Not Yours

[Chapter 105]

As soon as Luciana stepped into the ward, she sensed the thick tension hanging in the air between David and Julie.

She was fuming with anger and could not resist the urge to scold David.

"Julie's carrying your child, for heaven's sake.

Could you just stop fighting with her? Give her some space.

Why don't you go get the ultrasound report from the doctor?" Luciana was quite perceptive.

She knew all too well that men often did not pick up on emotional nuances as keenly as women did.

They had first learned about Julie's pregnancy through a blood test.

Later on, Luciana accompanied Julie to get an ultrasound for a more detailed look.

Sending David to fetch the ultrasound report was part of Luciana's plan.

She figured that seeing the baby's image for himself would be a wake-up call for David.

He would then surely regret giving Julie a hard time.