
[Chapter 97]

A fat woman stormed up, Jabbed her finger at Julie, and yelled, "You home-wrecker! How dare you try to steal my husband! Thank God I finally got you!" Julie was confused, having no idea who these people in her grandmother's ward were.

With a perplexed look on her face, she shot back, "Who even are you? Have we met? Who the hellis your husband?" Her protests fell on deaf ears.

These people were clearly here to make a scene.

Before Julie had a chance to defend herself further, the fat woman grabbed Julie by the hair and signaled her friend to hit Julie's face, leaving it red and swollen.

Meanwhile, Julie's grandmother, who had just been berated by these women who accused Julie of stealing someone's husband, was still catching her breath.

When she saw Julie being assaulted, she felt as if her heart was being ripped, and she murmured, "Don't touch my granddaughter...