The Fall of Wuhuan and Ambitions Toward Xianbei

As the flames of war spread, turbulent changes swept the land. Budugen, leading all the Wuhuan warriors, proactively faced off against the newly ascended Xiongnu King, Qubi.

Despite their equal numbers, Qubi's forces were primarily volunteers from the city, whereas Budugen commanded the elite Wuhuan troops.

By noon the next day, the two armies unexpectedly clashed at the border between Wuhuan and Xiongnu. With no words exchanged, the kings merely exchanged glances before ordering the attack.

Instantly, the armies surged forward like dark waves crashing together, their battle cries piercing the sky, echoing for miles around.

The disparity in strength led to a crushing offensive. The Xiongnu forces, having marched rapidly, were no match for the well-rested Wuhuan. The one-sided slaughter continued for two hours, from noon until sunset.

As the Xiongnu army began to collapse, Budugen noticed the fearless, almost mocking smile on Qubi's face. A chill ran down his spine as he instinctively looked toward Langcheng, the capital.

"Report!" As if on cue, a blood-soaked soldier rode in from Langcheng, kneeling before Budugen and crying out.

"My Lord! A Xiongnu elite force has ambushed Langcheng. Our brothers were caught completely off guard, and the city has fallen. The Xiongnu leader says if you don't surrender, he'll kill all the women and children!"

"Damn it!" Budugen cursed, glaring at Qubi, who met his gaze with an even more arrogant smile.

"...This battle is pointless now," Budugen muttered, looking at the bodies strewn across the plains. "Sound the retreat!"

The long, mournful blast of the horn signaled the Wuhuan forces to withdraw, despite their advantage. Qubi waved his hand, halting his troops as well.

"You! Compared to your father, Huchuquan, you're heartless and cruel!" Budugen spat, forcing a grim smile. "Slaughtering the old and young—if the gods are watching, you'll regret this!"

Qubi laughed loudly. "Budugen, don't forget, you betrayed us first and sent assassins to kill my father and brothers. Everything I do today is thanks to you! As the saying goes, 'All's fair in war.' A general who only knows how to fight head-on is a fool!"

"You!" Budugen seethed, knowing full well Kebineng would never commit such a foolish act, but it was now impossible to clear his name.

"Enough! Will you surrender or not?" Qubi cut to the chase. "If you don't, the Wuhuan tribe will face extinction!"

Threatened with the extermination of his tribe, Budugen had no choice but to comply, despite his fury. "Wuhuan warriors... follow me... kneel to the new king!"

On the plains, when one tribe's king knelt to another, it symbolized the complete surrender of that tribe. This was the moment Qubi had been waiting for.

"Hahaha!" Qubi laughed triumphantly, and the Xiongnu soldiers behind him raised their weapons, shouting in their language. Reluctantly, the Wuhuan warriors dismounted and knelt before Qubi, acknowledging his rule.

"My lord... now will you spare the people of Langcheng?" Budugen asked, eyes filled with killing intent.

Qubi smiled. "Now that you've surrendered, there's no more Wuhuan. Why would I harm my own people?"

Budugen barely had time to feel relieved when Qubi's expression twisted with malice. Budugen looked down in shock to see Qubi's curved blade buried in his chest—the same blade Budugen had given to Kebineng as a token.


"I forgot to tell you, I'm not like my father. I eliminate all old rulers to secure my position. I don't want anyone stabbing me in the back!" Qubi laughed maniacally, releasing the blade and letting Budugen fall to the ground.

"My lord!"

Seeing Qubi's betrayal, the Wuhuan warriors erupted in rage, charging at Qubi to avenge Budugen. But Qubi stood his ground, grinning and beckoning with a finger.

The prepared Xiongnu archers unleashed a volley of arrows, cutting down the unprepared Wuhuan. This had been Qubi's plan all along—to slaughter the Wuhuan regardless of their surrender.

The next day, Qubi led his remaining forces into Langcheng. He gathered all the Wuhuan citizens in the city center, ordering the execution of Budugen's family in front of them to crush any thoughts of rebellion.

Several days later, the news of the Xiongnu's conquest of Wuhuan reached Yufuluo in the west. Along with the news came a letter from Qubi urging surrender and the arrival of nearly a hundred thousand Xiongnu troops at the border.

Facing an insufficient force, Yufuluo knew that even if he mustered all able-bodied men, they couldn't repel the Xiongnu. War meant certain death, while surrender would stain his name with betrayal. Remembering his oath with Sun Lang and Zhao Yun at Yinma Lake, Yufuluo sighed deeply.

"Summon General Wu; I have urgent matters to discuss," Yufuluo ordered.

The deputy hesitated but then bowed and left. General Wu, Sun Lang's trusted lieutenant, had been left behind by Sun Lang and Zhao Yun to advise and keep an eye on Yufuluo.

Soon, Wu Ben arrived, still in his training armor. "General Wu greets the king!"

"No need for formalities," Yufuluo said, signaling for him to sit.

"Do you know that the Xiongnu have annexed Wuhuan?" Yufuluo handed Qubi's letter to Wu Ben.

Wu Ben read it carefully, a sneer forming on his lips. "Qubi... I've never heard of him, but to take control of the Xiongnu and conquer Wuhuan so quickly, he must be quite capable."

"What are your plans?" Wu Ben asked, intrigued.

Yufuluo sighed, his worry deepening. "If we fight, we're doomed, and my people will suffer."

"Does that mean you'll break your alliance with my lord and surrender to the Xiongnu?" Wu Ben probed.

"If I intended to surrender, I would've had you bound. Why would I invite you to discuss this?" Yufuluo smiled bitterly.

"Haha!" Wu Ben laughed. "I have a suggestion. Would you like to hear it?"

"If you have a solution, I'll treat you as an honored guest!" Yufuluo eagerly grasped Wu Ben's hand.

"Let's withdraw," Wu Ben suggested with a mysterious smile.

"Withdraw? To where?" Yufuluo asked, puzzled.

"Here," Wu Ben pointed to a spot near the Bing Province border—Yinshan.

"Yinshan?" Yufuluo was even more confused. "It would take three to five days to reach Yinshan even without rest. How could we move our people and escape the Xiongnu?"

"If we're retreating, why not cross Yanshan and enter You Province to avoid the Xiongnu?" Yufuluo suggested.

Wu Ben waited for him to finish before replying, "The governor of You Province, Liu Yu, is known for his close ties with the Xiongnu."

"Would Liu Yu risk offending a powerful ally to help strangers, or would he hand the Xianbei over to the Xiongnu?"

Yufuluo was stunned by Wu Ben's logic. "But even so, without preparation, we'll be overtaken by the Xiongnu."

"Don't worry. If I've suggested it, I'm confident it will work. Trust me with command, and I'll ensure our safety," Wu Ben assured.

After a moment's hesitation, Yufuluo nodded. "I'll leave it to you, General Wu!"