Preparation For Arena

(This chapter is dedicated to my fellow author and one of the sweetest people I know @LotusLin. Character of Lotus is inspired by her.)

The day of the arena dawned amidst thunderstorms and lightning. The warm weather morphed into a cooler pleasant one. 

Cassandra hadn't trained with Siroos after he had said they would meet on the Arena day. 

She wasn't sure what had him pissed. 

The fact that she asked him to save himself or the fact he was stuck with someone like her. 

He was weird, mysterious and haughty. And he knew no one would dare harm him before the event or they could incur the wrath of his Alpha. Exactly why he wasn't afraid of anyone. 

Cassandra woke up with the thunder rumbling in the sky. Her heart felt uneasy due to some reason and she wondered about the dream she had. 

It was mostly the same dream, where she was dressed like some ethereal being and lived in a place with blinding light. There was always someone nearby, hidden behind the haze and the mist. All she could see were the gold-infused eyes, the eyes that seemed very much like Siroos's. 

She wondered if she had seen him before or if there was some other connection between the two.

Pulling off the blanket she left her thoughts and bed behind her. It was time to get ready and face the day. 

The door swiftly knocked and she wondered who it could be there this early in the morning. 

"Come in," she ordered and it opened to reveal Lotus with two of her personal maids. She rushed to her sister's side as her maids hurried along, closing the door behind them. 

"You are up, good. Girls, time to weave magic." She flicked her fingers and the maids moved towards the wash area with big pitchers of water. 

Cassandra watched them, slightly bewildered.

"What's going on?" 

"Getting you ready, what else? Come on, drop this night's garb and get into the warm fragrant water." 

Lotus pushed her towards the brass bathtub where the maids had poured warm water. She swished her hand and magic pulsed in her veins and danced on her fingertips as it erupted in the form of hundreds of tiny fragrant flowers, plum in shade. They flowed from her hand and into the lukewarm water. 

Lotus was blessed with nature affinity magic, it came naturally to her and years of training had enhanced it. 

"I am not sure bathing in flowers will be of any help to me," Cassandra muttered, pulling down her dress and letting it heap around her ankles. 

"Dear sister, you underestimate me. These are not ordinary flowers. These are Hydralias, known for their healing and protecting properties. Bathing in their water, the essence will be infused in your skin; hence, it will heal your injuries and protect you against basic spells." The care in her words warmed Cassandra's heart and she couldn't help but fondly stare at her sister. 

"Get in now before it gets cold. Wash her nicely," Lotus ordered both Cassandra and the maids. 

She was scrubbed clean and dried up while Lotus was ready with her costume. It was the same violet shade as Cassandra's eyes with patches of silver and blue. The colours represented their kingdom. 

Natural fibres spun by Lotus and metallic plates she had acquired had been used to create it, the plates embedded in the parts to protect her soft areas. 

"It will help in agility and will protect you against claws and fangs or whatever those creatures will have. Put it on. I sent something for your warrior as well." Lotus handed the costume to a bewildered-looking Cassandra; at any moment, she could end up crying. 

"Stephanie will kill you," Cassandra choked out, accepting the costume while holding the tears at bay. 

"That's in the future, we have no time to waste," Lotus nonchalantly replied, flicking her beautiful hair back. 

Maids helped Cassandra put on the skin-tight trousers and a leather jerkin on top. The royal blue cloak was adjusted on her shoulder to complete the look. 

"A fitting warrior-mage, you look incredible." Lotus held her shoulders and gushed at her younger sister. Her eyes twinkled with love.  

"I am no mage, everyone knows that," Cassandra answered painfully. 

"Nonsense, you won't win with this attitude. Here, I brought you something special." Lotus again clicked her ring-studded fingers, rings designed with flowers and vines. 

One of the maids brought forward a sheathed sword in a leather cover. The hilt was visible, which had a big purple gem studded in it. 

"Here, use this. I have enchanted the sword with my magic. You will be able to use it, there are no rules against enchanted weapons." She gleefully handed the sword to Cassandra who had her mouth gaping wide. 

Lotus continued, "This stone belonged to our mother, her magic has been infused in it. It will protect you and guide you through the darkness."

Cassandra's fingertips traced the enigmatic stone, oval in shape and rich in colour. Perfectly crafted it pulsed with magic bound in it. Cassandra could sense it under her fingertips, it called to her. 

"Did you steal it from Father?" She asked incredulously and Lotus merely shrugged her delicate shoulders with a meh expression. 

"It was supposed to be yours. Mother gave all of her daughters a stone. Ruby for Stephanie, Emerald for me and this Amethyst was yours. Father held it in spite. I am just giving what was meant to be yours." 

"You can get into trouble because of me, I don't want that." Cassandra shook her head but she couldn't peel her eyes off the powerful gem embedded in the sword. 

"Will you go and win this stupid thing? Stop overthinking." Lotus endearingly smiled at her sister and encouraged her. 

Cassandra was overwhelmed, she threw her arms around her sister and hugged her tightly. 

"If I don't make it, remember I love you and thank you for this." 

"You will be victorious, I have a feeling." 

Both girls separated and Lotus left with her maids before Stephanie would find out she was there. 

Cassandra was making final preparations when her door knocked again, she placed the sword in her halter belt and went to open the door.

She fell into those gold chasms which so affectionately stared back at her. 

Siroos stood there in all his natural glory.