Let's go

[Chapter 96]

He thought Julie was rushing him back because she was unhappy with him being with Veronica.

But under the circumstances, he couldn't leave Veronica alone overseas.

"I can't leave now, Julie.

Veronica's condition is critical at the moment." When David realized that he might have been too harsh, he added in a softer tone, "I promise, once she is through the worst of it, I'll spend more time with you." David's words nearly shattered all of Julie's hopes.

She felt utterly dejected.

Did David really think she was vying for his attention? She felt like a dagger had pierced through her heart.

It hurt so much.

Tears welled up in Julie's eyes, and she forced a bitter smile.

"David, in your eyes, my grandmother means nothing, right? Do you even care about me? Is that why you can make such a decision without a second thought?" David couldn't tolerate this any longer.