Speech For The Nation....

July 17, 2024, Wednesday-

7:30 pm, Me, mom, dad were watching TV together. The presenter of Time TV said, "Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will address the nation on the overall situation of the country."

As the presenter said this, the Prime Minister appeared on the TV screen. 10/10 fashion wise as always. No one can beat her in terms of fashion. Black saree, some part of white hair colored black, watch in left hand and Bracelet in right hand will be something. Seeing her fashion, I said to my mother, 

"Mom look how stylish this woman is at 70+. You are 42/43, then why are you like that?"

Mom didn't say anything. Just stared. Bengali mothers looking at their child is enough for childrens. This blindfold does, what a gun can't. I turned my attention to the TV. Let's see what drama she plays today.

"In 2018, following student protests, the government issued a circular abolishing the quota system in government jobs.

Later, in response to demands from freedom fighters to maintain the quota, the High Court canceled the government's 2018 circular. The government appealed to the Supreme Court to uphold the circular, and the Honorable Court set a date for the hearing. During this time, students again started protesting for quota reform. From the beginning of this movement, the government has shown considerable patience and tolerance.

In fact, the police cooperated in ensuring the safety of the protesters. When the protesters expressed their desire to submit a memorandum to the Honorable President, they were given the opportunity and security arrangements were made.

Some quarters took advantage of this movement to fulfill their undesirable ambitions and engaged in terrorist activities. As a result, the events surrounding this peaceful student movement are very painful and sad. Needlessly, several valuable lives were lost. Who knows better than me the pain of losing loved ones.

I pray for the forgiveness of those who have died. I express my deep condolences to the family members. I condemn each murder.

The events that occurred were never desirable. In Chittagram, terrorists ruthlessly threw students from the roof of a multi-story building with the intent to kill. They cut the veins in many students' hands and legs. They beat them with sticks and attacked them with sharp weapons; one has died, many are fighting for their lives. In Dhaka, Rangpur, and Rajshahi universities, the Vice Chancellor's residence and student dormitories were set on fire and vandalized.

Ordinary pedestrians and shopkeepers were attacked, and even ambulances carrying patients were obstructed. Female students were attacked and humiliated in girls' dormitories. Provosts in residential halls were threatened and attacked. Teachers were assaulted and manhandled.

I believe those involved in the quota reform movement have no connection with these terrorists. Rather, terrorists have infiltrated among them to create conflict and anarchy. Those involved in such incidents will be identified and appropriately punished. I will provide the necessary support for the livelihood of the families of those who have fallen victim to these killings.

I unequivocally declare that whoever has carried out these killings, looting, and terrorist activities, regardless of who they are, will be brought to justice. I further declare that for the sake of proper and fair justice, a judicial inquiry will be conducted into all these undesirable incidents, including the killings.

It will be investigated to determine who instigated the conflict, who and for what purpose pushed the country towards an anarchic situation.

These terrorists can create a conflicting environment at any time and cause harm. Therefore, I appeal to the parents, guardians, and teachers of the students to remain vigilant about their children's safety. At the same time, they should pay special attention to the safety of students in all educational institutions.

The government has appealed to the Supreme Court against the High Court's ruling. The Appeal Court has set a date for the hearing. The court has created an opportunity to hear any statements from the students. There is an opportunity to resolve the problem through this legal process. Despite this legal process being available for resolution, please do not give terrorists the opportunity for conflict by taking to the streets in protest. I specially request everyone to wait patiently until the Supreme Court's verdict comes. I believe our student community will receive justice from the High Court; they will not be disappointed. "

Watching this drama of the Prime Minister for 30 minutes was just a waste of time. Because what she is saying, she.. herself may not know. The reason I am saying this is, first of all, the government has been patient. What is patience? How much patience have they? They call it patience? When ordinary students were very ordinary and without any kind of weapons agitating with their demands, agitating through their voices; Awami League did not send the Chhatra League? Did they not threaten the protesters? Didn't Obaidul Quader say in front of the journalists, in front of the nation, will Chhatra League look into the issue of quota reform movement? They threatened, they fought, they hired goons, they made all the boys and girls bloody, and she says, the government is patient! WHF!

Secondly, the police have gone to ensure the security of the protesters. So who shot Abu Saeed? Third party? None of the third parties went to the movement on the 16th. So who else but the police opened fire on the protesters? The whole nation saw in clear video that Abu Sayed was shot by the police with 4, 4 rubber bullets. And she is now pretending to say that the police have helped the security of the agitators?

Thirdly, She is saying, no one knows the pain of losing a person better than her? seriously? If this was true, why did so many people die? 6, 6 students died... they were killed. They were killed by the government and the police. She does not know how much more she will walk on the shoulders of her father and family. If anything, they talk about the death of Bangabandhu and his family. Trying to get attention. Bengalis are so stupid? So emotional fool? They will swallow what they feed? Bengalis are now getting educated, their knowledge is increasing. They can no longer be fooled by these emotional words.

The Prime Minister's acting and fashion were all very beautiful. But his script writer was not good. This is why such illogical and f****** nonsense she talk. For the script I would give her 0.000001 out of 10 for everything.

After the Prime Minister's speech, I took out Jamuna channel on TV. Students are still being shot, beaten with sticks. This is police security. What did Sheikh Hasina say so long? What speech did you give? Does it mean? Does she think that Bengalis are so stupid that they will not understand her politics? On the one hand, they have ordered the police and the Chhatra League team to shoot and on the other hand, they are acting in front of Bengalis on TV... Do you think Bengalis take drugs? They will believe whatever she says! Bengalis are stupid! uneducated! 

Aha...! How to kill students! Everyone is screaming. The campus belongs to the students but these thugs are entering and killing them... what a big motherfucker....