
[Chapter 118]

There was a conspicuous level of certainty in David's tone.

Luis had told him there could be miscalculations in the conception dates of some women.

Although the test result wasn't out yet, he could feel it in his guts that the child was his.

He firmly believed that Julie would never cheat on him, let alone conceive a child for another man.

In the past few years, he knew everything about her.

Julie not only followed the rules but also cared about his feelings.

He was aware that she loved him.

He rubbed his chin against her head and said in a magnetic voice, "Julie, I was such a fool in the past.

I'm sorry for not treating you right.

Let's start all over and live a good life together, okay?" These were the most affectionate words Julie had ever heard from him.

Her heart began to race.

At this moment, her mind was in a mess.

He had just touched a soft spot.