
Love vanishes, Evil unfolds

Yushi was deeply moved by Anshu's behavior during their time together. She had come to appreciate the kindness and sincerity he showed, a stark contrast to the negative image Siya had painted of him. Their farewell meeting was a poignant moment; Yushi felt a complex mix of emotions as she prepared to part ways with Anshu.

Upon returning to her city, Anshu reached out to Yushi via video call, sharing the details of his recent experiences. He spoke casually about a date he had with Anuj and Amy, revealing intimate details with a nonchalant tone. This revelation took Yushi by surprise and left her feeling deeply unsettled.

Anshu's casual mention of his intimate encounter seemed to reflect a broader disregard for the emotional depth of his connections. Yushi's initial reaction was one of disbelief and anger. The disparity between the image of Anshu she had formed and his actual behavior was jarring. She had come to see him as a victim of circumstances, but now his actions painted a different picture. It became clear that he had ulterior motives, using Siya for his own needs rather than truly loving her.

As Yushi confronted Anshu about his behavior, he reacted with sadness and abruptly ended the call. His response only deepened Yushi's sense of disillusionment. It was apparent that Anshu's interest in Siya had been superficial, driven by personal gratification rather than genuine affection. This realization was a blow to Yushi, who had been striving to navigate the complex emotional landscape of Siya's life.

The weight of this new understanding was heavy on Yushi's heart. She was filled with sympathy for Siya, who had been misled into believing in a love that was not genuine. Yushi's concern for Siya grew stronger as she realized that her patient had been caught in a relationship built on false pretenses.

Yushi knew she needed to act. The situation required intervention to help Siya come to terms with the reality of her relationship with Anshu. Yushi wanted to ensure that Siya understood the truth—that Anshu's affections were not sincere—and that she could focus on her healing process without the additional burden of a deceitful relationship.

Driven by her concern, Yushi began to formulate a plan to approach Siya. She was determined to provide her with the clarity and support she needed to move forward. Yushi's goal was not only to address the immediate emotional fallout but also to encourage Siya to prioritize her health and well-being.

As Yushi prepared to reach out to Siya, she grappled with the responsibility of delivering such a difficult message. She knew it was essential to approach the situation with sensitivity and care. The challenge was to help Siya see the truth without causing additional distress.

The road ahead for Siya was fraught with emotional challenges, but with Yushi's guidance and support, there was hope for a path to recovery and self-discovery. Yushi was resolute in her mission to help Siya navigate through the painful reality and find a way to heal from the deception that had clouded her past.