporary, you should know that "
"What ever "Jojo rolled her eyes
"Someone's jealous "
"Am not jealous ... what would I be? right.. "Jojo glared at him
"Don't look at me like that "
After school Isabella's driver came to pick up the kids , the entire ride home Gwen didn't say a word. When they got home freshen up and came down for lunch Carly noticed that Gwen wasn't in a good mood.
"Is everything alright Gwen?"Carly asked . Ryan can running down the stairs.
"Yes"Gwen forced a smile "yes am fine"
"No you're not"Carly glanced at Ryan "what did you say to her?"
"Nothing...I didn't say anything to her "Ryan frowned
"He didn't say anything to me "Gwen said
"So what's wrong?"Carly asked "Are you missing your mum"Carly returned her gaze to Gwen.
"A little"
"You want me to call her?"
"Something is wrong, tell me"
"It's... it's Jojo"Gwen began to cry
"Jojo?"Carly glanced at Ryan as he took his seat"Ryan..."
"What it's Jojo not me"he took a spoon full and shoved it into his mouth chewing loudly.
"What did she say?"Carly drew a seat close to Gwen and sat down.
"She....called me...fat and....ugly" Gwen wiped her tears with her sleeves " She said.....my....parents didn't want...a fat dummy....dummy...like...like me so they sent me here, and am a charity case "
"Ryan your girlfriend is bullying Gwen "
"I'll talk to her am sorry about that Gwen "Ryan said"No offense but have you ever considered losing weight, l mean you're pretty but you won't be able to secure a boyfriend for yourself if you keep increasing in weight or eating too much "
"Ryan!"Carly yelled
"Your not fat but your weight is...."
"Ryan stop!"Carly yelled angry and stormed up to him pulling him by the collar" Shut your mouth "
Gwen got up from her seat, wiped her stairs and turned to Carly "I need to check something in my room I'll be back..."Gwen held back tears
Gwen left the dining room and ran upstairs. Carly let go of Ryan's collar."Go apologize right now"
"Why should I do that"
"Do I really....have to explain this....to you Ryan?"Carly sighed "Your girlfriend is bullying Gwen and you're taking her side telling Gwen to lose weight,if mum finds out..."Carly laughed"You're screwed so get up,go upstairs to her room and apologize or I'll tell mum myself "
"When am done with my meal"Ryan replied
Carly picked up his plate and poured the contents on the floor"Now "
"Screw you"Ryan got up
"And you better do it or you're in big trouble" Carly said as Ryan slowly walked up the stairs.
When he was gone Carly called a maid to clean the mess she made before sitting down to have lunch alone. ' I pray he doesn't do anything stupid '
Ryan stood in front of Gwen's door,he know what to say to her but after thinking things through for a few minutes, he knocked on the door.
"Gwen"he said "Gwen let me in"
"The door is unlocked you can come in "
Ryan opened the door and saw Gwen sitting on her bed with a swollen eyes, she've been crying .
"Ryan l ...."
"Please let me speak first"he said and paused for a moment "Am sorry Gwen"
"Carly sent you here"
"No I came because I know what I did was wrong "he walked into the room and closed the door behind him then he walked to where Gwen was seated. He sat beside her on the bed.
"Do you really think am fat?"Gwen asked with a serious look on her face.
"Yeah kinda, but I didn't mean to hurt your feelings !"Ryan said ' she's better not tell mum '
Gwen didn't say anything . She got up and left the room leaving Ryan behind, after a while he also left the room .
' If I tell mum she'll be mad at Ryan' Gwen though to herself ' So I won't tell her '
"Gwen"Isabella called out to her from the other end of the table "you seem to be lost in thoughts,is everything alright"
"Yes mum"Gwen nodded
"Okay, Carly is going to the mall tomorrow to shop for new clothes and shoes I want you to follow her so you could pick out some clothes too "Isabella said
"My old clothes are fine they still fit perfectly" Gwen replied.
"I know but...."
"Am planning on losing weight , I can get new clothing after that "Gwen explained cutting into Isabella's statement.
"Ok is there a reason why?"
"Not really.."
"What ever makes you happy I'll support it"Isabella smiled
"Thank you"
"Go call the rest down stairs dinner is almost ready"
Continue reading in the next chapter....