No one..But

[Chapter 98]

However, her words fell on deaf ears.

No one opted to listen to her.

Precisely speaking, they deliberately chose to ignore her.

Mockery and scorn descended upon Julie like a flock of vultures, eager to tear her apart.

Those hateful words seemed to materialize into monstrous entities, lunging at Julie and gnawing her flesh and spirit.

Her body started shaking uncontrollably.

This whole situation was a setup by vicious people.

At this point, it did not matter if Julie was innocent or not.

She could only endure the gossip and scorn, knowing she had done nothing wrong.

But the look of disappointment in her grandmother's eyes was too much to bear.

It was as if a dagger pierced into Julie's heart.

The emotional weight became too much.

Julie's head dropped, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

But Tessa was unwilling to let Julie go.

She gave the fat woman a subtle wink.