A New Chapter of Rebellious Bengal

July 17, 2024, Wednesday-

I suddenly woke up. I took the mobile phone and saw that it was 4:25 in the morning. There are still 3 to 4 minutes left for Fajr Azan. I was surprised. I have never woken up like that in the morning except alam. I am trying to understand how it broke today. I thought about this while lying down for a while. After hearing the sweet sound of Azan, I got up. I performed Wudhu and finished the prayer. While chanting, I suddenly felt something and looked to the side. I saw Tanveen brother praying beside me. He returned the greeting and looked at me. I looked horrified. 

"Don't want to take revenge for your brothers blood?"

I closed my eyes in fear and flinched away. After a while I slowly opened my eyes. I did not see anyone, there is no one by my side. Hallucinated again. Moreover, I will see him how? He is dead yesterday. It is not possible to see him in front of like that. Maybe it would be better if it were true. A soul would live! A family would be good! 

I got up from prayer and lay on the bed. I can't sleep. How many pictures of dead people appeared in front of my eyes and various questions arose in my mind. One question after another, one question after another. No answer.... No answer. There is no one to answer the questions. I don't know when I fell asleep while looking for answers. 

I woke up to the call of my aunt. 

"What the hell... get up. Don't you want to eat! Do you know what time it is in the morning? "

I sat up at aunt's call. After getting fresh, sat down to have breakfast. I was watching TV while eating breakfast. My older sister is on the phone next to me. I narrowed my eyes and looked at her phone. I saw a girl in the video sitting by her ear. When I went to see the caption of the video, she slapped me gently on the head and said, "What?"

After being caught I smiled like a fool with 32 teeth. My sister stares. I got up from there and went to the room. Quickly take out the phone. After entering Facebook, I started looking for the post what i saw on my sister's phone. I found it after searching for a while. The caption of the Facebook post is, "The leader of the Eden College Chhatra League is standing by the ear."

I laughed watching the video. I got peace of mind. If I see someone from BCL being abused, I know why, it gives me a lot of peace. Some more videos came out. The BCL leader and his assistant are being kicked out of the hall by the students. But these students brought them to the hall with great respect. As the saying goes, "Even if you get respect, not everyone can keep it..." 

The condition of the members of the Chhatra League is like this. At that time in 1971, they may have been respected and honored, but today Bengali people hate them so much that they call them ❝Dog League❞ instead of ❝Chatra League❞. They alone are responsible for their condition. While scrolling I saw some more videos. In one video, a girl's hands are tied with a veil and her face is tied with something. 

Caption is, " Jagannath University Chhatra League leader "

Those who don't know about Bangladesh, they may feel pain after seeing these leaders. But those who know the history of Bangladesh will understand why the students are doing this. What is the reason why all the students are so angry at them....!


11 am, I was reading the book ❝Ekattorer diary❞ written by Sufia Kamal. I had the pdf. Long time no reading. My habit is to read books or stories when I am not feeling well. I started reading from where I had finished reading. I was surprised to see a word while reading. I started reading the whole thing. 

❝ July 16, 1971,

10 at night, It has been raining heavily since yesterday. Baiju came today. I can't ask him. Poor Sayed. He was such a good man. What group of animals, groups of demons, groups of demons have come to the country. House, chest emptied. All the house wails panic. The queen has become a street beggar. The beggar is not receiving alms. ❞

What a wonder! Date and name both matched! Abu Sayed died on 16 July 2024. And just a few years ago on this 16th July, 1971, a person named Sayed was killed... It's like a repeat of history. This is a new form of war in 71. History is never erased. History remains. History repeats itself. Martyrs don't die. They live, in another way; in another form. 


At 12 noon, I entered Facebook and saw that the expatriate brothers and sisters of foreign countries also stood by the students. All the brothers and sisters who have gone abroad for studies are agitating from their places. Expatriate brothers refused to send money. Seeing their initiative brought tears to my eyes. This is Bangladesh. These are the people of Bangladesh. This is the most special quality of Bangladesh. That is why we say, "Such a country as you will not find anywhere.... Queen of all countries is my native land."

Whenever the people of Bangladesh see someone in danger, when they see someone suffering, they come forward and help with their all. 

Foreign students have caught the attention of foreign media with such initiatives. The media is now making reports about the current situation in Bangladesh, highlighting all the events in Bangladesh. felt good Maybe now a little League of Nations will focus on Bangladesh. Because I haven't seen them do anything these days. sorry.....


12:30 pm, my student came to study. Her house is near my house, but sometimes I go to her house when she wants to teach in the afternoon or at night. 

"Is your school also closed today?"

"Yes, everything is closed today, don't you know?"

"Find out the syllabus."

"Ma'am, Have you finished your exam?" 

"No, there are 2 more."

"All schools and colleges have closed. Will your exam be held during the closure?"

"No, if everything is opened then the remaining 2 exams will be taken again."

"Then why are you at home? Don't go to the movement? The movement starts at 2 o'clock..."

"No, I won't go. Now you should focus on read."

"Madam why are you so scared? Have you seen the video of Abu Sayed being shot! Have you seen his bravery! How brave he was? You can be a little brave like him. How the brother stood bravely in front of the police..."

I narrowed my eyes. My student looks at me strangely. Without answering, I gently hit her on the head with the pen. She started to patted on her head. And says bitterly, "If you tell the truth, everyone kills..."


I pretended not to hear her and start to teaching her.