killing Began....

July 16, 2024, Tuesday- 

The guy I saw shot on the news today is dead. His name is Abu Sayed. He was shot 4 times. 5 others died along with Abu Sayed. Many are injured. But among all these, the entire nation is five-faced in his praise. 

Pictures and videos of him being shot have gone viral all over social media. Everyone is mourning the death of Abu Sayed. However, no news channel reported on this. A search of the news channels may not reveal the news of Abu Sayed's death or the video or picture of him being undoubtedly shot by the police. Only one news channel covered the whole incident in their channel. And that channel is Jamuna television. They are the only ones who stood by the agitators, published correct information for them, did not spread any fabrications or rumours. Or the rest of the channels are yellow media. Govt's words sit up. It takes no time for them to transform a lie into truth.

However, all of the students are angry at the death of Abu Sayed and other 5 people. Everyone was saying the same thing, they were just peacefully protesting for their rights, but why should one of them be shot dead? Why will they be attacked? They are neither terrorists nor criminals. They are not doing anything wrong. But why? Why do they have to face these things? Why is this wrong with them? All the protestors have come out with sticks on the streets. Red chili powder water in the hands of girls. Since they have to be attacked, they will not give up. If someone attacks them, they can also attack at twice their speed. This time the fight will be equal. 

The agitators are back on the field today. To claim their rights, to punish the murderer of their brother. Slogans on everyone's lips, 

❝ Why did my brother die?

We want an answer... give us an answer... ❞

At present, the whole of Bangladesh is shouting at this slogan. Not only in Bangladesh, this slogan has also taken place on popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 


It is 9 o'clock in the morning. The sound of alam woke me up. I slept at 2 am yesterday. But in the middle of that sleep I woke up again and again. I had a peaceful sleep after praying in the morning. Which is now ruined due to alam. I went to the washroom tottering in sleep. I closed my eyes and brushed with toothpaste. When I finished brushing, I looked in the mirror with water in my face and saw Abu Sayed in the mirror. Seeing Abu Sayed in the mirror, I watered my eyes two or three times more. But even then his reflection in the mirror did not go. 

Abu Sayed smiled at me and said, "You are a coward, spineless person."

Abu Saeed started laughing loudly. I got scared. I started to say in fear, "Shut up, get out of here."

"You are responsible for my death... you are..." he said with a grim expression.

Saying this, the image of Abu Sayed was erased. As I put my hand in the mirror in surprise, the image of Barshti, Abu Sayed and all the other people whose pictures I had seen in various Facebook posts, bloodied or injured appeared again. Seeing all of them together, I recoiled in fear. They all started saying together with emotionless faces.

"You are a cowardly, spineless person.... You are a cowardly, spineless person.... You are a cowardly, spineless person..."

All together, again and again, began to say the same thing. Their words are ringing in my ears. I feel suffocated. Everything is blurring before the eyes. I put my hands over my ears asking them all to shut up, but none of them shut up. I somehow pick up and throw a heavy stuff. The mirror breaks. They all leave. Everything calms down. I immediately lost consciousness and sat down.

Immediately I woke up and I opened my eyes and sat up. My mother saw me wake up like this and said, " That one... is getting up. Sleep and wakes up after a while. What happened to the condition of the eyes and face when you didn't sleep properly? You probably didn't sleep for even 20 minutes..."

Mom leaves the room talking to herself. I sat in bed thinking. So what I was seeing for so long was a dream! None of this happened to me! 

Even with the fan running, I sweat. Maybe because of that dream... I kept looking for the phone in bed, now I always keep the phone close to me, to know what is happening in the country or not. I found the phone under the pillow. As soon as I picked up the phone, I saw that it was 4:58 pm. It is time for Azan. Only 2 minutes left for Azan. I left the phone, freshened up, and did wudhu. While doing wudhu, I heard the sound of Azan. After praying, I prayed to Allah for refuge, I prayed for the martyrs, I prayed for the students, I ended the prayer asking for a solution to all the problems of the country. 


When I entered Facebook, I saw that a Korean YouTuber named Daud Kim had posted about the current situation in Bangladesh. Nice to see the post. How many people think about others in the present time? The people of my country are not supporting the students. All are sleeping except a few like salman muqtadir brother, sayied abdullah sir, fahad sir, asif sir, others. No one is making noise. Everyone is sleeping like a cat in their house. If they had stood beside the students, maybe Abu Sayed and the other 5 people would not have died. So many people did not bleed. Bengal would not have been bloody like this again.


❝ My brother has so much talent, brother. My brother got scholarship in 5th, my brother got in 8th, my brother got in 10th, got high school. Brother in college, got scholarship in government college. Dad got tears with happiness. Received Scholarship... Ohh my god; we are a stupid people, don't know what scholarship is. Why did the government allow such a talented student to shoot? ❞

Aha! how is she crying Her tears are telling how much she is saddened by the loss of her brother. Poor people could not speak the correct language. But it is certain that every word of her pierced the heart of everyone. The hope of the whole family was their younger brother Abu Sayed. But he is no more today. Old parents should bury their own children at the age at which they will enjoy the services of their children. This grief is worth bearing!