When Students Become Journalists

July 18, 2024, Thursday-

6 am, I entered Facebook. Now I am on Facebook 24 hours a day. Newspapers or TV are not watched. Always keep the phone close at hand so that I can know about the state of the country. With 1971 there was a Bengali independent radio station. During the war, people used to get war news from this radio station. Back then, everyone kept the radio on whether they had anything else with them or not. They always carried this radio. And now in 2024, Facebook has become the center of getting true news. Everyone is on Facebook now. Everyone phone's most used app is Facebook right now. Not because of spending time on social media or making blogs or making reels. They want to know the news now, the real news. Because the media is no longer showing the truth, no longer with the people who want justice. now every person in Bangladesh has become the media. They are now delivering the news to everyone. They are everything now. A Protector, A Journalist, A Reporter, A Super Hero.

While scrolling, a video came up. In the video, the girl students are protesting. The police are walking in front of them. They're sitting on the street. Seeing the police, they are chanting, "Fake....Fake...Fake...."

Bengalis have crazy level courage. Or even after the police showed such a ruthless appearance, it is not a word of mouth to raise slogans with such courage. Bengalis may sit comfortably and can be lazy. But when it's about justice, truth, they become thunderous.

9 am, sitting at the table doing practical. Schools, colleges have been closed indefinitely. It has been closed for 2 days. So I thought I would use this time. If the college opens, I won't be able to finish my exams on time. So I am trying to use this free time as much as possible.

Schools and colleges were not only closed. Universities and halls have also been closed. So that the students go to their homes and the movement stops or weakens. Can they really disrupt the movement by doing this? No, never. Because of this, they closed the educational institutions and freed the teachers. Now all the teachers who were imprisoned by excuse of the institution will also be forced to grow up. I saw on Facebook yesterday that many teachers who have entered the field by giving online classes or coaching. This is the beginning, one by one the teachers of big educational institutions will join, parents will join. Then a big party will be formed, which this dictator Hasina has no power to stop.

A notification came on my phone while doing practical. I picked up the phone and saw that one of my friend had sent a video. I started watching the video.

In the video, the students are taking out Road, expensive pistols, thick bamboo sticks, drugs, hundreds of condoms and many other illegal weapons from the BCL room. Several sacks were filled with these illegal items.

This is the state of Chhatra League. Maybe the world will know why people hate them so much. With these weapons, how many mothers' chests have been emptied, how many people have been killed, cannot be counted. By showing these weapons, they're used to frighten the university students and torture them. I even once heard that this BCL would beat the police. They are the real terrorists of this country. But our Hasina calls Jamaat, BNP and men with beards and women with full veils as terrorists. I do not support BNP or Jamaat Because I know their history to some extent. And that gave me an idea of what kind of team they are.

But I feel bad that she is a Muslim and calls other Muslims terrorists. She's not done until just saying, whoever she once calls a terrorist means that person is her next target. She will either expel that person from the country or make them disappear and no one will know about that person. No one will know whether they're alive or dead. Not even they're family. This has happened to many Huzoors and Maulanas. She ma left our Mizanur Rahman Azahari out of the country. And Abu Taha Huzur was also hidden by her. Many others will be found who have suffered only for her. These people never mentioned her name. But it is not that Bengali did not understand. We understand, we understand everything, but we pretend not to understand. Because none of us want to be her next victim. We don't want our family to suffer. We think only of ourselves. We are like that, selfish and greedy….

The procession will come out today at 12 o'clock. Procession will descend everywhere today. I live in the Uttara, the Procession will come out in my area too. I know where and when the movement will take place, but I may not know how to participate. So maybe not participating with my brothers and sisters…

At 10 o'clock in the morning, I was tying the hijab. Then mom is in my room. Sitting on the bed, looking suspiciously, she asked, "Why are you wearing hijab at this time? Where are you going?"

"Where else can I go? I have to go tuition... "

"When will you do tuition again? And no one else will give you tuition during this month."

"Why is it new? I started teaching tuition from the 1st of this month?"

"What are you talking about? You did not teach your sister's student while I'm in the hospital, saying that this tuition will not be done by you. "

"Your operation was on the uterus or the head?"

Hearing my words, my mother said angrily, "You are going to protest, aren't you? You are going to the movement in the name of tuition, right? And you thought I would not understand? Wait, I am calling your sister.."

"Hey mom, why should I lie? If I want to go to the movement, I can go."

Mom called my sister without listening to me. My sis came and asked with irritation, "What have you two mother-daughter started? What happened?"

"Your sister will go to the movement... Your sister is planning to go to the movement by telling lies about tuition."

"Hey mom... sis explain to mom, I started teaching tuition from the first of this month. I even go to teach yesterday, tell her!"

After listening to my mother and me, she said, "Mom, take your daughter to a doctor. I have already told you that she has a problem in her head. It was little before, but now it has increased. See a doctor soon or you won't be able to get married later."

They leaves the room. I am surprised What are they saying? I used to teach tuition for so long...

I quickly picked up my phone. I started looking for my student's mother's number. Facebook, what's up, contact number I searched everywhere but could not find it. Where is the number? I was saving..! I started dialing the number on the phone.


What was next? I don't remember. Ah! what happened? Trying to remember the number so much but can't remember! Why? So mom and sister are right! I haven't been tutoring for so long? Am I become a crazy person? Was that a fantasy too? My student was also my imagination? Did I hallucinate her too?