Teasing Ganyu! An Unfriendly Phone Call.

Then, realizing she needed to prove herself, she hurriedly waved her hands and said, "I-I can do anything and do it well."

"I handle Ningguang's finances, travel, and even daily rest arrangements."


Xia Wen helplessly rubbed his forehead. "I didn't mean it that way. Alright, Sister, let's have Ganyu join Mihoyo with me."

Since it wasn't a bad thing, Ningguang nodded in satisfaction when Xia Wen agreed. "That's more like my obedient Xiao Wen~"

Xia Wen smiled wryly. "Okay, Sister, let's talk about something serious." He then brought up his need to purchase a large piece of land, mentioning that there might also be a need for sufficient expansion space in the future.

He originally thought this would be difficult. However, Ningguang thought for a moment and easily told him that it could be arranged within a few days. At that moment, Xia Wen once again offered heartfelt praise for the great wealthy sister Ningguang!

After discussing the serious matter, Ningguang went back to her business affairs, leaving only Xia Wen and Ganyu at home.

Looking at Ganyu, who was standing somewhat stiffly in front of him, Xia Wen was lost in peculiar thoughts. "Without those horns, it feels like something is missing." "Hmm, I really want to touch them."

Perhaps because he had always wanted to touch Ganyu's horns when playing Genshin Impact, Xia Wen coughed and said, "Ahem, Ganyu, I don't mean anything by it. If I offend you, just let me know…"

"But, can I touch your head?"

Ganyu was stunned for a moment, and then a visible blush appeared on her pure white cheeks. "Why such a request…"

Ganyu couldn't meet Xia Wen's gaze, her face red, and she slowly lowered her head, her body swaying slightly as if she were thinking about something.

Xia Wen regretted asking and thought he shouldn't have brought it up. But who could blame him? Ganyu was his first limited 5-star character.

Just as he was about to apologize to Ganyu for being too abrupt, she quietly said, "It's okay."

"But, only be a quick touch."

"I don't know why, but my scalp has always been very sensitive, so it'll be, very itchy."

After speaking, Ganyu's neck turned red with embarrassment. She didn't know how to refuse. Xia Wen's request was sudden but not too outrageous. Ganyu was usually very grateful for Ningguang's care and was instructed to take good care of Xia Wen, especially to help him avoid being deceived by the older sisters at Mihoyo Entertainment.

There was only one older sister who would be good to Xiao Wen, and that was Ningguang herself! Other older sisters were bad! Ningguang was good! These were Ningguang's exact words. So, after thinking it over, Ganyu agreed to let Xia Wen have a small touch.

After Ganyu gave her permission, Xia Wen turned his palm, hand facing down, and lightly touched her head. He had no other intention; he simply wanted to fulfill his long-held wish of touching Ganyu's horns/head.

Unexpectedly, Ganyu shivered when touched lightly. "It tickles." Ganyu bit her lip, trying hard to suppress any sound. Even a light touch made her tremble all over. Fortunately, Xia Wen withdrew his hand after the brief touch.

"Is everything alright?" Xia Wen was startled by such a strong reaction. Was it really that intense?

"It's okay." Ganyu still kept her head lowered and spoke softly.

"Sorry, I was just too curious." Xia Wen offered a vague explanation and then said, "I may need to get busy with my own matters now. You should rest well today; there might be a lot of work tomorrow."

Hearing about work, Ganyu's spirits lifted, and the tingling sensation faded considerably. She nodded vigorously and said, "Mm! I will work hard!"

Ganyu, so full of energy, made Xia Wen suddenly feel that having such a secretary to work with was indeed a happy thing.

After saying goodbye to Ganyu and returning to his room, Xia Wen began planning and preparing. The day passed quickly. The next morning, after having breakfast with Ganyu, who was arranged to sleep in the guest room, they both arrived at Mihoyo Entertainment.

Kafka and the rest, who were involved in the shoot, were already well-prepared. Xia Wen formally introduced Ganyu to everyone. With her gentle and humble personality, Ganyu quickly got along with everyone.

The only one who felt a bit odd was Kafka. She always felt that Ganyu seemed to be paying special attention to her. However, she didn't think too much about it, as the shoot had already started.

With the aid of the system's abilities, the seemingly massive filming project was quickly taking shape under Xia Wen's camera. It had to be said that Ganyu's arrival had indeed saved Xia Wen a lot of effort.

Time management and filming schedules were all well-organized. Xia Wen only needed to follow the schedule to efficiently complete daily tasks. The only downside was that Ganyu worked too hard and was too dedicated. She spent a long time on detailed tasks every day and had severe lack of sleep at night. As a result, Ganyu was often seen napping in various situations.

But overall, everything was moving in a positive direction.

A few days later, on set, the beautiful girls were busy. In the center of the set was a small gray furry character(Pompom) with a sour expression and Xia Wen, who looked very handsome with dyed gray hair. They were currently filming additional details on the Star Rail train.

Although constrained by the venue and using a green screen, the interior had been completely replaced with real props. The interior scenery looked like living on the Star Rail train.

As for Stelle, who arrived at the shoot, she matched her character's appearance and demeanor in the game perfectly. Upon meeting Xia Wen for the first time, she scratched her head and looked at him with a silly smile.

Stelle's arrival made the filming journey even smoother. At the same time, in the train's set, there was also Pompom in a doll costume. Given Pompom's height, the person in the costume was naturally Fu Xuan, who was so annoyed with Xia Wen that she wanted to bite him.

Of course, post-production would handle this, and Fu Xuan wouldn't need to say any lines; the voiceover would be added later.

While filming on the train set, the other beautiful girls, who had no scenes at the moment, gathered here and eagerly watched the filming. The entire set was filled with a lively and energetic atmosphere.

During a break after filming this segment, Xia Wen was drinking water when he suddenly saw Ganyu rushing over.

"Boss, someone has specifically requested to speak with you on the phone." Ganyu handed over the phone.

"Specifically requested?" Xia Wen frowned and answered the call, "Hello, Mihoyo Entertainment."

A male voice came from the other end. "Hello, Mr. Xia Wen. I'm Zheng An from AC Entertainment."

Upon hearing the voice, Xia Wen raised an eyebrow. It was clear that the caller was not friendly!