
[Chapter 117]

Julie''s legs turned to jelly.

Her knees began to ache.

The only thing she could use as a weapon was the flashlight in her hand.

With a creak, a door was pushed open.

Julie looked around the room.

It was empty.

There wasn't even a place for her to hide.

In the end, she had to go behind the bedroom door and stand against the wall with the flashlight raised.

The sound of approaching footsteps was very light, but it was loud enough in the quiet night.

With every step the man took, Julie's heart trembled.

Her hands began to shake.

She said a silent prayer, hoping that the man who broke in only wanted some money and that he would leave once he saw that the place was deserted.

But it seemed her prayer didn't get anywhere.

She continued to hear the doors being opened one by one The frightening footsteps continued, sounding closer and closer to her bedroom.