18 july, 2024, Thursday-

12 noon, I have a notification on my phone while watching a video on Instagram. Someone on my friend list posted something. When I entered Facebook in panic, I saw a picture that caught my attention. A picture of a boy. I started reading the text of the post. After reading the caption, I realized that the name of the boy with the post is Dipto. Dipto died in the movement. And the person who posted it is Dipto's friend. I felt sad to see the post. I was upset. One Hasina is destroying the entire nation. Sometimes I wonder, thinking that the child of a man like Bangabandhu is like this? Bad is so bad? A ghoul is such a ghoul? Bloodsucking but such bloodsucking? Is this even possible! No matter how much a person is bad, but in the and of the day the blood is the same. There should be a little bit of quality....


I saw my friend's message when I picked up my mobile after praying. Go to the chat box and see that she has shared a post. and messaged, "What the hell, Mujib devotee! Look at this post and read the article. Even then, you can't be proud as a Mujib devotee..."

I was annoyed by the message. Everyone always tells me this nonsense because I speak on the side of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib. I was going to send a message opposite to her message, but I stopped thinking about something. First read the post and then I will respond. I went to the post and saw "THE DARK SIDE OF SHEIKH MUJIB" written in big letters. Interest increased after seeing the writing. The article is very large. I usually don't like to read such a long text. But first time in my life I started reading with interest.

❝THE DARK SIDE OF SHEIKH MUJIB (And not a single bright side ever existed)

(Note: All references given in brackets, read at your own risk)

Keep the book "Mooldhara 71" by Moinul Hasan, to know the real history of the liberation war. 

To understand Sheikh Mujib, the political context of the country from the language movement of 1952 to 1975 must be known. 

Sheikh Mujibur had no direct or indirect role in 1952. No protest stance against the language movement was visible. 

In 1954 he took part in the election with the mercy of Suhrawardy and after winning the election he trusted Suhrawardy. This traitor was also responsible for the breakup of the United Front in 1955. Sheikh Mujib's fondness for West Pakistan at that time was noticeable. 

Being a minister in Karachi for four or five days, he was given the title of a minister by the people without informing anyone. And Suhrawardy was totally against this ministry, only to join hands with West Pakistanis many times for the sake of power.(Fifty years of politics I have seen - Abul Mansoor Ahmad)

In 1958, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Shahed Ali Patwari was beaten with a paper weight and seriously injured, dying two days later. Sheikh Mujib and many others were arrested in connection with his murder. Besides, his jail life started by fighting with Hindu leaders as a child, later he was jailed for 2 years in a corruption case and many more times for various reasons. 

However, after coming out of that jail, he announced the 6-point movement, the interesting thing is that the 6-point movement which is considered to be the beginning of the freedom movement, was actually to unite the two Pakistans. 

I am giving a brief explanation of the proposals open Wikipedia and compare,

Proposition 1, the structure of the system of governance is called the nature of the state, and the proposition of this sovereign power is presented to keep the two Pakistans together. 

Proposition 2, West Pakistan will have all powers over the state except for national defense and foreign policy. 

Proposition 3: This third phase is proposed to unite the two Pakistans in the field of currency as well. 

Proposition 4, Nothing Special. Although here too the federation is said to have power only in respect of taxes or duties, but even then the central government is said to be safe by mentioning the fact that it receives taxes from here. 

Proposals 5, 6, two propositions, if anyone finds any hint of separation of two Pakistans, let me know. 

What is more interesting than this is that Sheikh Mujib himself says that he is not anti-Pakistan or anti-Pakistan's wrongdoing even in one demand, but he shows how Pakistan will become stronger through argumentsBangladesh War of Independence Documents: Volume II Page No. 276) 

As this six-point demand did not even hint of independence, many Nyaya Parayan leaders like Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani were furious with him. 

In 1970, the leaders of East Pakistan wanted to agitate against West Pakistan, but this Razaka participated in the Patano elections of West Pakistan. His love for West Pakistan was once again seen in his election as his vote-seeking posters highlighted "Pakistan Zindabad" above all. 

Bhashani (r.) urged Mujib to become a heroic leader of the struggle of the people of Bengal rather than becoming the Prime Minister of Pakistan. But this jockey plays safe as a minister despite his full public support. (Bangladesh Independence War Papers: Volume II Page No. 721)

In the book "Mosaic of Memory" written by Air Marshal Zafar Ahmed Chowdhury, Sheikh Mujib was said to be a prisoner in Pakistan during the war, but he was originally in the house of a major, along with Dr. Kamal was also there. There they are told to do if Bangladesh becomes independent. He also wrote in the book, "At Karachi we were to collect Mrs. Kamal Ahmed further told me to go to the state bank where Mr. Ghulam Ishaq Khan, the governor, would hand over a large sum of money to me in foreign exchange, which was to be brought to Pindi and given to Mr. Bhuttothe impression i gathered was that this was meant for Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. I drove to the state bank where Mr. Ghulam Ishaq Khan handed me a box containing a very large sum of money in us dollars."

Yes, brother eats money too. 

During the war, the Pakistani army worked for Mujib's family safety, if someone in his family was sick, the Pakistani army used to take him to the hospital.

In short, Mujib did not buy into any freedom movement at that time or respond to the call for independence rather his fondness for West Pakistan was clearly observed. 

Regarding his love for Pakistan, former Shipping Minister, ASM Abdur Raab said, "Even after the election, Sheikh Mujib tried to negotiate with Yahya and Bhutto to keep Pakistan as a state." (You can find the video of his speech on YouTube)

How big Nebokharam!! 

Before 7th March, 1971, he did not raise any claim, directly or indirectly. And though I consider the 7th March speech as my call for independence, Mujib never wanted independence from the beginning. 

And he himself says that he does not want freedom!!!!!!!

An English reporter said, "I want to live like a free citizen of a free country!" The reporter asks, "You mean independence?" Kutta replies, "That I don't mean, it can be done many ways." 

(You can find this clip on Internet Archive, otherwise on YouTube.)

Tajuddin Ahmad's daughter Sharmin Ahmad in her book "Tajuddin Ahmad Neta O Pita" said "According to the previous plan, Abbu went to pick up Mujib Kaku on the night of March 25. Mujib Kaku went underground with Abbu and discussed with Abbu Mujib Kaku about the plan of liberation war. Mujib Kaku also agreed to that. Accordingly, a house was fixed in Old Dhaka for hiding. Mujib Kaku had not hesitated before to take his father's advice on any major decision. Abbu therefore believed that Mujib Kaku would keep his word at this juncture in history. But at the last moment, Mujib Kaku remained adamant. He said to his father, "Go home and sleep with oil in your nose. Tomorrow (27th March) I have called a hartal."

I urge you to read the whole book, you will know a lot, the contemporary politics of the liberation war and these two leaders of Bengal are seen very closely. 

The book "Article 71" must be kept in the collection, if you read the book you will get shocking information about Mujib Bahini. 

The mastermind of the Mujib Bahini under the control of his RAW behind becoming the Father of the Nation of independent Bengal without fighting, with the help of India, Mujib forged his name in history by positioning himself at the center of power in independent Bangladesh.

After independence, Sheikh Mujib once again proved that he was not an independent minded person and a jockey when he presented his condolence proposal in Parliament. He concludes the condolence by mentioning the names of some of his favorite people, avoiding the names of the important people who participated in the liberation war, Bir Shrestha Kinba or the freedom fighters of the important units of the East Bengal Regiment who led the war. When everyone in Parliament asked him to mention the Mukti Bhakti in a condolence motion, he tactfully told them, "There will be a separate motion. Calm down." But the proposal did not come until after he died. (Bangladesh Gana Parishad Debate Part I)

After coming to power, he gradually removed Tajuddin, General Osmani, Bhashani and all those who led the war from the cabinet. 

Now let's mention the characteristic and overall characteristics of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and highlight the light wavelessness of this white man. 

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was strongly convinced to lead the country not to democracy but to autocracy. He had no foresight or quality of good governance. There was no self-sacrificing attitude to accept constructive criticism.

Loved to assert himself, this man full of ego did not take the advice of political figures liberal to him. He would not save by making any promises. He was at the root of all the crises of Bangladesh at that time. (Constitution, Constitutional Law and Politics: Bangladesh Context - Md. Abdul Hamid) 

His only skill was to make the common people dance with his words. But his words had no administrative significance. (Sharmin Ahmed - Leader and Father)

This person was very jealous, could not tolerate experienced. And he was jealous of Tajuddin Ahmad and Ataur Rahman at that time. As opposition against him grew, he rejected constitutional government, the rule of law, and freedom of speech in the name of emergency measures and preventive detention. (Mujib's politics and his second revolution) 

Sorry for writing mistakes will look good. And there is nothing to take my words blindly, read from the source and you will get more sensational information which I will not finish writing when I write.❞

I finished reading the whole article. Even after reading such a large text, I did not feel a bit annoyed. Each line seemed to have a different excitement and interest for the next piece. After reading the text, I compared the references. Yes all true… all references matched….

Stunned! The last thing I wanted to see! Whom I thought was an idol for so many years, whom I was inspired by, he is a characterless and traitor! Is there anything left to see in this life? So many years of information, events, stories are all lies...! All...! 

I started thinking what else is there that has been hidden from us for so long, what is there that has been hidden, what is there that has been deleted from our sight..!

The mind is broken into pieces. I suffered. I sat quietly. If the reason for which one considers a person as his idol, all his life suddenly turns out to be false or wrong, then his life seems meaningless. Trust issue is created. This feeling will be understood only by those who have experienced it at least once in their life.