The Arena Of Death

Donning a gold-shaded loin cloth of a material which would help him move with agility. It was held together by a sturdy belt. Both his arms were adorned with protective leather gear with metal segments painted in gold. 

Since he was a shifter the clothes he wore were kept to a bare minimum. His well-defined chest with mountains of muscles glistened as if he had oiled it and those corded long legs were on display to be feasted upon. The olive skin was blemish-free except for a small tattoo on his bicep.  

His autumn leaf-shaded hair fell into his gold-infused eyes which reminded her of a beautiful sunset. They were heavy, the kind which wanted her to drown in them and be lost forever. The more she stared the more mesmerised and lost she felt. 

Those high cheekbones and rugged contours of his face held unfathomable secrets. The ones she was sure he didn't share with anyone. 

His gaze was unwavering, too sure as it glided over Cassandra's body, and he drank her in, slowly. Like a drunkard starved for wine. 

She could feel it smouldering her, inch by inch. The costume felt hot or maybe the air had been sucked out of the room. 

"Are you ready?" His low modulated voice asked, his eye contact never broke.


"Come!" He gestured with his hand and Cassandra quietly exited the room. They had barely taken a step when Stephanie appeared, arm in arm with her vampire warrior.

She snorted, the pomposity so visible in her tone.

"If it isn't the duo with no magic and brains." 

Shifters were derogatorily regarded as beings with no brains in the Kingdom of Speldaria. So many were captured and put into the arena just to be killed and slaughtered. Stephanie believed Siroos would meet the same fate since Cassandra had no magic to defend him.

"Better than having no empathy." Siroos squared his shoulders and puffed out his chest. A typical tactic to look intimidating. 

Cassandra had to fight back a giggle. No male had ever stood up for her. This was certainly refreshing to see. 

His left arm had extended, holding her behind him. 

The vane smile on Stephanie's lips faltered and was replaced by a snarl. The raven-haired vampire with ruby-shaded eyes swiftly held her waist so she wouldn't launch herself at Siroos but bared his pointed fangs. 

"I will enjoy tearing your limbs and sucking every last drop of your blood," the vampire threatened but his voice lacked surety. Something about the man he faced was daunting. 

"We will see in the arena, who is going to tear whom," Siroos casually answered, not at all feeling unsettled. 

The bong for the commencing of The Arena sounded outside. Commander Razial, followed by his guards, arrived to escort them. 

Cassandra's eyes wavered to her fiancé, hoping he would acknowledge her. But Commander Razial was all business, although he met Cassandra's gaze and held it for a few meaningful seconds. 

Siroos didn't miss the silent exchange between them. 

"I am here to escort all participants to the arena. Please, follow me." 

Siroos pinned the silver-haired commander with a sharp look but silence prevailed. 

"Aren't you going to wish good luck to your fiancée, Commander Razial? Chances of survival in her favour are slim," Stephanie teased, knowing too well they had a rocky relationship and Razial hardly ever spoke to Cassandra. 

"Good luck, Princess Cassandra," he curtly said, there were no feelings in his words and he hardly glanced in her direction. 

A low rumbling growl was erupting in Siroos's throat, his hands wished to turn into claws and. But his thoughts were interrupted when Cassandra spoke meekly. 

"Thank you, we should go." 

Shoving his temper down, Siroos took a moment to control his natural urges. 

Stephanie and her warrior went ahead with Commander Razial, Cassandra and Siroos followed behind by the guards. 

They exited the majestic castle and arrived outside the arena. Unlike the last time, today it was brimming with spectators. 

Other contestants joined them. Cassandra observed there were a total of eight teams. Each contained one mage and one warrior. 

Commander Razial led them through one of the tunnels and into the ground with rammed earth where Cassandra and Siroos had duelled earlier. 

Siroos protectively guarded her with his body, never letting anyone in her proximity. 

The crowd erupted with thunderous applause and cheers seeing the contestants enter. Siroos had that confident stride while Cassandra seemed slightly shaken.

They took their positions in front of the high podium covered with silver and blue awnings. Lavish and comfortable divans were covered in velvet and cushions where Cassandra's father, Thalorian LeBlanc sat along with other guests. The High Mages, the Elven King, the Vampire Monarch and several Alpha's from the shifter packs. 

Cassandra raised her head and wondered which one of them was the most feared Alpha of the Dusartine. 

Glancing around she observed the blue and silver flags and paraphernalia had been raised on poles and decorated the entire arena. The magic pulsed in air, thickening it as repelling spells had been placed all around the grandstands so spectators wouldn't get hit from the random spells in battle. 

All curious eyes were fixed on them as the presenter began to speak. 

"Welcome! To the yearly Arena of Death event." 

The atmosphere was charged with shouts and anticipation of the fights from tens and thousands of teeming people. Too excited to see others getting bloody and torn apart. The mere thought sickened Cassandra. She wasn't a fan of bloodshed especially in the name of sport. 

"This year's event is special. Instead of one we have two mage princesses taking part in it. Let's hear it for our current champion Princess Stephanie and her warrior Prince Kamyn." 

The crowd hollered, the noise so loud that Cassandra wished to cover her ears. 

The presenter continued to speak but with slightly less enthusiasm. 

"And the youngest Princess Cassandra along with her shifter warrior Siroos."

The crowd held their applause and the arena went into slight silence. 

What was a non-magical princess doing there? 

Enthusiasm died.