A Desperate Fight

As for Wu Ben's plan, let's keep it a secret for now. At this moment, the Xiongnu have nearly a hundred thousand troops surrounding the Xianbei border.

Qubei himself has mounted his horse and leads a vanguard, stationed in the Yinma Marshes, awaiting a response from Yu Fuluo.

If Yu Fuluo dares to refuse, within days, multiple armies will advance together, and breaking through the small Moqiu city would be effortless!

"Report! Great King!" On this day, a breathless messenger rushed into the main tent and knelt before Qubei.

Qubei, bare-chested, was indulging in dried lamb with a waist knife. Recognizing the messenger as a scout monitoring Moqiu city, he estimated the timing was about right.

"What's the situation? Does Yu Fuluo intend to surrender?"

The messenger shook his head, "Yesterday at noon, Yu Fuluo inspected the troops at Moqiu city."

" I overheard he plans to send the women and children to Youzhou for refuge while gathering all the men to prepare for a decisive battle with you!"

"What?" Qubei's face changed instantly, leaping from his seat. "That old fox! He's been stalling for time to let his people retreat. What a cunning plan!"

Qubei glared at the grassland map behind him and grinned wickedly. "Too bad, I won't let you succeed. Since Yu Fuluo doesn't want to involve civilians in the war, I'll do just that!"

"Messenger!" Qubei slammed his waist knife into the table. "Order Dumuer at Wangshan to immediately dispatch troops and intercept the Xianbei people before they reach Youzhou! "

"Once Dumuer's army succeeds, we'll launch a full-scale attack. I will personally cut off Yu Fuluo's head!"


In ancient times, the outcome of battles depended on how swiftly and accurately scouts could report enemy information to their commanders. Any delay would inevitably lead to a passive defense.

Shortly after Qubei's orders reached Wangshan, Dumuer led his thirty thousand cavalry towards Qianji Mountain at the Youzhou border.

Similarly, Xianbei scouts noticed the Xiongnu's movements and quickly reported back to Yu Fuluo at Moqiu city.

"Great King! The Xiongnu are indeed moving troops from Wangshan towards Qianji Mountain!" Hearing this, Yu Fuluo leapt from his seat, both surprised and delighted.

"They've come! General Wu's strategy is brilliant! Wuluo! Follow General Wu's plan and divide our troops into three groups. We set out once we receive word tomorrow!"

"At your command!" The deputy named Wuluo saluted and hurried out of the tent.

"To think, the fate of Xianbei relies on a Han man..." Yu Fuluo sighed deeply, gazing silently outside the tent.

Meanwhile, in a desert about ten miles from Qianji Mountain, a group of thirty to forty thousand people dressed as Xianbei were slowly moving towards the mountain.

These so-called "fleeing civilians" were in fact a well-trained elite force, as evident from their sturdy physiques and armed appearance.

"Why are we stopping?" Suddenly, someone ordered the troops to halt in Xianbei. The army stopped, frustrating their commander, Wu Ben.

From the start, this self-proclaimed "Xianbei elite" had been reluctant to follow Wu Ben, clearly distrustful of the Han commander.

Suppressing his anger, Wu Ben questioned another leading deputy, "Balu, what is the meaning of this?"

Balu responded bluntly, "No other meaning, General Wu. The brothers are men of steel, seeking a face-to-face battle with the enemy. We Xianbei don't play Han tricks."

"The brothers have decided to stop. If you don't order us to defend Moqiu city, don't blame us!"

"Such audacity!" Wu Ben shouted angrily, "You have no chance in a direct fight! As a Han general, if not for the alliance between Yu Fuluo and my lord, why would I care about your survival!"

"Defend? Staying at Moqiu city means certain death for all. You insolent brutes are beyond help!" After Wu Ben's scolding, tensions rose, with Xianbei soldiers ready to defy orders.

Gritting his teeth, Wu Ben took out a unique bronze token. The Xianbei were shocked, and Balu dismounted, bowing deeply to Wu Ben.

"This token represents the king! Who dares defy his command!" Wu Ben's authoritative shout finally subdued the rebellious troops.

Yu Fuluo had wisely given Wu Ben this token, knowing his men wouldn't easily follow a Han. The elite, loyal only to their king, now had to comply despite their grievances.

"Listen up! You want a fight with the Xiongnu? I'll grant your wish. A large Xiongnu force is pursuing us. If anyone shows cowardice, my blade won't spare them!"

Hearing this, the soldiers murmured, suspecting Wu Ben of lying to maintain morale. Just then, a scout rode in.

"General! They're here! Thirty to forty thousand Xiongnu, arriving by tonight!"

"Good!" Wu Ben was pleased. "You heard that? Stay alert, prepare for battle tonight. Anyone who falters will face my wrath!"

"At your command!" The troops, now determined, shouted in unison.

Not far away, Dumuer's scouts reported spotting the Xianbei. Dumuer laughed, "Men! These Xianbei are fleeing towards Qianji Mountain. We'll catch them before sunset. Sharpen your blades and feed your horses! Slaughter them all!"

"Hoorah!" The Xiongnu, brandishing weapons, roared like a hunting wolf pack.

On the desolate plain, the blood-red sunset cast its dying light, making Dumuer's advancing army look both heroic and tragic.

An hour later, under the night sky, both armies spotted each other.

"Ha! These Xianbei are too scared to flee! Charge! The one who kills the most gets a hundred cattle and sheep!"

Seeing the scattered torches ahead, Dumuer believed the Xianbei had given up and ordered a full charge.

The heavy hoofbeats and the Xiongnu's battle cries filled the air as they stormed towards the seemingly disordered torches.

But as they closed in, they realized, to their horror, that these were not helpless civilians but well-organized cavalry formations.

"The enemy is here! Soldiers, charge!" With a mighty roar, Wu Ben led the charge, spear in hand, followed by the Xianbei cavalry.

Dumuer, realizing the trap, panicked. His light cavalry was no match for the heavily armored Xianbei.

Too late to retreat, Dumuer's forces were swiftly divided by Wu Ben's formations.

Chaos ensued, with the sounds of battle and dying men filling the night. The Xiongnu's feast of slaughter turned into their own nightmare, as more fell to the Xianbei's blades.

After two hours, Dumuer, pierced by arrows, fell. The remaining Xiongnu were either killed or captured. The battle ended swiftly.

This ambush cost the Xiongnu four thousand men, including General Dumuer, while Wu Ben's side lost about eight hundred.

Under the moonlight, the battlefield lay silent, the misty air feeling colder, haunted by the fallen.

This victory cemented Wu Ben's place among the Xianbei. Balu, now respectful, saluted Wu Ben sincerely.

"Brothers! Thanks to all of you, we won our first battle, buying time for our families to retreat. But let's not forget those who gave their lives. Once the war ends, we'll honor their spirits back at Moqiu city!"

Leading the soldiers in a bow, Wu Ben paid respects to the fallen. This sacrifice reignited their determination, all eyes on Wu Ben, awaiting his next command.

"Now, our victory news heads to Moqiu city. Once the king knows, he'll lead the troops to Yinshan. Our task is to strike Yinma Marsh tonight and kill Qubei before he learns of this!"

"At your command, General!"