Merit's Mirage: Sajib's Job Hunt

Sajib is repeatedly looking at himself indirectly in the mirror. Wearing his suit-boots, the hair is set with gel. He went to the salon yesterday and got his hair cut. He looks like a Britisher during the British era. Whenever he wants to leave the house after tidying up quickly, his mother stops him and says.

"My lovely son, you are going for a job, eat this date. See, you will get a job this time."

Sajib's mother puts dates in Sajib's mouth. Sajib eats dates and kisses his mother's hand. After kiss he touch his mother's hand on his forehead. 

"May Allah make your words truth."

Sajib left the house and got into a rickshaw. Today is his 10th job interview. Even with so many interviews, he did not get a job. After going through all the steps for the job, when he goes for the final interview, he unfortunately loses the job. Previous 5/6 years of part time job experience, besides studies. But that experience did not help him in the last 2 years. He is going to give his final interview today. That is why he is very nervous. Afraid of him if it is the same as last time? So what will he do then? 


Sajib is sitting outside the interview room. Then a boy of his age came and sat next to him. Seeing the boy, Sajib smiles and asks, "Are you also here for the interview?"

The boy looks at Sajib and politely says, "Yes."

Just then a worker came and called Sajib, "Who is Sajib here? Calling you in."

Sajib got up from sitting and entered the interview room. 4 interviewers are sitting in front of him. Place a chair in front of them. Sajib sat in that chair. They saw Sajib and asked,

"Mr. Sajib, which university did you graduate from? "

"Rajshahi University."

"What does your father do?"

"He is a rickshaw puller."

"So what would you do if we gave you 10 lakhs and told you to do an immoral act?"

" I'll refused the 10 lakhs. Because I refrain from bribery, injustice and immorality."

"And if we say you don't do our job, you'll be fired."

"Even so, I will stick to my morals. Because my father always says, whatever you do, never sell your morals."

They asked Sajib many more questions. Sajib answers all questions with discretion. 


Sajib was eating with his family. Then a notification came on Sajib's phone. Sajib picked up the phone and saw that the mail came from the bank where he had given the interview for the job. After opening the mail, Sajib realized that his job was not done. Sajib's face becomes dirty. 

Seeing Sajib's face, his father said, "What! Don't get the job! I told you, we are poor, we don't have money or We have no one powerful, Through which you will get a job. I also don't get jod because of this. You have wasted a lot of time behind these. Now from tomorrow you will go with me to drive the rickshaw. "

Sajib's father leaves saying this. Sajib's eyes started to shed tears. What was his fault? He studied well, have lots of experience and gave so much interviews. He was always first in school. Studied college with scholarship and graduated with first class. So why is he not getting a job? Because they don't have money to pay bribes or because they don't have connections with someone of such powerful? If you can get a job with these, then what happened after studying for so many years? What is the assessment of his merit? 


June 5th, 2024, Wednesday-

8 am, I woke up and started looking for the newspaper. As I could not find the newspaper, I asked my mother.

"Mom, where's the newspaper?"

"The newspaper hasn't been delivered today yet."

"It's 8 o'clock and they haven't given it yet? I can't even read a newspaper in the morning, can I?"

"Why are you yelling at me?"

I sat on the couch angry and annoyed. Then started reading the news on my phone. I entered the Prothom-alo website. While reading the news, my eyes got stuck in one place.

"Judgment declaring invalid the circular canceling the quota of freedom fighters in the case of direct recruitment (9th to 13th grade) in government departments, autonomous and semi-autonomous institutions and various corporations."

I was stunned. Quota again? Why was the quota system re-introduced after it was dropped in 2018? What does this mean? So why did the students give their blood in 2018? And since it will be given again then what is the meaning of cancellation? After canceling a thing, why should it be started again after 6 years? Does it have any logic?

June 9, 2024, Sunday -

9 am, I woke up and sat with a cup of tea. I was relaxing and drinking tea with the news on TV, then the paperboy brought the news paper.

I took the paper and asked, "Why was the paper not given these two days? And where is the one who gave the paper earlier?"

"Actually, he is sick. And that's why you didn't get the paper for a few days. "

After listening to the boy, I understood that he is educated. Still I asked, "It sounds like you are quite educated! So why are you working as Paperboy!"

The boy smiled softly and said, "I do it along with my studies. So that I can manage my studies and my stomach."

I understood the boy's situation. I asked, "Did you have done breakfast in the morning?"

Didn't say anything in reply. He lowered his head and gave an embarrassing smile. I realized that he did not done breakfast in the morning. Maybe don't have breakfast today. I gave him a packet of bread and 3 bananas and said.

" Take it, eat it as you go. Looking at you, it seems that you are older then me, I gave it you as a younger sister. So will not return. And instead, as long as you are working as a Paperboy, my paper will be delivered every day at 8 am. MY day never starts without my paper. So think that It's a deal on us...."

The boy looked at me strangely. His eyes are filled with tears of gratitude. I smiled at him. He might have wanted to say something, but thought of something and left. I didn't say anything else either.

I sat on the sofa with the paper. I have been bored reading the news on the phone these few days. The peace that is read in newspaper, is the peace found on mobile?

While reading Prothom Alo news, I saw some lines about quota. I started reading.... 

"Dhaka University students again protested against the reinstatement of quota system in government jobs. The students gave the government till June 30 to meet their demands. They announced an all-out movement if their demands are not met within this period. The students of Chittagong and Barisal universities also held agitation programs on the same demand.

A large number of students participated in the program organized under the banner of 'Dhaka University Students'. After the protest, the delegation of the agitators went to the Supreme Court to submit a memorandum to the Attorney General. "

Well done... This is the new generation! As it should be, protestors and injustices will stand firm. You will get your right. This time, if the government does not do anything in time, and once the students start the movement, then 2024 will turn out to be even more dire than 2018. Which may be dangerous for the government.