March of Shrouds

July 17, 2024, Wednesday-

By 3 pm, the students' movement had started. According to the program of their movement, their "shroud march" has started at 2 o'clock. Everyone is posting about the movement little by little. Many are live. In between, a post came forward. The post is of a boy and a girl. The girl is tying the flag on the boy's head. The picture is beautiful. 

Captioning the image, "Let there be love in the movement..."

It's nice to see that think in such a bad situation, some people are a little bit better, happy. Even if it is for a while. Seeing people's love and well-being brings peace to the mind. 

Also It was a little painful to see this picture. How many people are dying now? 6 people were martyred yesterday. They may also have lovers, they may also have loved ones, they may also have lovable people. Many wanted to know how their loved ones are now. We wish everyone to be well and healthy. We don't want anything else. A person who wants the good of everyone in the world, even his enemy, is an example of a good hearted person. 


5 pm, sitting with tea after praying and scrolling Facebook. There have been many fights today. The police opened fire. Chhatra leagues have also come down with guns. I was just disappointed to see this. Because I might say two things about it on social media. But I did not have the courage to join the movement. Because I am a timid and selfish person. Who thinks only of herself. I don't have time to see what is happening around. I don't care if anyone dies. Because I am alive! I am safe! As long as I am safe. This is why I have sold my face, eyes, hands, feet and ears. Now I can only sell conscience. I don't know if this conscience is worthless or priceless.

Because if I say to someone, "Brother, I will sell my conscience, will you take it?"

They replied, "Crazy or not? I myself sold my conscience a while back. "

No one wants to take ❝conscience❞. sorry...! Wanted to sell it for not much price. Wanted to sell at a very low price or to say free. But I couldn't. No one wanted to take it. So despite all this, I ask myself again and again. Just because of this conscience. The day I can sell it to anyone, I will fully attain my ❝inhuman❞ degree. Then my identity will be ❝inhuman❞. Now I just waiting for that day...


At 6 pm, my best friend Ayesha messaged me on what's up. 

"Do you know some news today?"

"No, I haven't logged into Facebook yet."

"Ohhh, I heard a lot of commotion going on. I don't know exactly. What this Hasina is starting... The woman seems to be crazy. She doesn't even know what she's doing and what she's saying."

"What's new in this? I find this woman intolerable ever since I realized good and bad. "

"Now I want to go and kill this woman. That day she made everyone angry by calling Razakar and now she says, how do the students call themselves Razakars... Do they know who Razakars are.... What did Razakars do... Blah.. . blah... blah."

"When did the woman say these again?"

"You don't know? Maybe you haven't seen it. What did she come to do on the 15th.. I don't care that much. Dad was watching TV when I'msuddenly heard these words of the woman and went to watch TV to see how many nonsense things was saying."

"Well hang up, I'll do a little search on YouTube to see what she said. I don't want to listen to women. But after listening to her, I had a good week to troll her. "

"When I heard about this woman, my head caught fire with anger. A rude and third class woman."

I finished talking to Ayesha and went to YouTube to listen to Hasina's illogical words. She spoke about Razaka's slogan at the signing of the Annual Performance Agreement (APA) for the financial year 2024-25 at the Prime Minister's Office and the presentation of the APA and Purity Awards. I clicked on the video. The video was full of unnecessary words and stuff, so I started skipping. I stopped skipping the video when I heard some illogical words of Sheikh Hasina. Now I started listening patiently. 

"They haven't seen the atrocities of the Pakistani invading forces and Razakars in '71, the bodies lying on streets after streets. That's why they're not ashamed to call themselves Razakars.

The way the Pakistani invading forces and Razakar forces oppressed this country. I feel very sad when I hear yesterday that even the students of Rokeya Hall say 'they are Razakars'. Do they know what happened there on March 25, 1971? 300 girls were killed. 40 girls were raped and taken to Pakistani camps. What condition were they in at that camp? Many girls weren't allowed to wear saris or scarves because they had hanged themselves with them. Day after day, they were subjected to brutal torture. When they were rescued, even one of our allied forces, an Indian Sikh soldier, took off his turban and wrapped it around a rescued girl to bring her back. This is not just one incident. There are many such incidents.

The girl from Ferozepur, she was taken to the camp. She would cook and was also subjected to brutal torture. But in between, she would swim across that river at night to go to Chitalmari and bring news to the freedom fighters. After being caught, her two legs were tied to two cars, and those cars were pulled in opposite directions, tearing her into pieces. They haven't seen these atrocities, bodies lying on streets after streets. That's why they're not ashamed to call themselves Razakars.

The forces they created. They gave them weapons, used them to harm people, torture them. And they would loot, commit genocide. We have taken measures against them. We have tried many of them and even executed some. By trying them, those who were persecuted by them have received justice.

It's unfortunate that now when we hear those girls also chant slogans. What country are we in? What ideology do they believe in? What education did they receive? What did they learn? That's my question now."

A Bengali who loves his country, loves the soil of Bengal. If he is called Rajakar, he will not suffer? The word ❝Rajakar❞ is so offensive that a Bengali would not feel so bad even If he is called a dog, than if he was called ❝Rajakar❞. Did she not understand or try to understand how much the students are suffering, how much they are hurt, how much they are being shocked and are coordinating themselves as Razakars? She herself knows how the Rajakars were. How evil they were. So why would she say these things to innocent students? 

She herself is sitting on the post of Prime Minister in quota, which she has no qualifications for. They're educated, qualified and even brilliant students will be insulted by her as Razakars and the students will listen silently....! They can't even protest...! They will not be able to express their pain, feelings...! Only she will come in front of the media and show the pain of losing her relatives and no one else will be able to express they're pain. If someone reveals it, he may become a razakar or an opposition party or his education will be questioned. wowhhhh.... What a law.... What a logic... wowhhh....